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In vitro Plant Recalcitrance: An Introduction

Author(s): Erica E. Benson

Source: In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology. Plant, Vol. 36, No. 3 (May - Jun., 2000), pp.
Published by: Society for In Vitro Biology
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In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol.-Plant 36:141-148, May-June 2000
C 2000 Society for In Vitro Biology
1054-5476/00 $10.00+0.00




Plant Conservation Biotechnology Group, School of Science and Engineering, University of Abertay Dundee, Bell Street, Dundee DD1 1HG, UK

(Received 22 July 1999; accepted 11 November1999; editor P. Ozias-Akins)


In vitro recalcitrance is the inability of plant cells, tissues and organs to respond to tissue culture manipulations. With
respect to plant regeneration, recalcitrance can be a major limiting factor for the biotechnological exploitation of
economically important plant species and it can also impair the wider application of in vitro conservation techniques. This
first paper introduces a compilation of Symposium papers, collectively entitled "Do we understand in vitro plant
recalcitrance?", presented at the 1999 Congress of the Society for In Vitro Biology. The Symposium reviewed recalcitrance
in the context of genetic predeterminism, molecular markers and gene expression patterns, whole and explant physiology,
stress physiology, habituation, neoplastic progression and plant cancer. The symposium contributors present fundamental
and applied investigative approaches which have the potential to enhance our current understanding of in vitro
recalcitrance and to assist in overcoming the problems associated with nonresponsive plant cultures. This introductory
paper presents the general concept of recalcitrance in relation to whole-plant and explant physiology and considers basic
aspects of tissue culture manipulations in the context of recalcitrance problems.

Key words: recalcitrance; in vitro plants; tissue cultures; morphogenesis; totipotency.

INTRODUCTION Gaspar et al., who propose the fascinating concept that disturbances
in the regulation of metabolic pathways of in vitro-grown plants
Recalcitrance is the inability of plant cells, tissues and organs to
promote neoplastic progression which ultimately results in the
respond to tissue culture. It can occur at all stages of a culture irreversible loss of totipotency in habituated plant cancer cells.
regime and we know little regarding its causal factors. The success Although in vitro recalcitrance is a major problem in plant
of a plant biotechnology project can largely depend upon the ability
biotechnology programs it is rarely, if ever, considered in any detail.
to regenerate whole plants from in vitro cultures. Thus, the 1999 The 1999 Congress of the Society for In Vitro Biology provided an
Society for In Vitro Biology Congress (New Orleans, LA) hosted the important forum to open discussions on the subject and it is hoped
Symposium "Do we understand in vitro plant recalcitrance?" and that this series of papers will stimulate further interest. Each paper
the following papers were delivered by the symposium speakers.
may be considered in its own right; however, it is the hope of the
This paper will not present detailed, specific accounts of contributors that the reader will consider the series of papers as a
recalcitrant species, but instead its aim is to provide a general whole, as it offers a unique and integrated overview of some current
introduction to recalcitrance and to set the scene for the other theories of in vitro plant recalcitrance.
Symposium papers. Thus, McCown will discuss the concept of
'genetic predeterminism' in woody plants and other long-lived
perennial species. As it is essential that we develop investigative FACTORSWHICH INFLUENCERECALCITRANCE
tools to study recalcitrance, Cairney et al. (1999; 2000) describe the
elegant application of gene expression studies (using differential Tissue culture responses are influenced by three main factors:
display and DNA arrays) to the in vitro study of embryo * 'whole plant' physiology of the donor;
development in loblolly pine. Importantly, these authors highlight * in vitro manipulations;
the need to link a basic knowledge of plant physiology to molecular * in vitro plant stress physiology.
gene expression studies. Benson considers the 'stress physiology' of
recalcitrance and evaluates the role of free radicals in in vitro stress Integrating our knowledge of whole plant physiology with an
and ageing. The Symposium papers conclude with the article by understanding of tissue culture responses (including the optimiza-
tion of tissue culture factors) is an essential first step towards
overcoming recalcitrance. It is also important to consider that the
culture environment per se may evoke stress responses which
*Authorto whomcorrespondenceis to be addressed:Email e.e.benson@ promote recalcitrance problems.


