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Lor 1

5 Year Plan

In the next 5 years, I plan on getting an education at the community college. I plan to

complete my GE there and transfer out. I’m not sure where to but I’ve thought a lot about an

education in game designing or somewhere in the technology field since I’ve been influenced by

technology a lot throughout my life so it seems as if it’s fit for me to do something with

something that I’m familiar and comfortable with. I plan to go to the community college because

it’s cheaper there and because my grades from high school aren’t eligible for a 4-year university.

I’m not too sure where I’ll be working but most likely in a fast food restaurant or in a

boba making shop. I also want to work as a bass tech for my high school’s drumline because I

can stay involved in drumming and help younger drummers to get better and more successful. It

can also help me for when I try out for world class groups. I plan to work for as long as I can to

help pay for everything school related or rent related. I plan to live with my parents while I’m

going to the JC (Junior College/Community College). If my parents retire while I’m attending or

before I finish, I’ll probably be able to live with my cousins since they’re going to the JC as well.

In order to pay off for everything I plan to work like any other normal person who tries to

make a living. Living off minimum wage isn’t the best but it’s obviously better than nothing. If I

also get a job working as a bass tech not only at this school but at other schools then that could

be another source of income for me. I do see myself working in this career in the next few years.

I see myself designing games for other people to enjoy and just enjoying the games to play as

I’ve always done when I grew up. I also see myself as a world class drummer marching in the

world class groups such as the Bluecoats Drum & Bugle Corps, Blue Devils Drum & Bugle
Lor 2

Corps, Mandarins Drum & Bugle Corps, and at Broken City Percussion and enjoying what I do

and being good at what I do, I really do want to march with these groups in the future and I plan

on making it happen. I have full faith in my abilities as a drummer that I’ll be able to show up to

their auditions and be able to play what they want me to play and I’ll be able to get a place in the

line as a bass drummer and making many more new friends and having more connections with

the many world renown drummers. I would also plan to further my education but I don’t know

how far or what I would further it in.

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