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Full name : Tan Yong Sheng

Matric number : CIC 180060

Group number :

Title : Ban of UUAC 1997 is the right move to academic freedom


Abolishment of Universities and Universities College Act 1997 (UUCA) is the

wrong move to academic freedom. Some claims that repealing the UUCA will lead to

introduction of better law to replace it as our Education Minister, Dr Mazlee Malik had

promised that a more comprehensive law is set to replace the Universities and

University Colleges Act 1971 (UUCA) in order to restore academic freedom and power

to students. Although abolishment of UUCA seems leading to academic freedom, it may

turn out a worse law being introduced to replace it. Undeniably, noting that a lot of the

UUCA is very technical and has to do with the governance of universities, a lot of

thought needs to go into its replacement. However, this replacement will hardly to

become perfect just within a short period promised by Dr Mazlee Maleek. Hence,

amendment of UUCA is the better move to academic freedom by just abolishing part of

the UUCA that affect students’ academic freedom as it will be less time consuming and

effective as well.

(176 words)

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