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PHYSIOLOGY: CHOOSING THE EXPLANT signals (e.g. cold treatments and nutrient limitation) can assist
cultureestablishment.In the case of barley spikes, this can include
Ideally, the donor plant should be healthy and well-character- the application of dark, cold pre-treatments(3-4 wk at 40C) at
ized; unfortunately, explant choice can be limited, for example relativelyhigh humidities(fora review,see Jiihne-Gartner and Larz,
when the donor population is very small (e.g. endangered species) 1999).
or when it is essential to work with recalcitrant mature tissues. Seedand zygoticembryoculture. This is the growthof matureor
Thus, the suboptimal selection of an explant can be an important immatureseed germplasmin vitro,with the aim of initiatingcallus
recalcitrance determinant. The following sections will present and cultures(e.g. in the case of cereals)or to obtaina viable whole plant
discuss the relevance of a range of factors (i.e. taxonomic, life cycle, which may be used for other manipulations, most usually
in vitro responses, environment, stress) to recalcitrance phenomena. micropropagation. A majoradvantageof using seeds and embryos
Taxonomic relationships and prediction of in vitro responses. The as an explant source is that juvenile tissue is usually more
first tissue culture systems were developed primarily for compliant, responsive to tissue culture. As is the case for other explants,
herbaceous, dicotyledonous species (Pierik, 1987). The ever- developmental stage and reproductive physiology are key to
increasing need to apply biotechnology to a diverse species range determiningseed and zygoticembryocultureresponsesbut specific
necessitates greater consideration of the specific requirements of parameterswhich influence the success of embryoculture include:
different groups of plants to in vitro manipulations. Phylogeny can genotype;growthstatusof the donorplant;and developmentalstage
have an immediate impact on tissue culture recalcitrance; for of the embryoon isolation (Pierik, 1987). Embryoculture is most
example, the gymnosperms have a highly varied response to tissue frequentlyused for:shorteningbreedingcycles; preventingembryo
culture, with some species being extremely successful and others abortion;and as a startingpoint for vegetativepropagation.A most
far less so (Bonga and Von Aderkas, 1992). Marked differences in importantapplicationof seed and zygotic embryoculture is in in
in vitro responses are observed between monocotyledonous and vitro plant conservation.Seed and embryogermplasmis used for
dicotyledonous species and the former can be especially recalci- cryopreservation(Engelmann,1991) and is a startingpoint for the
trant. There are a number of key phylogenetic differences in the clonal propagationof endangeredspecies (Gonzalez-Benitoet al.,
morphology of these two angiosperm groups. Monocotyledonous 1999). Fay (1992) reviewed specific factors associated with
shoot meristems are usually basal in origin, and their vascular initiating cultures from seeds. Thus, the removal of testas under
tissues are randomly scattered throughout stems which frequently sterile conditions can enhance germinationand in vitro culture
lack cambium tissues and the meristematic cell types that are establishment.Orchidspresentparticularrecalcitranceproblemsas
especially culture-responsive. Progression in the successful devel- in vitro germination is dependent upon associated symbiotic
opment of tissue culture systems for several cereal monocots is well mycorrhiza. Frequently, seed components (scutella, nucellus
documented (Vasil, 1987; Blackhall et al., 1999). It is of primary tissues, cotyledons)are used as a source of juvenile explants for
importance to successful monocot tissue culture to select explant initiating somatic embryogenic cultures. Santaremet al. (1997)
tissues from meristematic regions (immature embryos, basal leaf studied the effects of different explant and in vitro factors (pH,
meristems, seed scutella, basal plates, basal bulb scales) which may explantorientation,woundingand solidifyingagent)on the capacity
be in very different locations to those of dicotyledonous plants. For to producesomaticembryosfromimmaturesoybeancotyledonsand
example, Stanilova et al. (1994) showed that the morphogenetic found that abaxial explant orientation (abaxial side facing the
potential of explants from two endangered monocotyledonous plant medium)enhancedresponsiveness.
