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JUNE 2023
Compulsory ICE Task 1:
For Scenario A, at a school level, personally the theory applied in my mathematics
classroom was that of Lev Vygotsky (1962). In comparison to Scenario B, as a pre-
service teacher, I believe the combination of both Jean Piaget (1936) and Lev
Vygotsky’s (1962) theories would be best suited in achieving the Specific Aims and
Skills stated in the Mathematics CAPS document (2011:8-9).

According to Lev Vygotsky’s theory, inexperienced beings are taught knowledge by

more intelligent individuals. This is known as the ‘Zone of Proximal Development.’ The
Zone of Proximal Development entails the learning processes whereby the more
knowledgeable being shares knowledge with an ignorant individual. However, the Zone
of Proximal Development ends when the more knowledgeable being observes that the
individual being taught can now understand and apply the concept learnt on their own
without any assistance. This was the most common method used in my primary and
secondary schools.

Opposingly, Jean Piaget’s theory entails that the knowledge shared by the more
knowledgeable other serves as the foundation from where the ignorant individual
constructs their own knowledge. Fundamentally, this means that the less
knowledgeable other is provided with the opportunity to build their own concepts based
on their perspectives and subjective experiences which is related to the knowledge of
the more knowledgeable other. Therefore, if Piaget and Vygotsky’s theories were to be
combined, it would remodel into a more beneficial and constructive learning style
suitable to the concepts of Mathematics.

Essentially, The Zone of Proximal Development from Lev Vygotsky’s learning theory
requires a constructive interaction between the more knowledgeable other and the
student. Substituting this excerpt of Vygotsky’s theory at the base of Piaget’s theory
would lead to a new combined learning theory. This means that Piaget’s phenomenon
that the more intelligent being lays the foundation of knowledge, should first follow into
the learning processes of the Zone of Proximal Development before the further
development of knowledge.
The combination of the learning theories constructed by Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky
would be advantageous in achieving the Specific Aims and Skills stated in the
Intermediate Phase Mathematics CAPS document (2011:8-9). There are various
aspects within both theories which could assist educators in conveying mathematical
concepts in an authentic yet relatable manner. The combination of theories is more
suited for Scenario B.

If I were to experience the likes of Scenario B, my attitude toward mathematics and

beliefs would be more positive. I do not believe that one learning theory should be used
in isolation, especially for Mathematics. Many other theories can be used such as the
works of Brunner, Bandura and Gillers. These theories should be used simultaneously,
not only according to the teacher’s preferences but in alignment with the learners’
Compulsory ICE Task 2


Mathematics in its entirety is a field of study that includes numbers and shapes and
revolves around concepts that correlate objects and their qualities. However, there are
sub-concepts within the abstract generation of Mathematics that equip learners with the
necessary skills to use their cognitive abilities for everyday problem solving and

These sub-concepts are referred to as the ‘Big Ideas’ of Mathematics. ‘Big Ideas’ are
fundamental to the construction of a well-developed number sense. Number sense is
the ability to think about and about numbers. It refers to having a good intuition about
numbers and their relationships. Number sense is also known as the ability to apply
mathematical concepts. The ‘Big Ideas’ that assist the positive development of Number
sense are Counting, Whole Parts and Parts, Proportional Thinking, Numerical
Computational Fluency, Quantity and Denomination, and The Law of Sameness. These
concepts all widely contribute to an individual’s understanding of numbers and their
spatial relationships.

The concept of counting, which is beneficial in developing a strong number sense

entails the determination of quantities. Counting means to set numbers out in order
while simultaneously associating a value to them. This is an essential concept because
it is the idea on which all other number concepts are based. As per a sub-concept of
counting, learners are taught about spatial relationships. Spatial relationships are the
correlation between numbers, their different representations, and their value. When
learners understand that spatial relationships play a pivotal role in the concept of
counting, they will achieve the basic understanding of counting as a basic mathematical
concept. The mathematical concept of counting not only serves as the base for all other
mathematical concepts but is also the base of a learner’s mathematical knowledge. The
concept of counting also enables learners to understand number placement according
to value and assists with multiplicative thinking and value alignment.
Furthermore, there are two more basic concepts in Mathematics, namely Whole parts,
and Parts as well as Proportional Thinking. Simply put, the mathematical concept of
whole-part and parts is the idea that a whole quantity can be further broken down into
smaller values. These values vary from decimal values to fractions. Learners will often
use this concept to see the relationship between the whole quantity and its factorial
parts. The concept of whole-part and parts helps learners understand that numbers
appear in diverse ways and can also be expressed through visual representations such
as drawings, diagrams, objects, and symbols. Additionally, learners understand that one
whole total can be represented by numerous combinations of parts.

