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Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 2015, 8, 3–12


Thinking about smart cities

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Amy Glasmeiera and Susan Christophersonb
Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77
Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA,
Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University, W Sibley Hall, Ithaca,
New York 14853, USA,

How should we think about ‘smart cities’? This Tatsuno calls out “the age of technopolis and
issue brings together a set of articles that exam- the metamorphosis of traditional cities and
ine current debates around the goals, ethics, even high-tech parks. One alternative is the
potential and limitations of a concept that has global network city of dispersed, highly inter-
become a metaphor for urban modernity. We active economic nodes linked by massive
also include an unusual addition, a short inter- networks of airports, highways, and commu-
vention that surfaces some of the controversial nications. Another metaphor is the “intel-
issues related to smart cities, as a conception ligent city” featuring advanced information/
and as a practical undertaking. communication technologies, complexes
Some of the seeds of today’s smart cities can wired for satellite and fiber optics. These
be found in a series of conversations among network cities are inhabited by “knowledge
scholars and practitioners in the 1980s, reflect- processors” engaged in rapid information
ing on the future of cities. In a book review, Phil exchanges (Harris, 1992).
Harris, describes a particularly significant inter-
vention by Sheridan Tatsuno of NeoConcepts, As Rob Kitchin lays out in his article in this
a consultant connected to the Institute for issue, however, the origins of the smart city are
Constructive Capitalism at the University of not found solely in the search for technologi-
Texas at Austin, a think tank founded in the cal utopias (Kitchin, 2015). They also originate
1980s by George Kosmetsky, an entrepreneur in the 1980s prescriptions for managed, entre-
turned academic. Like others at the conference, preneurial cities—whose speed and flexibility
Tatsuno was writing at a time when Silicon in adapting to global markets make them more
Valley was the place to emulate and ventures efficient and competitive (Logan and Molotch,
such as the Research Triangle Park in North 1987). Kitchin also raises the provocative ques-
Carolina served as alternative examples of suc- tion of whether another model of ‘smartness’,
cessful future industrialisation. He, like many the digital or wired city, belongs in the ‘smart
others, was propagating the idea that any and city’ genre. The wired city in fact offered a
every place could be Silicon Valley-like, if they somewhat different vision, that of inclusive-
simply followed a prescription: ness in access to digital technologies. These
As Harris (1992) describes: two competing visions of cities transformed by

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Glasmeier and Christopherson

technologies have not been reconciled despite 2025, with more than 50% of these smart
the recognition that the Internet and particu- cities from Europe and North America. By
larly, the Internet of things, is a central feature 2025, it is expected that around 58% of the
of smart city models. world’s population or 4.6 billion people will
Although the ‘smart city’ concept has live in urban areas. In developed regions and
emerged from long-persisting ideas about cities, the urban population in cities could

