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Benefits of Rosehip Seed Oil

If you’re trying to prevent wrinkles, or even if they’ve already take

hold, rosehip seed oil has many unique properties that make it a great
choice for aging or damaged skin.

Penetrates Skin

Unlike other oils for mature skin, rosehip seed oil is astringent and
considered a “dry oil,” which means it sinks into skin quickly. This allows
its essential fatty acids to really penetrate and soothe dry skin.

Boosts Collagen Production

Rosehip seed oil actually encourages skin to form its own collagen due to
its naturally occurring vitamin A. Other facial moisturizers with added
collagen might claim to be anti-aging, but there’s a problem: collagen
molecules are too large for our skin to absorb when they’re applied

Nourishes and Regenerates

Rosehip seed oil keeps skin supple and strong by nourishing skin with
vitamins A, C, and E. It’s also very high in linoleic and alpha-linoleic
acids, which promote cellular regeneration and keep skin looking

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