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T&I 8800


Second Edition


~ I
Second Edition

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Craig Hilton and Paul Kidd




Second Edition Development: Craig Hilton and Paul Kidd

Original Game Design: Paul Kidd
Art: Steve Gallacci
Design and Layout: Janice Sellers
Editor: Janice Sellers
Reader: Hilary Ayer

©1993 Chessex, Inc. All artwork ©Steven A. Gallacci. All rights reserved. Albedo is a trademark
of Thoughts and Images. This product is protected by the copyright laws of the United States of
America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is
prohibited without the express written permission of Chessex, Inc.

Albedo and its related materials are works of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or
persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

This product is based on the comic book Albedo, Anthromorphics and the stories "Erma Felna,
E.D.F." and "Birthright", ©Steven A. Gallacci.

Printed in U.S.A.
T&l 8800 ISBN 1-883240-11-5
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page3

Definitions 6
Races 9
Characteristics 17
Character Generation 20
Skills and Areas of Expertise 24
Comparison Chart 31
Interpersonal Relations 33
Encumbrance, Burden and Fatigue 37
Character Growth 39
Missile Combat 43
Vehicle Combat 47
Space Combat 54
Melee Combat 59
Hit Location Chart 60
Damage 61
General Equipment 67
Armor 75
Robots 82
Sensors 83
Vehicles 84
Grenades 95
Missile Weapons 96
Heavy Weapons 101
Melee Weapons 105
Political Structure 109
Military Force 111
ConFed Diplomatic Service 113
Lifestyles 115
Technology 122
World Generation 127
TASHTAN STATION (adventure) 146
Index 157
Pull-out Charts 163
Character Sheet 175


With much gratitude to all those fans who For those of you who are new to the con-
have held this game in such affection that they cept, a role-playing game may be quite difficult
demanded a second edition! to catch on to atfirst. Role-playing games have
no winners or losers. They are played simply
My heartfelt thanks to Rory Deutsch, whose for the enjoyment of the exercise. A game will
constant assistance resulted in the develop- involve one or more players, each of whom
ment of the game's basic systems. How well creates an imaginary "character" which acts
I remember him as he leapt gaily up into the as a kind of alter ego, and whose adventures
cockpit of his OKHA bomb, the rising sun and misadventures will be guided by the will of
glinting from his headband as he tossed his its controlling player.
sake cup aside. (Aaah-and then there were
those warm summer nights in Poona, when The game is presided over by an umpire
we would rub linseed oil into each other's (also called the referee) . The umpire acts as a
knees ... ). storyteller, presenting the players with prob-
lems and information, and adjudicating the
Thanks also to Stephen Curtis, who results of the player characters' actions. A
seems to have played more Albedo than any role-playing game thus becomes an ongoing
other person in the world, and for whom Craig story in which both the players and the umpire
wrote the "house rules" which have resulted in participate, the umpire creating the general
this second edition. framework and the player characters creating
the action.
Paul Kidd
1993 These rules are intended as a framework
which will allow the umpire and players to
simulate the adventures of their characters
and the workings of the game environment.
They are not intended to cover every possible
eventuality. Umpires should feel free to impro-
vise or adapt the rules to meet their particular
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Pages

Despite any humorous preconception$ that habited by intelligent creatures descended
you might have about "cute furry animals", from gene-modified terrestrial animals. These
Albedo is essentially a straightlaced game. creatures (termed characters or "critters" for
Based on the dramatic and entertaining "Erma simplicity's sake) have humanoid characteris-
Felna" and "Birthright" comic strips by Steven tics. They walk erect, use tools, and reason
A. Gallacci, the game is designed to allow very much like a human being. Critters come
players to adventure within the universe pro- in a number of different species, which makes
posed by the "Erma Felna" scenario. As such, their society quite colorful and intriguing. There

Albedo is entirely devoid of plasma zap guns is a great variety within many species. Ele-
and combat chain saws. It projects an alterna- ments such as head hair and fur color can vary
tive society which use.s sensible technologies widely from creature to creature, adding still
and social mechanics. The unique environ- more variety to the types of characters avail-
ment of Albedo governs the entire character of able to the players.
the game.
In the great tradition of Aesop and George
Albedo uses anthropomorphic animals as Orwell, animals in serious stories can be used
its stock inhabitants. In simpler terms, the as a means of showing more.about ourselves.
science fiction environment of Albedo is in- Animal characters can be very much more
Page6 Introduction

than "just funny animals." In a role-playing DEFINITIONS

game, animal characters can be much more
fun to play, since they divorce the player from Area of Expertise: The ability, gained
the known human roles which he would other- often by nonspecific experience, to perform
wise automatically play. We have found it very some straightforward action or feat better than
easy for players to identify themselves with characters without this advantage. Examples
animal characters, with the added bonus that of Areas of Expertise are Assessing Personal-
you feel like you are something more than just ity, Bargaining, Public Speaking, Repartee
a run-of-the-mill human. and Spotting. A character with an Area of
Expertise is said to have expertise in that area.
Albedo endeavors to create a gaming en- At a higher level, the character has great
vironment which does not need great popula- expertise in it, and at the highest level he has
tions of gun-toting opponents to make an very great expertise.
entertaining day's play. The best games make
the players think hard, and occasionally breathe Character: One of the dramatis personae
a sigh of relief. Solving a problem or making a of the story. A character maybe role-played by
successful rescue can be at least as exciting the player (player character or PC) or the
as sending imaginary opponents off to meet umpire (non-player character or NPC). It may
their noble ancestors. also be a "harlequin" (see page 40).

