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Contract of the services

Passengers: 3 foreign people

Touristic Service: Cusco & Inca Trail & Puno & Lima in 10 days

Monday June: Lima – Cusco (B)

3.04 p.m. – 4.25 p.m. Flight Lima – Cusco (LA 2043)
4.25 p.m. Transfer from the airport to the hotel

One person:
DIA UNO : Cusco – Huayllabamba (L, D)
5.30 a.m. – 6.00 a.m. Our private transportation and staff will pick you up from
your hotel. We drive to Piscacuchu (2700m/8856ft), a community located on the
82nd kilometer of the Cusco –Machu Picchu railroad, which is the starting point of
the Inca Trail. We begin our hike by crossing the bridge over the Urubamba River
and walking along its left shore as it flows northwest along the Sacred Valley.
Following the trail along a flat terrain, we arrive in Miskay (2800m/9184ft), to then
ascend and finally see, from the tallest part of an overlook, the impressive Inca city
of Llactapata (2650m/8692ft). We continue trekking along the valley created by
the Kusichaca River, gradually climbing for about five hours until we reach the
community of Huayllabamba (3000m/9840ft), where we set our first camp. All
along the way we enjoy spectacular views of the Vilcanota ridge on the opposite
side of the Urubamba River, where the impressive Veronica peak reigns at 5832
meters above sea level. Not to mention the diversity of wild flora and fauna that
can be found all along the valley.
Total distance: 12 km (7,47 miles)
Estimated walking time: 5-6 hours
Maximum altitude point: 3,000 m (9,840 ft)
Campsite altitude: 3,000 m (9,840 ft)

DIA2: Huayllabamba - Pacaymayu (B, L, D)

We wake up at around 6.00 a.m. and after breakfast; we begin the most difficult
part of the trek, which consists of an abrupt and steep ascent that stretches for 9
km. Along this climb, the landscape changes from sierra to puna (a dry and high
area with little vegetation). On the way to the first mountain pass, the Abra
Warmihuañusca (Dead Woman´s Pass – 4200m/13776ft), we may see
domesticated llamas and alpacas grazing on ichu, one of the few plants that grow
at high altitude. We also cross an area of the so called cloud forest, which is the
habitat for many different kinds of birds like hummingbirds and sparrows, and the
Andean bear, which is also called the Spectacled Bear (Tremarctus Ornatus). We
advise that on this day specially, your daypack is well stocked with candies,
chocolates and coca leaves that will keep your sugar level high, and help with
altitude sickness. Immediately after the pass, we descend into the Pacaymayo
valley (3600m/11808ft), where we camp after approximately 7h of hiking.
Total distance: 11 km (6,84 miles)
Estimated walking time: 6-7 hours
Maximum altitude point: 4,200 m (13,776 ft)
Campsite altitude: 3,500 m (11,480 ft)
DIA TRES: Pacaymayu – Phuyupatamarca (B, L, D)
After breakfast we will walk the second pass Abra Runkurakay and the
archaeological complex (3800 m. / 13,022 ft.). After we descend to Sayacmarca
(3624 m. / 11,887 ft.). Finally, we will encamp in our third pass Abra
Phuyupatamarca (3700 m. / 12,136 ft.).
Total distance: 9 km
Estimated walking time: 6 hours
Campsite altitude: 3,580 m (8,692 ft)

DIA 4: Phuyupatamarca - Machu Picchu – Cusco (B, L)

Very early continue our trek down the long descending stone steps that lead us to
Wiñaywayna (2650 m. / 8,692 ft.) and after to Inti Punku or The Sun Gate to Machu
Picchu. We then descend to the control point where we register ourselves and leave
our backpacks. We immediately begin a complete guided tour of the Inca citadel
for 2 hours
Total distance: 13 km
Estimated walking time: 4 hours
Bus down from Machu Picchu to Aguas Calientes
Lunch at Café Inkaterra Restaurant at Machu Picchu Pueblo Hotel*****
3.50 p.m. You have to stay at Aguas Calientes Train Station
4.22 p.m. – 6.10 p.m. Train Expedition Aguas Calientes - Ollantaytambo
6.15 p.m. – 8.00 p.m. Transfer from Ollantaytambo’s train station to your hotel in
Hotel in Cusco

Two people:
DIA 5: Cusco (B)
7.50 a.m. – 8.00 a.m. Pick up from your hotel
8.30 a.m. – 2.30 p.m. Tour Circulars Andenes’ Moray & Maras Salt
Hotel in Cusco

DIA6: Cusco (B)

8.50 a.m. – 9.00 a.m. Pick up from your hotel
9.20 a.m. – 2.30 p.m. South Valley Tour: you will visit Andahuaylilla Church,
Pikillacta pre inca ruins and Inca Water Temple Tipon
Hotel in Cusco

