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Supervised By:
Moneeba Iftikhar
Submitted By:
Oneeba Afzaal (25145100-63)
Ansa Razzaq (25145100-38)

Department of Mass Communication

BS-4 (2014 – 2018)

Lahore College for Women University

Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign


Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign



My beloved Parents

I’ m here just because of their kind support and love, without them it would not be possible

to complete my degree. I am very thankful and honored to have lovely parents. They

encourage me in every step of my life that’s why I am here and done my work

Alhamdullillah. I dedicate this campaign to my lovely parents.

Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign


First of all I am very thankful to ALLAH Almighty for giving me strength and energy to

complete this campaign. I am thankful to my supervisor Moneeba Iftikhar for her guidance

and support during the work. I am very thankful and grateful to my lovely parents for their

constant support and back up during the days of my campaign. This campaign would not

be possible without the support of my loved ones. I also give lots of credit to my lovely and

sweet sister for kind assistance and motivation. Last but not the least a very special thanks

to my friends for always being there for me, for helping me and guiding me each and

everything about my campaign, without their help and support it would not be possible to

complete campaign. I am blessed to have friends like them.

Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

• Introduction to Advertising ……………………………………………… 06

• Summary of Advertising campaign ……………………………………… 14

• Rationale of Advertising campaign …………………………………..….. 14

Chapter 2


• Company Information ………………………………………………….... 15

• Company vision statement ………………………………………………. 15

• Company Products ………………………………………………………. 16

• Brand Information ………………………………………………………. 17

Chapter 3

• SWOT Analysis ……………………………………………………….... 19

• Competitive Advantage …………………………………………………. 20

• PEST Analysis …………………………………………………………... 20

• Target Audience ………………………………………………………..... 21

Chapter 4

Advertising (Creative) Strategy

• USP (Unique Selling Point) …………………………..………………… 22

• Objectives of Campaign …………………………..…………………….. 22

• Advertising Model ………………………………………………………. 22

• Brief of branding…………………………………………………………. 24
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign

• Advertising Appeals …………………………………………………….. 24

Chapter 5

Media Plan

• Media used to reach target audience……………………………………… 25

• TV Creative Strategy and Radio Advertisement …………………………. 26

• Tagline ……………………………………………………………………. 27

• Screenplay ………………………………………………………………… 27

• Story Boarding ……………………………………………………………. 29

• Jingle ……………………………………………………………………… 31

Chapter 6

Determining the Budget Appropriation

• Print Media Production Cost (Newspaper) ………………………………… 32

• Print Media Production Cost (Magazine) ………………………………….. 32

• TVC On-Air (Entertainment Channels) ……………………………………. 33

• TVC On-Air (Kids Channels) ………………………………………………. 33

• Radio Broadcast cost ……………………………………………………….. 34

• BTL Production cost ……………………………………………………….. 34

Chapter 7

• Tools for Advertising Campaign …………………………………………… 38

Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign


Introduction to Advertising

The term ‘Advertising is derived from the Latin word ‘advert’ means ‘to turn, the
attention. Advertising aims to turn the attention of onlooker towards a product, service or
idea. Advertising is known as the activity of attracting public attention to a product or
business as by paid announcement in the print, broadcast or electronic media. Today,
advertisements are everywhere. On television, on the internet, radio, billboards and even
on the empty coffee mug of our desk. Advertising has successfully transcended from one
of the most interruptive commercial medium of modern times to something that everyone
wants a piece of. It performs one of the most important functions in society that is to inform;
it gives people the power of choice; the power of knowledge that helps them make
important decisions every day.

There are various schools of thought, different opinions and diverse points of view
but all of these collide into something that we all agree upon. That it is probably one of the
most powerful influencers of human behavior since religion.


Marketing Gurus have defined Advertising as: “Any paid form of nonpersonal
presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services through mass media such as
newspaper, magazine, television or radio by an identified sponsor.” (Kotlar, Armstrong,
Sounder and wong, 2001)

“Advertising, in its non-commercial guise, is a powerful educational tool capable

of reaching and motivating large audiences.” "Advertising justifies its existence when used
in the public interest - it is much too powerful a tool to use solely for commercial purposes."
(Howard Gossage by David Ogilvy)

“Advertising is any form of non-personal presentation of ideas, goods, or services

by the use of mass communication through advertising media such as print, broadcast,
cinema, outdoor, or electronic media” (Czinkota & Ronkainen, 2001).

