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Lance Fabery

Professor Batty

26 March 2019

Procrastination, A Modern Epidemic

Many different subgroups of student exist, some are driven for education, others for

social connections, and some not at all. Procrastination affects us in many negative ways by

adding extra stress and anxiety brought on by our desire to succeed and knowledge of who to

blame. Often times students who procrastinate find themselves much more stressed and under

more significant pressure to perform. Although it is a common problem, we have not yet seen

many policies or programs designed to help students fare better, beyond the suggested, but

largely individual changes required. The lack of organized support for people with poor

management skills is problematic, and addressing it is critical to boosting productivity and

morale. Schools should adopt and integrate counselling services provided in a group setting for

students to attend that will create time plans and schedule activities. While it may seem far

fetched, the impact disorganization has on students and working people is enormous.

Observation of the effects of procrastination are seen in statistics and studies.

Procrastination can lead to low self confidence, which can persist and cause hardships

later on in adulthood. While many people would argue that individual changes can solve the

problem, these changes are slow to occur and often, the person who procrastinates does not have

the tools or skills necessary to complete such changes. The community style support of the group

helps ensure people be accountable for their actions. If one person is not doing the work required
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to see positive change the group can support and encourage them. Other added benefits of

community support include the increase in confidence from having praise for effort put, and the

subsiding of individual fear. Individual fear in this case would mean the fear that you are the

only one who suffers with this problem. Essentially knowing others struggle with the same issues

makes one more likely to talk and reason through their problems. Other external support can help

deal with more personal problems like fear of failure or perfectionism, both of which are

apparent major causes of procrastination according to Oxford Learning. Impacts of

procrastination extend beyond just anxiety and doubt.

Physical manifestations of psychological problems become very apparent in those who

procrastinate. Procrastination can lead to unhealthy behavior and, “​affects achievement of goals

creating anxiety (Scher and Nelson, 2002); and causes higher stress, low self-esteem,

depression, cheating, plagiarism, higher use of alcohol, cigarette and caffeine and decreased

ability to maintain healthy self care habits like exercise and eating (Goode, 2008).”(Hussain,

Sultan). These symptoms manifest themselves through coping mechanisms like drug abuse,

or escapism, which often times result in decreased ability for success. The issue of

procrastination is applicable to everyone, but is seen most prominently as a problem and a

threat to overall wellbeing in schools. It has been said that on average anywhere from

46-95% of students procrastinate in some part of their daily routine and habit. In addition to

creating structure, counselling will also be provided to help deal with the stress of daily life.

These can include activities such as advocating for community exercise, running, walking,

hiking in groups, and forms of aggression therapy to help combat anger. Problems with

motivation may be present, but could be lessened with positive reinforcement.

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Positive reinforcement encourages people to do their best as they are the ones who

receive the most benefit. Furthermore, it also allows for continuous visible growth which is

one factor to help encourage people to work harder. Giving up usually occurs because one

feels as if they are stagnant and have not improved or progressed in any noticeable degree.

By creating incentives for people to work harder, such as rewarding them at community

meetings, and inciting they work hard, they will receive better grades. This could make the

difference between finishing work early, or leaving it to the last minute. Implementation of

policies and programs can be done in a large variety of ways from stricter controls to more

lenient, individual help.

Organizations can be especially useful in helping people who procrastinate. One

reinforcing factor of procrastination is the psychological and sociological impacts. On a

social level, procrastinators are called lazy, and immature. This name calling results in a

degradation of self-worth only furthering the lack of motivation. Furthermore, society

perpetuates the idea to “stop complaining”, or “just do it”, without realizing deep rooted

issues. Procrastination dampens the dreams and goals of the aspiring people. Support groups

like Chronic Procrastination.Org have greatly helped in changing the societal image of

procrastination to one of compassion rather than blame. According to Chronic

Procrastination.Org different reasons can vary wildly, but one thing that seems constant is the

rising numbers. The increasingly competitive and specialized job market coupled with

increasing importance of decision making meant that, “​People tend to have "choice paralysis" -

they can't make up their minds.”(Chronic The challenges of procrastination

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are faced by every student or employee at some time, but for those who have become chronic

offenders, the challenges are everyday.

The challenges of procrastination, especially pertaining to the college students

demographic can be somewhat relieved by accomodation and help from counselling services

who create structured and dynamic plans to help one apportion their time the most effectively. In

addition to creating a system of scheduling, positive reinforcement along with incentive based

practices will help motivate young people to finish their work in a timely, efficient, and stress

free manner.
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“Why Do Students Procrastinate? Causes & Tips.” ​Oxford Learning​, 28 Sept. 2017,​.

“The Organization Against Chronic Procrastination.” ​Chronic Procrastination .Org - The

Organization Against Chronic Procrastination,​

“Analysis of Procrastination among University Students.” ​Procedia - Social and

Behavioral Sciences,​ Elsevier, 21 Sept. 2010,

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