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Monolithic Rubblestone Boulder

By Jeremy Shafer

Here is an elegant model of such stunning intricacy that even the Robert Langs of paperfolding might
find it to be over their heads. But don’t give up yet, for although the model might seem overly tedious,
its sensational final result more than makes up for its difficulty. Before getting started, beware that the
guidelines for this model are subtle and will be difficult for most folders to grasp, but precise landmarks
for every fold do exist and can be readily found in the realm of chaos theory.
In order to begin to fathom the incredible aesthetic genius infused into this masterpiece, it is
imperative that the crease pattern be followed exactly. To do this, first pinch all of the indicated
mountains and valleys. Then, starting at the sides and moving inward, carefully collapse each fold,
thus achieving the Monolithic Rubblestone Boulder.

In addition to having a striking appearance, the Monolithic Rubblestone Boulder is also

a fantastic action model. The action is most stunning when the model is folded in great
quantity; Folding 1000 is ideal and good luck too. For the dramatic action, place the
boulders at the top of a steep hill and then roll them down. An origami avalanche!

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