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Logan Jones

Mrs. Trace

Graduation Speech

Hello! We made it ladies, plus Isaac, and oh boy, they did not make it easy. High school

was grand with the pals, of course, but there was also hardships and low moments. A lot of low

moments. AP Euro, sophomore year, AP Chemistry and every other class junior Year, 60

projects a week before we graduate, senior year and I don’t even remember freshman year.

Unfortunately, each year has seemed to send something out to get us, or at least me.

Double unfortunately, they did get me. I let the workloads get the better of me and

procrastination would begin and school became less and less of doing my work and getting the

grades I needed and more and more about when I could get my naps. My laziness was nothing

new and honestly it was almost acceptable putting in the bare minimum and getting above

average grades, but in the back of my mind, I always had a sense of dread, a sense of self

reflection of how I could be so much better if I may of put even just some effort in. These

thoughts would linger a while, but I would never act on them.

From being a kid that was always so full of energy and so hopeful about doing big and

immaculate things, this passionless, lazy past 3.5 half years I’ve been living was quite a

polarizing change, that I’ve only just recently sorted out. I got tired of not being the best I could

be and thinking poorly about it later. I got tired of not getting better grades than I know I’m

capable of. I got tired of being upset and feeling uncommitted to almost everything I did. So, I

was so upset about being upset that I have started actually trying quite a bit more at school. Not

all the way trying, because that sounds like a lot of work, but I know that I want to try more with

things. Everyone knows me and has no doubt heard my snores in class and my unique work ethic
that I carry, it’s not going to change, but I believe that is be made a turnaround in my schooling

efforts at the perfect moment.

It’s gonna matter now, guys. We are gonna be paying for school now. No more games,

so if you’re feeling especially worn out or unenthusiastic about college, just think: if I can flip a

switch to start working with some passion and heart out of all people, I’m positive you can too.

We may not know where we are going or what we want to do 100%, but we might as well go for

it with as much as we got, because it’s not going to get easier. I hope me, the laziest piece of

garbage there is, going forward with some heart might inspire you young, impressionable minds

to do so as well. Thank you.

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