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Hi Ian,

I hope all is well.

Has anyone told 9Ks owner that I did online teaching here?

Mylene and I had a couple of disagreements about IELTS stuff, and now I realized she has taken every
single thing personally.

During the meeting I disagreed and was against training students 3-6 months. Take a look at researches
and IELTS related studies, this type of exam is skill training, which means that, training doesn’t have to
be that long. Reading Sub-test in IELTS for example, it sounds absurd that students are taught not to
read passages word for word, they only need to read first few sentences which contain the main idea
and last few sentences that contain the summary. The rest they have to scan and look for keywords.

I apologize for this email, but today, she has destroyed my credibility as a worker.

I should have not been surprised. Her pushing me to come up with another name, an alias should have
served as a warning. Her representation of Anna’s financial demands even if it’s too much for a startup
company should have served as a warning too. In our exchanges, she asks for internet fee, laptop,
electricity, aircon fee, and nanny’s fee and travel allowances. She has asked me how much online training
costs per hour overtime, I said 250. Guess what she said to Anna, at 500pesos.

She’s requested materials for IELTS which are not yet needed. She’s keeps telling everyone that she’s
trained me in Cebu but there was no training at all. When she mentioned she has the material for IELTS
that’s exclusive for IANs, that is not also true, in fact every material including her modified descriptors are
found online. What IELTS materials does she have/ that everyone has, that are not found online? What
is she supposed to train in Manila when we have sent recordings and writing outputs and she did not even
bother reviewing for feedback?

The other day, I have asked Jovan for new batch of online students but she informed me that all
students were given to Anna because Mylene is the one deciding, surprisingly, Anna had to transfer two
nurses to me because she cannot accommodate while in GenSan. She was not even able to finish
assessment in 3 days. What is going on?

We are all professionals. I want straightforward answers, if I am to get fired, just tell me professionally
not this way - telling people distorted stories, destroying my credibility as a person.

I have worked 10 years in different companies. I have handled teams, I have been a team member
myself too, but it’s my first time to be working with a highly-emotional individual.

I am not happy with her. I’d rather have Jovan as my head who is output driven.

Thank you.

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