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Meadows Or Malls

The Meadows or Malls unit taught the process of using systems of linear
equations to determine information surrounding constraints. Using substitution,
elimination, and matrices, we were challenged to use our new mathematical
understandings in a real world problem regarding land development and costs of
different developments. The central problem included working around constraints,
and finding solutions for ways to allocate the land in the most cost efficient way.
We practiced solving systems of equations using substitution, elimination, and
matrices in order to solve multivariable equations and to determine where they sat
on an X,Y, Z, plane. We used these mathematical understandings to solve the
central problem when we had to create our own systems of equations to determine
numerical values we didn’t have due to the constraints of the problem. In all, the
Meadows or Malls problem and unit forced us to practice linear algebra.
Personal Growth

Personally, and honestly, this unit was a great struggle for me due to my lack
of a general understanding of algebra. I do not feel as if I grew as a mathematician,
but I do believe I grew in ​academic attributes​, as well as my ​personal attributes​.
While I struggled in this unit to understand the content and keep up and in the loop
at the same time, I grew in terms of advocacy and perseverance as I had to
advocate for my self to get extra time and extra help, and had to persevere when
the content made absolutely no sense. Advocacy and Perseverance are two of the
habits of heart and mind. Something we value at Animas, as well as something I
value in my non academic life. Otherwise, the POW’s involved in this unit forced
me to critically think, which is a skill I use in my music and a skill I use in my
academics. I believe that growth in my personal attributes is far more important
than my growth mathematically because I don’t have any intentions of working in
a career that involves any of the math taught after the eighth grade. I did however
get to practice and be exposed to new mathematical ideas and strategies like
solving multivariable systems of linear equations with substitution, elimination,
and matrices, which was interesting and provided me with a base of the knowledge
in case I ever do use it. The Meadows or Malls unit was more of a character
building unit for me personally, which I value a lot.

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