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urban technological utopias and the perfectly account for up to 81% of total population.
competitive city, it also differs from these urban This will pose serious challenges for city
visions in some important ways. What is new planners, who will have to re-think how they
about the contemporary smart city narrative provide basic city services to residents in a
is the emphasis on places transformed by the sustainable manner.
application of technologies rather than, as in the Governments of smart cities are transform-
case of Silicon Valley, places where sectors such ing from a traditional model of a silo-based
as microelectronics and computers drive the organization to a more collaborative, inte-
urban economy. Smart cities are not just where grated service delivery model. Cities will
new technologies might be born. They are the collaborate with each other to drive smart
receptacles for technology, the target of its city innovation by entering into partnerships
applications. Although saturated as consumer with each other. Technology and ecosystem
markets, cities present opportunities for firms convergence, collaboration and partnerships
seeking markets for modern sensing, forecast- between stakeholders from different indus-
ing and management technologies. Although tries, such as energy and infrastructure, IT,
1990s city policymakers sought to replicate the telecoms and government will also expedite
job base and innovative milieu of high-tech cen- the delivery of integrated services http://
tres, the contemporary purveyors of smart city
technologies see city governments as markets Global-Smart-Cities-Market-to-Reach-
for the products of the last 40  years of tech- US1.56-Trillion-by-2020-Finds-Frost-and-
nology development. At the same time, ambi- Sullivan/
tious politicians and civil servants are ever on
the search for the next ‘big idea’ to move their Smart city advocates include not only large
city to the top of the rank of attractive places. information economy businesses, such as IBM,
The race to get on the bandwagon and become Intel, Siemens, CISCO and SAP, but also aca-
a smart city has encouraged city policymakers demic and philanthropic organisations. Each
to endogenise the process of technology-led has a distinctive sense of what smart cities can
growth, directing municipal budgets toward accomplish. Academics are attracted to technol-
investments that bestow smart city status. ogy applications that offer the ability to ‘sense’
The public investments that confer smart city and track human use of urban infrastructure.
status are impressive. A  recent report from a They are drawn by the potential that these
large Australian development company puts a applications offer to remediate urban prob-
dollar figure on the expected growth of smart lems such as snarled traffic, the lack of parking
cities. According to Ivan Fernandez, Industry spaces, and inefficient energy use and waste
Director for Frost & Sullivan, Australia and disposal. Philanthropists see solutions to urban
New Zealand, a consulting firm promoting ills with an eye toward greater equity, improved
growth through globalisation, quality of life and citizen empowerment. The
The global smart city market will be valued large information firms see the vastly expand-
at US$1.565 trillion in 2020. Over 26 Global ing market for management applications in an
Cities are expected to be Smart Cities in urbanising world as an opportunity to develop

Thinking about smart cities

stable revenue streams in the form of continu- as examples of encouraging the development
ous contracts. These firms are, however, sell- of new mobile applications utilising open data
ing different visions of ‘smart’ and products to and using IT to increase competitiveness and
achieve the vision. Competing and sometimes sustainability, respectively (Komninos et  al.,
contradictory stakeholder goals contribute to 2013). In Europe, Barcelona, continues to be
the inevitable conclusion that the smart city is a renowned for its Smart City Model and in

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chaotic concept. November 2014 hosted its fourth Smart City
What the smart cities movement has done, Expo World Congress in as many years (see
albeit perhaps inadvertently, is to reignite, while the
interest in cities as engines of growth. This has Amsterdam Smart City initiative is held up as
been perhaps most evident with the model cit- the example of how to retrofit a city to improve
ies created on greenfield sites. A few have gone living and economic conditions and reduce car-
beyond drawing boards and taken shape on bon emissions (Hollands, 2015; Kirby, 2013).
the ground. Each of these cities is unique and An important takeaway from this list of smart
hence an unlikely candidate for reproducibil- cities is the tailored nature of their approach.
ity as ‘the’ smart city model. The distinctiveness The objective is not just as technology users but
characteristic of Song Do in South Korean or as shrines of economic development practice.
Plan IT in Portugal belies one of the most com- Some are using the smart city title to gain status
mon complaints about smart city applications, by offering annual events to newcomers wish-
that they espouse only a single development ing to take up the mantle of smart city develop-
model. What they do have in common, how- ment (
ever, beyond encompassing expansive views There is frequently an alliance between the
of ‘smart city’ development, is acceptance of prototype smart city builders and scholars dis-
urban competitiveness and the primacy of cussing the phenomenon. Their perspectives
economic goals as intrinsic to the smart city come together under the umbrella of cities
concept. as machines for living. Both promote at least
Looking closely, there are a dizzying array of somewhat utopian visions based on techno-
attempts at smart city formation and member- logical fixes for those aspects of urban settle-
ship. As Hollands’s contribution to this special ment and the concentration of human beings
issue highlights, there are all manner and scale that make for human frustration and slow the
of potential candidates. He highlights eight flow of goods and services. The authors in this
well-known examples. special issue are all aware of this perspective
Singapore’s iN2015 (intelligent nation) although some emphasise it more than others.
project, Songdo, South Korea’s purpose built, A special issue on such a nebulous topic can
globally competitive, high-tech, environmen- never be comprehensive, but authors in this
tally sustainable, business city, or Guangzhou issue place the smart city in historical context,
Knowledge City in China are designed to provide concrete examples of smart city appli-
attract talent, skilled manpower and knowl- cations and point to arenas where the concept
edge-based industries. Masdar City, in the and practice differ from prior urban techno-
UAE, is currently being designed as an ‘oasis logical fixes. The authors also indicate where
of the future’ (quite literally as it is built the urban technological fix, in both its historical
in the desert) and intended to become the and contemporary forms has failed—for exam-
world’s first sustainable, renewable, energy- ple, in addressing equity concerns. They dem-
powered cleantech cluster (Kingsley, 2013). onstrate that there is a difference between what
In Scandinavia and Europe, Helsinki and we can measure and what we need to know. The
‘Intelligent’ Thessaloniki (Greece) are held up limits of the smart city are created both by the

