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Sedimentological borehole image analysis in clastic rocks: a systematic

approach to interpretation

Reservoir Studies Group, Schlumberger Data Services, Woodlands Drive, Dyce,
Aberdeen A B 2 0ES, U K

Abstract. Detailed study over the four years since the introduction of the Formation
MicroScanner Tool* (FMS) has resulted in the evolution of a systematic interpretation
approach to the extraction of a formal sedimentological description of extensive reservoir
intervals using borehole images in clastic sediments. This approach takes account of
thorough log quality control and the recognition of non-geological artifacts and involves the
integration of the available open hole logs to establish lithology, along with the incorpor-
ation of core or sidewall cores as 'hard' lithological and textural data to ensure interpret-
ation confidence.
The approach is practical and straightforward. However, a workstation provides signifi-
cant advantages to the skilled interpreter compared with a paper-based analysis. After
quality control and recognition of artifact images, five interpretation steps are suggested. (i)
Fine-calibrate open hole logs (conventional lithology indicators) from sidewall and conven-
tional core samples. Enhance lithology recognition using dipmeter resistivity curves. (ii)
Annotate the above lithological information onto FMS images. (iii) Constrain feature
recognition from images using local geological knowledge. (iv) Pick and classify feature
dips, then check dip category validity by generating dip and azimuth histograms. Reclassify
as necessary. (v) Extract relevant sedimentary and lithological data from images 'to
construct a conventional sedimentological facies description.
One of the key aspects of borehole image analysis is the development of an interpreter's
skill in recognizing geological features from microresistivity images. Finally, aspects of core
reconciliation such as depth matching are considered.

The Formation MicroScanner* (FMS) Tool the extraction of sedimentological information

(Lloyd et al. 1986) has been in use in the from borehole images. This approach is suffi-
U.K.C.S for five years. An interpretation ap- ciently flexible to cater for the typically incom-
proach was outlined in Harker et al. (1990), plete nature of hard control data (core), and for
based on initial North Sea interpretation studies the systematic recognition of non-geological im-
which were largely confined to comparisons age artifacts, which is essential to the extraction
within cored intervals. While the basic interpret- of sedimentologically and structurally useful
ation steps outlined in that paper were sound, borehole image data.
new developments and applied experience have
significantly enhanced the quality and detail of Interpretation approach
interpretation results obtained.
Detailed sedimentological studies involving The interpretation flow diagram presented in
the integrated interpretation of FMS images, Fig. 1 combines the original interpretation ap-
conventional dipmeter, open hole logs and cores proach presented in Harker et al. (1990) together
have been carried out in more than 100 wells in with additional improvements presented in this
mainly clastic sediments from the UKCS, Nor- paper. Refinements to the original interpretation
wegian Sector, onshore Europe and the Far East approach can be attributed to four factors: the
since late 1986. These studies were diverse and large number of wells studied, artifact image
varied from mature fields to rank wildcat wells, recognition, workstation benefits and increased
and included a comprehensive range of depo- borehole coverage.
sitional and stratigrap.hic settings. This compre- The additional experience gained from analy-
hensive experience base has allowed the evolu- sis of a large number of wells, many of which
tion of an integrated interpretation approach to offered no core coverage, has reinforced bore-

* Mark of Schlumberger

From HURST,A., GRIFFITHS,C. M. & WORTHINGTON,P. F. (eds), 1992, 31

Geological Applications of Wireline Logs II. Geological Society Special Publication No. 65, pp. 31-42.
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Image Generation

1:500 scale Knowledge
analysis /

conventional facies
of description log

Fig. 1. Formation MicroScanner Tool interpretation flow diagram.

hole image interpretation methodology. The orthogonal coverage (Fig. 2). This trend in
lack of conventional cores in many of these increasing microresistivity-image borehole
studies provided an impetus to push the inter- coverage has continued with the introduction in
pretation of borehole images to their logical 1991 of an eight-pad tool, the fullbore Forma-
limit. The compilation of a systematic review of tion Microlmager* (FMI). In addition to im-
artifact images from microresistivity imaging provements in borehole coverage afforded by
tools and their recognition as presented in new tools, the introduction of borehole image-
Bourke (1989) was an important addition to the interpretation workstations has arguably been
three-level image-grading scheme proposed in the most significant advance in sedimentological
Harker et al. (1990). The introduction of the FMS image interpretation. While a workstation
four-pad Formation MicroScanner Tool at the approach to borehole image interpretation is not
start of 1989 has further improved interpretation indispensable (all background work for the
confidence. By ensuring 'four-way' borehole Harker et al. (1990) paper was carried out on
coverage, this tool has further improved the paper image-plots), the benefits of workstation
visualization of many medium-to-large-scale fea- input to image analysis greatly aids interpret-
tures which were ambiguous with only two-pad ation in terms of data manipulation and accur-
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1 7

