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Jamal Robinson

Mrs. Klawson


11 October 2018


The documentary “Happy” by Roko Belic was a movie based on people's happiness. It

had many people who would seem to be sad based on their conditions but were actually happier

than most people. There were also many interesting facts made by researchers who studied

people’s happiness throughout the movie. The main point of this movie is to show that anybody

can be happy. Based on the documentary, the best way to be happy is to make the best out of any

situation you are in.

In particular, one person who was happy despite their situation was Melissa Moody. She

had been raped as a child, threatened by her dad as a small kid, left by her first husband as an

adult, and hit by a truck that ruined her face also as an adult. After all of this she went into a

depression that would seem to last forever. Soon after she came of of it when she realised looks

aren't everything, had fun with her horses, and got a new husband who loved her. This shows

that even though she had a few bad things happen to her in life, she decided to not let herself be

sad and now she is a very happy person.

Furthermore, another person who was very happy even though people wouldn't think of

him to be happy was Roy Blanchard. Roy Blanchard is a person who is not rich in money but

rich in happiness. He lives in the Louisiana bayou very close to his family and neighbors. In the

documentary, Roy Blanchard says “Nature is good medicine, this is my happiness”. So even

though he is not rich or have a fancy house, he has his family, friends, and the nature around him

to make him happy.

Lastly, a person who is happy in his life because he doesn't live stressful is Ronaldo

Fadul. Ronaldo is a surfer from Brazil who is happy because he doesn't do things that would

cause him to stress like having a job. In the documentary he said “”. He has spent 40 years of his

life surfing and helping others surf. It is because of his lack of stress and love of surfing that he is


In conclusion, people who have been through tough things in life can be happy by

focusing on the good things. Melissa moody and Roy Blanchard are only examples of many

people who didn't let their disadvantages in life stop them from being happy. Radul Fadul was an

example of a bunch of people who are happy because they don't do things that would stress them

out or make them happy. That shows that anyone can be happy in their own way.

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