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BSF® Lesson 1

Adult Questions

Scripture Memory Verse

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes:
first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.” – Romans 1:16
FIRST DAY: Read the notes and the references.
1. What was meaningful to you in the lecture?
Principle1: The book of Romans provides framework for worldwide evangelism. If i need to reachout to the world the book
of Romans is a Key tool for the evangelism.

2. What help did you receive from the notes?

SECOND DAY: Read Romans 1:1-7.

3. What do you learn about Paul from his introduction? (See also Acts 9:1-21; 1 Timothy 1:12-16.)
Paul is a servant of Christ Jesus called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God.

4. The word “gospel” means “good news.” What news do these verses announce, why is it good, and how have you
experienced this goodness?
The good news is about Jesus Christ which was announced before His coming to the earth by the prophets through the
Holy scriptures.
The News are good because through Jesus Christ i was forgiven my sins and reconnected back to God the father.
I have experienced the good news through salvation by Jesus Christ, My sins forgiven and given assurance by faith

5. How did Paul describe the Roman Christians, what did he offer them, and how do his words affect your attitude
about yourself or other believers?
Paul described Roman Christians as people loved by God and called to be Holy people. He offered them Grace and peace
from God the Father and Jesus Christ.
Paul's words affect positively my attitude knowing that God through His son Jesus Christ has promised me Grace and
peace in Him

THIRD DAY: Read Romans 1:8-10.

6. Whom did Paul thank, and why was he grateful?
Paul thanked God through Jesus Christ for the Romans Christians in Rome for their strong faith in God's word.

7. What do you learn about the relationship between serving God and prayer?
Serving God is a great ministry to His people and through prayers His will is done through me

Romans Lesson 1 | AdQ (06.2017) | 7

8. a. For what specifically did Paul pray, and how did God answer Paul’s prayer? (See Acts 28:14-20; 30-31.)
Paul specifically to God to enable him to be able to travel to Rome and preach the gospel of good news to God's people.

b. What do you learn about God from Paul’s prayers, and for whom or for what does this encourage you to pray?
I learn to fully trust God's timings and also to be consistent in my prayers. Paul prayer encourages me to wait on God.

FOURTH DAY: Read Romans 1:11-15.

9. Why did Paul want to come to the Roman church, and why had he not come previously?
Paul longed to go to Rome so that he may impart to the people of Rome some spiritual gift to make them strong. Paul
was prevented to travel to Rome by the authorities.

10. How could Paul’s example help you when you face obstacles in serving God?
Paul example helps me to be consistent in my prayer and it also encourages me to fully trust in the Lord

11. Why was Paul obligated to all people, and what was his attitude toward his obligation? What is your attitude
toward your obligation to share your knowledge of Jesus with others? (See also Acts 26:11-18.)
Paul was obligated to all people because the gospel of Jesus Christ belong to everyone. Paul was eager to preach the
I look forward to share the word of God to others, through my personal testimonies and experiences

FIFTH DAY: Read Romans 1:16-17.

Note: These verses are the theme of the entire book of Romans.
12. List reasons Paul was not ashamed of the gospel.
1. It is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.
2. The righteousness of God is revealed

13. In what situations are you tempted to be ashamed of the gospel, and how could Paul’s reasons help you?
Sometimes when i come across argumentative people.

Paul reason can help realize that It is God's power that bring salvation to the people.

14. How do these verses relate to your personal experience of the gospel, and how are they also Paul’s personal
testimony? (See Philippians 3:4-9.)
I have been mocked and hated because of the gospel of Christ, Paul was prevented to visit the people of God to preach to
them the gospel but he never gave up.

SIXTH DAY:  Review Romans 1:1-17.

15. What have you learned about God in this week’s study? How may your group pray for you as you make this truth
a part of your life?
I have learnt that its only through God's power that i have been saved and through this salvation righteousness of God is
I would like my group to pray for me to be consistent in my prayer life

(No homiletics for group and administrative leaders)

Copyright © Bible Study Fellowship 2017 (Note: These questions are to be used by BSF class members only. Except for web downloads from by class members, no portion of this material may be reproduced without written permission, according to copyright.)
8 | AdQ (06.2017) | Romans Lesson 1

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