For example, the number 10 can be expressed by 5+5 OR 6+4 OR 8+2.

Moreover, the last basic mathematical concept is Proportional Thinking. Similarly

proportional thinking equips learners with the understanding that one object can be
adjusted to fit the proportion of something else. It allows students to construct additional
knowledge to their understanding of quantity and their relations to one another.
Proportional thinking is the learned ability to entities in multiplicative terms by means of
ratio and proportion circumstances. The basis of this concept enables learners to find
relations between values with consideration to proportion.

For instance, if a learner is presented with the whole number 1 and is asked to write out
all other possible proportional representations for the whole number 1, they may answer
with the following:

• 1/1 which is the fraction form for 1

• 1:1 which is the ratio for 1
• 1,00 which is the decimal form for 1

The above-mentioned concepts branch out into more complex mathematical concepts.
Numerical Computational Fluency, Quantity and Denomination and The Law of
Sameness are other mathematical concepts that form part of the ‘Big Ideas.’ Firstly, the
concept of numerical computational fluency can be defined as having the mathematical
cognitive ability to deduce the most efficient way to solve and express a problem. To
achieve numerical computational fluency, one must be able to understand that there are
multiple methods to solve one problem, and which still conclude with the same result.
Successful numerical fluency requires learners to know more than one method of
mathematically solving equations for them to deduce the most efficient way to solve the

For example, a learner is given the expression of 12×8, they could answer with the

• (6+6) × (4+4), which is the totals split into proportions OR

• 12 × (3 + 5), which is proportion of only one of the total quantities OR
• (7 + 5) × 8, which is also the split of one of the total quantities OR
• (6 × 2) × (4 × 2), which is the multiplicative proportions of both total.

Here the learner would have displayed their own methods according to their knowledge
and experiences. The basic concepts Proportional Thinking and Whole-parts and Parts
form an integral part of Numerical Computational Fluency.

Secondly, the concept of quantity and denomination, where quantity is the amount of an
object, group of numerical value. Acquiring the concept of quantity equips learners with
the application skill of associating a value to number. Whereas denomination is the
name of the quantity of something. In other words, it means to know the name of the
amount of something. Without denomination learner knowledge, they will not be able to
show how many of something there is. Simply, the concept of quantity and
denomination states, “How many and of what?” where quantity investigates ‘how many’
and denomination inquires ‘of what.’ The basic concepts of Counting and Proportional
Thinking play a significant role in achieving the concept of Quantity and Denomination.

Thirdly, the concept of the Law of Sameness. The concept of this law requires a
successful understanding of the concept of Quantity and Denomination. This is due to
the concept of the Law of Sameness stating that successful problem solving can only
occur if the values have the same name. The Law of Sameness means that the
quantities in an equation can only be evaluated if the denominator of both values are
the same. The concept of the Law of Sameness is an abstract mathematical concept
that learners use to differentiate and associate objects, numbers, equations, and other
mathematical expressions. The Law of Sameness emphasizes the importance of values
having the same name before a method is used to resolve the problem. Keep in mind,
the basic concepts of Counting and Whole-parts and Parts serve as building blocks in
the overall achievement of the Law of Sameness.

Here is an example: The class is given the equation 2/3 + 5/6.

Here the quantities differ as well as the name of the denominator. According to the Law
of Sameness, learners should answer with the following:

2/3 × 2/2 = 4/6

4/6 is now a new proportional form of 2/3 and should be substituted into the original

4/6 + 5/6 = 9/6

There are many other methods which learners could have used with numerical
computational fluency and quantity and denomination.

