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FIRST SEMESTER, SY 2018 – 2019

Name: Date:
Year and Section: Score:
Dear Lord, as we take this exam, we thank You that our value is not based on our performance, but on Your great love for us.
Come into our heart so that We can walk through this time together.
Help us, not only with this test, but the many tests of life that are sure to come our way.
As we take this exam, bring back to our mind everything we’ve studied and be gracious with what we have overlooked.
Help us to remain focused and calm, confident in the facts and in our ability,
and firm in the knowledge that no matter what happens today You are there with us.
Lord, keep us away from temptations while taking the exam.
Help us to avoid looking at our seatmate’s paper and help us focus on ours. IN JESUS NAME WE PRAY, AMEN…
Read each statement carefully. Choose the best answer. Encircle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.
BE HONEST! Even if others are not; even if others will not; Even if others cannot.

I. Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is a program that allows a person to work easily with a computer by using a mouse to point small pictures and
other elements on the screen.
a. Graphical User Interface b. Interactive Multimedia c. Rich User Experience d. all of these
2. It is the ability of the Web to deliver full-scale GUI style applications to the client, making it easier to interact,
share, and access web content.
a. Graphical User Interface b. Interactive Multimedia c. Rich User Experience d. all of these
3. It refers to any computer-delivered electronic system that allows the user to control, combine, and manipulate
different types of media, such as text, sound, video, computer graphics, and animation.
a. Graphical User Interface b. Interactive Multimedia c. Rich User Experience d. all of these
4. It is a platform for creating videos and slideshows with three storytelling products.
a. Animoto b. Loopster c. Magisto d. Wideo

5. It is a media file distributed over the Internet using streaming media technology.
a. Gamecast b. Podcast c. Vodcast d. Webcast
6. It is an online petition platform that allows the online community to create or sign petitions.
a. b. c. Pinterest d. Weebly
7. In what year did EDSA Dos take place?
a. 2001 b. 2002 c. 2003 d. 2004
8. It was a series of protests that happened during August 22 – 26, 2013 that was caused by the misuse of the pork
a. Digital Revolution b. EDSA Dos c. EDSA Tres d. Million People March
9. Which radio station did Cardinal Sin use to call on the Filipino people to support the rally against President
a. Bombo Radyo b. DYHP c. DZMM d. Radyo Veritas
10. The Yolanda People Finder that was used to locate the individuals during and after the storm was created by
a. ABS-CBN b. GMA-7 c. Google d. Microsoft ®
11. It is dubbed as “the world’s platform for change”.
a. b. c. Pinterest d. Weebly
12. The Million People March never reached a million. What was the estimated number of protesters for this protest?
a. 400K b. 500K c. 600K d. 700K
13. What makes EDSA Dos protest successful?
a. A radio broadcast b. Facebook social campaign c. Text brigades d. None of the above
14. The People Power Revolution protest mainly happened along EDSA from February 22-25 of what year?
a. 1983 b. 1985 c. 1986 d. 1988
15. The Million People March was a series of protest around key cities in the Philippines and around the world. Where
did the Million People March happen mainly?
a. EDSA b. Luneta Park c. Mendiola d. New People’s Park

II. Enumeration:
A. Five Elements of a Concept Paper
16. _____________________
17. _____________________
18. _____________________
19. _____________________
20. _____________________

B. Simplified ICT Project Process

21. _____________________
22. _____________________
23. _____________________
24. _____________________

III. Identify the following. Write the word/s of the correct answer on the black space.
25. ___________________ It refers to segmenting the market according to age, gender, family, class, nation,
ethnicity, education, religion, political allegiance, region, income groups and social class, etc.
26. ___________________ It is the segmentation according to personality traits, interest, values, opinions, life style
and attitudes.
27. ___________________ This type of written material is often used to persuade a person or group as well as raise
brand awareness and it is also the process of checking ICT content.
28. ___________________ It is a free online survey tool created by Google.

IV. Rearrange the following steps in chronological order by numbering them from 1 to the last
number of the steps. Write X if the step does not belong. Write your answer on the space before each
A. Setting up a free blog using WordPress. (29-37.)
____ Click on Change Your Blog Description or Permissions
____ Create a free WordPress account
____ Choose a free theme then click Customize
____ Edit the page theme to your liking
____ Delete another existing blog
____ Choose the option Create a New blog or Register Another Blog
____ Pick a blog address and name
____ Change the general settings including the site title, tagline, and time zone
____ On the left menu, choose Appearance >Themes

B. Posting using WordPress (38-43.)

____ Choose Format > Clear Formatting
____ On your dashboard, go to Posts > Add New
____ Disable Auto-sharing
____ Add the title, edit the URL (optional), then add the content of your post
____ Change the format, category, and add tags
____ Preview your post, once satisfied, click on Publish

V. TRUE OR FALSE: Write T if the sentence is correct; otherwise, write F on the space before each
44. ____ The My Sites tab in WordPress contains statistics about your blog.
45. ____ Organic refers to the posts reached through paid advertisements.
46. ____ The Likes tab under Insights of your Facebook page contains the number of visits of your timeline.
47. ____ Demographics refers to statistics characterizing human population usually divided by age, gender, income,
location, and language.
48. ____ In WordPress, you can view daily, weekly, monthly, and annual statistics.
VI. Answer the following in less than five sentences.
49 – 53. What do you think are the disadvantages of having no site statistics?

VII. MATCHING TYPE: Match column A with the correct answer in column B. Write only the letter of the
correct answer on the blank space provided.
Column A Column B
54. ____ A question that can be answered with a numerical range A. Checkboxes
55. ____ A question that contains sub-questions with similar options B. Grid
56. ____ A question that can be answered with multiple answers in a set of options C. Multiple Choice
57. ____ A question that can be answered by only one answer in a set of options D. Paragraph Text
58. ____ A question that can be answered in a long text E. Scale
59. ____ A question that can be answered by short text F. Short URL
60. ____ It allows your site’s visitors to have their say about the site’s strengths G. Text
and weaknesses H. Feedback
I. Google Forms
///sir DEX///

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