Glasmeier and Christopherson

absence of data applications that could drive and servers—the technology to drive smart
collective rather than individual solutions and systems—the smart city is a new market for
by the inability to address intangible qualities urban management. It is an urban form to be
of cities that both improve and detract from the sold, resold, modified or augmented to make
quality of urban life for city residents. These cri- money. Many analysts and practitioners, how-
tiques have been part of the discussions on the ever, are more modest in their definitions, lim-

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closely related topic of ‘big data’. iting ‘the smart city’ to a few approaches that
Although the authors in this issue approach use publicly available data to solve discrete
the subject of smart cities from very differ- problems, such as waste management and traf-
ent angles, they generally agree that smart fic control.
city technologies are ill-suited to solving the The authors in this special issue have differ-
problems that lie at the heart of improving ent perspectives but define the smart city by two
the quality of urban life. Poverty is not on the essential attributes. First is the use of technolo-
agenda of smart city planners. They may solve gies to facilitate the coordination of fragmented
traffic problems, but it is not clear how they urban sub-systems (for example, energy, water,
will regenerate failing schools or find ways to mobility, built environment). Becoming ‘smart’
include neighbourhoods facing disinvestment. by subsystem improvement is assumed to be
The contradiction between the promise of associated with new employment opportuni-
smart cities and its limited policy scope is aptly ties, wealth creation and economic growth. In a
demonstrated in one of the most celebrated second and more futuristic definition, smart cit-
smart cities, Rio de Janeiro. The city, with its ies are urban places where the lived experience
control centre filled with wall size computer calls forth a new reality.
monitors, can perhaps use forecasts of threat- There are, in fact, few finished examples of
ening weather to send out warnings of storm greenfield sites that represent full deployment
intensity thus leading to speedier evacuation. of the idea. As Carvalho (2015) details, even
What it does not address is the question of why the less encumbered greenfield models such
people build housing in such high-risk envi- as Songdo or Masdar City, took so long to roll
ronments and what it would take to change out that the political will deteriorated and the
this behaviour. In this instance, at least, smart original impetus slackened across political
city technologies deal with symptoms rather cycles. As Shelton, Zook and Wiig describe,
than the disease. the fully formed greenfield smart city will be
Several themes are evident in the eight the great exception (Shelton et al., 2015). Most
papers composing this issue. They answer some smart cities are about fixing things by adding
important questions about what the concept off-the-shelf technology to existing functions
of smart cities is and isn’t and what it can and such as transportation planning to make exist-
cannot do. ing systems more efficient, predictable and, in
rare cases, redeployable with re-programming.
In the vast majority of cases, smart cities are
What is a smart city? about renovation rather than about building
What do people mean by the term ‘smart city’? wholly new urban environments and, as such,
A  casual search of the web turns up thou- they will all be different because of the exi-
sands of references to the term. Some define gencies of municipal budgets and political
the smart city as an urban environment that choices.
is elegantly efficient, grander than the messy From the ethereal to the pragmatic, Rob
urban environments we live in today. For firms Goodspeed suggests smart city definitions
in the business of selling controllers, sensors, bifurcate, with one strand emphasising urban

