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The figure shows the process flow of solid waste behavior from generation to its disposal applied

to the administration building of our campus. The upper echelon of the diagram shows the
different waste generators involved in the administration building of our university. The second
tier shows the type of waste they generates and the following tier shows the category of the
different waste generated.
Proceeding to the first stratum, The different waste generators are the students, the staffs working
in the building and natural sources. Passing students on the building can generate food waste by
bringing their snacks or take outs and not disposing them properly so as to school supply wastes
like discarded papers and plastic bottles. This situation is the same for the school staff. We can
exemplify the yard waste from natural resources due to the location of the administration
building which is surrounded by trees so typically leaves contributes to the wastes.
To classify these generated wastes, we can designate them as “Bio-degradable” for food waste,
school supply waste and yard waste, “Non-biodegradable” for food waste, school supply waste
and yard waste, Recyclable through school supply waste and lastly “Compost” through yard
wastes, school supply waste and food waste. We need to note that the different wastes generated
must be classified or properly segregated and stored in their designated containers which are the
bbig blue drums.
These big blue drums then by collected through dump trucks by waste collectors to be dump at
open dump site.

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