DIA7: Sacred Valley (B, L)

8.00 a.m. – 8.20 a.m. Pick up from your hotel
8.30 a.m. – 4.30 p.m. Sacred Valley Tour: we will visit Ruins Pisac, Urubamba &
Ollantaytambo Temple
Buffet Lunch at Tunupa’s Restaurant in Urubamba
7.00 p.m. – 8.45 p.m. Train Expedition Ollantaytambo - Aguas Calientes
8.50 p.m. Transfer to your hotel, you have to look for a sing with your name in the
train station
9.00 p.m. Briefing whit guide to Machu Picchu
Hotel in Aguas Calientes

DIA8: Machu Picchu (B, L)

You could go up since the first bus at 5.30 a.m.
Bus up from Aguas Calientes to Machu Picchu
Guided tour in the citadel of Machu Picchu for 2 hours
10.00 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. Ascend to Huayna Picchu Mountain (duration 2.5 hours
round trip)
Hotel in Cusco

DIA9: Cusco (B)

1.00 p.m. – 1.15 p.m. Pick up from your hotel
1.30 p.m. – 6.30 p.m. City Tour in Cusco: We will visit the Cathedral, Koricancha,
Saqsayhuaman, Q’enqo, Pukapukara & Tambomachay Temple.
Hotel in Cusco

DIA 10 : Cusco - Puno (B, L)

6.30 a.m. Transfer from the hotel to bus station
7.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. We travel by bus all day from Cusco to Puno and will visit Pukara
Museum, Raqchi Temple and Andahuaylillas Church.
Buffet Lunch in Sicuani
5.00 p.m. Transfer from bus station to the hotel
Hotel in Puno

DIA 11: Puno – Titicaca Lake (D, L, D)

Breakfast in the hotel
Check out in the hotel Intiqa and you have to leave you luggage in the store of the hotel
7.45 a.m. Pick up from your hotel and transfer to the port Puno to take a touristic boat and
go towards the wonders floating Uros islands. Despite the weather they remain living in
artificial islands of Totora, known as the Water Tribe, because they must build its own Islands
regularly, adding new layers of "Totora". Their homes and boats are also made from this
material. After the visit we will continue the journey for two hours to the Amantani Island.
This island is inhabited by Quechua-speaking natives still ruled by their ancient traditions,
whose main occupation is the production of pottery and textils. The positive energy of this
Island is so powerful that it is known as the “Love Island ". Arriving at the island we will taste
a typical lunch, and then go to the ceremonial centers "Pachamama" and "Pachamama",
sacred Andean temples in the region. At night we will stay in the family home enjoying the
hospitality of a typical Amantani home.

DIA 12
After breakfast, we go to Taquile Island, where we will appreciate the typical way of living,
typical, rustic, picturesque, where they even maintain its customs, traditions, religious rituals
and folklore. Also inhabited by Quechua-speaking natives who have developed efficient and
unique social systems, in Taquile town you can taste a typical lunch with fresh fish (included).
4.30 p.m. Return to your hotel in Puno
5.00 p.m. Transfer from the hotel to the airport
7.55 p.m. - 9.29 p.m. Flight Juliaca (Puno) – Lima (LA 2092 – Reserve code: QLETBJ)
9.29 p.m. Transfer of the airport to the hotel
Hotel in Lima

DIA 13
DIA 14
Hotel in Lima

DIA 15
3.00 p.m. Transfer from the hotel in Lima to the airport

We recommended taking:
 A small backpack with a change of clothes for the whole period of the trek
 A big backpack with: Warm clothes, including jacket, fleeces. Thermal clothing is also
recommended, especially for sleeping
 Rain gear (jacket and pants if available) or rain poncho (plastic ponchos can be
purchased in Cusco)
 Swimsuit (if you intend to go to the hot springs in Aguas Calientes)
 Strong footwear, waterproof trekking boots recommended
 Flashlight, camera, films and batteries (batteries consume more quickly under cold
 Hat or cap to protect you from the sun, rain and cold
 Gloves, scarf, handkerchiefs
 Sun block, after-sun cream or hydrating cream for face and body
 Insect repellent – minimum recommended 20% DEET
 Toilet paper
 Personal first-aid kit
 Snacks: biscuits, energy bars, chocolate, raw fruits, muesli, etc.
 Non-disposable canteen (Nalgene type) and water for the first morning. Optionally:
water sterilizing tablets in case you pick up water from streams or rivers along the
route. Otherwise, we provide filtered boiled water, which is safe to drink and has not
reported any health problem so far.
 Cash in soles and/or US
 Obligatory: Passport original
 Optional: walking sticks or poles

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