Thinking about smart cities

and economic development, while the other have arisen, and how they are taking root in
focuses on government’s use of technology for particular places around the world” (14). The
public sector operations (Goodspeed, 2015). implication is that although data applications
The limits of agreement around the concept and technological innovations are exciting,
arise in part because, as with prior moments their success will be measured in cities whose
when the rate of economic growth has stum- infrastructure systems are non-existent and

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bled, economic actors look for new markets where the governance capacity and funds for
to deploy existing technology. They grope for collective goods are minimal.
a synthesis that will kick off a sustained round
of job generation and capital investment. For
example, one progenitor of the smart city, Are cities being better resourced in
the ‘intelligent city’ dates back to the 1980s, the process of getting smarter?
another period of sluggish economic growth, From mundane functions such as waste dis-
when, following on the heels of the early 1980s posal and pot-hole patching to crisis hotlines
banking crisis, economic development profes- and homeless sheltering, cities are finding new
sionals searched for another source of lift in the ways to use IT infrastructure and data. What
economy. makes smart city programmes different? As
Rabari and Storper note in this issue, many
of these new endeavours link cities with out-
Real-life applications side actors. One type of link is with founda-
Putting aside the attention-getting green- tion-sponsored initiatives, such as Code for
field projects and leaving for the moment the America in the USA (Shelton et al., 2015). In
realm of critique, there is something new and another model, a quasi-governmental entity
potentially game changing in the technolo- set up by the EU provides funds for tech-
gies and interventions this phase of urban nology implementation around energy and
development provides. Unless economic tur- transportation. However, it is important to
moil and instability stops urban growth in ask whether the new interventions are being
its tracks, over the next 50  years we will live funded by new resources? Is smart city tech-
on an increasingly urban planet. According nology diverting or augmenting public budg-
to research reported in the New York Times ets ravaged by austerity?
and supported by the Shell Oil Company and CJRES’s special issue on Austerity in the
Singapore University’s Urban Lab, by 2050, city particularly papers by Betsy Donald
the United Nations projects that more than (Donald et  al., 2014) and Mildred Warner
65% of the world’s population will reside in (Warner and Clifton, 2014), highlighted the
cities. This means that another 18 cities of 10 many ways that city funding was declining
million or more population will be added to and functions were being subcontracted out to
today’s 23 megacities. Of the 41 mega cities reduce costs. Where do the funds come from
over 10 million, projected by 2030, 13 will be for smart city investment? It could be argued
over 20 million in size (New York Times and that, in a pre-austerity era, such interventions
Shell Oil, 2014). Considering these startling would have arisen and been paid for through
projections, what do the papers in this issue normal budgetary processes. But these types
have to say about the pragmatics of smart city of investments have to be examined in the
experiments? Following the lead of Shelton light of municipal budget oscillations over
et  al. (2015), this collection of papers points the last decade of financial crisis, encompass-
toward “a more nuanced, situated under- ing periods of severe austerity and those of
standing of how and from where these policies abundance. Smart city interventions have to

Glasmeier and Christopherson

be interrogated in terms of whether they are And then, there is the mundane. In some
true innovations and provide new capabili- of the biggest cities of the world like Dhaka,
ties such as wiring districts for public Internet Bangladesh something as simple as a transit
access. Or, by contrast, do they merely pay for map is missing. Although certainly not cut-
deferred maintenance and what would oth- ting edge technology by today’s standards, the
erwise be normal upgrading of existing pub- innovation described in Zegras’s paper high-

