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in the
LA River

Evelyn Rojas

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My artwork would have many pictures of
my topic that will represent my topic and
show meaning. My subject is about the L.A
river pollution and how bad it can be
sometimes. The L.A river can have so
much pollution and can affect the animals
that live there. Some days there can be
more trash than other days. I have noticed
that when it rains there is more trash and
the river can look disgusting. When it
doesn't rain the river looks nice and clean
and there are usually a lot of birds.
The tools that can help me make this
interesting is photo shop to make the
picture look more dramatic. It can also help
me fix my pictures for example if my picture
has too much light in it photo shop can help
me fix it. Another thing I would need is a
camera, a camera would help me make the
picture look more professional and make
the picture seem dramatic. Having the
perfect picture is difficult because you have
to make sure you have good lighting, good
angles, and have to make sure the picture
looks clear. Making the picture look good
can be a struggle sometimes.

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What inspired me to do this topic are
the animals, some animals live in the L.A
river and run the risk of getting trash and
getting killed because of that people are the
main reason this is happening because
they throw trash everywhere. People can
change this but they choose not to. If the
people would stop doing this then the river
would be a safe environment for all the
animals. The emotions I would try and
show is sadness, for people can see what
we are doing to the river and the animals.
Also to hope that at least a few people
change their ways of throwing trash in the
My goal as an artist is to change the
way people are destroying our planet.
There is a lot of things people are
destroying by littering for example the
oceans, park, and many other more parts
of the earth. This is helping me reach my
goal because we are starting of small and
helping the river and the animals that live
there. The way people are destroying the
ocean is extremely sad. Many animals are
dying each and everyday because of the
amount of trash.

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Evelyn Rojas was born in Lynwood, CA at

St. Francis Medical Center, on October 16,

2004. She had no experience when she went to

STEAM Legacy High school. Once she entered

STEAM she was assigned photography and

since then she started her photography journey.

She enjoyed working with cameras and enjoyed

taking pictures at different angels. She found it

kind of difficult to fix the lighting and to get the

perfect people. She enjoys photography and is

looking to experience more during this class.and

hopes to one day get her own camera and

practice more taking


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