“Advertising is often most visible element of a company’s overall marketing

communications program” (Wells, et al., 2000).
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign

Additionally, Wells et al. (2000) describe “advertising to be a form of mass

communication that both informs and transforms a product by creating an image for that
product that goes beyond straightforward facts.”

Brassington and Pettitt (2000) simplify the explanation by mentioning that

“advertising is a paid form of non-personal communication through a mass medium.”

Objectives of Advertising

In general advertising has two objectives namely, Behavioral or action objectives and
Sales objectives. From the behavioral point of view, it influences the buyer behavior of
consumers. It is an accepted fact that all behavior starts with motivation. Ad motivates
people by arousing their dormant needs that activates behavior. Advertising is primarily
used as a tool by companies with the objective to:

• Inform people about new products and services.

• Brand building
• To remind customers about their brand at the right time and place
• To reinforce customer confidence in purchase
• To build Corporate Identity
• To help their sales force become more effective
• To give their brand and company a “Personality” that makes it unique. Government
and autonomous bodies use advertising to:
• Inform people about their policies
• Promote birth control
• Educate the masses on health care
• Prevent panic during natural disasters
• Dispel harmful rumors
• Attract foreign investment
Role of Media in Advertising

In advertising the term media refers to communication vehicles such as newspapers,

magazines, radio, television, billboards, direct mail, and the Internet. Advertisers use media
to convey commercial messages to their target audiences, and the media depend to different
degrees on advertising revenues to cover the cost of their operations. While the media are
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign

valued for their informational and entertainment functions, they also provide an important
business function as a vehicle for advertising.

The media are usually classified into either mass or niche media. Newspapers,
magazines, television and radio are considered mass media because they deliver messages
to a widespread, anonymous audience. The wide coverage of the mass media makes them
ideal vehicles for advertisers who need to reach a large audience. Advertising media such
as cable television and direct mail are often viewed as “niche” media because they reach a
narrowly defined audience with unique demographic characteristics or special interests.

Functions of Advertising

Advertising influences consumers by informing them what is "desirable".

Advertising infuses the Internet, network television, daily newspapers and roadside
billboards. Products, services and ideas are sold through advertising, enabling businesses
to attract customers for their wares. Internet advertising is rapidly displacing print
advertising, due its convenience of use, cost effectiveness, and ease of distribution.

• Identifying Brands
Products, services and ideas are sold through businesses that are differentiated by
their brand identities. Brand identity is communicated to the public via advertising.
Consumers build emotional relationships with certain brands with which they become
increasingly familiar through the years, thanks to advertising.

• Information
Advertising supplies the necessary information to consumers so that they know
what is available and where to buy it. It broadcasts information on products, services and
ideas sold on the open market through a variety of media portals. It reveals the special
features being sold, what color and size the product is and which stores carry it.

• Persuasion
Powerful, visual advertising presentations compel consumers to purchase goods,
services and ideas as a way to achieve emotional fulfillment. Persuasion is the core mission
of advertising. Advertising tells you how the product, service or idea you are considering
will improve your life. advertising feeds on the concepts of ideology, myth, art, sexual
attraction and religion. Advertising infuses images and ideas into products and services,
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign

• Previewing New Trends

Previews about the virtues of new products, services and ideas motivate consumers
to obtain them because they don't want to be left out. Advertising lets consumers in on up-
and-coming trends and new markets.

• Demand
The demand generated by advertising, public relations, and sales promotion "pulls"
the goods or services through channels of distribution, notes "Reference for Business." One
of the powerful functions of advertising is to generate consumer demand for specific
products, services and ideas through ad campaigns that target the audiences that are most
likely to buy them."

• Customer Base
Consistent quality advertising increases consumer loyalty for a product, service or
idea. Advertising seeks to maintain the current customer base by reinforcing purchasing
behavior with additional information about the benefits of brands. The goal of advertising
is to build and reinforce relationships with customers, prospects, retailers and important

• Pricing/announcement
Advertising displays consumer goods with competitive prices relative to the current
market, thus educating consumers about what things should cost. Advertising lets you know
what the competition is doing, when the next sale is, and how you can receive the latest
coupon or rebate and seeks to assure you that you are receiving the best value for your

Most Common Advertising Techniques

• Deliver your message effectively to produce sales.