Fig. 2. Comparison of borehole pad distribution for the two-pad and four-pad FMS tools and the Formation

acy. It must be stressed, however, that the use of sampling rates of 0.1 inch (0.25 cm). By virtue of
a workstation is not a substitute for the skills the nature of dipmeter resistivity measurement
and knowledge of the interpreter, but an ad- combined with measurement range control
ditional aid to the interpretation process. characteristics, they are very good at highlight-
Additions to the original interpretation meth- ing subtle resistivity variations arising from sedi-
odology are as follows: mentary detail but have limited gross lithological
sensitivity. For example similar resistivity shad-
workstation data manipulation and ing can be observed in images from adjacent
enhancement; sands and shales depending on the composition
integration of open hole and image data; and fluid content of these sediments. It is there-
accurate workstation derived, feature- fore essential to derive lithology from other
classified dip data; wireline logs (e.g. gamma ray, density neutron
re-evaluation of dip classes; etc.) as a supplement to image interpretation.
graphical display of image interpretation. These logs, however, have vertical resolutions
which are 1-2 orders of magnitude less than that
Workstation da.ta manipulation and of FMS images, and must be correlated with
enhancement care.
High sample-rate, open hole logging (e.g. 1.2
A number of workstations suitable for borehole inch compared with the standard 6 inch vertical
image analysis are now available. The work- sample-rate) and application of enhanced resol-
station used in this work was the Formation ution processing techniques are today increas-
MicroScanner Image Examiner* (Boyeldieu & ingly improving the effective vertical resolution
Jeffreys 1988). During the data review, analysis of lithology tools. However, the borehole image
and data presentation stages of a borehole image interpreter is still generally limited to conven-
interpretation, a workstation provides signifi- tional open hole logs. The suggested approach
cant advantages over manual interpretation of to annotating lithological determinations from
paper plots. Specifically, the ability to change (low-resolution) open hole logs onto (high-resol-
presentation scale at will is a significant benefit ution) microresistivity images is hierarchical.
to the visualization of sedimentary features over Firstly boundaries between major lithological or
a wide scale range (Fig. 3). Additionally, the depositional units are identified and annotated
ability to interactively enhance features of on images. Secondly, smaller beds, which ap-
interest is of crucial importance, particularly proach or are smaller than the vertical resolution
where interlamination of beds with strongly con- of open hole logs, can be seen as incomplete log
trasting resistivity or cementation causes a loss inflections. Utilizing local depositional know-
of image contrast (Fig. 4). This loss of contrast is ledge and the nature of the sedimentary detail
characteristic of dynamically normalized images seen on images, the smaller beds can usually be
which are the standard FMS display option for accurately determined. For example, the transit-
large-scale paper image logs. ional shallow marine sandstone in Fig. 5 exhibits
a gradual upward decrease in gamma ray, the
neutron porosity and density logs show an in-
Integration of open hole and image data.
flection towards clay. It is not possible to deter-
Microresistivity imaging tools have extremely mine from open hole logs whether this is a thinly
good vertical resolution, with typical vertical bedded or bioturbation mottled assemblage. The
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i ' O.ZE.TATIO.: !1

ii i, i! :.

I 4886.8 i .... 4885.8


x 2.5


Fig. 3. Illustration of image magnification from a workstation. The magnified interval is indicated with a
black vertical bar. Depths are in feet.

corresponding FMS images reveal both thin and the core log would record a transitional
beds and mottling consistent with bioturbation. facies from sand to bioturbated shaly sands.
In this example, the precise clay content for the Dipmeter resistivity traces (acquired simul-
bed is not interpreted and the top and bottom taneously with the FMS images), form an effec-
contacts are transitional. Cores obtained over tive 'scale bridge' between open hole logs and
this interval would provide a similar description images. Such data can reveal subtle bed bound-
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high accuracy of interactively derived dip data.

