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Republic of the Philippines

Sorsogon State College

Bulan Campus
Bulan, Sorsogon

Name : Trinidad C. Gojar

Course : Master of Arts in Management - Administration and Supervision
Term : 2nd Sem 2015-2016
How Do You Define Yourself
Professor : Abner L. Dellosa, RGC

How Do You Define Yourself – By Lizzie Velasquez

Watching Lizzie Velasquez the first time she was shown in the screen
struck me. Honestly, I could not believe that there is such a person
with a physical appearance as hers. I see and meet different persons
with different physical appearance, with physical impairments but she
is really different. As the video went along, I realized and understood
about her physical appearance and the congenital abnormality that is
very rare.

The difficulties she went through in her 25 years from childhood up to

her grown-up years not only in terms of the physical but also of the
emotional aspect is unimaginable. The awakening and realization of
her difference from other normal persons and being bullied because
of her physical abnormalities. Being the object of people’s cruelty
and disregard of other people’s feelings. It takes a lot of courage to
stand up and face head-on and squarely life’s reality. It takes a lot of
heart and inner conviction. It takes a lot of deeply rooted foundation
of self-realization, faith and love to overcome the heart aches and
difficulties that she went through and rise above them. Thanks to the
support and love of her parents. The parents inculcated in her that it
is not the appearance that is important in a person, it is not what
people think that define a person. What defines a person will depend
on how she wants her life to be. It will depend on her conviction to be
what she wants to become.
Truly, the life of Lizzie Velasquez is an eye opener, an inspiration and
has a motivating power especially for those who might be insecure or
depressed because of their personal appearance. It provides courage
for people to have conviction of rising above their difficulties,
heartaches and failure. It provides inspiration to others to capitalize
on their imperfections, failure or difficulties and use them to improve
on, to find in themselves the best that they can be for that is what
will define them. It is an inspiration to the parents who have children
with disabilities or physical impairment who labor so much to be able
to overcome the difficulties of rearing their children. It is an
inspiration to all parents to go on despite all the difficulties, it will give
inspiration to parents not to lose hope and have faith. The experience
of Lizzie’s parents is a living testimony of the great faith in the
greatness, mercy and love of God. Like what happened in the case of
Lizzie’s parents, despite the doctor’s advice that she might not be
able to talk, walk and do anything by herself they persevered and
have faith that she will live a normal life. They were able to do these
with great patience and the love they have for Lizzie.

The story of Lizzie showed us the importance of family. That our

family is the first and the last support. The close family ties and
bond anchored on understanding, love and faith in God is the
strongest support that each member can have. It reminded us that it
is important for us to strengthen our family ties let love tie each and
every member in the family because this is the strength that will
make us overcome all difficulties.

Lizzie’s life also showed how other people can be so mean, cruel and
insensitive of others feelings. Given Lizzie’s predicament instead of
showing support for her to fight , they even ridiculed her, calling her
monster, ugliest woman in the world and even insinuating for her to
kill herself to get rid of her. This pictured that these people have not
been reared properly by their parents to be considerate of other
people’s feeling. It showed their manner of being not God loving and
not God fearing people.

The challenge of Lizzie Velasquez of “ How Do You Define Yourself” or

“What Define Yourself” is self-awakening. There is no obstacle
that one cannot overcome if you have conviction. We often
hear the saying that “If there is a will, there is a way”. This
is what Lizzie Velasquez story is all about. Not the physical
appearance, nor your physical impairment, not your color, nor
race, not what you are made of, not of what other people see
and think of you but it is your conviction that will define you,
your goals, your dreams and your conviction to make them
real. Most of all it also showed us the unseen hand that guided Lizzie
and her parents to be able to rise above all their difficulties. And like
us who have also experienced difficulties in our lives, in our trying
times – the unseen hand, the love and mercy of the LORD. To Lizzie
Velaquez and Family – thank you for the inspiration and God Bless
them with more courage as they overcome more obstacles ahead.

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