A successful advertisement creates a desire in viewers, listeners or readers. It also
provides information on how to fulfill that desire and makes the potential customer feel
good about doing so. With so many products and service providers in the marketplace,
using a proven technique in your advertising increases the likelihood that your ad dollars
will return value.
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign

• Repetition
Repetition is a simple, yet effective technique used to build identity awareness and
customer memory. Even advertisements using other successful approaches mention the
product or company name more than once, particularly in television because its
combination of sight and sound, allows the advertiser to disguise the repetition by changing
its delivery (from visual to audio).

• Claims
Advertising that promotes specific features or makes claims about what a product
or service can do for the potential customers provides successful results by informing,
educating and developing expectations in the buyer. Claims can state facts or simply use
hype, such as calling one brand of orange juice "the best" when nutritionally it is identical
to other brands.

• Association
Associating a product or company with a famous person, catchy jingle, desirable
state of being or powerful emotion creates a strong psychological connection in the
customer. Sporting equipment companies use successful athletes in their ads, automakers
display their cars in front of mansions, cosmetic companies sign celebrities to represent
their products. These ads encourage an emotional response in customers, which then is
linked to the product being advertised, making it attractive through transference.

• Bandwagon
The bandwagon technique sells a product or service by convincing the customer
that others are using it and they should join the crowd.

• Promotions
The attraction of getting something "free" or earning "rewards" makes promotions
successful. Limited-time offers, and entry deadlines add urgency to this advertising
technique's call to action.

Advertising Strategies in Modern ERA

• Online advertising through internet, face book, various web sides and all.
• Top celebrity or any film star endorse a brand and associate with that particular
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign

• Now a days products are promoting through malls


An appeal is a petition for review of a case that has been decided by a court of law.
The petition is made to a higher court for the purpose of overturning the lower court's

Advertising Appeal

Advertising appeals are designed in a way so as to create a positive image of the

individuals who use certain products. Advertising agencies and companies use different
types of advertising appeals to influence the purchasing decisions of people.

Here are some advertising appeals:

1. Rational Appeal

2. Emotional Appeal

3. Moral Appeal

4. Direct Appeal

5. Indirect Appeal /Fear

6. Humor Appeal

7. Sex Appeal

8. Music Appeal

Rational Appeal

The functional benefits of a product are highlighted. This is generally product-oriented



• High quality appeals

• Low price appeals
• Long life appeals
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign

• Performance minted appeals

• Ease to use oriented appeals
Emotional Appeal

An emotional appeal is related to an individual’s psychological and social needs for

purchasing certain products and services.

Fear Appeal

• Increases viewer interest in the ad and the persuasiveness of the ad.

• Used with health and beauty products, idea marketing, insurance.
• Most experts believe that a moderate level of fear is most effective.
Moral Appeal/Patriotic

• These appeals are those appeals to the audience which appeal to their sense of right
and wrong.
• This appeal mainly focused on prohibition, adult literacy, social forestry, anti-
smuggling, consumer protection etc.
Social Appeal

Social factors cause people to make purchases and include such aspects as recognition,
respect, etc.
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign

Humor Appeal

Humor is an element that is used in around 30% of the advertisements. Humor can be
an excellent tool to catch the viewer’s attention.

Direct Appeal

This type of appeal are those appeals that clearly communicate with the consumers
about a given need followed by a message which admires the advertised brand which satisfy
the need.

Music Appeal

Music can be used as types of advertising appeals as it has a certain intrinsic value and
can help in increasing the persuasiveness of the advertisement.

Sex Appeal

• Subliminal techniques
• Sexual suggestiveness
• Overt sexuality
• Sex and nudity do increase attention.
• Rated as being more interesting.
• Often leads to strong feelings about the advertisement.
• Brand recall is lower.
• Often interferes with message comprehension

Summary of Advertising Project

There are many flavored milk brands in market offering tasty milk for kids, but the
communicator chooses Day Fresh Flavored Milk as it is one of the well-known brands in
Fast Moving Consumers Good (FMCG) industry and the competitors are giving tough time.

After the primary and secondary research, the communicator decided to go for the
corporate social responsibility strategy in advertising campaign. The kids and men &
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign

women of all age groups were the target audience in this campaign. One TVC is produced
that will be on aired during the 2 months periods of campaign launch. Other print and
outdoor tools were also designed by the communicator which includes poster, banner,
broacher, standee and much more.

The core purpose of the campaign is to bring idea shift from entertaining TVC
concept towards CSR strategy. Advertising campaign involves designing a series of
advertisements and placing them in various advertising media to reach a desired target

Rationale of Advertising campaign

The aim of choosing Day Fresh flavored Milk as a research product for
advertising campaign is the interest in FMCG that carries the quality of more sales on
daily basis. There is hope of sponsorship for researcher. The researcher is going to change
the target audience that may bring a great change in sales and recall ability.

