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Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal

growth and a new understanding of yourself and others

Have you ever been that awkward third wheel with either your friends or your siblings? Imagine
being the third wheel to two strangers, as you’re sitting in the window seat on a plane. There I
was on my lonesome with 100 other people on my first plane ride by myself. Destination: Texas.
Buckle your seat belts for a long and awkward plane ride.

Being crammed next to two strangers for a 3.5 hour flight is not an ideal situation for someone
who is more introverted. My whole life I was the one who sits back and watches all of the chaos
unfold at the passover table. This had been my role for as long as I could remember. The casual
snarky comments, “Lauren, you’re awfully talkative tonight.” Much of my childhood included
family dinners, and plenty of holiday parties. Each of these events required for at least one of my
cousins, or my uncles to absorb all of the attention in the room. Here I was on the afternoon
flight to visit more family, and I fell into the same comfortable role of observing, rather than

Not only was I going to visit family, I was staying with them for a long weekend while I went to
a self-improvement forum for teens. Little was told to me about what I would be experiencing at
this forum, but I did know the change that I saw in both my mom, and my grandmother’s
personna. This was something that I wished to see in myself. Therefore, I jumped on the
opportunity… maybe because I would get to travel to Texas too.

At this forum, I was pushed to learn about the history of feeling like I was “shy”, or unsocial. It
was a costume that I had put on when I was a child, and had never taken off. Although I was
called out at family gatherings, it was my own decision to observe. However, at school I seemed
to be the opposite. One with many friends, and not afraid to participate in class discussions. Was
this a costume that I only put on with family?

After completing the weekend, I felt as if I could wear whatever I wanted. I could, and should
engage in social conversation. There is no need to be fearful of what others think of you.
Suddenly, I became my uncle. I was the one to catch everyone’s attention, and gather them
around myself in telling a knee slapping story.

I waved goodbye to my family, and I boarded the red eye home to The City of Brotherly Love.
This time however, I was in the aisle seat next to two other strangers. Both of whom were
strangers to each other. This man, and woman were middle aged, while I was only 15. I decided
that this would be my first opportunity to step out of my comfort zone, and maybe do more than
smiling, saying hello, and put my earbuds in to watch Crazy Stupid Love.
I pushed out a hello, and was surprised by the friendly response from the woman sitting in the
aisle seat. We began to talk about the weather, and introduced ourselves. Before I knew it, we
were halfway through the flight, and I felt as if I had met a new friend. One that was probably
twice my age. Right before landing, she asked me how old I was. The astonished look on her
face when I told her I was 15 is one that I will never forget. After we pulled into the terminal, we
said our goodbyes, and hugged one another.

On my way to pick up my bag I smiled at everyone I walked by, and made sure to look them in
the eye. I felt incredibly independent, and wondered if this was what it felt like to be my
outgoing family. Since then, shy has not been something that I choose to label myself, and no
one has called me out at the passover table. I now blend into the chatter that hovers over my
Mom-mom's famous brisket.

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