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The title of the film is “ THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING “

2. jane wilda , Stephen dan brian

3. -) stephen hawking is an unyielding person in reaching ideals and not easy to despair to
reach his doctoral degree
-) Jane wilde is a very patient and never despair of problems in his family

4. the complications in this film are stephen hawking who suffers from motor nervous

disorders in the body causing him paralysis, and loss of motor skills such as talking,

walking and moving, with his limitations not burying his spirit to become a doctor

5. this film takes a lot of settings on campus, park and home

6. Sains , Atom , syaraf motoric , astrofisika , big bang , relativitas

7. The moral value of this story is that no matter what circumstances we face we should not

despair, we must have high persistence.

8. yes, this story is very interesting because in this story we are much in the lesson about

patience, perseverance to achieve the dream and the extraordinary love that is given a

woman who does not look physical.

9. yes, I've found the same story as the story of stephen hawking and jane wilde this in the

real world. where a husband who suffers from motor neurosis that causes him paralyzed so

he can not provide the best for his family, that makes the wife depressed because it was

unable to deal with the situation and prefer to part with her husband.

10. Orientation .

this film tells about the beginning of the meeting stephen and jane at a party event, there

they are mutually mngenal and have an interest in each other. when stephen saw jane with

his friends then stephen approached him and invited him to play kreket on sunday, but

jane refused to attend religious ceremony in church. In the morning, stephen waits for jane

in front of the church, intending to take Jane to lunch at home. Jane Pung accepts stephen's
invitation. There Jane tells stephen's parents that she is a linguistic art student and she

loves artwork by famous artists.


something strange began to be felt when stephen and his friends went by train. Stephen

can not run fast. his health began to decline until a stephen fell when walking.

He has a motor neuron disorder, where stephen will be difficult to move,

breathing swallow and speak. It shook him until he did not want to meet anyone

who meant Jane.


as time goes by, jane begins to lose his spirits, though he does not reveal them. Jane's mother

suggested that she join the church choir to help fill her spare time. there he meets the Jonathan

choir tutor, Jonathan approaches Jane and his family even with stephen hawking, Jane is finally

interested in Jonathan. when jane goes with jonathan. Stephen goes to watch opera. But stephen

experienced a period of crisis and coma. Jane gets help from Elaine who quickly meets the needs

of stephen while jane slowly pulls away from her, until finally Jane and Stephen divorce, after

which Jane marries Jonathan.

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