There are many flavored milk products in the market and none of them focused to
replaced flavored milk with carbohydrate drinks for kids to sell their product. The
researcher took this idea by observing the effects of carbohydrate drinks on health of kids
and decided to work on it.
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign




In 2009, Akhtar Group ventured into Pakistan’s dairy sector by establishing

Dairyland (Pvt) Ltd. The company started its operations by setting up a state-of-the-art
dairy farm in Dhabeji, district Sujawal in Sindh with premium breed Australian cows. The
4,000 cows on the farm are a premium breed imported from Australia and are not injected
with hormones or antibiotic injections. Subsequently, it also established a modern milk,
and yogurt processing and packaging plant next to the dairy farm.

Company Name

Day Fresh Dairy Products.

Mission Statement

To provide the best quality dairy products to consumers.


To be everyone’s first choice when it comes to products and to be the leading food
and beverage company in the country. To work tirelessly for increasing and improving the
nutritional values of products so that consumers live a healthy lifestyle.

Core Values

• Leadership: Be the leading brand in the dairy sector.

• Integrity: Provide 100% natural wholesome milk to consumers.

• Passion: Put everything the company has in ensuring optimal products for

• Quality: Provide premium quality dairy products to consumers.

Dairyland Today

• Dairyland is a progressive and fast-growing company, well known for its high
quality and nourishing products. It continuously strives to add happiness to its
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign

consumers’ lives and take care of their health, by keeping itself updated with the
ever-changing lifestyles of its consumers.
• In order to make sure consumers get optimal quality products, Dairyland has
developed a comprehensive grass-to-glass value chain system. Its cows are fed and
nurtured on high quality fodder grown under the supervision of foreign qualified
agronomists. They are kept in an extremely hospitable environment and are
regularly checked and vaccinated by a team of qualified vets.
• Dairyland’s automatic milking parlor makes sure milk is collected using optimal
hygienic conditions. No hormonal injections or antibiotics are given to the cows,
ensuring pure, fresh and wholesome milk, free from side effects.

Dairyland is a quality-oriented company with strict emphasis on maintaining world

class quality of all its dairy products. To keep up with the dynamic technology in milk-
processing industry, it keeps itself abreast in research, trying its best to introduce highly
advanced equipment at affordable prices. Strict quality checking is carried out at every level
of the production process to ensure premium quality of the finished dairy products.

Products of Day Fresh

• Day fresh UHT Milk

• Day fresh Flavored Milk
• Day fresh Pouch Milk
• Day fresh Premium Cow Milk (Fresh & Pasteurized)
• Day fresh Low-Fat Milk (Fresh & Pasteurized)
• Day fresh cow milk - long life, full fat (recently introduced)
• Day fresh Mast Dahi Cup
• Day fresh Mast Dahi Pouch
• Day fresh Zeera Raita (recently introduced)
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign

Dairyland Quality Control

Quality control is an extremely important step and Dairyland puts great emphasis on it,
from collection of the milk to delivery at customers’ doorsteps.

• The milk collected at Dairyland’s farms via automatic milking parlors is directly
channeled through supply pipes to the plant. Thus, reducing milk haulage and
handling. This advantage enables the company to ensure that the milk is unpolluted
and of high quality.

• Every batch of milk used for production is subject to stringent quality control
microbiological tests at Dairyland’s well-equipped labs.

• Highly qualified and trained food technologists and quality assurance teams
vigilantly monitor the quality of products at all stages of the production process.

Brand Information

Brand Name

Day Fresh Flavored Milk

Brand name is a Promise. It says you know the name, you can trust the promise.
As all promises, it is trusted only as far as those promises are met. The brands most
valuable asset is its name. (Agrawal, 2012)


“Doodh with an Attitude”

A tag line is a three to seven-word phrase that accompanies your logo. It

expresses your company’s most important benefits and/or what you want your customers
to remember about working with you. (Agrawal, 2012)


PKR: 40-/ (Forty Rupees only)

Brand Flavors

There are four flavors of Day Fresh flavored milk.

Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign

• Chocolate – Let’s date Choco-late

• Pista Zafraan – Dil ki maan Pista Zafraan
• Banana – Make no Bahana just enjoy Banana
• Strawberry – Very Very Straw Berry
Brand Logo

Brand Picture
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign


SWOT Analysis


• Strong Brand image

• Quality Product
• Solid Financial position.
• Strong supply chain network.
• Qualified work force.
• Commitment to High Quality Products.
• Focus on research and development.
• Highly qualified and trained food technologists and quality assurance teams

• The target market of Day Fresh flavored milk is upper-middle and high class
because lower middle and poor class cannot afford to buy UHT milk due to its
premium price.
• Lack of advertising of Day fresh flavored milk product

• Increase the target audience of flavored milk from kids to all ages.
• Growth of processed milk is increasing with 20% annually so Day fresh milk has
the opportunity to capture a large share of market.

• Three main competitors Nestle Milo, Oolala by Good Milk and Flavored milk by
Milk Pak are main threat for Day Fresh flavored milk, especially the Milk Pak is
growing very fast.
• Inflation is getting higher and higher, so the purchasing power of people is
decreasing day by day.
• There is no entry barrier for new entrants as the Milk Pak has come in the market.

Competitive Advantage
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign

• Only dairy company to have its own farm with 100% Australian cows.

• Its flagship brand ‘Day fresh’ is a market leader in the fresh milk category in
southern Pakistan market.

• Its brand equity stands in the top three milk brands in the category.

• The company’s own and controlled cold chain supply system ensures timely and
quality delivery of fresh products.

• Its long-life and ambient milk is distributed at retail level through professional and
strong distributors.

• All of the company’s products are free from hormonal injections.

PEST Analysis

Political Factors

This product has no such political benefits and threats.

Socio-Cultural Factors

Day Fresh Milk can be used for different purposes. It is the thickest milk and its
four different flavored milk have very good in taste which is very popular in kids as well
as adults. It is nutritious and healthy.

Economic Factors

In the current economic situation of Pakistan consumers are looking for the best
quality and quantity for the reasonable price. Our milk has reasonable price while our
quality and quantity are exceptionally good. And it’s packaging is also attractive.

Technological Factors

The Day Fresh company is very good is technology. It has well equipped test labs
for quality control microbiological tests and it has Highly qualified and trained food
technologists. To keep up with the dynamic technology in milk-processing industry, it
keeps itself abreast in research, trying its best to introduce highly advanced equipment. The
company is also active in social networking sites and their official Day Fresh website.
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign

Target Audience

Demographic Segmentation

• The target audience of Day Fresh flavored milk is all age groups, like kids,
teenagers, adults, grandfather\grandmothers, etc.

• Upper and middle-class families, specially focusing on Upper middle class.

Psychographic Segmentation

• Day Fresh’s have segmented the market more towards achievers who are goal-
oriented and focused on their careers.

• Those who are health conscious and prefer health with taste.
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign


Advertising (Creative strategy)

USP (Unique selling point)

A unique selling proposition is what your business stands for. It’s what sets your
business apart from others because of what your business makes a stand about.

In Day Fresh Flavored Milk, the unique selling point is its healthy and tasty, and it
is for all group ages.

The Day Fresh flavored Milk focused on health with taste. This campaign emphasis
flavored milk over the carbohydrate drinks. As carbohydrate drinks contain too much
artificial sugar which causes increased inflammation in the body and raises the blood sugar
levels so through our campaign we highlight this issue and give preference to flavored milk
over drinks.

Campaign Objectives

• Capturing the Market

• To Aware target audience with this brand
• To persuade with advertising campaign
• Providing Quality & Hygienic Products
• To make the product for every group age
• Increasing Pakistan’s Share in Dairy Products
• Maintaining a Profitable business
• Contribute to safe and healthy environment for our country
• To gain brand loyalty
• To make it available everywhere.
Advertising Model

AIDA Model

AIDA stands for attention, interest, desire, and action. It is an acronym used in
marketing and advertising, which helps marketing managers develop effective
communication strategies and communicate with customers in a way that better responds
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign

to their needs and desires. AIDA describes a common list of events that occur when a
consumer views an advertisement. Each letter in the acronym stands for the following:


In our media-filled world, you need to be quick and direct to grab people's
attention. Use powerful words, or a picture that will catch the reader's eye and make them
stop and read what you have to say next.


This is one of the most challenging stages in the AIDA model: You've got the
attention of a chunk of your target audience. Gaining the reader's interest is a deeper
process than grabbing their attention. They will give you a little more time to do it, but
you must stay focused on their needs.


