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Health Opportunities Through Physical Education

Worksheet: Skills for Building Positive Attitudes

Dante Sbarbaro 9PE1 3/29/19
Name: ________________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: ______________

We need to examine our attitudes toward physical activity and determine whether they are mostly
positive or mostly negative. With this information, we can work on changing any negative feelings into
positive ones. We can also find activities that encourage our positive feelings and avoid activities that
bring out our negative feelings.

To analyze your feelings about physical activity, check one box for each of the following statements.

1. Being physically active is a good way to make new friends and be with other people.

✔ Strongly agree ❏ Agree ❏ Disagree ❏ Strongly disagree

2. It’s fun to participate in most kinds of physical activity.

✔ Strongly agree ❏ Agree ❏ Disagree ❏ Strongly disagree

3. Most physical activities are enjoyable because of the challenges they present.

❏ Strongly agree ❏
✔ Agree ❏ Disagree ❏ Strongly disagree

4. I look forward to the rigor of regular exercise or training sessions.

❏ Strongly agree ❏
✔ Agree ❏ Disagree ❏ Strongly disagree

5. I enjoy competition in all kinds of games, sports, and physical activities.

✔ Strongly agree ❏ Agree ❏ Disagree ❏ Strongly disagree

6. One of the real values of physical activity is that it helps me relax.

❏ Strongly agree ❏ Agree

✔ ❏ Disagree ❏ Strongly disagree

7. Regular physical activity improves my appearance.

❏ Strongly agree ❏
✔ Agree ❏ Disagree ❏ Strongly disagree

8. Physical activity improves my health and wellness.

❏ Strongly agree ❏
✔ Agree ❏ Disagree ❏ Strongly disagree

Health Opportunities Through Physical Education
9. It’s hard for me to find time for physical activity on a regular basis.

❏ Strongly agree ❏ Agree ❏

✔ Disagree ❏ Strongly disagree

10. Exercise makes me sweaty, so it’s hard for me to enjoy it.

❏ Strongly agree ❏ Agree ❏ Disagree ❏

✔ Strongly disagree

11. Sometimes I avoid sports because people might laugh at me.

❏ Strongly agree ❏ Agree ❏

✔ Disagree ❏ Strongly disagree

12. Most of my friends do not regularly participate in the physical activities that I enjoy.

❏ Strongly agree ❏
✔ Agree ❏ Disagree ❏ Strongly disagree

13. I am not very good at most sports.

❏ Strongly agree ❏ Agree ❏

✔ Disagree ❏ Strongly disagree

14. Participation in sports and other physical activities makes me nervous.

❏ Strongly agree ❏
✔ Agree ❏ Disagree ❏ Strongly disagree

15. I am already in good condition, so I don’t need to do more exercise.

❏ Strongly agree ❏ Agree ❏

✔ Disagree ❏ Strongly disagree

16. Most of the time I feel too tired to be physically active.

❏ Strongly agree ❏ Agree ❏

✔ Disagree ❏ Strongly disagree

For all 16 statements, score yourself this way:

[4] Strongly agree [3] Agree [2] Disagree [1] Strongly disagree

Now add your scores for 1 through 8 and your scores for 9 through 16.

__________ Total score for 1 through 8

__________ Total score for 9 through 16

Health Opportunities Through Physical Education
Rating Scale
Positive attitudes Negative attitudes
(total score for 1-8) (total score for 9-16)
Very high 28-32 28-32
High ●
24-27 24-27
Medium 20-23 20-23
Low Below 20 ● 20

Circle your positive and negative scores on the rating scale. Which score is higher? A higher positive
score means you are more likely to participate regularly in physical activity. However, even if your
positive score is higher, a high negative score can limit the likelihood of your being active.

Action Strategies
Comparing your positive and negative scores on the rating scale will indicate what influences your
participation in physical activities. Here are some strategies for building positive attitudes:

Determine which attitude most influences your actions.

Work on improving one attitude at a time.
Review the questionnaire to determine which situations cause you to have positive or negative
responses to physical activity.
Make a decision to think and act with a positive attitude.

Discuss Your Results

Write your plan for increasing your positive attitudes and reducing your negative attitudes.
I want to continue to exercise regularaly and try a wide variety of physical activities such as surfing, ru
nning, and golfing. I want to make sure that I don't get bored with physical activities and even get outsi
de during school. I want to get outside and run around at lunch and afterschool, as opposed to staying
 inside and playing video games. I will also shower after PE and bring a towel to dry off so that I have 
no excuses for trying not to sweat and being active in PE.

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