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Store Information and Display it Using Structure

#include <stdio.h>
struct student
char name[50];
int roll;
float marks;
} s;

int main()
printf("Enter information:\n");

printf("Enter name: ");


printf("Enter roll number: ");

scanf("%d", &s.roll);

printf("Enter marks: ");

scanf("%f", &s.marks);

printf("Displaying Information:\n");

printf("Name: ");

printf("Roll number: %d\n",s.roll);

printf("Marks: %.1f\n", s.marks);

return 0;

Enter information:
Enter name: Jack
Enter roll number: 23
Enter marks: 34.5
Displaying Information:
Name: Jack
Roll number: 23
Marks: 34.5
C Program to Store Information of Students Using Structure
#include <stdio.h>
struct student
char name[50];
int roll;
float marks;
} s[10];

int main()
int i;

printf("Enter information of students:\n");

// storing information
for(i=0; i<10; ++i)
s[i].roll = i+1;

printf("\nFor roll number%d,\n",s[i].roll);

printf("Enter name: ");


printf("Enter marks: ");



printf("Displaying Information:\n\n");
// displaying information
for(i=0; i<10; ++i)
printf("\nRoll number: %d\n",i+1);
printf("Name: ");
printf("Marks: %.1f",s[i].marks);
return 0;

Enter information of students:

For roll number1,

Enter name: Tom
Enter marks: 98

For roll number2,

Enter name: Jerry
Enter marks: 89
Displaying Information:

Roll number: 1
Name: Tom
Marks: 98
calculate mean of three subjects of each person

#include <stdio.h>
#define N 4

struct student{
char name[20];
int eng;
int math;
int phys;
double mean;

static struct student data[]={

{"Jack", 82, 72, 58, 0.0},
{"Young", 77, 82, 79, 0.0},
{"Steeve", 52, 62, 39, 0.0},
{"Mark", 61, 82, 88, 0.0}

int main(void)
int i, j;

// Calculation of mean of three subject

for(i=0; i<N; i++){
data[i].mean = (data[i].eng + data[i].math + data[i].phys)/3.0;

for(i=0; i<N; i++){

printf("%7s: Eng = %3d Math = %3d Phys = %3d:
Mean = %5.1f\n", data[i].name, data[i].eng, data[i].math,
data[i].phys, data[i].mean);

return (0);

(Execution result)
$ ./a.out
Jack: Eng = 82 Math = 72 Phys = 58: Mean = 70.7
Young: Eng = 77 Math = 82 Phys = 79: Mean = 79.3
Steeve: Eng = 52 Math = 62 Phys = 39: Mean = 51.0
Mark: Eng = 61 Math = 82 Phys = 88: Mean = 77.0

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