The Interest and Desire parts of the AIDA model go hand-in-hand: As you're
building the reader's interest, you also need to help them understand how what you're
offering can help them in a real way. The main way of doing this is by appealing to their
personal needs and wants.


Finally, be very clear about what action you want your readers to take; for
example, "Visit now for more information" rather than just leaving
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign

people to work out what to do for themselves. Naturally, as organizations move through
each step of the AIDA model, a percentage of initial prospects are lost throughout the
sales cycle.

Brief of Branding


Logo of Day Fresh Milk has not been changed as the present logo is very


Tagline was “Doodh with an Attitude” so the new tagline “Health comes in
Different Flavors” has been suggested that suites with the brand image and campaign


There are four flavors of Day fresh flavored milk, that is Chocolate, Pista &
Zafraan, Banana and Strawberry. The color of brand has not been changed.

Appeal of Advertising

Emotional Appeal has been used for Day Fresh flavored milk advertisement
campaign as it shows the relation between three generations.

Emotional Appeal

An emotional appeal is related to an individual’s psychological and social needs for

purchasing certain products and services. Many consumers are emotionally motivated or
driven to make certain purchases. Advertisers aim to cash in on the emotional appeal and
this works particularly well where there is not much difference between multiple product
brands and its offerings. Emotional appeal includes personal and social aspects.
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign


Media Plan

Media Used to Reach Target Audience

Best media used to create an image of Day Fresh flavored milk among target
audience is Mass media.

Print Media

• Newspapers
• Magazines
Electronic media

The campaign for Day fresh flavored milk will be advertised by using following
electronic mediums;

• Radio
• TV
Digital media

In digital media the best mediums for advertisement of Day fresh flavored milk are;

• Facebook
• Twitter
• Instagram
• Snapchat
• YouTube Ad
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign

• Web banners
Outdoor media

For outdoor advertisement following mediums are best:

• Hoarding
• Pole sign
• Streamers
• Digital streamers
• Digital Hoarding
• Roundabout branding
• Floats activation
• Building wraps
• Bus stand
Point of Sale (POS) media

For POS advertisement these mediums are best:

• Dangler
• Kiosks
• Human Billboards
• Standee
• Shelf dividers
• Shelf headers
TV Creative Strategy and Radio Advertisement

Summary of TV creative strategy

The communicator has launched a campaign for Day fresh flavored milk because it is
popular drink among kids, but they lack in their advertising. The primary target audience
of this campaign is kids and secondary target audience is men and women of all ages of

The shoot of TVC was accomplished in one day. There were some problems that
were faced on the day of shooting due to location and availability of talent that are kid,
his father and grandfather and are essentially required for TVC. The recording of jingle
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign

took 2 days to record. There are also difficulties in editing phase due to some technical

The purpose of making this TVC for the campaign is to promote something healthy with
good taste among kids rather than tasty but unhealthy like carbohydrate drinks.


The Tag line of the campaign is:

“Health Comes in Different Flavors”

Product: Day Fresh Flavored Milk

Location: Indoor (House)

Time: Day time

Duration: One Minute

It is a Jingle based advertisement…

Scene 1: Boy come back home from school with his father and straight go to
kitchen and open fridge to drink something chilled.

‫بچہ گرمی میں اپنے والد کے ساتھ سکول سے گھر واپس آتا ہے اور آتے ہی کچن کی میں جا‬
‫کے کچھ ٹھنڈا تالش کرتا ہے پینے کے لیے۔‬

Scene 2: His father follows him and go to kitchen.

‫بچے کا باپ بھی اس کے پیچھے کچن میں جاتا ہے۔‬

Scene 3: Boy sees carbohydrate drink, he grabs the bottle but suddenly he
sees Day Fresh Flavored milk in fridge. He takes it with happiness on face.

‫ بوتل پکرتا ہے کہ اچانک اس کی نظر پاس پڑے ڈے‬،‫بچہ کاربوہائڈریٹ مشروب دیکھتا ہے‬
‫فرش فلیورڈ ملک پر پڑتی ہے۔ وہ اس کو خوشی سے اٹھا لیتا ہے۔‬

Scene 4: He turns back to drink the milk that suddenly his father comes and
snatch it from him (in naughtiness)
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign

‫بچہ دودھ پکر کے مڑتا ہے کہ اچانک اس کا باپ اس کے پیچھے سے آ کہ شرارت میں بچے‬
‫سے دودہ چھین لیتا ہے۔‬

Scene 5: Boy try to take milk from father but cannot reached to milk box.

