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Woman up

A few years ago, I witnessed a domestic abuse

Don’t worry. It’s not my mom and dad.

It was That was not a normal Sunday afternoon.

This couple was having an argument. He finally came out of his entertainment room and
He wanted the baby to take a nap after he spent hours and hours, days and days on his computer
and phone
He said he was working
But god knows what he was doing in that small dim greasy room.
The short black whiskers were gradually growing and covered the rest of his chin.
The scent of cigarettes on him was roaming in the living room and invaded every corner of the in
this house.
Beer bottles were rolling on the floor with clear crisp sounds.
He smelled smelt like shit.
Now he wanted to spend some “quality” time with the baby.

She hadn’t showered in two days.

The baby was just one-month-old.
The baby was tiny and delicate and needed her 200% attention.
Every single minute of these in this two days was were excruciating.
The tiredness and weariness were eating her body alive, inside out.
She was sitting on the couch passively and stuffed that milk bottle in the baby’s mouth.
Like a robot.

He stood in front of her, staring at her.

“Let’s have this baby take a nap.”
“No, this baby needs to eat first. She hasn’t had anything since she woke up this morning.”
“What do you know, woman? This baby needs his nap right now!”
“I’m going to feed this baby first. It’s not up to you to decide.”
“Bitch!” he slapped her in her face
“Give me my fucking baby.”
He hit her again
He grabbed the baby like a big wrapped cabbage and walked directly to the bedroom.
Didn’t even turn his head back to check on his wife.

Her hair was messy like a bird’s nest after he hit her.
The red rash on her face was screaming at her with pain, humiliation, and indignity.
She was sobbing, but she was keeping it down to not let her husband hear her.
She held the milk bottle, looking at it like her soul had been taken away.
This baby was her soul and only hope.

I saw this pain, humiliation, and indignity.

I was shocked and speechless
And I had never felt this helpless before.
How did he dare to hit a woman in her face and turn his body away like a cold-blooded animal?
How did he have the guts to treat a his family member like some homeless dogs? kick them
humiliate them and not take the responsibility?
The higher amount of testosterone didn’t make the decisive impact on his abusive behavior.
Anything can’t change the fact that he did such an unforgivable thing.

But women,
You can stand up for yourselves.
We have the right to advocate for ourselves
Advocate for fairness.
You are welcome and encouraged to share your pain with others so that we can fight for
You are not alone.

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