The manual approach to determining dip from
inclined planar sufaces which are seen on the
borehole wall is to use a best fit curve match with
a set of 'overlay' sine curves representing a range
of dip magnitudes from 0-90 °. The accuracy of
the overlay technique is poor, particularly in
azimuth, and serves only as a quick-look ap-
proach. By contrast, dip accuracy derived on a
workstation can be considered equivalent to the
orientation specifications of the imaging tool,
which are very precise in azimuth. Interpreter
repeatability can be identified as the main source
of error and is discussed under 'measurement
In addition to accurate dip determination, a
workstation also allows the interpreter to cate-
gorize dip data into separate bedding categories.
Accuracy of dip measurement together with ease
of dip classification are at the heart of recent
interpretation improvements. Dips picked inter-
actively and saved on a workstation in specific
bedding categories provide an important re-
inforcement to feature interpretation and also
assist in subsequent facies classification. After
interactive dip analysis is completed, individual
dip categories can be selected by depth zone or
lithological unit and viewed in sedimentological
The resistive (light shaded) bed above shows little primary context. Generally most useful for single bed-
detail. ding sets are azimuth frequency histograms and
dip magnitude frequency plots. These give the
interpreter an immediate impression of azimuth
modality and dispersion and the range of dip
magnitude. If the data spread and character are
consistent for the bedding type classified then
such data may have directional significance.
When multiple bedding categories are displayed,
colour coded Schmidt plots or Wulff plots are
extremely valuable in illustrating, for example,
bedding dip relative to fractures.
After workstation enhancement more bedding is visible.
A trolagh cross-bedding example (Fig. 7)
provides an illustration of this approach. An
azimuth histogram of picked trough cross beds
Fig. 4. Example of image enhancement in a resistive from a single sedimentary facies would be
(light shading), calcite cemented, cross-bedded expected to have a high degree of azimuth dis-
interval. persion but an obvious unimodal dominant
trend. Clearly, when such an azimuth pattern is
aries and vertical trends which are not recorded seen, the original feature classification gains even
by the open hole logs and such small scale greater interpretation confidence and a reli-
vertical resistivity trends (Fig. 6) may be seen on able transport direction indication. The palaeo-
dipmeter curves but may not be obvious on current significance of dip azimuth patterns for
images. specific bedding types will vary with depositional
environment (Fig. 8).
Accurate workstation derived, feature
classified dip data Re-evaluation of dip classes
A significant advantage of a workstation ap- A great strength of the workstation dip picking
proach to borehole image interpretation is the and classification approach is the re-evaluation
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36 L . T . BOURKE

FMS image

!Q_.O GR (GAPI)150.O~-
-.~45000-- -
-, 1500-


Fig. 5. Images reveal thin bedded sands, sandy lenses and bioturbation mottling. These thinly bedded litholo-
gies are beyond the resolution of the open hole logs.

of dip. Where bedding type is ambiguous, dips the borehole wall, for example, in poorly con-
can be saved in an 'uncertain dip' category and solidated, high permeability sands. Thick mud-
then subsequently reclassified on the basis of cake and formation smearing give rise to mottles
similarity to other sets (in the same lithological on borehole images which are the dominant
setting), or reclassified on the basis of azimuth borehole feature, and which produce scattered
and dip magnitude character. and spurious computed dip. On borehole images
In conventional dipmeter analysis, even with the interpreter can recognize the fainter geologi-
optimized processing selection and a sound ap- cal detail beyond the borehole wall artifacts to
proach to feature selection, there is still a high produce reliable dip data. Examples of these
degree of abstraction in the analytical approach. features are presented in Adams et al. (1990).
The interpreter can never have complete confi- (b) Highly non-planar features may not be
dence in feature recognition, and there are usually detectable by conventional dipmeter processing,
additional dip data arising from geological but using images, an approximate fit can be
'noise', i.e. unknown geological features and obtained to derive a dip and azimuth. In the case
spurious dips. With borehole images, a relatively of non-planar beds such as slump or scour fea-
small manually derived data set can have con- tures, a 10 cm diameter core offers little bedding
siderable significance since only confident dips surface from which to determine the dip of such
are retained in the dataset. Dip data picked medium scale features. When correctly identified
from borehole images are frequently not detected on the borehole wall, these can be extremely
by conventional dip processing at least in the useful palaeocurrent indicators.
following cases. (c) Features which vary in resistivity character
across the borehole will probably not be detected
(a) The bedding feature is not prominent on in conventional computation; a meaningful dip
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Normld 9teded

Fig. 6. Comparison between grain size detail from

core (left) and a corresponding section of dipmeter
resistivity data after Serra 0985).

can be derived from images of a thin bed

which pinches out across the borehole but would
not be determined by dipmeter. Similarly, highly
\ /
irregular or wavy beds can most easily be recog-
nized and picked from borehole images.