species (Leucojumasetivum and Lilium rhodopaeum) was influenced Vegetativepropagation. The capacity of plants to reproduce
by the explant selection. Basal bulb scales had a higher population asexually has been used to great advantagein plant biotechnology
of meristematic cells; however, the leaf sheaths of young leaves through the application of clonal micropropagation(via somatic
were preferred for organogenic micropropagation as they possessed embryogenesis,organogenesisand nodal culture). An understand-
the higher regeneration capacity and could be removed without ing of whole 'donor'plant physiologycan be criticalfor establishing
destroying the plants. successful protocolswhich are dependentupon genotype,environ-
Plant development and explant choice. The mode of reproduc- mental conditionsand donorplant physiology.Some families have
tion (sexual, asexual) of the donor plant is important in terms of high regeneration capacities, but for others (especially woody
biotechnological application, explant selection and culture method. species) in vitro vegetativepropagationmay be more difficult. For
Three main options may be considered: (1) gametes; (2) seed; and such systems, explant position along the stem of the donormother
(3) vegetative tissues. plant is an importantdeterminantfor responsiveness.Thus, Hsia
Anther, microspore and pollen culture. These cultures are and Korban (1996) showed that the nodal explant position of
important for haploid production (Pierik, 1987; Jaihne-Gartner and different plastochrones(nodal explant position along the mother
Lirz, 1999) as the normal development of anthers and microspores stem) greatly influenced the in vitro regenerativecapacity of Rosa
can be altered in vitro to produce callus and embryos. Establishing spp. Higher numbersof shoots per explant were obtained from a
haploid cultures can present special recalcitrance problems and the cultivarof Rosa hybridawhen the explantwas obtainedproximalto
most important factor is the stage of reproductive development of the apical meristem rather than from distal nodes. Proliferating
the donor plant. Optimal responses are associated with: the time at shoots derived fromplastochronesproximalto the apical meristem
which the flowers are taken; donor plant vigor; photoperiod; light had a lower numberof leaves per explant and were shorterthan
intensity and quality; temperature; and nutrition (Jiihne-Gartner those frommoredistal nodes. These researchersalso demonstrated
and Lirz, 1999). It is necessary to determine which developmental that the size, diameterand length of Rosa stem segmentsinfluenced
stages of the microspores are the most responsive in vitro. The in vitro shoot establishment. Nodal stem segments with larger
manipulation of pollen reproductive programming using exogenous diametersor longer internodeshad a better and faster bud-break

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development regardless of the plastochrone position. Hsia and micropropagatematuretrees that have a provenvalue in the field
Korban(1996) concluded that these stem segments had a better (Bongaand Von Aderkas, 1992). Recalcitranceof matureexplants
nutrient translocationfrom the donor mother plant and therefore is exhibitedat all stages of culture.Forthese systems,the selection
developed larger buds, which break sooner when placed in vitro. of explantsat a specific responsivestageof a maturetree'slife cycle
This study clearly highlights the importanceof understandingthe is the most importantfactor in overcomingrecalcitrance and a
'pre-culture'physiologyof a donorplant and the effects of explant number of strategies have been developed to help overcome the
status on in vitroresponses. problem.
Wholeplantphysiology:the influenceof environment and life cycle Initially it is useful to comparethe in vitro responses of mature
on in vitro responses. Plants have developed highly complex life andjuvenile tissues within a species. For example,Parraand Amo-
cycles and reproductivestrategies to competitively secure their Marco (1998) comparedin vitro shoot proliferationin adult and
place in specific habitatsand ensuretheir survivalwhen challenged seedling materialof Myrtuscommunisand foundthat adult material
by environmentalstress broughtabout by seasonal change. Whole displayed symptomsof hyperhydricity,whereas this conditionwas
plant life cycle physiology is directly linked to reproduction, completely absent in seedling-derived explants, although these
vegetativedevelopmentand morphogenesis.It thus followsthat it is shoots did develop apical necrosis. However, the hyperhydric
one of the most importantfactors in determiningthe capacity of shootsfromadultmaterialproducedhighershootmultiplicationand
explants to respond in vitro, and many examples of in vitro elongation rates comparedto the seedling-derivedmaterial. This
recalcitrancecan be directly attributedto life cycle factors. difference was sustained over five subcultures, each of 2 mo.
Plants can be placed into different life cycle 'groupings' intervals.One explanationfor this may be that the maturetissue of
determined, in the first instance, by their centre of origin (i.e. M. communis becomes rejuvenated in vitro, and indeed this
tropicalor temperatespecies) and, secondly, as to whetherthey are phenomenonis generallyexploited in tree tissue culture.However,
annualsor perennials.Plantsfromthe humidtropicsand equatorial Parra and Amo-Marco(1998) noted that for mature tissues the
regions may not have to contend with the environmentalextremes multiplicationrates were initially very high in the first subculture,
associated with seasonal temperaturefluctuationsand the factors but became lower and stabilized during subsequent subcultures.