These are all the ‘Big Ideas’ that are crucial in the development of Number Sense. A
well-developed Number sense serves as a foundation for all mathematical
understanding. The construction of Number sense in the intermediate phase is essential
for general computation and problem solving. Instilling a love for Mathematics in
learners with the understanding of numbers. Overall, a good sense of number helps
learners solve daily problems from minimalistic financial calculations to measurements
to shapes. Learners learn to see mathematical elements in their everyday lives and
experience the art of mathematical concepts in different representations, forms, and
aspects. Number Sense prepares intermediate phase learners for complex equations
and expressions in the higher grades and allows them to visualize and evaluate
possible mathematical instances in their daily lives.
POE Activity 1: Knowledge of Content

Many believe that a teacher only serves as a vessel of knowledge from which learners
should take advantage of for them to be successful. This statement may hold partly
true; however, the success of the students does not solely lie within the knowledge of
the teacher.

The success of the students lies within the teacher’s beliefs, values, and their ability to
effectively deliver content. As a mathematics teacher, their beliefs and values often
differ depending on their educational experience with their past mathematics teachers.
An effective teacher is creative in making the content more understandable on a
relatable level and is considerate about their learners’ capabilities. As effective
educators, they are aware of their learners’ learning and cognitive abilities and the pace
at which they learn. Therefore, you will find that patience is a common trait among
effective teachers. In a classroom, effective teachers believe in overall equality,
extending principles of discipline decided by themselves and the learners. The principle
of discipline goes hand in hand with their belief of being a support system not only as an
educator but also within their communities.

Effective educators believe in the success of each student while maintaining fair
expectations for all of them. Having these kinds of beliefs and personality traits deduces
that these types of teachers are optimistic and have a positive attitude in everything
they do. Most prominent of all, effective educators are confident because they are well
organized and are well prepared for both the learners’ and their own benefit.

Teachers often hold the value of responsibility, which reflects their role in their
communities and society. As teachers they are invested in the growth of their learners,
their community and society. Effective teachers value and respect their dignity as well
as the dignity of others. The value of truthfulness emphasizes their principle of
discipline, and the value of fairness expresses their belief for overall equality.

It may not seem relevant, but the structural set-up and layout of the classroom plays an
essential role in the learning that takes place. Successful and independent learning
relies heavily on the layout and accessibility of the classroom itself.

The CAPS Documents (2011:8-9) lists the Specific Skills as objectives for the teachers
to guide the learners toward. The Specific Skills include:

• Developing a sense of number

• Listening, communicating, thinking, logical reasoning and the application of
Mathematical concepts
• The ability to pose and solve problems

To achieve these objectives as the educator in charge of the classroom, the teacher
needs to understand that materials need to be accessible to the learners. Learning
materials and other objects beneficial to learning that are accessible to the learners
hinder independent learning and creativity. This way the learners develop the ability to
pose and solve problems of their own, which is one of the specific skills listed in the
Mathematics CAPS document. However, whilst the materials may be accessible to
learners, the class needs to maintain neatness and sense of being organized. This is an
underlying concept of Mathematics regarding structural methodology and outlines the
sense of discipline in the classroom.

Mathematics does not only revolve around numbers but is also centered around other
elements such as listening, communication, training of thought and rational thinking. All
these components effect the learner’s Mathematical application. However, these
concepts play an integral role in the classroom and the positive learning culture rooted
by the educator. Positive classroom management reflects a positive learning culture.
This can be seen when discipline is well maintained. It is also reflected by the well-
established communication amongst learners and between the teacher and learners.
Communication not only renders to the component of listening but is also the basis for
rational cognition which are all components of effective work ethic and healthy
classroom management.
This covers a few of the points listed in the Specific Aims and Skills in the CAPS
documents (2011). More importantly, the element of discipline should be present in the
classroom. Discipline means mutual agreement and common ground between the
learner and teacher. The classroom rules should be delegated by the teacher and
learners to keep the balance and constructivist relationship among the educators and
peers stable. Discipline also ensures that learners take responsibility for their own

Being an effective teacher means spectacular delivery of content whilst being

considerate of the learners’ abilities. However, it includes the maintenance of constant
professionalism and being organized. These habits might seem to be only the teacher's
responsibility, yet they are habits that learners can pick up and implement not only in
their school career but in their personal lives as well.