‫بچہ باپ سے دودہ لینے کی کوشش کرتا ہے مگر دودہ کے ڈ بے تک نہیں پہنچتا۔‬

Scene 6: Both come near dining table, Father opens the cap to drink milk
that suddenly boy’s grandfather comes and snatch it from father.

‫ باپ دودہ پینے لگتا ہے کی آچانک بچے کا دادا آکر‬،‫دونوں کھانے کی میز کے پاس آجاتے ہیں‬
‫باپ سے دودھ کا ڈبہ چھین لیتا ہے۔‬

Scene 7: Grandfather goes to living room, sit on sofa and drink the milk.

‫دادا صوفے پر جا کے بیٹھتا ہے اور دودہ پی لیتا ہے۔‬

Scene 8: Boy and his father become surprised and look surprisingly towards
each other and then grandfather.

‫بچہ اور باپ حیران ہو جاتے ہیں اور حیرانگی سے ایک دوسرے کی طرف دیکھتے‬
Scene 9: Boy and his father sit on another sofa (Sad face expressions),
Grandfather comes and give Flavored milk to both of them……

‫ دادا ان دونوں کو فلیورڑ‬،‫بچہ اور اس کا باپ اداس شکل کے ساتھ صوفے پر بیٹھ جاتے ہیں‬
‫دودہ دیتا ہے۔‬

Scene 10: They become happy, father hugged the boy and drink it….

‫ اور دونوں خوشی سے دودہ پیتے‬،‫ باپ بچے کو گلے لگاتا ہے‬،‫وہ دونوں خوش ہو جاتے ہیں‬
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign


Timing: 1 min.
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign

Story Boarding

Scene 1: Boy come back home from school with

his father and straight go to kitchen and open fridge
to drink something chilled. Scene 2: His father follows him and go to kitchen.
‫بچہ گرمی میں اپنے والد کے ساتھ سکول سے گھر واپس‬ ‫بچے کا باپ بھی اس کے پیچھے کچن میں جاتا ہے۔‬
‫آتا ہے اور آتے ہی کچن کی میں جا کے کچھ ٹھنڈا تالش‬
‫کرتا ہے پینے کے لیے۔‬

Scene 3: Boy sees carbohydrate drink, he grabs Scene 4: He turns back to drink the milk that suddenly
the bottle but suddenly he sees Day Fresh his father comes and snatch it from him (in
Flavored milk in fridge. He takes it with naughtiness).
happiness on face. ‫بچہ دودھ پکر کے مڑتا ہے کہ اچانک اس کا باپ اس کے‬
‫ بوتل پکرتا ہے کہ‬،‫بچہ کاربوہائڈریٹ مشروب دیکھتا ہے‬ ‫پیچھے سے آ کہ شرارت میں بچے سے دودہ چھین لیتا ہے۔‬
‫اچانک اس کی نظر پاس پڑے ڈے فرش فلیورڈ ملک پر‬
‫پڑتی ہے۔ وہ اس کو خوشی سے اٹھا لیتا ہے۔‬
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign

Scene 6: Both come near dining table, Father opens

Scene 5: Boy try to take milk from father but the cap to drink milk that suddenly boy’s grandfather
cannot reached to milk box. comes and snatch it from father.
‫ باپ دودہ پینے لگتا ہے بچہ باپ سے دودہ لینے کی کوشش کرتا ہے مگر دودہ کے ڈ‬،‫دونوں کھانے کی میز کے پاس آجاتے ہیں‬
‫بے تک نہیں پہنچتا۔‬ ‫کی آچانک بچے کا دادا آکر باپ سے دودھ کا ڈبہ چھین لیتا ہے۔‬

Scene 7: Grandfather goes to living room, sit on Scene 8: Boy and his father become surprised and
sofa and drink the milk. look surprisingly towards each other and then
‫دادا صوفے پر جا کے بیٹھتا ہے اور دودہ پی لیتا ہے۔‬ grandfather.
‫بچہ اور باپ حیران ہو جاتے ہیں اور حیرانگی سے ایک دوسرے‬
‫کی طرف دیکھتے ہیں۔‬

