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Caruso 1

Cary Caruso

Professor Granillo

English 103

28 May 2019

Multimodal Annotated Bibliography

Browne, M. Neil, and Stuart M. Keeley. ​Asking the Right Questions.​ Prentice-Hall, 1981. pp.


This book was used towards the project to define the use of a glittering generalization as

the logical fallacy found within the Gillette commercial. It provides what a glittering

generalization is and then an example of one. In Gillettes case, they use vague statistics

and try to use emotional appealing words such as sexual harassment to build guilt to

support their claim.

Deal, David. “Gillette Strives to Be the Best That Companies Can Be.” ​Medium,​ Medium, 16

Jan. 2019,


David Deal states that the commercial “The Best Men Can Be” provides ethos, of respect,

accountability, and role modeling which Gillette then stated that they would donate one

million dollars annually to causes designed to help men be the best they can, ensure the

three ethos, and continuing to keep male behavior on social media to try and improve
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standards. This will be used in my project as I show where their ethos argument

throughout the clips where it can be directly seen as evidence.

Docimo, Katherine, and Kristy Littlehale. “The Rhetorical Triangle: Ethos, Pathos, Logos.”

StoryboardThat,​ ​​.

This is the website I used to use as the titles for pathos, logos, and ethos through the

presentation and what I used to define the terms. They were simple definitions and

defined all three with examples which made it easy to define and give examples of.

Gillette. “We Believe: The Best Men Can Be | Gillette (Short Film)” ​Youtube​, 13 Jan. 2019,​.

This is the 2019 Super Bowl commercial made by Gillette which is what both my essay

one and multimodal project is based on. The advertisers are using the claim that toxic

masculinity is bad and there needs to be changes with society as it has been going on for

far too long. The feminist criticism could be applied to this video such as the male gaze

throughout the office scene. In addition, I will be using the phrases “boys will be boys” to

emphasize the ethos argument they make. Lastly, the scenes relating bullying, sexual

harassment, and toxic masculinity to men to explain the argument of pathos.

Mulvey, Laura. “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema” 1975. PDF file.

A theorist explaining the male gaze and I will be using this and applying it to my project.

There is a scene relating to what she explains in her essay which I am incorporating into

my presentation to prove that Gillette can be seen through a feminist lens.

Tyson, Lois. ​Critical Theory Today: a User-Friendly Guide​. 3rd ed., Routledge, 2015.​ pp.

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This book was used as a base definition when looking through a feminist lens. It also has

primary sources which can be used for the project. This book was used to find what I am

going to be writing about and what I am looking for throughout the Gillette commercial.

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