Organizational skills are a time effective trait that saves time and demands a routine.
Being organized can increase communication between teacher and student and
between peers. When healthy communication is established, it causes a gradual
inclination in overall productivity. Excellent communication and steady productivity lead
to outstanding results. Fundamentally, organizational skills bring about discipline to the
classroom environment. Therefore, a natural sense of control is evoked, and this is
advantageous for excessive stress management as well as resilience. Discipline being
a consequence of organizational habits, automatically keeps the classroom environment
neat and tidy not only as a habit but as an internal responsibility, that grows to be the
second nature of everyone present within the environment.

For teachers being organized means supervising an efficient and pragmatic classroom
environment. Constructing standard expectations and building routine together as a
classroom lends the focus to learning and preparation of learning. Aspects such as
discipline and organizational skills are components of being professional as a teacher. It
is essential for teachers to conserve professionalism at the forefront of their learners to
teach them how to utilize time management and grow into the habit of effective
planning. Simultaneously this assists them with general life skills such as time
management, multi-tasking and maximizing their productivity within a specific time span.

Prolonging professionalism and organization to build a controlled and free environment

means creating a routine for yourself as a teacher and the students. Setting rules
suggested by the learners with the input of the educator emphasizes the values of
overall equality in the classroom and strengthens the bond between teacher and
students. Encouraging learners to take notes for their personal understanding increases
the chance of receiving better results and stimulates peer learning. Teaching and
guiding planning amongst learners is crucial to developing a controlled classroom

Planning is important as it helps us define and keep our goals in mind. It provides clarity
and solidarity regarding the objectives we need to achieve to reach our aspirations. The
act of planning helps define the purpose of our goals and gives us a solid structure of
what needs to be done with the input of those closest to us. Often within a classroom,
learners approach the educator when they are faced with a challenge that stands in the
way of reaching a solution. Therefore, it is important for teachers to stay professional
and have a positive attitude and open mind concerning learners’ different learning styles
and perspective. Students ask the teachers for advice.

When students learn, there are signs that they take heed to what is being taught. One of
the most prominent ways that teachers can register if their teaching was successful or
not is by implementing through assessments and reporting. This method allows
teachers to provide interventions to support students’ learning styles. It can also be
used to provide parents with the necessary information to better their child’s educational
progress outside of the classroom. As for the students’ benefit, assessment serves as
the academic expectations set by the curriculum. This way students know what is
expected of them. Results of assessments render learners to conduct independent
learning and explore different learning styles because it helps them decide if they
understand academic content.

Assessments may be a useful method to check if teachers’ delivery of content was

successful but there are other aspects which manifest the teacher’s success. These
aspects are the content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, knowing your learners and
their preferred learning styles.

Content knowledge is the teacher's knowledge of the content they are teaching to their
learners. A teacher cannot teach content to learners without having any knowledge of
the subject itself. Having knowledge of the content that needs to be taught provides the
educator with reasonable objectives for the learners to achieve. It also affects the
teacher's interpretation of the set objectives and the ability to differentiate them from
general expectations you may have for your class. Content knowledge simultaneously
affects the teacher’s response to learners and their ability to provide clear explanations
with the inclusion of asking moderately challenging questions suited to the learners’

On the other hand, pedagogical knowledge is the knowledge educators' teachers have
in being able to construct effective teaching methods and classroom environments for
learners. It is the combination of assessments, activities for learning and teaching
methods. Fundamentally, pedagogical knowledge can increase the quality of
collaborative learning, the teaching and learning process and eliminate boredom.
Pedagogical skills for teachers are necessary in the discovery for the most effective and
efficient learning experience.

