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We the researcher’s would like to thank the following for their great assistance and

guidance throughout our case study preparations.

Firstly, we thank our almighty father, for giving us the courage to have the case study

be studied and giving us the wisdom to pursue it and the strength to face it.

Second, to our parents for unending support emotionally, morally and financially in the

verge of our case study preparations, for their unending lessons for us in finishing this

study. For all the sacrifices that they invested for us to finish this case study.

Third, to our supportive college dean, ma’am Winnie T. Cancejo, RRT,MPH for accepting

our propose case study and for sharing her knowledge in creating a very useful and

pleasing case study that could be useful to the next researchers.

Next to our clinical coordinators, Reymund P. Cancejo ,RRT, Valentin P.Cera, RRT,MPH,

Ricky James R. Agustin, RRT and Jayson R. Manzano, RRT for their unending support,

effort and guidance in our internship program and case study preparations.

Lastly, to our friends who is always been there to support and motivate us throughout

the verge of our case study.


We, dedicate this study to the almighty father for his love, care ,support and keeping us

safe during the case study presentation.

To our parents, for not giving up on us morally, emotionally and financially. They are

always lifting us up unending until we succeed.

To our clinical instructor first to our college dean Ma’am Winnie T. Cancejo, RRT, MPH

for always motivating us to strive harder and how to become a unremarkable mighty

eagle in the future, to Sir Reymund P. Cancejo, RRT , Sir Valentin P. Cera, RRT, MPH ,

Sir Ricky James R. Agustin, RRT and Sir Jayson R. Manzano, RRT for unending help and

guidance to be able to finish our case study.

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