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What motivates a character to take action even if it’s against the law or traditions?
Directions: Read the prologue and scene 1, then complete the character analysis chart.

What action does this character want to take What does this suggest about the qualities of
place? this character?

Antigone wants to bury her Antigone wanting to bury her

brother because he died in battle. brother shows that she is brave

Back then not being burying was and will do what she thinks is
really bad and disrespectful, their right. She has a good
brother killed his own people in a conciousness
war so King Creon forbade him to
be buried. However, Antigone still
wants to bury him

Ismene wants her brother to stay Her not wanting her brother
unburied and wants her and her buried shows she is more loyal
family to follow my King Creon's to her government than to her
rule. family. She will listen to what

others say than to what her own

family says, even if her family is
right, it shows she is cowardly
and pretty much the opisote of
Think about a moment from the prologue that really explains why Antigone or Ismene feels the way they do. Choose
ONLY ONE of the prompts below to answer.

Choose a moment that you think is significant to Antigone’s argument for the action that she would
like to take and explain why that moment is significant. Why is Antigone’s argument different from
(Did other one)

Choose a moment that you think is significant to Ismene’s argument for the action that she would
like to take and explain why that moment is significant. Why is Ismene’s argument different from

Ismene has a very long dialogue sequence where she tries to

convince Antigone to now bury her brother simply because the

law forbids it. She says things like "The law is strong, we must
give in to the law" and "To forgive me, but I am helpless; I must
yield". Those dialogue pieces show how cowardly she is. It is
significant becaue this is when she really establishes her view
on the arguement. Her arguement is completely different than
Antigone's because Antigone wants to do the right thing and
bury her brother, but Ismene wants to do the wrong thing and
not bury him

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