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Name: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________________

Topic: Forms of Government

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Good luck!
(In other items that has no choices just write the answer on the blank.)
1. All of the following are examples of an authoritarian government EXCEPT: ___________
a. democracy
b. monarch
c. dictatorship
d. totalitarian
2. If a king or queen has complete control over people, the government is called ___________.
a. oligarchy
b. democracy
c. constitutional monarchy
d. absolute monarchy
3. A DESPOT is:
a. any combination or union for some common purpose
b. a young boy; young man
c. an absolute and irresponsible monarch
d. person who believes the teaching of another or who adopts and follows some doctrine
4. __________means the rule of the many than the few.
5. In _________ the ruler wields unlimited power.
a. autocracy
b. democracy
c. republic
d. theocracy
6. Where was Magna Carta signed?
a. England b. France c. Germany d. Italy
7. _______________was a bloodless transfer of power to William and Mary in England.
8. The form of government in the United States is:
a. Monarchy
b. Dictatorship
c. Direct democracy
d. Constitutional Republic
9. What is the form of government in United Kingdom?
a. dictatorship
b. constitutional monarchy
c. military
d. socialism
10. A series of leaders from the same family were called a __________.
a. group
b. partners
c. dynasty
d. colony

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