which determine the different phases of their life cycles may, Thus in vitrorejuvenationin maturetissues may be limited for this
therefore,be difficult to predict. In contrast,tropical plants from species and other factors must be important in maintaining
arid and semi-arid zones must be physiologically adapted to proliferation potential. This investigation shows that explants
withstandthe environmentalfluctuationsof wet and dry seasons. taken from different life cycle stages can greatly influence
Temperate species have, through necessity, developed complex micropropagationpotential and that it is not always the case that
seasonalresponseswhich allow themto survivethe winterextremes juvenile tissues are the mostresponsive.A moretypical responseof
of shortday lengths,low light intensities and reducedtemperatures. juvenile and maturetissues was observedin Prunusdulcis (Miguel
Thus, temperatespecies undergopredictablecycles of dormancy, et al., 1996), for which leaf explants of juvenile origin gave the
senescence, quiescence and rejuvenationwhich can be manifestat highest regenerationrates comparedto those of maturetissues.
the whole-plant level or by seeds and vegetative organs (buds, Rejuvenation,throughgrafting,can also be used to overcome
bulbs, tubers, etc.). It is not, therefore,surprisingthat temperate recalcitrancein maturetrees. This can be performedon maturein
trees such as Fagus sylvatica (Meier and Reuther, 1994; Nadel vivo systems or throughmicro graftingin vitro.A micropropagation
et al., 1991) and Picea stichensis(Selby and Harvey, 1985) show system developedfor Corylusspecies (Yu and Reed, 1993) clearly
seasonal patternsin their responsesto tissue culture and that these demonstratesthe importanceof selecting explants at an optimum
are dependent upon the explants being procuredat an optimum seasonal stage; when this is combined with in vivo grafting an
time of the year. Even in the absence of seasonal cycles, species amenable source of explants can be obtained from grafted
from the humid tropics and equatorialregions can show rhythmic greenhouse-grownplants. By comparison,in vitroreinvigorationof
growth patterns which greatly influence culture responsiveness. maturetrees of Olea europaeathroughmicrograftingonto juvenile
Lardetet al. (1998) foundthat dormantand meristematicallyactive in vitro shoots resulted in the restoration of shoot and root
buds of Hevea brasiliensis(rubber)and Theobromacacao (cocoa) proliferation(Revilla et al., 1996).
behaved differentlyin vitro. In both species, nodal explants taken Ewald (1998) gives a detailed account of advances in the
from dormant buds had a greater in vitro opening and shoot applicationof tissue culture methodsto adult larch and comments
elongation ability than buds taken from actively meristematic that mostdifficultiesare due to phase changes in tree development.
branches(forT. cacao) and foliargrowthphases (forH. brasiliensis). Success is dependent on the rigorous preconditioningof plant
In vitro recalcitrancein long-lived perennials(especially woody materialusing graftingand pruningand then linking these to the
plants) is a major problem. A thoroughknowledge of the donor strict optimizationof tissue culturemethodsbased on reinvigorating
plant's life cycle, including an understandingof the phases of and rejuvenating the explants. Ewald (1998) presents three
reproduction, rejuvenation and dormancy, is critical for the approaches to obtain cultures from adult larch: (1) serial
developmentof strategiesto overcomerecalcitrance(see McCown, subculturing without hormones; (2) adventitious bud formation;
2000). and (3) micrografting.
Maturationand rejuvenation. For long-lived perennial species Procurementof explants from the new vegetative flushes of
there are two choices for establishingin vitroculturesand explants maturetrees is an importantroute for establishingtissue cultures
can be taken from either juvenile or mature tissues. Ideally, from highly recalcitrant woody plant systems such as mature
cultures should be initiated from the former,but it is frequently gymnosperms.Litz et al. (1995) were able to produceembryogenic
desirable or necessary to use adult phase plants as the explant callus from pinnae removed from the leaves of new vegetative
source. For many tree species it is still not possible to flushes of a mature cycad species Ceratozamiahildae. A recent

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review (Litz et al., 1999) highlights the considerable success that bud responsegradientsin nodes takenfromdifferentstem positions.
has been made in producing embryogenic cultures from mature Responsiveness increased from the apical to the basal section in
phase tropical angiosperm and gymnosperm trees. Progress to date H. brasiliensis and T. cacao and this affected the in vitro
is, however, the result of empirical studies and 'trial and error' proliferationof nodal segments. It is known that shoot dormancy
investigations and in the future more fundamental approaches in T. cacao is controlledby endogenouslevels of abscisic acid ABA
should be considered (see, e.g., Cairney, 2000). and shoot rejuvenationis controlled by endogenous cytokinins
(Orchardet al., 1980). Thuswholeplant, explantand in vitrofactors
must be consideredwhen developingPGR regimesfor recalcitrant
IN VITRO ~MANIPULATIONS tissue cultures.
