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Kevin Santillan

English 103

Professor Granillo

29 May 2019


My biggest strength when doing my multimodal project was having the set commercial

and my analysis already but I would also say being able to think creatively. Since i already knew

what I wanted to do right from the start it was only a matter of executing my idea into reality.

Another thing that played to my strength was having my cousins who are computer wiz’s and

very artistic to help me bring this idea I had thought and drawn up to life.

Challenges that I had faced while doing my multimodal project was only having a week

to do everything, my packed schedule, and not being able to execute my first idea. I had found it

very difficult to execute my first idea which was the gameboard in the shape of the Michelob

Ultra beer bottle but I found myself not having enough time as I wanted to produce my vision. I

had also struggled coming up with the gameboard squares and questions for the game players get

when throughout the course of the game. My schedule played a huge factor in me changing what

I was going to put forth because I had school in the morning and work in the afternoon till 9/10

which left little time. Lastly, I faced the challenge of being sick and not being able to do my own

asmr with my voice because I couldn’t stop coughing throughout recording my voiceovers.

After doing this multimodal project I hope that I am able to use these skill in the real

world. What I mean with that is that I hope I am able to go out anf be able to analyze things

through different lens and tie them all together with the main goal.

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