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Throughout this year I felt like I’ve grown as a person.

I’ve had succeeded and

failed and it made me who I am today. In class we’ve talk about GRIT and what it
means. I realized i’ve showed so much GRIT without even knowing it.
Looking back my greatest strengths of GRIT are zest, endurance, and self
control. These three are good to know in life and I feel like they will really help me
with moving forward too.
I’ve shown Zest many times for example when I first started track I use too hate
it and thought I wouldn't be good at it. After a while of track I started too enjoy it. Looking
back when I first started doing track I never believed I could actually do it so it made me
not like it. Throughout the track season I started to have confidence in myself and I got
better. My times during the track meets kept improving and I started to love track now
it’s one of my favorite sports.
I feel like I’ve always had Endurance. Since I was 7 I knew exactly what I wanted
my career to be and what colleges I want to go too. I’ve always had my life planned out
some things are changing for example when I was 7 I wanted to be a veterinarian but
recently I joined the Jr. Fire Department and now that I see what they do I want to
become a firefighter. But I know where I would like to be in 5 years or even 10 years,
and I feel like that's a good things to know because not a lot of people know where they
want to be in 5-10 years.
I always know what I need to do to be the best I can be and that falls in with self
control. I try to do everything I can to succeed in life and I willing to keep working
forward to doing that. For example on the Fire Department I started in october and I
didn’t know if I was going too learn everything as fast as everyone else because I
started a month late. Sooner or later I was determined to pick up on everything they did
when i wasn’t there. I worked really hard learning the things we did every week plus
what they did when I wasn’t there. After a few weeks i knew everything I needed to
know. I learned how to tie firefighter knots, CPR, and more about the trucks in a week.
And I am proud that I picked up that fast and I feel like that I accomplished/succeeded
To close this together I want to talk about when I’ve failed to show GRIT. I feel
like out of the 4 elements of GRIT I have failed to show Courage. I have failed to show it
because I’m always scared to of judgment, disapproval, and failure. I always feel like I’m
going to be judged over something I say or do especially when I’m talking in front of a
group or crowd. I always think I’m going to be looked at differently if I say something or
do something wrong and that's always in the back of my head. Disapproval and
judgment are big ones to me. For example last semester when I got my report card my
dad opened it. I got home from school and he wanted to talk too me about it that
semester I didn’t get the best grades. My dad’s been always proud of me because I
always got good grades and I never slacked with them, but that day my dad talked to
me the look on his faces made me feel upset because he never has given me that look
before. I am scared to fail and when my dad gave me that look I didn’t know what to
think I failed too him and that upset me, but I knew I had to bring them up. When I talked
to my dad the next day he started to understand that this year I haven’t been able to get
my grades up and I can admit I have been slacking a little more than I should of been.
But for me my grades are a big thing and I am always stressing over them, so my dad
started to understand.
Too conclude this all together GRIT is a good thing to know and it will get you so
much farther in life. I am glad I too learn about GRIT and I’m going to use it as an
example moving forward in life.

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