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1. Not exceptional in any way especially in quality or ability or size or degree; 2. Lacking special
distinction, rank, or status; commonly encountered.

1. Beyond what is ordinary or usual; highly unusual or exceptional or remarkable; "an
extraordinary achievement"; 2. Far more than usual or expected;

In order to reach our team’s highest potential, it is going to require an “extra” commitment and
high expectations. Nobody dreams about being merely ordinary! The difference that will help
the COUGARS become EXTRAORDINARY, rather than ordinary, is doing all the “extra”
things that average and ordinary people and teams do not. In order to be ready for varsity
competition, we are encouraging each COUGAR football player to put in some “extra” effort
during the off-season, including in the classroom.

In order to be reach our potential, our goal for each COUGAR football player, is to earn at least
150 “COUGAR CHAMPIONSHIPS COMMITMENT POINTS”. To qualify for the possibility
of becoming a captain, a minimum of 175 points must be earned. Any athlete that earns 200 or
more points and completes the season, will automatically earn a varsity letter.

Ways to earn points:

30 pts: a 2nd additional LHS sport completed since last football season. (3 sport athlete)
20 pts: attending team camp
20 pts: attending ALL spring practices
20 pts: 4.0 semester GPA
15 Pts: 3.5+ semester GPA
15 pts: an additional LHS sport completed since last football season, or any LMS sport.
15 pts: Top seller for Cookie Dough or COUGAR CARD fundraisers
10 Pts: Helping Coach an LYFAA team for their entire season.
10 Pts: Attending “Trench Camp”
10 pts: 2nd & 3rd sellers for Cookie Dough or COUGAR CARD fundraisers
10 pts: playing arena football
10 pts: attending ALL 4 Youth Camp practices
10 pts: 3.0+ semester GPA
5 pts: combines/camps attended, other than CWU team camp
5 pts: meeting individual Cookie Dough or COUGAR CARD fundraising goal
5 pts: Helping volunteer at the Hole in the Wall XC meet
5 pts: attending Booster Club fundraisers, (car washes, zumba, etc.)
5 pts: Attending Passing tournaments & Lineman challenges
3 pts: Position specific trainings
1.5 pts: attending pre-season team meetings
1.5 pts: each weight room session attended
1 pt: individual spring practices
1 pt: individual Youth Camp practice attendance
1 pt: extra conditioning before or after practices.

Ordinary teams are quickly forgotten. If you want to leave a legacy, you must seize each
moment! Put in the “extra” effort! Our time is NOW! Become EXTRAORDINARY!!!


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