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Alder Viscount Arthur Beckett

“Everything has its place. It is my personal delight to ensure that everything is in it.”


Arthur Becket is a fairly straight-forward use of the Creepy Cleanliness trope invoked by a social
and political powerhouse. As an Invictus, he stands notable for his age and the many things he has
accomplished in the name of the Clan. As a Ventrue, he believes in the company line of Noblisse Oblige
and the Lord’s right to rule. He holds numerous accolades within both his Clan and his Covenant, due
mainly to the opportunities provided him during his longer than-average existence (See History, below).
As a Malkovian, his primary derangement is a form of OCD in which everything—from objects to
people, even Kindred—has a proper place. Anything out of place is to be put where it belongs. Beckett is
a subtle creature who tends towards direct, polite, confrontation when dealing with an issue. Though he
is not afraid to use intimidation or strong-arm tactics when necessary, he prefers to delegate such
matters to those more capable. As his derangement is very subtle, and his sire lost to the sleep of death,
his presence among the ranks of the Lords’ “Unfortunate Cousins” is overlooked in spite of his

A Brief Timeline

1684 - Born as Arturo Arroyo Dominguez de la Cruz.

1712 – Embraced in Mexico City.
1729 – Moves to San Antonio with the influx of Kindred from Mexico City.
1749 – Granted Invictus Status for participation in the successful negotiation and appointment of the
new Obispo.
1762 – As his sire maintained good relations with (???), publicly supports Baron Ortiz’s appointment as
Vizconde de Bexar.
1788 – Begins negotiations with Prince Rodrigo to secure his own territory; a network of boons is
established and he is declared Vizconde de Guadalupe.
1802 – Enters voluntary torpor when the famine begins to limit resources, calling upon his network of
boons to ensure his title remains upon his awakening.
1853 – Awakens from torpor to find that San Antonio is now part of the United States. He goes into
seclusion as he updates himself on language, customs, and both Kindred and mortal history in response
to the fog of ages. He adopts the Anglo-American name “Arthur Beckett”, translating his name as best he
can, and uses the Romanized title “Viscount of Guadalupe”.
1855 – Counsels the Invictus to do nothing against the Carthian attacks on Alcalde Marquez, incidentally
furthering the rumor that the Prince’s disappearance may have been perpetrated by the Invictus.
1861 – Concerned with the current mortal incursion, Arturo begins amassing political influence within
San Antonio and presses for support of secession.
1865 - Unwilling to face a confrontation with Sheriff Morris, Arturo privately counsels many of the
"Alcalde" failures to their doom in an effort to test Morris's conviction.
1870 - Taking advantage of the trap set by the Carthians, Arturo moves to secure Invictus holdings in the
city, but is unsuccessful due to interference by the favored Carthians and Circle.
1873 - Rallies for the appointment of a Bishop of San Antonio, hoping to curry favor with the Second
Estate. Unable to secure aid from them, he turns to using his resources in an effort to spur growth in San
Antonio and make room for further Invictus Kindred.
1880s - Arthur, unable to make room for the Invictus in the city, continues his work with the mortal
populace. His seclusion from Kindred society begins to affect his health.
1890s - Finding the Kindred drastically outpaced by the modern world, Arthur struggles to keep up with
a world that harnesses lightning for it's benefit. HIs mental health continues to decline as he becomes
more and more obsessed with keeping things in an order he understands.
1903 - Arthur's blood advances to a level of power in which his heritage is unlocked. Finding himself
among the "unfortunate cousins" of the Ventrue, He begins to plot against Lady Van Der Meer, whose
disorganized control of the city he somehow believes is responsible for his bloodline.
1906 - Upon the toppling of Van Der Meer, Arthur begins to take control of his own mind. He once more
institutes himself into politics, and begins campaigning for a stronger Invictus presence in the city.
1907 - Counsels the Invictus in the city to remain out of the Triumvirate war, hoping the three sides
would weaken themselves enough for an Invictus take-over of the city.
1921 - Has a favored ghoul killed in the flooding; Mental stability begins to decline again. As a
replacement, he enlists the aid of a Ventrue aide-de-campe, Narcisa, to help him maintain contact with
the mortal realm.
1922 - Increasingly outpaced by mortal technology, Arthur continues another slide into lunacy. He begins
preparing for another torpor, believing the drop in blood potency will allow him to further control the
powers of his blood.
1925 - Arthur, emboldened by the stability in the city, finishes his preparations and enters topor. He calls
in all favors owed to have his body moved to a safe location.
1925-1959 - Arturo lies in Torpor, attended by Narcisa as his steward.
1953-20XX - Arthur awakens early, as construction threatens his resting place. With all memores save for
his name lost to the Fog of Ages, Arthur moves to re-establish ties with the Invictus in the city. At the
suggestion of Narcisa, Arthur braves the perils of travel to gather a team of knights with the power to
return wayward domains to Invictus Control, always intending to return to San Antonio. Calling it the
Order of the Iron Pillar, he recruits the Knight of St. Martin as his Knight Commander by calling upon his
age and status within the Invictus. With the support of Narcisa, he accepts his bloodline and maintains
control of his OCD.
1972 - Arthur hires Cyrus Dewalt as his personal bodyguard when Cyrus kills his first bodyguard.
2014 - Emboldened by the successes of the Iron Pillar and alarmed by the rumors of instability within
San Antonio, Arthur sends his best knights forward in order to begin the process of returning the Domain
to Invictus control.

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