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System Administrator

Units Create button should be inactive unless all the required fileds are filled

Unit shouldn't be created unless required fileds are filled

Units shouldn't have similar name or code

System User

Planning Once the user makes the plan, the assignment shouldn't appear
Units Creation (System Admin) Create button should be inactive unless all the required fileds are filled

Unit shouldn't be created unless required fileds are filled

Units shouldn't have similar name or code

Parent selection doesn't work on first round

Acccount Creation (Admin/user) Terms and conditions Agreement validation

Invitation ( Admin) Unit assignment and Invite doesn't work

Planning (System user) Once the user makes the plan, the assignment shouldn't appear

Strategic workbook (Results) Result End date calender is limited to 2010 and 2011 only

Result Element Element is invisible

Initiative Creation Couldn't select strategic objective so as creating initiative element is impossible

Strategic objective cascading KPIs need not be displayed in the tree

Result (Actual target ) Doesn't display actual target form

Result (Objective's KPI) Target setting doesn't get displayed

Operational Plan Tag one's operational plan tag setting apppears in the others as well

Initiative and work level Doesn't work unless saved again

Work - Activity planning (Planner) Save doesn't work

Result and Objective (KPI Creation)

Output and workstream (KPI creation) Create button either doesn't work/ message doesn't get displayed about successfully creation

Result KPI target setting (User/Planning) Gets hide when activity planning for workstream is clicked
d fileds are filled


't appear

ve element is impossible

et displayed about successfully creation

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