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lic services, such as signage and automated lights how something like a map ‘opens up a
notifications of transit schedules. How and in city’ giving life to spaces that are otherwise
what ways do data-enabled interventions such obscured. The absence of something as basic
as those to catalogue and address residential as a map of the transit system tells us how far
abandonment in cities, such as Cleveland, New we have to go to make technology available
Orleans and Detroit add value and potentially for the purposes of basic navigation. It also
speed the process of re-investment? Following tells us that the smart city innovations being
the money would provide a more complete developed for high-prosperity cities are light
picture of smart city benefits. years ahead of the fundamental needs of most
of the world’s urban populations (Zegras
et al., 2015). For, to have a map is like having
Are users the winners? a light. You can do things and go places other-
Who is benefitting from smart city invest- wise unattainable.
ments? Although smart city technol- So, to really understand and gain insight
ogy investments are mainly comprised of from smart city interventions, we need more
upgrades rather than true innovations, on the than the paucity of comparative work upon
citizen user side, they potentially offer access which much of the smart city narrative cur-
to information on local conditions. They can rently rests. If we are to avoid wasting scarce
afford communities and interest groups the resources and propagating one size fits all
opportunity to identify negative conditions policies and programmes, we need thought-
and the potential to improve the urban expe- fully designed, rigorous comparative research.
rience. Realising these potential benefits, Only this will enable us to venture seriously
however, depends on the intent of the inter- beyond a level of understanding that consists
vention. Offenhuber’s contribution alerts us of snippets from iconic places. Several of the
to the fact that the design of an intervention authors in the special issue caution against
has significant implications for its usability generalisations based on the incomplete writ-
and accessibility and that each design gesture ten record about smart city interventions.
has an intended community. For tech-savvy Perhaps, Carvalho goes the furthest in his
city dwellers, the design of an intervention critique of the existing record. His interviews
can be open and mutable; knowing your audi- with key actors in South Korea and Portugal
ence is an important design consideration. By reveal the initial naivety of smart city plan-
implication, what Offenhuber’s paper also ners who assumed that the meaning and
highlights is the degree of know-how and col- consequences of the technologies could be
lateral resources required to use smart city understood in the absence of human engage-
interventions. The assumption behind many ment at the phase of design. His case studies
of these innovations is that everyone owns a highlight the myriad impediments arising out
smart phone and knows how to operate it at of the design process and reinforce the idea
maximum performance. Technology audits are that technology implementation requires
necessary to reveal just how flexible, usable user interaction in order to match conception
and accessible these technology designs are. with user experience. In other words, design

Thinking about smart cities

without the user leads to interfaces that do discursive emphasis of some of their initiatives
not address reality. from being top-down managerially focused to
As both Carvalho and Kitchin suggest, we stressing inclusivity and citizen empowerment”
need more thoughtful comparative work in (Kitchin, 2015, 133).
order to reveal the discursive and material Commercial interests are also taking more
realities of actually existing smart city develop- risks with and stepping out in critiquing urban

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ments. The authors in this special issue make suitors’ unbridled desire to be selected as the
significant progress toward this goal and dem- next Intel, CISCO, IBM or other purveyor of
onstrate what we can learn from opening up smart city development. In an Economic Times
the discussion about smart cities. These efforts of India interview with Intel’s South Asia
could be built on through a series of compara- Debjani Ghosh, vice president, sales and mar-
tive studies that contrast the experiences of keting group, Mr Ghosh (2014) cautions that
different cities—both cities in which we might
expect similarities in initiatives and effects (for execution, which has been a challenge in
example, cities of roughly the same size in the India, will be crucial. India is going to have
same jurisdiction) and those that we might multiple Smart Cities and different models
expect to differ but are presently discussed as for each city. For Smart Cities, we should not
if they are similar (for example, cities in the look at technological modernization, rather
Global South and North, or greenfield and look at how to enhance the culture and herit-
retrofitting developments). The former would age so that more people come to these cities.
enable the particularities of smart city initia- Greenfield is the more practical approach.
tives and their effects on economic develop- But again you need to look at the problems.
ment and regimes of governance to be teased For instance, Varanasi, which is a tourist
apart. The latter would reveal the ways in which place and should be clean, but it is not. There
smart city rhetoric and implementation are is huge problem with the entire waste dis-
being produced and grounded in quite differ- posal system. You also need a local industry
ent contexts and the ways in which the concept because people need to have employment.
travels and mutates. A Smart City is something when young peo-
ple don’t want to leave the city for employ-
ment. So, you have to ensure that there’s
Is the smart city movement capable enough local opportunity available to keep
of delivering better urban living? them engaged (Economic Times of India,
Although we can debate what ‘better urban 4 December, electronic edition; accessed 7
living’ means, clearly the commercial side of December 2014)
the smart city movement is promising a great
deal. Companies like IBM initially claimed that Thus, even the strongest advocates and primary
investing in sensing technology would yield beneficiaries of smart city technologies per-
safer, cleaner and more efficient urban areas. ceive the limits of unbridled enthusiasm.
Their marketing was directed at an upper mid- However, looking beyond the commercial
dle class, experiencing losses of time and income to the social, political and economic impli-
from urban inefficiencies and urban policymak- cations, citizen movements have demon-
ers desiring to make points for urban innova- strated the ability to successfully adopt and
tion. However, more recently, recognising that adapt the core of smart city technologies to
their class-based appeals were endangering engage in public debate and to advocate for
smart city marketability, companies includ- urban improvements. Community and non-
ing IBM and CISCO have “started to alter the governmental organisations also have been