However, for educators to implement successful content knowledge and pedagogical

skills, it is requisite to know their learners’ learning abilities and learning styles. Knowing
the learners means the teacher should be able to specifically meet their needs. Getting
closer to learners by knowing them on a deeper level allows the teacher to be more
influential and gives them the ability to change their attitude and behavior toward
learning. This means the educator now has the advantage to approach and guide them
easily. Knowing learners entails the understanding of their values, beliefs, culture,
language, and personal identity, it means to fully acknowledge a learner not only as a
student but as an individual of the community and society. When learning about
students, it is important to respect all aspects that are valuable to them to make them
safe and give them a sense of belonging. This serves as guidance for the educator
when planning lessons, to make the lesson more relatable and understandable for the

Similarly, knowing the learners preferred learning styles helps teachers construct
lessons and activities that are meaningful and leave a long-lasting learning effect on the
students’ learning experience. Educators can choose to plan lessons as such that the
lesson is adapted to the learners' experiences or that learners adapt to the lesson as a
new learning experience.
POE Activity 2: Practical and pedagogical learning


TITLE: Sea Squares

AUTHOR: Joy. N. Hulme

SUMMARY: A fun rhyming story about creatures by the seaside. The story implements
mathematical elements of squaring and multiplication with colorful illustrations and
covers whole numbers ranging from 1 to 100.

CONTENT COVERED IN CAPS (2011): Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers


• Term: 1
• Content Area: Number, Operations and Relationship
• Specific Topic(s): Whole Numbers: Multiplication and Division

CAPS Documents (2011:52-53)


Prior knowledge that will be covered:

• Learners will use their prior knowledge of counting, ordering, comparing,

representing and place value of digits with regards to the whole numbers.
• Learners will also use their understanding of flow diagrams and their ability to see
multiplication and division as inverse operations CAPS (2011).

New vocabulary:

• Multiplication: the process of calculating the product of two or more numbers.

• Division: the action of separating something into parts.
• Product: the result of multiplication.
• Quotient: the result of division.
• Inverse: something that is the opposite or reverse of something.
• Multiple: a number that may be divided by another number without a remainder.
• Square Roots: a number which provides a specified quantity when multiplied.

Number Range:

• Numbers range from 1-100.

The use of concrete apparatus:

• Learners may use play dough, drawing utensils and counters to visually display
their interpretation of multiplication, division, and square roots.
POE Activity 2.2: Assessment


The difference between Assessment of Learning and Assessment for learning is minimal
in its significance.

Assessment of Learning usually occurs at the end of an academic term or educational

semester. The purpose of the Assessment of Learning is to see the students’ academic
abilities. It also evaluates the student's comprehension and understanding by contrasting
their achievements across a district, national or grade benchmark. End of Year
examinations are an example of Assessments of Learning.

Assessment for Learning is a way for educators to plan their interventions and adjust their
strategies. This method of assessment is usually used to assess the learners
understanding of content and new skills taught. It usually takes place during a lesson or
whilst the learning and teaching is taking place. Assessments for Learning provide
educators with feedback which allows them to identify poor academic students, adjust
their teaching strategies and to monitor their student’s progress. School-based
assessments and general classroom tests are all examples of Assessments for Learning.
Assessment for Learning: Worksheet
In this activity you are required to read the picture sum. You should have two answers
per sum. One in picture form and the other in number form. The first one has been done
for you.
Visual representation of sum Answer in Answer in
picture form Number form


(4 × 2) = 8/__
Assessment of Learning
Assessment Instructions:
• Learners are required to complete all questions with relevant methods.
• Express all equations fully.
• Write neatly and legibly.

Question 1.

Answer the following multiplication equations:

1.1. 2 × 4 =

1.2. 3 × 3 =

1.3. 1 × 16 =

1.4. 7 × 8 =

1.5. 10 × 3 =

Question 2.

Answer the following division questions:

2.1. 20 ÷ 4 =

2.2. 6 ÷ 3 =

2.3. 36 ÷ 6 =

2.4. 12 ÷ 4 =

2.5. 25 ÷ 5 =

Word Problem:

Jason’s mother buys 7 packets of sweets. Each packet has 8 sweets. The sweets need
to be shared between Jason, Alice, Sarah and Marlin. How many sweets are there in
total? How many sweets will each friend get?

Show all your calculations.



• Bennet. J; 2017 Assessment of learning vs Assessment for learning [online]

available at:
• Hurst. C and Hurrel. D; 2014 Developing the Big Ideas of Number [online]
available at:

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