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Jonathan DeMik

Professor Granillo

English 103

28 May 2019

Multimodal Outline

For my multimodal project, I intend to create a powerpoint that explains the argument. To

do so, I will lay out the powerpoint in a creative fashion, with screenshots from the ad to get my

point across. I will cover the multiple points of the argument by using roughly five slides per

main topic point. The argument will be stated in a different format than my essay and will use

new creative techniques. I want to structure the argument in a powerpoint to resemble a

professors lecture, but have so comedic value in it as well, with witty lines, and addressing some

of the well-placed humor behind the advertisement to retain a light-spirited tone.

Slides 1-5: Cover the premise of the advertisement and the modified thesis

Slides 6-10 (maybe more): Cover the initial argument of the essay, which is the rhetoric

Slides: 11-15: Discuss the new application of the lense of Marxism(subject to change upon

further analysis)

Slides 16-20) Conclusion, closing words

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