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Effective Use of a Breast Pump With Hipnobreast Feeding

Woman are blessed by The Almight God to conceive, give birth, and breastfeed. The
nature given to the woman is characterized by the existence of its reproductive organs, such
as uterus where the fetus grows and develops in the womb, breasts which breastfeed milk is
produced so that the mother can breastfeed her baby at the beginning of childbirth. It means
that all women have the potential to breastfeed their babies, just as their potential to conceive
and deliver (Perinesia, 2010).
Nowadays, mother who’s have a lot job so complicated between his carrier and his
baby so, some mother should turn to their work and leave her baby.
A breast pump is a mechanical device that lactating women use to extract milk from
their breasts. They may be manual devices powered by hand or foot movements or electrical
devices powered by batteries or electricity from the grid. A breast pump may also be used to
stimulate lactation for women with a low milk supply or those who have not just given birth.
Not only breast pump that we have Hypnobreastfeeding help mothers to ensure that
mothers can continue breastfeeding. Hypnobreastfeeding are relaxation techniques to help
smooth the process of breastfeeding .
Now, we are here will combined Breast pump and Hypnobreastfeeding to getting the
effective use of a breast pump. How to use breast pump with hypnobreastfeeding techniques :
1. Wash your hands before beginning the session. Stay calm and relaxed. Practice deep
breathing if required. Have a good snack before and during the pumping session.
Stay hydrated and think about your baby.
2. Clean up your breast pump kit before and your breast too use wet wippes.
3. Sit in your comfortable breastfeeding position with your shoulders relaxed and you
can play your favorite music. Massage your breasts before beginning.
4. Pick the breast phalange from the kit. Ensure it is the right size. Place the phalange
correctly at the centre of your nipple and press it lightly against your breast.
Maintain a distance between your nipple and the wall of the phalange. Adjust it
carefully so that you do not pinch yourself.
5. Dont forget to give sentences positive affirmations that help breastfeeding when
mothers are relaxed or very concentrated on one thing.
6. Once you see milk dripping, continue to pump the breasts for 10 to 15 minutes. If
you are pumping both the breasts, switch between them every 5 minutes.
7. Wash your hands after the session. Remember to clean all the parts of the pump kit
Getting used to a breast pump takes time. It may feel a bit odd in the beginning, but
the process becomes quick and simple with practice.A good pump does not cause pain if used
the correct way. Hence, it is important to learn the usage process before attempting it.
A Little Action Of Parents To Teach About Sex Education For Children

Sex education in the eyes of some parents may sound a little taboo to be taught to their
children, which is becoming an epidemic problem for Indonesia for the past decade.

Sex education is very important to be taught for the benefits of the children themselves, so
that they can avoid sexual diseases and other problems.

Dr. Boyke Dian Nugraha, a well-known Indonesian sexologist, revealed that parents are still
confused about how to teach proper sexual education to their children. As a result of their
lack of awareness, the importance of sex education, Dr. Boyke mentioned that at least
between 40 to 60 percent of children between the age of 13 to 18 in Indonesia have done
sexual intercourse.

It is necessary to give children sex education to get a clearer understanding about both their
own bodies and sexuality in order to be able to avoid and protect themselves from sexual
violence or harassment. Many of the parents I interviewed admit that there are still a lot of
things that they don’t understand and also they are confused how to educate their children to
protect themself. So we will talk about a little things to make your children understand about
sex education :

1. Parents should give a child with polite dress, for example for girls dont give your
child hot pants, short dress, bikini,etc. In fornt all of peoples, child will be know what
is better for themself.
2. Make some song to educate your child. Nowadays some of people take some media to
be effective while teach a child, their can be fast and have long memorize to
remember that song.
3. Teach your child how to communicate and make good connection with another.
4. Teach your child how their attitudes between a boy and girl.
5. Parent should make their children to open what happened in their life. We as parents
can contol our child.

Hopefully in the coming future, with the proper teaching about sex and planned parenthood
to the children in Indonesia, a bright future will lie ahead to them and bring Indonesia to a
much better place with its quality citizens, who is hospitable, knowledgeable, and morally

Once upon a time there lived a very wealthy woman in a small village. She lived with her
daughter in a very big house .But,she was very greedy so people called her Bagenda Endit,
the greedy wealthy woman.

“Ha…ha…ha I’m the richest woman in this village. all these wealth are mine. No one
can take even a little cent from me.I have all of these by my own. So why do I have to share
the things with the other?” That was what she thought about. She didn’t care about people
around her,although they were very poor and were starving.

One day, a very old woman came to her and asked for help.She said,” Bagenda Endit,
please help me. My grandson and I never has any food for days. We are starving”. Bagenda
Endit replaid ”Hi, the ugly old woman! I don’t care with you or your grandson. Whether you
are starving or even dying, it is not my business get away from me!.” The old woman didn’t
move from Bagenda Endit sight, so Bagenda Endit sprayed the woman with some water. The
old woman got wet,but Bagenda Endit was so cruel. She didnt feel little sorry to the old
woman. So,She forced the old woman to get out of her yard.

A few days later,her daughter had Bithday party.Then, a very old man came to her with a
stick and asked for some water. “Bagenda, please give me some water. I am so thirsty. If you
don’t mind I’ll take the water from your well.” Asked the old man.

“Hey, the poor old man. I don’t want you to take my water. Any drops of my water is only
for me. No one can take any of them. Go away!”said Bagenda Endit.Then,the old man
said,”Bagenda Endit, if you don’t want to loose any drop of your water.I want you to take this
stick!”bagenda endit replied,”do you think i cant do it?”then,she took the stick but its was
dificult. “oh nyai endit you cant do it because your stingy !now,I’ll give you punishmen!”.

After that he pull a stik out of the ground and the water came o\ut bursted into the air.Baginda
endit was shocked ”OMG my whealthy hey help me help me!” Bagenda Endit was drowned
with all of her wealthy.Finally, the water swept all over the village and it became a beautifull
lake. Now,People called it Situ Bagendit.

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