Glasmeier and Christopherson

adept at utilising the vast amount of data of pot-holes? Or are they in need of transit
now available from myriad sources of govern- service extended in their community or fre-
ment, private and not for profit organisations quently available buses to get from home to
such as “Open Plan, a group that provides work and back (Offenhuber, 2015). In other
community-edited directories of public words, do they need different data altogether?
meetings; open-source platforms for local Rabari and Storper (2015, 32) point out: “The

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news gathering; applications to help agen- core, underlying promise is that more infor-
cies ‘crowdsource’ streetscape improvements; mation will improve the experience of urban
and forums for city transportation officials to social life and lead to the creation of many
share best practices for urban bikeway design useful and efficient services”. The question is,
(OpenPlans, nd)” (Rabari and Storper, 2015). is that promise made to everyone, is the con-
Cities are being approached by technology ception of the ‘smart city’ inclusive or does it,
companies in the hope that the cities them- by the very nature of the data it relies upon,
selves can identify the uses for smart city tech- exclude important groups in society?
nology interventions (Carl Spector, Director In the smart city case, the intention is
of Climate and Environmental Planning for all important. Adding to Kitchin’s call for
the City of Boston, 5 December 2014, per- research on smart city interventions them-
sonal interview). Thus, as is often the case selves, we would add that there is a profound
with technological change, the producers can’t need to form research around the multiple
dream users into existence, but instead uptake user communities of our future-‘sensored’
requires learning by doing through collabora- cities. Although the promise of inclusivity is
tion and risk sharing. Beyond making cities showing up in the reconfigured rhetoric of
more liveable because their inner political commercial proponents, such as IBM and
workings are more accessible, local organi- CISCO, they are only one promulgator of
sations are building tools to make ‘sensibil- smart city rhetoric. City leaders are as involved
ity’ real, using devices such as Carlo Ratti’s in producing the narratives that promise the
City Lab’s algorithm, which integrates crowd moon as are commercial interests. Given their
sourced data from cell phone users who are civic responsibility to create and apply pro-
seeking to track night life hot spots. grammes targeted toward the diverse array
But does this constitute better urban liv- of urban social groups, city leaders are also
ing? Along with technologies that allow us accountable and should be held accountable
to track concentrations of like-minded peo- in the pursuit of the status of ‘smart city’. They
ple on a Friday night, how much of the smart are responsible if designs for the future city
city research is being directed toward ques- have only the most skilled, most tech-savvy
tions of groups in society unlikely to be con- residents in mind and ignore citizens who may
sulted or enabled to use the sophisticated not own the necessary technology or who use
facets of a cell phone? What of the elderly, it solely for functional purposes. Research on
the disabled, the economically and socially broadband technology demonstrates that the
isolated? Offenhuber’s maps of Boston and technology is pervasive, that there are few
the use of the 311 data clearly highlight the places in the USA where a cell tower hasn’t
absence of cell phone signalling from the penetrated. In a parallel example, in the USA,
city’s lower income neighbourhoods. Is it just what limits effective broadband penetration
that low-income neighbourhoods don’t have is not the technology itself, but its cost and
trash or pot-holes or is it that residents don’t the capacity of the user community to explore
care about trash on their streets, the pres- and fully utilise the technology (Glasmeier
ence of broken street lights or the existence et al., 2003).