Achieving the correct exogenous balance of the key hormones
The Use of Media and Culture Environment Manipulations to auxin and cytokinin can be critical and their appropriate
Overcome Recalcitrance
application can effectively overcome certain recalcitrance pro-
blems. By carefullyoptimizingauxin and cytokininlevels, Guohua
An important approach to overcoming recalcitrance problems
relates to tissue culture manipulations per se. Hall (1999) has
(1998) promotedand enhanced shoot organogenesisand somatic
summarized practical 'pointers' to successful tissue culture
embryogenesisin cassava genotypesfor which plant conversionand
embryogenesiswere previously extremely low and unacceptably
involving the optimization of the following key media components: slow. Similarly,by phasingthe applicationof 6-benzyladenineand
-> INORGANICS naphthaleneaceticacid, Heatley and Smith (1996) were able to
-= Macronutrients regeneratewhole plants fromshoot apices of A. hypogaea.
= Ca, K, Mg, N, P, S Recalcitrancecan also be mitigatedby the applicationof potent
-+ Micronutrients synthetic PGRs such as thidiazuron (Murthy et al., 1998).
= B, Co, Cu, Fe, I, Mo, Mn, Zn Thidiazuron (N-phenyl-N'-1,2,3,-thidiazol-5-ylurea; designated
= ORGANICS TDZ) is a highly effective regulatorof in vitro morphogenesisand
-> Vitamins can be used to induce a wide range of differentiated and
* thiamine (B1), pyridoxine (B6), nicotinic acid (B3) dedifferentiatedresponses. To date, the mode of action of TDZ is
-+ Myoinositol unknownbut Murthyet al. (1998) speculate that it may modulate
- Amino acids
endogenoushormonalactivity,eitherdirectlyor as a resultof stress.
glycine, proline TDZcan display both auxin- and cytokinin-typeactivities and this
=> Carbon source is most likely due to it having both phenyl and thidiazolgroups.It
* sucrose, glucose has been most effectively used for in vitro shoot regenerationin
woody species and can be far more effective in promoting
=* auxins, cytokinins, giberellic acids, abscisic acid morphogeneticresponses comparedto other cytokinins, although
-= GELLING AGENT it mustbe cautionedthat it can impairgrowthat superoptimallevels
* agar, agarose, gelrite, phytagel, alginate (Murthyet al., 1998). Improvementof shoot organogenesis in
=> OTHER FACTORS/ADDITIVES Mentha spp. which have previously been difficult to regenerate
=- pH, activated charcoal, AgN03, ethylene, polyamines, reliablywas achieved throughthe applicationof mannitoland TDZ
antioxidants, jasmonates, salicylates, oligosaccharides (Faureet al., 1998).
Thereis increasinginterestin the applicationto culturemediaof
Physical factors such as culture vessel size and aeration, light
compoundswhich can not be strictly defined as plant hormones
quality, day length and temperature also have a major influence on
culture responses.
(e.g. jasmonates,polyamines,salicylates, antioxidants),but which
do exert growth-modulating effects (see Gasparet al., 1996), and
Growth regulators and hormones. One of the most important
such approaches may provide novel means of overcoming
approaches for overcoming in vitro recalcitrance problems is to recalcitranceproblems.Ascorbic acid has been found to enhance
optimize the plant growth regulator (PGR) regime (for a detailed
review on in vitro plant growth regulators and hormones see Gaspar
organogenesisin both young and old tobacco callus (Joy et al.,
et al., 1996). Factors which must be considered when using PGRs to
1988) and was found to completelyreverse the inhibitionof shoot
formationby gibberellicacid in youngcallus, althoughresponsesin
overcome recalcitrance include:
older callus were less effective. Polyamineshave been effectively
* optimizing standard PGR regimes specifically for recalcitrant applied to enhance in vitro rootingin woodyspecies such as hazel
genotypes; (Rey et al., 1994), and their application offers the possibility of
* applying potent PGRs (e.g. thidiazuron); enhancing rooting in difficult systems. Jasmonic acid has
* applying novel PGRs (e.g. jasmonates); stimulatory effects on growth when incorporated into culture
* mitigating the inhibitory interactive effects of exogenous and media (Ravnikaret al., 1992) and was found to enhance in vitro
endogenous hormones (e.g. ethylene). plantlet shoot and root proliferation and protoplast cell wall
formationin Solanumtuberosumcultures. The steroid lactone 24-
Optimization of standard PGR regimes provides an empirical epi-brassinolidehas been applied in culture media to enhance in
approach to recalcitrance; however, cultures are under the control vitro stem elongation in sweet pepper (Franck-Duchenneet al.,
of both endogenous and exogenous plant growth regulation and the 1998) and is consideredby this groupto be a potentiallyimportant
'balance' between the two can have important effects. Lardet et al. PGR which can be used to enhance in vitroregenerationprocesses
(1998) discussed the importance of endogenous PGRs relative to in recalcitrantagriculturalplants.

