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Madeline Johnston



22 March 2019

Integrity Analogy

Structure: An analog clock’s internal gears correlate to my work in my life. A clock

needs gears in order to function and keep going, like how I need myself and my work in order to

keep going in life. Those gears work hard to keep the hands turning, representing me trying to

work hard to go far in life. I always learned when I was younger that working hard gets you far

in life, and no one but you can make yourself work hard. The hard work that I do is a necessity

for my future.

Style: The uniqueness in my life is represented by the uniqueness of the face of a clock.

Analog clocks come in all type of styles, and the stylistic choice of the clock represents my

creativity and artisticness. All my life I have been relatively creative, whether it be drawing,

music, or stories, etc. When I was younger, I used to do ballet and piano, and then as I grew up I

transitioned into art. Now, I mostly respect other peoples art and musical talents, I don’t partake

as much. I still consider myself creative though. My creativity is represented by the creativity of

all analog clocks; some clocks are the classic white and black or red, and some have different

stylized numbers or a big picture on the face. Just like how all clocks are unique by their

creativity, so is my life.

Cohesion: The whole role of a clock is to count and keep track of time. The ticking time

of a clock relates to the importance of downtime in my life. I am not a stressful person, but I owe
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that all to the fact that I have some downtime at the end of the day. Downtime is a very important

role in my life because it makes me feel complete and whole once I have had it. The clock is

whole once it is able to count time. I am able to function properly because of the small time I set

aside for myself to be able to sit down and relax at the end of the day. Downtime completes my

life, like how being able to count time completes the clocks life and function.

Strength: What makes a strong clock is the way it counts time, also known as its hands.

The hands of a clock are like the hobbies I do, in that they both make us stress-free. The hands

on a clock is a stress-free way of keeping track of time; because of those hands, we know the

hour, minute, and second the moment we look at the clock. I am stress-free because of the

hobbies I do to occupy myself. I enjoy reading, listening to music, browsing the web, but what

keeps me the most sound is my volunteer work with Feline Underground Rescue. I have been

there for over a year, and it is a nice thing to look forward to every Thursday. Watching and

taking care of cats in need help me destress near the end of the week and helps me to relax. The

hands making the clock stress-free is like how the hobbies and volunteer work I do help me be

stress-free as well.

Durability: The hours on a clock relates to my self-motivation. An hour is known to last a

long time, like how my self-motivation keeps me going and keeps me working towards my

future. I have always been self-motivated ever since I was a child. As a child, I have always been

motivated to go far in life. My self-motivation is a guarantee for me going far because my

motivation won’t let me stop until I am far in life; my motivation keeps me on track and makes

sure that I won’t stop. Like how an hour won’t stop until 60 minutes have passed, my motivation

won’t let me quit until I reach the destination I want.

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Direction: Like how an analog clock has a battery to keep moving, what keeps me

moving towards the future is my family. They have always been there empowering me to go far

in life, telling me how excited they are to see me succeed in the future. Their excitement fills me

with energy and keeps me moving like how the battery keeps the clock moving. Seeing my

family eager for me to move on in life motivates me even more, and I am eternally grateful for

that. Without my family giving me advice and empowering me to keep moving forward, I might

not be able to on my own. My family fills me with energy and empowers me to keep moving,

just like how a battery keeps the clock ticking.

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