Graphical display of image interpretation

Fig. 7. FMS images of cross bedding. The work-
This is a synthesis of all previous interpretative station derived dip data (below) shows unimodal,
steps and is the borehole image equivalent of a moderately scattered azimuths consistent with trough
core description log. The important steps are: cross bedding.
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38 L. T. B O U R K E
(OHMM) 2000 1.95 (G/C3) ~i) 1o INTERPRETATION
45 (PU)

I~ lil]l!........... I I;[ III

IIIIIIIN[[1[: i :..i,:~:.,=' . ~o~ I$ I
!lllllll t[llj ', Ill i'lil l"l ,~lil~f. ji i _ laminated clays

I I IIl[Ifll
!!i!!!!!!! massive sands

[J iiiiiii , I I~]
~,,'~illlllH i i i i u I
I}k'i[l[lll i

!!!!!!![! I lli~l
i ~ t v~ i

: : : i, i

; : : ::::=: i i EJJ i

i i rAI~-

ii iiiiiiiN
ii J t..i, i

ii i Jiiiiii
, 1 1 I" 1
;; I I HIll; slumped facies

:: : :::,.,.:

i i i . ,

:: : ::::=: : : :.J

: : ::::::: i , i/,i

[ i i iiiiii
i; i iiiiil~

; ~ ~ sands & clays
! !!!!!!!! ; ~¢, i

:: : l ::::::: i i hi, -- (a)

........... , , ,,,

~: ~ii / i)i

Image C

Image A Image B (b)

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A. Modeperpendicularto current, e.g. point bar master bedding. B. Bipolar

azimuthalpattern in cross beddingdepositedby unidirectionalcurrents. Small
reverse azimuth spread due to antidune cross bedding. C. Bipolar cross
bedding with axis perpendicularto current flow. e.g. Seif dunes. D. Bimodal
currents withperpendicularmode.e.g. turbiditeerosionstructures and bed top
tractional features.

Fig. 8. Typical azimuth histogram patterns associated with major depositional settings and their relationship
to current direction (after Selley 1976).

bed-by-bed lithology definition; feature recog- limitations of images and the practicality of
nition; dip determination and classification; describing long imaged intervals. A composite
summary of observations on a graphical sedi- display should have the lowest resolution logs on
mentary description log. the left with increasing vertical resolution logs
The lower limit on vertical resolution of resis- towards the right (Fig. 9).
tive features is approximately l cm, which Grain size information will generally be lack-
implies that laminated features such as current ing from such an interpretative log. It is always
ripples with set heights of less than 3cm are possible to distinguish sands, silts and clays
difficult to visualize due to their very fine internal derived from open hole logs particularly where
lamination. By contrast, discrete burrows, minor images have been used to reinforce the textural
slumps and injection features a few centimetres character of the sequence. Percussion sidewall
in height are generally recognizable from their cores can offer very valuable calibration points
outline form. The recognition of individual sedi- in complex lithologies where the presence of
mentary features is aided by delineation of litho- clays, micas or potassium feldspars may cause
logy, recognition of artifact features and the uncertainties in lithological determination.
limitation of interpretation possibilities by use of Some inferences regarding grain size trends
local depositional knowledge. can be added to the lithology curve in the sedi-
A 1:50 scale final sedimentary interpretative mentological interpretation track. In cored inter-
log is probably optimum given the resolution vals in the study well, or from an adjacent well, it

