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Termux command list

Termux is a terminal emulator application for mobile devices. In this document, we

are going to talk about Termux and its features. We can use it to install Linux tools
on a mobile phone. Here you can find a complete Termux command list and some
cool tricks you can do with your devices.

You can download and install it directly from the play store. You can see the
following screen after you launch it.

So let’s see some commands we can use with the terminal emulator. If you’re
familiar with Linux bash scripting this will be much easier. You can use the same
commands here also. however, I’ll explain all things assuming you’re totally new to
Linux/Unix environment. So without wasting any more time let's jump into the

Directory and File Management

Directories and files are the base of the system. Many times we need to do various
tasks related to those. For example, we need. to know what are the files in the
current directory, Also we may need to create a new file and add some content to
it. We may need to find a file or directory. To do such tasks we need to know how
we can manipulate those directories and files with the help of CLI.

The working directory

We can always get the current working directory by entering the command “pwd”.
pwd stands for “Print Working Directory”. This is a very useful command and is
used frequently.


$ pwd

However, there is a cool trick that can be used to print the current working
directory automatically. I’ll explain that later in this tutorial.

Walkthrough the directory tree

The command “cd” can be used to change the current working directory. At the
moment we are in the  /data/data/com.turmux/files/home  directory. Let’s
change it to data/data/com.turmux/files and use pwd again.

$cd /data/data/com.turmux/files

We don’t need to enter the full directory name if you want to navigate into a
subdirectory within the current working directory. Let’s say we are currently in the
directory /data/data/com.turmux/files. If there is a subdirectory as notes inside the
current directory we can simply jump into that directory by entering the command
cd notes. Let’s see it in the terminal.

$cd notes

Now we're going to see another method to change the directory. Let’s say we are
now in /data/data/com.turmux/files/home/tools  and we want to go one step
backward. That means the  data/data/com.turmux/files/home directory. One
way to do this is the classic method of using the cd command with the absolute
path n /data/data/com.turmux/files/home/tools. Also, there is a shortcut method
for this. We can simply use the cd ../ command for this. That will do the same job.

$cd ../

Also if we want to go two steps backward we can use the cd ../../ command.

$cd ../../

Just like that, we can go to the root directory.

Now we are going to combine some cd methods we learned till now. Let's say we
are currently in the directory /data/data/com.turmux/files/home/tools. We know
there is a directory named config in the directory /data/data/com.turmux. How we
can get into that directory? As we saw previously we can go there by entering the
absolute path. But typing the whole long path is not a good idea in all cases. So
we can use relative paths with the cd command as follows.

$cd ../../../config

Directory Listing
We can get a list of all directories and files by using the ls command. If we only use
hidden files will not be listed. (In Linux all files and directories whose names is
starting with a single dot are hidden. We can use CTRL + H in Linux or CMD + . in
Mac to un-hide them.) . If we use ls  -a  we can list all files and directories
including hidden ones.

data_folder new.txt

$ls -a
. .. .data data_folder new_folder new.txt

you can see that some directories and files were not listed in the first ls command.
But when we use it with the -a flag we got all items.
Creating directories
To create a new directory you can use the  mkdir command. Let’s combine ls
command and mkdir commands as follows.

data_folder new.txt
$mkdir new_folder
data_folder new_folder new.txt

$mkdir .data
data_folder new_folder new.txt
$ls -a
. .. .data data_folder new_folder new.txt

At first when we used ls one file and one directory was listed. Next, I created a new
directory named “new_folder”. After I use “ls” again you can see our newly created
folder is listed there.

Creating files
We can create a file with the help of the touch command. The syntax is touch


$touch test.c
new.txt test.c

Removing files & directories

We can delete a folder or a file with the rm command.

data_folder1 data_folder2 new.txt

$rm new.txt

data_folder1 data_folder2

$rm -r data_folder1


To delete a directory we used rm -r. If you don’t put  -r you will be prompted for

Package managing
In Linux environments, we don't need to worry much about finding and installing
software. They are hundred of applications as packages. We can use commands to
install those in our system. In Debian-based systems, we use the apt package
manager. Termux developers also offer a large number of packages to install on
your device.  

You can list all available packages by entering the command apt  -list.
If you want to install a package you may use the command apt-get install
[package_name] or pkg install [package_name].
Make a programming environment
We can install some programming languages like Python, C, Ruby, etc on Termux. 

Python is the most used scripting language in hacking and penetration testing. We
use it to automate stuff and build tools. Also, Python is highly used in mashing

apt-get install python

C programing
C language is the core language of many other programming languages. You can
learn computer architecture deeply if you get a good knowledge of C.

apt-get install clang

If you want to install Metasploit on Termux you need Ruby. Because MSF is coded
in Ruby.

apt-get install ruby

If you are planning to learn to hack, Assembly is a must to learn. I suggest you
write codes in C, Then disassemble them and learn Assembly.
apt-get install binutils

Turn your phone into a web server

You may know that by using Python you can build a simple HTTP server. If you
don't know about that read our python simple HTTP server tutorial.

You may use the following command to server on port 4444.

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 4444

Actually, we install the apache server on your termux environment. Not only
apache, PHP, and Python also can be installed. So you can run a fully functional
web server on your phone.

Some useful tools to install

Linux man pages
These are the Linux manual pages for programmers. There are hundreds of
documents explaining various API s and tools. For example, if we want to know
about the read() function in C you can just type "man read". It will open a page
explaining how to work with read function.

You may install the manual pages with the following command.
apt-get install man

Nano editor
This is a simple text editor that can be used in the terminal. We use this tool often
in Linux programming and text editing stuff. In the following image, you can see a
screenshot of the nano editor.

Let's say we want to edit a file called What you want to do is just type
nano and hit enter. If there is a file called nano editor will
open it in read mode. If there is no such file it'll create a new file and open it. 

After you complete editing you may press ctr+o to write out the file.

GDB is a debugger that is used in the Linux platform. It is an awesome tool when
we come to exploit development and reverse engineering. You may learn more
about GDB from our debugging binaries with the GDB tutorial.

apt-get install gdb

Open SSH
This is one of the most useful things you can do in the Termux environment. SSH
stands for Secure Shell. By using SSH you can access a Linux server from your

To install the SSH client install OpenSSH by entering the following command on
your terminal.

apt-get install openssh

Networking related stuff

You may have heard something called "Hacker's swiss army knife". Yes, that is
netcat. We can do much useful stuff with this tiny tool. I have good news for you.
Netcat is already installed on termux by default. You can access it with the
command nc.

If you are interested in cybersecurity, I bet you are already familiar with this
awesome tool. Nmap stands for network mapper. It is used to scan networks.
So guys this is all for today's tutorial. Thank you for reading.


👋 Hi, I’m Thilan from SriLanka

💞️I love Computer Science & Engineering
🧑‍🎓 An undergraduate at Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna


Object Oriented Programming

Computer Architecture
Computer Networking
Data Structures & Algorithms
Database Systems
Reverse Engineering
Machine Learning
Web Development
Competitive Programming
Fun stuff

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