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Phoebe Chan

IM Period 1, English 11 AP
Week of 11/20/18
● Learn to slow down when I speak
● Record my presentation so I know what the audience hears
● Maybe come up with a better hook
● Find more articles and sources on the effect of CBT on childhood obesity
● Find patient testimonies on using CBT
● Find places where CBT is offered in Howard County
● Continue to work on the patient screening, try to get thirty people per gender
● Once I finish the initial analysis of CBT, start to look onto health insurance policy
● Keep on practicing my presentation so I am ready for the county wide presentation
● Do three more classroom presentations
● Get a fun picture of me at work for the advertising posters

This past week I have done two classroom presentations. The first presentation was in

Senora Goodrich’s class for my fifth period Spanish class. The class was mostly filled with

juniors, including other juniors in the Intern Mentor and Independent Research class. In the

presentation, I went through with my normal memorized speech. I received two critiques. The

first is to make sure that I slowed down as I went. And the second was to be aware that I tend to

get more higher pitched as I speak for a duration of time. The second classroom presentation I

did was for Mr. Blackman’s first period band class, which was filled with all freshmen. The

second time I decided to switch up my speech a little bit because I knew that the attention span

of a freshmen is much shorter than a junior. Ms. Sasser always says to alter the speech to the
audience, so during my presentation I decided to ask to audience questions, instead of just

presenting the information. I do not know if that got them more interested, but it was a different

change in pace for me. Mr. Blackman also noted that I need to slow down and I should state that

BMI stands for body mass index.

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