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I mean I could talk about how I feel because some of y'all might feel the same...

I mean for me, I am so ready to finally relax. We are done and I don’t know about all of you, but
for me i'm ready to have no worries, for like a week because then you know we gotta live in the
real world. But anyway, I am gonna talk about my experience the last few years.
So I got my first job when I turned 15, got my license at 16 and bought my first car all by myself.
And now at 18, I have crashed that car a week before graduating and I got into 7 great colleges.
During my high school career I participated in swim, dance, theatre, and track that one time. I
got straight A’s and held a basically full time job, still hung out with friends but I chose to
sacrifice me time and free time because I don’t know who they are lying too it is so hard to
balance everything. You would think I would have a plan since anyone who knows me knows I
have always had a plan. But Do I know what comes next? No. DO i know what I want to do
next? No. Do I know anything, well I do know that y=mx+b or so we thought until we got to
advanced math and suddenly it was f(x)= b+ ax. I mean,look at me, everyone has basically
chosen a college, a gap year, or a job they want but I am still sitting here trying to choose d for
all of the above?
My experience isn’t like everyone's either. I mean my brother went to landstown and focused on
just school rather than a job. He got into regent university and got his first job at chickfila
washing dishes, bought his car and got his license right about when he was turning 19. I think.
He is 21 now and he is doing really well. He is working on building his own computer he finds
free time to bike which he loves and he is working on getting a degree to work with something
with technology, I think, i mean I don’t talk to him too much but I know he likes technology. He
took such a different path.
What i'm trying to get at is the next few years are ours for the taking yall. We are free now, or so
we think but ya know. It happens. We need to make sure we aren’t stuck in our ways of getting
things done at the last minute, waking up with maybe 2 hours of sleep, spending our time
focused on the next thing. We all lead separate lives too, you could be like me or my brother or
something completely different, but we need to embrace who we are and choose something you
love to do. Be in the moment. I know all of us have a class or teacher, not gonna name names,
where we don’t remember a single thing they said because we were catching up on sleep, doing
our work for another class, or just cant pay attention no matter how hard we try because we are
freaking adhd and wow what's that over there?
We survived this place with all of our struggles and I think that means we can do anything
honestly, lets just put our minds to something now and enjoy life.

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