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Sports and Mental Skills:

Sport psychology is the study of thinking in sport and how that affects an Individual’s
behaviour, training and competition. Sports psychology focuses on teaching practical skills
to athletes to enable them to develop their mental skills.
Through development of mental skills, most of the players are able to improve their
psychological game and hence their overall sport performance.
Strategies and Techniques for development of Mental Skills:
Metal skill training involves the following strategies and technique for improvement:
1. Goal Setting
2. Imaginary
3. Relaxation
4. Self-Talk and
5. Metal Plan
Barriers in Implementation of Metal skis in Sports
1. The belief that psychological characteristics are inherited qualities that cannot be
2. The belief that that ever is needed psychologically can be gained through experience
in sports.
3. The perception that you should only use sport psychology when things are going
4. A lack of knowledge about how to develop these skills and integrate them into
Motivation for Entering in sports

 Participation Motivation
 Long-term motivation
 Short-term motivation
 Pre-game Motivation
 Extrinsic Motivation
 Intrinsic Motivation
How Can Coaches Help?
Coaches can help the sports men by:

 Helping them set realistic goals.

 Involving them in decision making
 Recognising individual progress and improvement.
 Not over emphasising winner.
 Provide opportunities, time and suitable coaching.

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