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Listening is a subtle art form.

We are taught to believe that listening only happens through our ears, when in
actuality, listening is something we can access through all parts of ourselves. Our
senses, the many parts of our aura or subtle body, our nervous system, and our
physical body all have the capability to listen or tune into the ever-present
information, wisdom, and meaning all dimensions of Life is offering us. 

In Daoist traditions and practices, it is said that 90% of communication is listening. 

Being able to clearly perceive - or listen to - ourselves and reality is about creating
space in our energy field. This means being willing to participate in the ever-flowing
dance of relating to and dissolving whatever is creating blocks, gaps, and rigidity in
our perception. Often when somebody is having difficulty being able to listen to, tune
into, or get a clear read on something it is not because they are lacking something,
but rather that they are so full of energy that does not belong to them or is not
authentic to who they are now, that they are unable to access their intuitive faculties
and clear perception. It is in the eternal process of emptying that we are able to
continuously be filled by the truth and wisdom of the moment. 

When we engage in the process of tuning ourselves to become better at receiving and
listening to Creation, we begin to naturally access a grounded and clear connection to
our extrasensory gifts, allowing us to tune into higher octaves of information and
perception that exist on multiple dimensions of reality. 

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