Fig. 9. Typical sedimentological description possible from a submarine fan sequence using borehole image
data. 1:50 scale is a suitable reproduction scale for such composite presentations, 'grain size' curve is notional.
Figure 9b illustrates extracts from the FMS images associated with this interpreted sequence.
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may be possible to establish a 'grain-size rule is very high (maximum variation _+0.2 ~'dip, _+2 °
base' where, for instance, vertical trends in poro- azimuth), the overall error in dip computation
sity at some facies boundaries can be confidently can be considered to be within tolerable limits
tied to a vertical grain-size trend. Similarly, in for detailed palaeocurrent analysis.
some depositional environments, resistivity
ramps on dipmeter curves can relate to vertical
Core reconciliation
grading. This interpreted grain-size information
should be used cautiously since over-interpret- Microrestivity borehole imaging affords the op-
ation can greatly reduce the confidence of sub- portunity to reduce coring and thereby save
sequent workers in the original interpretation. costs. While this does occur in some circum-
When there is significant doubt, grain size infer- stances, this trend has not been observed in
ences should be strictly avoided. North West Europe. In clastic reservoirs where
The final graphical log will generally provide a FMS is being run, there is no obvious reduction
faithful reproduction of medium- to large-scale in coring. Indeed the FMS log is being used in
sedimentary features and some small sedimen- conjunction with cores to extend reservoir char-
tary details. All lithological units should have acterization beyond cored intervals. The oppor-
been recognized and bad data zones highlighted. tunity therefore exists to usefully combine both
Large scale features are generally more readily datasets.
recognized from FMS images than cores due to The combination of sedimentological infor-
the 'aspect' of borehole images in relation to mation from conventional core with that from
cores (Harker et al. 1990). Accurate, feature images is a highly complementary process. Core
specific, dip data from images can greatly rein- provides an effective means of "calibrating"
force feature recognition. In combination with FMS images to increase interpretation confi-
the graphic ,description log, this information dence beyond cored intervals. In the other direc-
ensures a thoroughly integrated (conventional tion, the FMS provides absolute accuracy of
logs, images, cores) sedimentary log with useful core orientation. The reconciliation of core is
bedding- and facies-specific directional data. usually quite straightforward. However, in mas-
sive sands or in zones of highly fragmented core
recovery, reconciliation is simultaneously more
Measurement repeatability
challenging and more useful. A brief discussion
Interactively picked dip data from FMS images of some of the problems of FMS image and core
by workstation provide dip information which reconciliation is presented in Adams et al.
has excellent azimuth accuracy. The main source (1990).
of error arises from the ability of the interpreter Where conventional core is completely absent,
to pick dip planes consistently. or where data thrill outwith cored intervals is
To quantify the accuracy of dip data com- necessary, the use of percussion sidewall cores
puted manually from FMS images using the can provide not only sound lithological control
workstation, a series of tests were run (J. Adams but also textural and sedimentary structure indi-
pers. comm.). These involved three experienced cations. Sidewall cores are of course routinely
FMS interpreters each independently computing described for lithology by biostratigraphic
dips on the same bed boundaries within a cross- companies and often also by the wellsite geolo-
bedded sequence, and repeating the operation. gist. These descriptions do not usually record
Both a 'best-case' and a 'worst-case' example textural or sedimentary structure details and
were tried over the same sequence: the best case subsequently, most of the sample is taken for
using 70% borehole coverage from four runs of palynological or micropalaeontological ana-
a two-pad tool; the worst case using only one lyses. The remaining sample is usually small and
run of the two-pad tool, with 20% coverage often the least representative part of the original
(Fig. 2). plug. It is often possible for a sedimentologist to
The best case gave rise to a reproducibility extract considerable non-destructive infor-
error of _+2.6 ° on dip magnitude, _+ 5.7 ° on dip mation from complete sidewall core samples
azimuth (mean values of standard deviations of (even when recovery is fragmented).
results from one bedding plane, computed six
times; Table l), the worst case has an error of
+2.5 ° on dip magnitude, +7.8 ~: on azimuth
(Table 2). This range of values is similar to One of the major conclusions of this work is that
reproducibility error values quoted for core a suitable geological workstation is an essential
goniometry (Nelson et al. 1987). However, as the part of the complete borehole image evaluation
FMS tool inclinometry and positioning accuracy study where interpretation confidence is maxi-
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Table I. Manually derived cross-bedding dip/azimuth data used in the dip reproducibility test." 'best ease' example

1 2 3 4 5 6 SD dip SD azimuth
27/193 32/128 30/178 31/177 30/I 79 28/203 1.169 9.87
35//216 33/205 36/221 36/219 27/194 24/202 4.67 9.84
25/209 26/208 25/210 27/217 26/213 25/211 0.74 2.98
26/200 25/198 26/205 28/198 27/203 26/206 0.94 3.19
24/198 28/199 29/20l 30/197 28/197 26/198 1.98 1.37
42/199 35/21 l 38/211 38/198 35/208 30/198 3.68 5.93
20/197 23/204 22/210 22/202 19/201 21/205 1.34 3.97
32/227 35/218 30//222 30/224 30/212 28/216 2.19 5.04
31/200 26/206 25/2 l 6 34/204 27/208 30/213 3.13 5.37
25/201 25/178 25/210 28/205 25/198 22/182 1.73 11.73
17/'208 30/203 21/216 25/209 32/206 20//205 5.39 4.14
22/200 26/210 26/202 27/209 24/202 24/203 1.67 3.77
37/191 27/201 39/211 37/206 37/200 26/194 5.24 6.75
Mean values of standard deviations 2.64 5.68

