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( HONOURED by JHARKHAND RATNA & Patrakarita Rashtriya Samman )
Ph. D. ( Management ) & Ph. D. ( Astrology ) .

Donald Trump :- Donald Trump Will Again Become Next

President of USA After Next Presidential Election In America – Very
Special And Extremely Expert Astrological Analysis By
Expert Astrologer DR. Bhuwan Mohan !
Donald Trump was born on 14th June, 1946 at about 11.48 A. M. at Queens as
is the information available to me and consequently his Horoscope is known
to be as follows : - th
( This Article was written on 28 April, 2018 )
______________________________ _______ ( People take “ Astrological Science ” as
IX 6 X Venus XI very easy and start predicting on the
I 7 X Jupiter X 5 X Saturn X I basis of only Ascendant Horoscope by
I X X X 4 X 3 I simply observing Planets, but such People
I X X Mars X X I have neither knowledge of “ Astronomy ”
I X X Mercury I on which “ Astrological Science ” is
I X X X X I based nor they know that for Perfection
I X 8 X X 2 X I in Predictions, does not take into
I X Moon X X Sun X I account the impact of Planets on
I X Ketu X Rahu X I Human Beings in Isolation, but
I 9 X X X X 1 I instead it should be taken in Totality
I X X 11 X X I of Planets in a Horoscope while on the
I X X X X I other hand, People mostly Predict on
I X X I Ascendant Horoscope, not considering
I X X X X I the various Divisional Charts which
I X 10 X X 12 X I have Great Importance in Predictions
I X X X X I with Precision and Accuracy and
IX X X I mostly the People almost regularly in
IX X XI Newspapers seeing the time in hand by
I Horoscope of Donald Trump I their own convictions, but such People do
I_______________________ _ _I not realise for their incorrect and
inaccurate Predictions and instead they start again Predicting seeing the time in hand
even though their Predictions continue to be incorrect and inaccurate and that is why I
use to solicit the various Respected Editors that let such predictions be republished after
the incidents have already taken place so that People may know asto who are the Real
Astrologers who Predict Correctly and Accurately. )
In the Horoscope of Donald Trump, lord of Ascendant Sun is with Rahu in the tenth
House while lord of third and tenth Houses Venus is with lord of sixth and seventh
Houses Saturn in the twelfth House and lord of twelfth House Moon is with Ketu in the
fourth House while lord of fourth and ninth Houses Mars is in the Ascendant as well as
lord of fifth and eighth Houses Jupiter is in the second House and lord of second and
eleventh Houses Mercury is in the eleventh House in its own sign and according to
Vimshottari, Jupiter’s Dasa is running and in Transit, Saturn is in Sagittarius, Jupiter is
in Libra and Rahu is in Cancer.
On the basis of all the above and from his Horoscope, the
followings are clearly indicated :-
Donald Trump did take oath of the Post of President of USA on 20 th
January 2017, so I shall be analysing his Horoscope Astrologically asto what
it does tell about all the above :-
( It is vital to mention here that the Indian Astrology is the only
Science or the Source with the help of which one can know all the incidents
to take place in future. )
On the basis of all the above facts and from the above Horoscope of
Donald Trump, the followings are clearly indicated :-
Today on 28th April, 2018, I have been writing that till December, 2019, Donald
Trump will have to continue to pass through losses-damage and disappointments-despair
and he will have to continue to pass through losses-damage and disappointments-despair
in the professional matter too as well as he will also have to continue to pass through
losses-damage and disappointments-despair in working areas as well as there are also
indications of quarrel-disputes, opposition-enmity, diseases-hurt etc., so Donald trump
will have to face all the above till December 2019 ; on the other hand, during this period,
he has also to perform his responsibility towards his children, but in spite of all the
above, from January 2020 onwards, he will be in a position of gain and financial gain
and “ Money begets money “ will apply to him and there is also good indication for
children as well as the time will be to put forward his own property, therefore the good
time of Donald Trump from January 2020 will start again when he will be only in a
position of gain but nothing else, hence today on 28 th April, 2020, I declare that Donald
Trump will not only be official Candidate for his Party for the next Presidential Election
in America, but he will also be victorious in the next Presidential Election and will
become the President of USA for the second consecutive term as the Presidential Election
of USA has to be completed before 20th January, 2021.
That is all for the time being and more will be in my next Article.
Dr. Bhuwan Mohan ( Honoured By Jharkhand Ratna & Patrakarita Rashtriya Samman )
Ad vocate, Ranchi High Court
Languages Known - Hindi, E English, Bengali, Urdu, Tamil, French, Oriya, Punjabi, Gujarati, Nepali , Sanskrit,
Writing- Ambidextrous (Both Hands) Marathi & Assamese

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