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The productionof ethylene by plant tissue cultureshas received and Havrninek,1982). Nitrogen supplied in organic form as
considerableattentionas a possible factorin culturerecalcitrance. amino acids (rather than as inorganic salts) produced an
Tissue culture can promoteinhibitoryinteractive effects between importantbreakthroughfor the initial, successful development
exogenous and endogenous hormones and recalcitrance can be of japonica rice tissue culture systems based on embryogenic
associatedwith the overproductionand accumulationof ethylene in cell suspension cultures (Abdullah et al., 1986). Similarly,
the culture vessel. Ethylene is involved in many morphogenetic changes in media composition have assisted the culture of
responses (for a review, see Kumaret al., 1998) as it can both indica rice varietieswhichhave, until relativelyrecently,proved
promote and inhibit in vitro morphogenesis.The interaction of far less responsive than japonica rices (Faruqueet al., 1998;
ethylene with other PGRs is highly complex and is still little Blackhall et al., 1999).
understood.The synthesis and activities of auxins, cytokinins and 2. Gelling agent. This influences in vitro responses and in some
ethylene are thoughtto be closely related(Klee and Romano,1994) systems a simple modificationof this additive improves the
and ethylene also shares a common precursor pathway with culture of difficult genotypes. Agarose-solidifiedmedia were
polyamine biosynthesis via S-adenosyl methioine. The exogenous foundto be effective for rice protoplastculture(Thompsonet al.,
applicationof PGRs such as TDZ (Hutchinsonet al., 1997), auxins 1986); Gelrite enhances somatic embryo initiation in soybean
and cytokinins (Gude and van der Plas, 1985) can stimulate the (Santaremet al., 1997) and reduces vitrification in Petunia
production of ethylene in tissue cultures. There are many cultures (Zimmermanand Cobb, 1989); and Phytagelpromotes
contrastingexamples which show that the regulationof ethylene adventitiousbud regenerationin pear (Chevereauet al., 1997).
levels in tissue culturescan have both positive and negativeeffects As a cautionarypointerto some recalcitranceproblems,note that
on in vitro morphogenesis and proliferative growth. Moreover, differences do exist between different commercialproducts of
previously recalcitrant cultures can become responsive by the the same gelling agent. The effects of different brands of one
manipulationof ethylene productionand accumulationin culture gelling agent (agar)were investigatedfor the clonal propagation
vessels, although the concentration of ethylene can greatly of Ranunculus asiaticus, a species for which axillary bud
influence its positive effects (Kumaret al., 1998). The growth- stimulationcan be problematic.Beruto et al. (1999a,b) found
inhibitingeffects of ethylene can be shown by applyinginhibitors that two brands produced successful growth,but proliferation
which interfere with the production of the hormone; as a was poor on the third and the plants had symptoms of
consequence a positive morphogenetic response is induced, hyperhydricityand produced malformed leaves. Clearly, in
althoughit is importantto note that these effects can vary greatly developing culture protocolsfor plants which display abnormal
between species. Chile peppers (Capsicumannuum) are, unlike shoot morphologyand hyperhydricityit may be pertinentto test
manySolanaceousspecies, recalcitrantto tissue cultureat the shoot the effects of gelling agents. Detailed studies indicate that the
elongationstage. Hyde and Phillips (1996) were able to enhance differential properties of agar brands with respect to the
shoot developmentand plant regenerationvia organogenesisin this capacity to support normal in vitro growth are due to water
species followingthe additionof the ethylene inhibitorsilver nitrate retention capacity which, in turn, influences mineral and
to the culture medium. carbohydrateavailability (Beruto et al., 1999a,b; Spomer and
One final considerationin the developmentof PGR strategiesfor Smith, 1996).