Table 2. Manuall)' derived cross-bedding dip/azimuth data used in the dip reproducibility test." "worst case' example

1 2 3 4 5 6 SD dip SD azimuth
33/189 38/185 33/181 34/184 29/187 30/187 2.91 2.56
39/178 35//180 29/181 31/171 32/171 33/169 3.18 4.79
21/205 22/206 22/197 21/201 21/203 19/215 1.00 5.53
26/191 27/204 24/209 30/186 25/207 28/197 1.97 8.43
28/185 31/200 31/203 29/204 28/177 27/188 1.53 10.12
21/191 18/200 30/199 18/222 19/215 21/194 1.26 l I.10
24/189 24/185 22/178 24/177 23/189 23/175 0.75 5.73
33/206 29/188 25/162 26/162 20/174 29/211 4.04 19.60
26//206 28/217 24/208 21/198 33/216 32/218 4.23 7.20
37/206 27/202 31/209 28/206 27/202 29/206 4.07 2.47
Mean values of standard deviations 2.49 7.76

mized. Such a system should include image provide complete reservoir coverage and high-
enhancement capability to optimize image qual- feature orientation accuracy. The important
ity as well as depth and scale manipulation of underlying message here is that the resulting
image data in real time. The workstation must sedimentological interpretation, as with core
also incorporate interactive manual dip compu- interpretation, is in isolation no more than a
tation with the capability to store picked dip description. Exactly the same sedimentological
data in user defined categories, and the ability to skills are required to generate a subsequent
display this data within the system. Finally, the facies breakdown from the resulting data and
ability to faithfully reproduce picked images and for production or refinement of a conceptual
a continuous log of interpreted images from such depositional model.
a system allows proper documentation of the The time required to extract useful sedimento-
analysis. logical information from borehole images is
As with sedimentological analysis of core comparable to that needed for effective descrip-
data, the systematic description of borehole im- tion of cores, even where a workstation is
ages can provide a detailed graphical sedimen- employed. It is conceptually important to note
tary interpretive log. Unlike cores there can be that there are circumstances where, just as with
areas of increased uncertainty in recognizing cores, a quick answer can be provided by a
small features and determining grain size, how- glance at the data. Detailed sedimentological
ever, in compensation for this shortcoming, given interpretation requires an equally systematic and
good hole conditions, such images generally rigorous interpretation approach.
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Particular acknowledgement should go to the clients of sonal thanks to my colleagues, John Adams and Stuart
Reservoir Studies Group who have provided the op- Buck who have added their own perspectives and
portunity to carry out detailed work in a great variety experience in borehole image analysis over the last two
of depositional and structural settings. I extend per- years.

ADAMS, J. T., BOURKE, L. T. & BUCK, S. G. 1990. gical Applications of Wireline Logs. Geological
Integrating Formation MicroScanner images and Society, London, Special Publication, 48, l1-25.
cores. Oilfield Review, January. LLOYD, P. M., DAHAN, C. & HUTIN, R. 1986. Forma-
BOURKE, L. T. 1989. Recognizing artifact images of the tion imaging with electrical scanning arrays. A
Formation MicroScanner Tool. Transactions of new generation of stratigraphic high resolution
S P W L A 30th Annual Logging Symposium. Paper dipmeter tool. Transactions of SPWLA lOth Euro-
WW. pean Formation Evaluation Symposium. Paper L.
BOYELDIEU, C. & JEFFREYS, P. 1988, Formation Micro- NELSON, R. A., LENNOX, L. C. & WARD, B. J. Jr., 1987,
Scanner: New Developments. Transactions of Oriented core: its use, error and uncertainty.
SPWLA l lth European Evaluation Symposium. AAPG Bulletin, 71, 357 367.
Paper G. SELLEY, R. C. 1976. An hitroduction to Sedimentology.
HARKER, S. D., MCGANN, G. J. BOURKE, L. T. & Academic, London.
ADAMS, J. T. 1990. Methodology of Formation SERRA, O. 1985. Sedimenta O, Environments Ji'om Wire-
Microscanner Tool image interpretation in Clay- line Logs. Schlumberger Publication M-08t030/
more and Scapa Fields (North Sea). In: HURST, SMP-7008.
A., LOVELL, M. A. & MORTON, A. C. (ed s) Geolo-

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