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Career Profile

Previous Employment

Referee for NCYSA and Soccer Genome

Years: 2017-Present
What it has taught me: Being a referee has taught me how to effectively deal with people in a
calm and respectable manner. A lot of times at soccer games, it can get very aggressive with
players/parents on opposing teams fighting with each other. As the referee, it is my job to diffuse
the situation, and do so as efficiently as possible. This can be difficult, but I have gotten a lot
better at it and I can use these skills at a job where I might have to deal with people. Another
thing that I learned is how to tune out people when they are being negative to me. Parents and
players can get very upset with the referee, and it can be very frustrating to listen to. However, I
have gotten a lot better with ignoring those people and not letting those people get in my head
and bother me.

Previous Education

Student at Heritage High School

Years: 2016-Present
What it has taught me: I have learned a variety of lessons at Heritage High School. I feel like I
have grown a lot as a person at this school. My teachers are very helpful, and they have
obviously helped me to become knowledgeable in a variety of topics. My knowledge in these
topics will be very useful when I join the workforce and am in the real world one day. However,
not only have they helped me learn, they have been a friend to me. They are always there to talk
to no matter what type of day I am having. Being surrounded with a variety of students has been
very advantageous as well. These different types of students have taught me the type of person
that I would like to be, and how to not listen to peer pressure. I am allowed to be myself, which
is an extremely important skill for an individual to have.

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