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cut vitamin D completely out of my diet for a while.

milk, eggs, fortified cereals, fish, less sunlight, etc.
no refine salt, less sugar, no yeast, no dairy products, no sour foods lemon tamarind tomatoes
vinegar. No sesame oil and seeds. Avoid refined flours.
Always avoid heavy to digest food which can impair Agni or digestive fire.
Avoid regular use of sweet, oily, heavy milk products such as curd and cheese.
Avoid fast foods and refined sugars.
Avoid fermented and sour foods. This means give up white bread or pasta, spaghetti, doughnuts,
eliminated all fats, dairy, processed foods (even the processed vegetarian stuff), meat, oils and suga

Take purslane. started chewing garlic and drinking green tea again.
ate a ton of vegetables, fruits, potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice, barley, beans, quinoa.
Immediately make dietary changes. Do yoga and reduce stress let go.
vitimin A helps with skin, you need vitimin d to absorb the zinc better, zinc also helps with skin
As for milk, it has a slightly acidic ph, but adding the ascorbate raises it. Milk has lactoferrin, Iodine,
Sulfur, plus Lactose... if you drink milk and exercise, you can create lactic acid(which kills the yeast-
form of candida), far quicker than acidophilus.
 prepare a powder by mixing equal quantities of turmeric, Amla, and Neem leaves. One teaspoonful
of this powder can be taken twice a day with water. In case Amla and Neem are not available, only
turmeric powder can be used in the dosage of half a teaspoonful twice a day with water.
 If Neem leaves are available, boil them in water everyday and wash the affected area. Soaps and
shampoos should not be used on the affected area.
 Take 50 grams of powdered yellow sulphur and mix it with 250 ml. of mustardOil or coconutOil.
Apply this mixtureto the affected area everyday in the morning and wash after half an hour. It is
better to sit in the sun or in a hot place after applying thisOil.
 If purified sulphur (certified good for internal use) is available, it can be taken in the doses of 1-2
grams twice a day with water.
 Take 100 ml. of coconutOil and add 5 grams of powdered camphor to it. Put this mixture in a glass
bottle and screw the cap on tightly. Put the bottle in sunlight for two hours. Applying this mixture
on the affected area is helpful.
 Taking soft or mild laxatives to clear the bowels is also beneficial in the treatment of skin diseases.
A teaspoonful of Triphala powder can be taken at bed time every night, with warm water or milk.
Any other natural laxative such as prunes, figs and raisins can also be taken.
 Wheat grass juice is also beneficial in skin diseases as it boosts the immune system, which helps to
fight the disease.
 Aloe vera is also beneficial for skin diseases as it purifies the blood. Fresh aloe vera gel can be taken
in the dose of two or three tablespoonfuls on an empty stomach everyday.

Diet should contain turmeric, tulsi, ginger, cumin, curry leaves and cardamom.
 Boil half tea spoon turmeric powder during a glass of milk and drink daily at mealtime.
 Squeeze quarter lemon during a cup of plight and drink daily on empty abdomen before
 Add natural resin (desi kapoor) in copra oil and apply on affected elements.
 Fill a copper vessel with water and leave it nightlong. Have this water, on an empty
abdomen, each morning.
 Combine a hundred weight unit every of alfalfa and cucumber juice. Consume this mixture
double on a daily basis i.e. within the morning and evening.
 Take one or two of dry pomegranate leaves and grind them into a fine powder. Have
concerning eight grams of this powder each morning and evening, with a glass of water.
 Neem is incredibly effective during this unwellness. Try and drink a glass of margosa juice a
 Grind black gram and add water, to make a paste. Apply this paste on the affected space,
laundry off when it dries, for concerning four to five months. It 'll be terribly effective Home
remedy during this malady.

In Vatha predominant conditions (Prominent Dry skin lesions)

Herbs of Dasamoola, Tuvaraka(Hydnocarpus laurifolia),Pata (Cyclea peltata),Bala(Sida
rhombifolia),Aswagandha(Withania somnifera)

ELOCON ointment, and an oral drug hydroquin
My problem turned out to be fungal. I began using econazole ointment and protopic as a follow up,
but those tended to irritate the problem in the long run. Then began using Triactin (sp), an over the
counter antifungal and things seem to clear up much better. Who knew!
Tarcel topical ointment and hydroquin tablets for 1 month.
cortisone-10 cooling-relief gel
read that using triamcinolone acetone (topical steroid cream) would help with symptoms

He told me my problem was sugar and he gave me coconut oil pills to kill the yeast in my stomach
that was feeding off sugar and I had to cut all sugar out of my diet. After a few months, all of my LP
cleared and I'm only left with a few scars. I'm back on sugar now and remain clear of LP. I know this
sounds like hocus pocus, but if you really have tried everything, I would highly recommend removing
sugars (including white food like white rice, pasta, bread) from your diet as it worked for me and I
spent a year trying everything.
I got rid of gluten, corn, dairy, and sugar.
do enjoy eating cakes or biscuits. That is the sugar you talk about. Yes I agree I have reduce that
desire big time. Totally gluten free food is high priority. Work constantly on a healthy liver

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