in vitroculturesrelates to the potentialeffect that they can have on 3. Carbohydrate.As an energy source for heterotrophicgrowth,
the production of 'true-to-type'cultures. Exposure to PGRs for sucrose is usually suppliedto plant tissue cultures.However,for
extended periods may lead to epigenetic and genetic changes, some species, glucose is the preferred substrate (Reed and
which could in turn compromisenormalgrowthand development Chang, 1997). Optimizationof sucrose, togetherwith other key
and indeed result in recalcitranceproblemsand genetic instability macronutrientssuch as nitrogen,can have a profoundeffect on
(Harding,1996). This may be especially problematicwhen in vitro the capacity of dedifferentiatedcells to proliferate in vitro
techniques are used to conserve germplasmfromgenotypeswhich (Samoylovet al., 1998). Superoptimallevels of sucrosealso have
have elite traits or for endangeredspecies. It is thus essential to a negative effect and are involved in the manifestation of
develop regimes which minimize the use of high levels of PGRs recalcitrancesymptomsassociatedwith hyperhydricity(Zimmer-
(Edsonet al., 1996) and to avoid the prolongedor excessive use of man and Cobb,1989). The replacementof sucroseby glucose as
potent PGRs. a carbon source enhances growthin certain species (Yu and
Otherculturefactors. Tissue culturemediawerefirst developed Reed, 1993). It is also importantto considerthat normalprimary
for amenableherbaceousspecies (see Pierik, 1987); subsequently metabolismmay be impairedin certain types of culture. Plant
manydifferentbasal media types have been formulatedfor specific cells are obligate aerobes, but they can survive anaerobiosisfor
cultureapplicationsand species (fora review, see Hall, 1999). The short periods and this leads to a switch from primary
following sections summarizesome of the key parameterswhich, carbohydratemetabolismto a fermentationpathwayresulting
when optimized,can significantlyenhance culture performance. in the productionof ethanol. Plant cell suspensioncultures can
be proneto anaerobiosis,as demonstratedby Perataet al. (1988)
1. Basal media composition. Overcomingrecalcitrance can be
who showed the toxic effects of ethanol productionby carrot
greatlyassisted by modifyingthe basal compositionof mediafor
difficult genotypes. This is exemplified by the case of woody suspension cultures.
plant species (Bongaand Von Aderkas, 1992; McCown,2000). Moderation of sucrose levels and the application of sugar
Specific media components can have a profound effect on alcohols, polyols and alternative sugars have a specific role in
certainculturesystems, e.g. Fe-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid somaticembryogensisand in assistingmaturationin the final stages
is essential for in vitro androgenesisin Nicotiana spp. (Vagera of embryo development. The application of these compounds

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(frequently in combination with ABA) can greatly improve large number of plant systems. Unfortunately, this stage of
recalcitrance problems associated with embryo and organogenic micropropagation can be a major block. On transfer from in vitro
development in vitro and whole plant regeneration. Thus, ABA and conditions, plants are exposed to a vastly different microclimate
optimal sucrose levels increased the production of somatic embryos with a less humid atmosphere and higher light intensities and
and shoots in sugar beet callus (Saunders and Tsai, 1999) and have to undergo the switch from heterotrophic to fully autotrophic
polyethylene glycol combined with ABA induced the later stages of growth. The root systems and stomata in these plants are not fully
embryo development in Pinus taeda genotypes which were functional and great care must be taken in the gradual process of
previously unresponsive (Li et al., 1997). culture transfers (Thomas, 1998).

