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00:00 [inaudible]

00:15 Yo Yo, welcome to module number one if the soft way frame. So in this module
we're going to be talking about the core principles of the fuck boy friend you
know the fuck boy frame core principles that are going to lead you, you
understanding this program better and getting yourself off on her right foot. So
few of the things we're going to be looking at in this program for, for this module
are number one, society and societal norms. So we're going to talk about kind of
where society is at regarding dating and what are the societal norms, you know,
norms that you may have to actually break out of if you're going to get success.
Cause you know your traditional way of doing things and you want to break out
of that because you know the traditional way of doing things is not always the
way that gets you success.

00:51 As we'll find out in the next couple of videos, we're also going to look at women
and understand women and what women want. Kind of get to kind of dive into
women's sexuality and kind of expose you to the, I don't want to sound a little
weird, but the truth of you know, what women want and what kind of things
women do, who women are, what drives them, what their motivations are. We
going to look into that. We're also gonna talk about the dating structure, so you
know how you can kind of set up a proper dating life. Um, we're going to get
more into details in that in later modules, but we're going to start off
establishing kind of what the dating structure is like now in society and kind of
how you fit into that role, learning these fuckboy principles. And then we'll also
going to talk about how to navigate your way through the dating food chain.

01:34 If something I called the dating food chain, we're going to look at kind of the
made an or the tears of the guys who win versus the guy who lose and how you
can navigate your way through that well without sacrificing yourself. And then
the final thing is we're gonna look at the dynamics of what is happening socially.
So we're going to go really deep into social dynamics in this module to give you
some insights into, you know, into what is actually happening. So you can kind
of, it sounds a little weird, but you don't step out of the Matrix, a little haze of
not knowing what people are doing and not knowing what drives certain people.
We're going to look a little bit, and just like the psychology of things and more of
the social aspect of things. Okay, so six, eight, let's get started. Let's crack into
this module and do it.

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