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Every Child is Special

This story is all about an 8 year old kid who was suffering an illness called Dyslexia. Dyslexia is a
developmental disorder selectively affecting a chil's ability to learn how to read and write. It is
more often for the boys than girls.

Ishaan Awatshi is a younger of two brothers and a son of a businessman. Unlike the other
children in his age, who are serious in their studies and in doing their homeworks, his creative
side always brings him to day dreaming and thinking.

Ishaan's father decided to sent his son to a boarding school in order him to be decipline. In that
school the kid was felt being unloved, abandon, and rejected. He really had a hard time coping
with his disorder. Until a temporary teacher , Rum Nikumbh comes to the kid's life. This teacher
also suffered the same problem , the same disorder like the case of Ishaan. He understood
what was happening to this boy. Nikumbh gives his full patience to teach how to read and write
and helped him regain or boost his self confidence. Then he noticed that feild of Ishaan where
he excelled , was painting and invention.

Every child is special all we need is to consider them as human not a different people. All we
need is to give them an attention, love, care , and specially a supports coming from their family.

Every teacher plays an important role in the development of his or her students and this one
holds true in the movie of "Every Child is Special" which is all about a boy who was suffered
from an illness and a teacher who really changed his life. A teacher that give his love, patience ,
care and attention. Motivate, understand, and love them are the only need of those special
childs and of'course the supports of their parents because they took their strenghts to the
people who was around them. Don't make them felt that they are different instead treat them a
unique person , a wonderful creature in this world.

Cooperation with student, teacher, and a parents was great. We fully develop not only physically
but we develop intellectually, spiritually, and of'course emotionally. Teachers must have
patience, love , care, kindness and must aware of their intellectual, physical, and emotional
condition because without this they may feel bein unwanted and unworthy that will lead to
their failures.

In all aspects we should treat them as unique because we both know that we are all human and
not a different creature of this world.

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