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Installation (macbook)

First of all, we have to install homebrew with the help of terminator. We have to go this address

Opening the terminator, we have to paste the address

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

in the terminator to install homebrew in the terminator.

After installing Homebrew, we can install LAMMPS on your system with the following commands:

after that we have to paste

brew install lammps.

Then we do update the lammps doing paste this

brew upgrade lammps

in the terminator.

Now we do download the lammps from

this address and unzip the downloaded file.

4 types of lammps like 32/64 bit normal(lmp_serial)/mpi(lmp_series)

This process only works for macs.

Running process (macbook)

First of all, we do run shear example in lammps with the help of terminator and then the dump file we got during the
running process open the dump file in the ovito app. To run the shear ex. in the terminator we have to copy a file
which is ex. of shear file then paste into desktop. Then we have to open in.shear file and we do edit the in.shear file
which is opened with TextEdit or notepad whatever.

ankonsaha$ cd /Users/ankonsaha/Downloads/lammps-3Mar20/examples/shear

ankonsaha$ lmp_serial<in.shear

ankonsaha$ cd location

ankonsaha$ lmp_serial<file name

To get the location first of all we have to go in lammps file (downloads) and then go to examples and then if we decide
we will run shear file so we have to copy shear folder which is belonged in examples folder of lammps and have to
paste in desktop and we open the in.shear file in textedit and have to write this dump 1 all custom 100 dump.defo* id
type x y z to make sure getting the dump file. After that, we save the in.shear file pressing command + s and then we
have to copy the location of in.shear file by pressing left clicking in the mouse to go get info. Then by opening the
terminator we have to type cd space location enter lamp_serial<in.shear enter.

Installation (windows)

We have to download by googling lammps download then we go to the pre-built windows and download 64bit stable
lammps not the mpi. We have to install the lammps and other processes which is directed by pc all we have to do
giving the permission. Now we have to download ubuntu terminal from the app store and then we have to install
lammps in ubuntu by writing some command which is provided by lammps manual located into doc in examples of
lammps and the page no is 15.

We have to provide the user name and a password while installing ubuntu after that we do command in ubuntu for
installing lammps.

$ sudo add-apt repository ppa:gladky-anton/lammps

then press enter after that

$ sudo add-apt repository ppa:openkim/latest

then press enter after that

$ sudo apt-get update

After that

$ sudo apt-get install lammps

Running process (windows)

We have to open ubuntu then write a command like

$ cd /mnt/c/Users/ASUS/Desktop/Example/crack

$ ls

$ lammps –in in.crack

$ cd /mnt/location (where we paste the copied example like crack, shear in the avobe we copied crack example and
did paste in a file of the desktop called Example)

$ ls

Heads up we have to space between cd and a slash and write mnt and also ls
$ lammps –in file name (like in.crack, in.shear)

Before that we have to open the in.crack file by notepad and then we have to remove the # from the dump command
then we have to save by pressing cntrl + s. After running the in.crack file in ubuntu we will get the dump file and we
have to open in ovito.

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