1. Amino acids: Certain amino acids are associated with plant stress
responses and have been used as in vitro additives. Proline and
hydroxyproline accumulate in stressed plants. Their production The previous section reviewed the importance of applying certain
is associated with enhancing stress tolerance and they are used additives and regimes to in vitro systems which are known to have a
to aid in vitro regeneration (Rao et al., 1995) and in the study of role in whole plant stress physiology. Thus, stress can have both
stress responses (Devi Prasad and Potluri, 1996). In a beneficial and deleterious effects on in vitro responses. Light,
comparative study of androgenesis-recalcitrant and androgen- temperature and seasonal fluctuations are important in whole plant
esis-responsive barley genotypes, Ouedraogo et al. (1998) were development and a knowledge of stress adaptation responses can
able to induce embryogenesis in the recalcitrant cultivar through assist in the improvement of in vitro techniques. For example, Peng
the application of 19 amino acids. et al. (1997) found significant correlations between asparagus
2. Microenvironment and physical parameters: Culture ventilation
microspore callus yield, the percentage of uni-nucleate microspores
can greatly influence normal growth and development and poor and cold-stress treatment. Transfer of explants to in vitro conditions
ventilation promotes the deleterious accumulation of ethylene can also lead to negative responses and it is essential that the
and interferes with the humidity of the in vitro microclimate, contribution of natural defense mechanisms are taken into account
which can result in the problem of hyperhydricity. Gas- when developing strategies to overcome recalcitrance. Thus,
permeable, transparent closures (e.g. Suncaps) are now available ethylene is implicated in stress, and an accumulation of the gas
and have proved most effective in avoiding the production of can lead to decreases in cell proliferation (Kumar et al., 1998).
vitrified (hyperhydric) plants (Majada et al., 1997). Alternatively, The oxidation of explants on culture initiation is a frequent cause
more complex culture apparatus can be designed which allows the of early in vitro recalcitrance in tissues which have a high phenolic
measurement and control of in vitro microclimate parameters content (Anthony et al., 1999). The problem is most prevalent in
(Demeester et al., 1995). As a cautionary point, certain types of woody plant tissues as they have high levels of phenols associated
closure can have a negative, inhibitory effect on cultures. Selby with secondary thickening and lignification. It is also a cause for
et al. (1996) showed that somatic embryo maturation in Sitka concern in nonwoody species which produce secondary metabolites
spruce was inhibited by the production of butylated hydro- that become oxidized on contact with culture media (Bhat and
xytoluene, a volatile antioxidant released from Parafilm. Chandel, 1991). The oxidation of phenolic compounds in cut
3. Light: The quality, intensity and photoperiod of light can greatly
explants is a wound response and culture techniques, such as
influence morphogenetic responses (Michler and Lineberger, surface sterilization, may greatly exacerbate this. It is also probable
1987). D'Onofrio et al. (1998) found that somatic embryo that specific components of the tissue culture media (e.g. metal
production was highest in quince cultures subjected to red light cations) may enhance phenolic oxidation. Symptoms include the
treatment and decreased with the transition to red/blue and to
rapid browning or blackening of affected tissues and this can result
white light. These researchers concluded that embryogenic in tissue necrosis and, in the most extreme cases, explant death. A
competence could be correlated with the quality of light and that number of culture manipulations have been developed to alleviate
phytochrome was involved. In contrast, light can also be the negative affects of stress. Thus, activated charcoal (Fridborg
implicated in damaging photoxidation phenomena. Kevers et al. et al., 1978) prevents tissue blackening and autoxidation and is
(1995) have shown dark incubation to have a favorable growth- especially useful in anther cultures and for the establishment and
promoting effect on white (nonchlorophyllous) hormone-habitu- propagation of woody plant cultures.
ated sugar beet callus and concluded that this is due to the Future studies of in vitro plant recalcitrance must address the
prevention of necrosis and oxidation phenomena. problem of stress and this will be considered in more detail by other
4. Temperature: The control of temperature in tissue cultures is contributors to this Symposium series (Gaspar et al., 2000; Benson,
firstly dictated by the place of origin of the donor plant (i.e. 2000).
tropical or temperate). However, in addition to the normal
maintenance regimes, temperature can influence specific culture CONCLUSIONS
responses. Cold pre-treatments are used to enhance anther
culture responses (Kiviharju and Pehu, 1998; Peng et al., 1997) This paper has specifically addressed the importance of
and to enhance post-cryopreservation recovery in in vitro plants integrating and combining our knowledge of whole plant and
(Reed and Chang, 1997). Heat treatments can also induce anther in vitro physiology in order to achieve a better understanding and
culture response for some genotypes (Peng et al., 1997). control of recalcitrance. Plant reproduction, development and stress
5. Microclimate changes: transferfrom in vitro to ex vitro conditions: all play a role in the natural life cycles of whole plants and it is
This is a most important response as poor acclimation of imperative that we explore the impact that these factors have on our
transferred cultures can lead to 'late-stage' recalcitrance for a in vitro systems. The following series of papers makes a significant

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