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Junior Reflection

Although junior year was one of the years I received great grades it was also one of the

hardest years.Junior year was the first year I decided to take an AP class .It was also the year I

was put in probation for AVID due to my bad grade in math during Sophomore year .So I for

sure had to pass math with a C or better.I started to get overwhelmed this year because this

was the year where I had to get my things together because it was the year before senior year

and after that we head off the college.

Deciding to take AP Chemistry wasn’t a regret it was just a sour spoonful of reality of what

college is gonna be like.The summer work was nothing for me because I’m used to the summer

assignments from previous years taking history to have an open class during school. It was

more so of having the homework done and passing the test throughout the whole school year

but staying after school with study buddies helped me finish my homework and study. Allowing

me to have a decent grade in my first AP class.Same goes for math I started reading my math

book and started to watch videos and I got the concept way better and I’m glad with my grade in

there.As in for getting my things ready for next year,I think I got that in order.I have one free

period due to how I managed my classes for the past 3 years and I also decided to take 4 more

AP classes for next year .

A life lesson junior year has taught me is to have patience with people when working in group

projects.This year was the the year where I worked more in group projects and were I had to

test my patience.For example,this year I had many arrangements to do in Advance Floral that

required me to interact and share with people.Also this year in AP chemistry we had many labs

that required working with your partner.For forensic I had to work with a team and we all had
jobs to do but most of the time they didn’t take it seriously and I just had to breath and tell them

to keep working.But the time it was really tested was in Forensic during the group project where

we had to build our own crime scene and we didn’t agree on whether to add a certain item or

not.What I did was take vote and decided to keep the item in the scene.

As stated Junior year was hard and I couldn’t get it done without the help of my mom,Yesenia

Becerra ,and Kathy Vargas.My mother has helped me beyond just from giving me a roof over

my head , clothing me and feeding me.She has given me advice on what do in life and what not

to do for example,she has told me not to hang with the wrong crowd because mos time your

“friends” are the ones who will direct you in the wrong path.She has also changed her schedule

in order for me to stay after school and study.As for Yesenia ,she is my friend who I met last

year in floral and close to her because of chemistry our bond grew strong so strong that we

decided to take AP chemistry together.She has helped me get through junior year by staying

with me after school for hours to study and finish homework if it wasn't for her my grade in AP

chemistry would have been something I didn't want.Last but not least Kathy Vargas she is one

of my best friends if not my only best friend.She is a cheerleader is involved in FFA as well as

two other supports and next year she will be in leadership as rally commissioner .Kathy is a

very involved student and she encourages me to get out there.She encouraged me to be in the

FFA Floral team and as well to do cross country next year.She has been the person I can go to

and talk about next year schedule and what to do in order to be more out there.Those are the

people that made Junior year bearable.

The most I’m proud of is getting a 3.5 or higher or my semester grade junior year.I’ve never had

great grades like I did this year and I’m proud of that because I worked really hard for them .I
stressed throughout the year for them .I had stayed after school to study I even sacrificed my

fun time to do homework .I’m also proud with the friends I’ve made this year.I got more

comfortable with speaking that in my classes where I don’t know people I am the one that

sparks the conversation.

The most helpful AVID lessons is being organized and to take advantage of my time.AVID has

taught me to be organized by having binder checks every friday .It helped me know where each

assignment for all my classes as well as to always have extra paper ,pen,and pencils.To take

advantage of time was because it taught me to not waste time.This year we had time to fill out

forms and all as well as we didn't have office hours like last year so this year I had to really use

my time wisely in class.

Even though I didn't accomplish my SMART goals I still managed to work and get decent

grades .I still followed my plans on how to accomplish it.Like I did my missing assignments and

I went in to ask for help.The only thing that held me back was my absences. But I still had no

more than 5 missing assignments at once,

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