Scene 9: Boy and his father sit on another sofa

(Sad face expressions), Grandfather comes and Scene 10: They become happy, father hugged the boy
give Flavored milk to both of them…… and drink it….
‫بچہ اور اس کا باپ اداس شکل کے ساتھ صوفے پر بیٹھ جاتے‬ ‫ اور‬،‫ باپ بچے کو گلے لگاتا ہے‬،‫وہ دونوں خوش ہو جاتے ہیں‬
‫ دادا ان دونوں کو فلیورڑ دودہ دیتا ہے۔‬،‫ہیں‬ ‫دونوں خوشی سے دودہ پیتے ہیں۔‬
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign

Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign


Determining the Budget Appropriation

An advertising budget is the amount a company set aside for its promotional

activities. Advertising budget is used by a company for marketing the products and services

to the customers. Advertising budget includes money for doing advertising research,

getting creative made, printing material, allocating money to advertising media and

ensuring proper implementation of ad campaigns.

The whole campaign would be allocated the budget of 90,00,000 (Ninety lacs)

rupees for printing, broadcasting and other materials for publicity including activities and


Print media production cost (Newspaper)

Newspaper Size Page Color Days Budget in

/B&W Rs


Dawn 1/4 Front page color Thursday 5,25,000



The Nation 1/4 Front page color Wednesday 3,00,000

Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign

Print media production cost (Magazine)

Magazine Advertisement Page Color/ Days Budget


Young World 1 Mid page color 4,00,000

right side Monday

Kids Today 1 Front page color Thursday 2,00,000


TVC On-Air cost (Media Plan)

Media plan for entertainment channels

Channel Timing Duration of Slots Days Budget


Geo 8:00pm - 1:00 9 per day Alternative 2,10,000

Entertainment 10:00pm days of week

ARY digital 5:00 pm- 1:00 9 per day Alternative 2,00000

7:00 pm days of week

Urdu 1 8:00pm - 1:00 9 per day Alternative 1,80,000

10:00pm days of week

Hum TV 5:00 pm- 1:00 9 per day Alternative 2,40,000

7:00 pm days of week

9XM 8:00pm - 1:00 9 per day Alternative 2,00,000

10:00pm days of week

Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign

Media plan for Kids channels

Channel Timing Duration of Slots Days Budget

ad in Rs

Cartoon 8:00pm - 40 sec 7 per day 3 days in a 1,20,000

Network 10:00pm week

Disney 6:00 pm - 40 sec 6 per day 3 days in a 1,10,000

9:00 pm week

Radio Production Cost

Channel Timings Duration of Slot Days Budget


00:45 10 per day Daily for one 75,000

FM 101 11:00 am to month
1:00 pm

05:00 pm to Daily for one

106.2 Hum 7:00 pm 00:30 10 per day month 80,000
FM (Evening)
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign

BTL Production cost

Budget for digital Media

Digital media includes online advertisement on business and sports sites,

Facebook, mobile theme, Instagram, Twitter and web banners. Here basically the main

focus is on the social sites.

Web banners 25,000

Facebook 3,00,000

Twitter 50,000

Instagram 50,000

YouTube Ads 3,00,000

Outdoor Media

Outdoor branding covers Building wrapping of main buildings at Liberty chowk

and Fortress square. Pole signs on mall road and DHA. Hoarding covers the main area of

Askari society, M M Alam road and Cant area. Roundabout branding was at Liberty

roundabout throughout the campaign.

Budget for outdoor media

Building wrapping 2,00,000

Pole signs 3,00,000

Streamers 2,00,000

Hoardings 4,00,000

Digital Hoarding 6,00,000

Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign

Roundabout branding 3,00,000

Bus Stop branding 4,00,000

Floats 2,00,000

Budget for Point of Sale (POS)

Standees and human billboards at shopping malls and also at the Point of Sale

(POS), danglers, shelf headers, shelf dividers and kiosks also at POS for awareness and


Standee 2,00,000

Human Billboards 3,00,000

Kiosks 2,00,000

Shelf Headers 4,00,000

Shelf Dividers 6,00,000

Danglers 3,00,000

BTL media production cost

Below the line activity (BTL) production cost includes budget of rupees 200,000. In

which promotional material like brochures, pamphlets, Standee, Flex, kiosks will be

designed and execute.

Sales promotion strategy budget

Details of expenditure

Sales Promotion Budget 35,000

Personal selling point

Details of expenditure
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign

Personal selling budget is 90, 000

Public relation/ publicity budget

Details of expenditure

Public relations/publicity budget is 75000

Another expense

Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign



Vehicle Tools
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign

Magazine Advertisement
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign

Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign
Day Fresh Flavored Milk Advertising Campaign

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