Thinking about smart cities

Final thoughts cities of the future. Perhaps this issue can serve
as a jumping off point to an intelligent discus-
In conclusion, we offer a word of advice to
sion about the cities we want in the future and
armchair critics. As Kitchin rightly suggests, if
whether and how smart city technologies are
we academics wish to see smart city develop-
likely to provide them.
ment and rhetoric take on bigger questions and

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pursue more socially relevant uses of new tech-
nology applications, then it is incumbent upon References
us to conduct the collaborative research that Carvalho, L. (2015) Smart cities from scratch?
helps us the practitioners understand: (i) what A socio-technical perspective, Cambridge Journal
the technology can and cannot do; (ii) what the of Regions, Economy and Society, 8: 43–60.
application deployment conditions are (scale; Donald, B., Glasmeier, A., Gray, M., Lobao, L. (2014)
proximity; density; market size) and (iii) how Austerity in the city: economic crisis and urban
service decline? Cambridge Journal of Regions,
far off applications are from widespread mar- Economy and Society, 7: 3–15.
ketability. These three are surely minimum Glasmeier, A., Wood, L., Kleit, A. (2003) Broadband
conditions. The point is that we can’t just lend Internet Service in Rural and Urban Pennsylvania:
critique to the situation. We have to be willing A Commonwealth or Digital Divide? Pennsylvania:
and able to get in, roll up our sleeves and dis- EMS Environment Institute Pennsylvania State
University. Center for Rural Pennsylvania.
cover how new applications and technologies Goodspeed, R. (2015) Smart cities: moving beyond
can be used to genuinely improve the quality urban cybernetics to tackle wicked problems,
of urban life. Otherwise, we can’t complain we Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and
were locked out of this moment. Society, 8: 79–92.
Estimates are that 2.6 billion people will Harris, P. H. (1992) The technopolis phenome-
non - smart cities, fast systems, global networks,
move to or be born into urban centres by 2050. Behavioral Science, 38: 2
Two-thirds of these residents will live in Asia Hollands, R. (2015) Critical interventions into
or Africa. Left untouched, many of these cit- the corporate smart city, Cambridge Journal of
ies will emerge out of or swallow-up squatter Regions, Economy and Society, 8: 61–77.
settlements (New York Times and Shell Oil, Kingsley, P. (2013) Masdar: the shifting goalposts
of Abu Dhabi’s ambitious eco-city, Wired UK,
2014). Water, sewer, transportation, electricity, Technology.
telecommunications, housing, health care, edu- archive/20 13/12/features/reality-hits-masdar
cation—all of these functions—will have to be [Accessed 19 January 2015].
built from the ground up. Smart city discourse Kirby, T. (2013) City design: transforming tomorrow.
is largely looking into the immediate future and The Guardian, 18 April. Available online at: http://
at places already known and functioning. How tomorrow [Accessed 15 May 2013].
and whether the scholarly community contrib- Kitchin, R. (2015) Making sense of smart cities: address-
utes to the evolving discussions of the city of ing present shortcomings, Cambridge Journal of
the future will rest on our ability to produce Regions, Economy and Society, 8: 131–136.
solid, detailed and effective empirical studies Komninos, N., Pallot, M., Schaffers, H. (2013) Special
issue on smart cities and the future internet in
of this process of urban transformation. Are we Europe, Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 4:
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