Most importantly, these rules seek to pro- Characteristic: A basic attribute of a char-
vide a means of simulating inter-personal rela- acter. The characteristics are Strength ,
tions. While gunplay seems to form a major Stamina, Manual Dexterity, Coordination, Rea-
part of most role-playing systems, the astute son, Intuition, Drive and Stability. All charac-
will realize that having fun while playing a ters have these at a particular value. They are
game does not mean rampaging about like a measured as a value from 3 to 17 (the average
homicidal maniac. The best games are com- being 10).
posed of interesting problems to solve, people
to deal with and goals to achieve. A fight to the Characteristic Challenge: A situation
death is an awesome and terrifying experi- where a character is attempting some action
ence·. Treat it as such, and perhaps all of your or feat based on one of his characteristics and
games will be just that bit more enjoyable. is interacting with someone else, comparing
like with like. An example is a Strength chal-
IT IS ESSENTIAL FOR ALL UMPIRES lenge for arm wrestling. Strength Characteris-
AND PLAYERS TO BE FAMILIAR WITH THE tic values for the two characters are compared,
GAME'S BACKGROUND MATERIAL. PLAY- with relevant modifiers, to give the Chart Num-
CHARACTERS OR COMMENCING PLAY. Please note that when you are asked to
compare one value with a second value, the
second value will be subtracted from the f i rs tto
yield the number which will be used to deter-
mine which column the player is to roll on.
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page7

Characteristic Check: A situation where can be used to generate numbers between 1

a character is attempting some action or feat and 2 (a roll of 1, 2 or 3 yields a result of 1, and
based on one of his characteristics. Examples a roll of 4, 5 or 6 a result of 2); and between 1
of Characteristic Checks are a Strength check and 3 (i.e., as a d3). Simply halve the value
for lifting a heavy weight, a Coordination check rolled on the ~ix-sided die, remembering to
for jumping over a fence, and a Reason check round fractions up to the next whole number.
for remembering a friend's birthday. The Char-
acteristic value is compared against the Diffi- Also appearing with the various abbrevia-
culty value, with relevant modifiers, to give tions are the terms"+" and"-", with a required
the Chart Number. A Characteristic Check is dice score for an event. A minus sign indicates
called for when a character is not interacting that the player must roll the number shown or
with another character or NPC. less on the dice in order for the specified event
to come about. A plus sign indicates that he
Chart Number: The number reached after must roll the number shown or higher for the
all the adding and subtracting. Check the results to occur.
Chart Number on the Comparison Chart to find
the Success Number. Thus, if the text were to ask a player to roll
2d6, with an event occurring on a 9-, then the
Comparison Chart: Readers will find that player will roll two six-sided dice, with a result-
the rules often refer to a test of some charac- ing score of 9 or less causing the stated effect.
teristic or skill versus another value. The rules
are here referring to a Characteristic Test Dice roll modifiers: When a number is to
rolled on the Comparison Chart, which may be be added to or subtracted from a dice roll, it is
found on page 10. This is the central working referred to as a dice roll modifier (ORM). Thus
part of the game. For details on how to make a -1 ORM means that the players will subtract
a Characteristic Test, see page 31. one from the score of their dice roll result.

When rolling on the comparison chart, the Difficulty: The rigor of an attempted action
dice are always rolled by the player who has or feat, ranging from very simple to nigh on
initiated the test. Thus, if a character chal- impossible, as measured by a number from O
lenges another character to an arm wrestling to 25 respectively. Average Difficulty is 10.
match, the challenger will roll the dice.
Fractional values: At various points dur-
Dice: Whenever dice are rolled, the player ing play, players may find themselves required
will be told the type of dice required for the roll to halve certain values. Fractions are always
in an abbreviated form . The first number in the rounded to the nearest whole number (.5
abbreviated term is the number of dice to be rounds !!Q).
rolled. The next term specifies the type of dice
to be used for the dice roll in the form of a lower Governor: The characteristic(s) associ-
case "d" followed by the number of sides the ated with the Skill or Area of Expertise, whose
required type of dice possesses. Thus 2d6 is value (or average of values) is used to help
the shorthand term for two six-sided dice. determine how capable the character is at that
Most of the game operates through that famil- skill due to his innate abilities.
iar old workhorse , the six-sided die, which is
the easiest and quickest to use. A six-sided die
Pages Introduction

Player: The person who creates a charac-

ter and plays it in the game. For the most part,
players control the actions of their characters.
Result Grades: The degree by which the
result succeeds or fails. Thus they are also
called Success Grades and Failure Grades.

Skill: The ability, gained by specific train-

ing, to perform some action or feat which could
be a barrier to characters normally unskilled in
this particular area. Examples of Skills are
Leadership, Climbing, Handguns, Starship
Pilot and Administration. A character with a
Skill is said to be Skilled in that area. At a
higher level, the character is Adept at it, and at
the highest level he is a Master at the Skill.

Skill Challenge: As with a Characteristic

Challenge, comparing like skills instead of like
characteristics. An example is a Stickfighting
skill challenge for an attempt to strike your
opponent in a match. The two Governors are
compared, with relevant modifiers, to give the
Chart Number.

Skill Task: As with a Characteristic Task,

except a particular skill is required. Examples
of Skill Tasks are a Handguns Skill Task for
firing an 8mm handgun at a target, a Zero-G
Movement Skill Task for maneuvering through
a disabled spaceship, and a Law Skill Task for
deciding what constitutes a misdemeanor. The
Skill Governor value is compared against the
Difficulty value, with relevant modifiers, to give
the Chart Number.

Success Number: The number (or less)

that must be rolled on 2d6 to succeed.

Umpire: The person who controls the

game. He generally creates and tells the story
which the players experience.
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page9

The Albedo universe is populated with be noted that many races are very protective
anthropomorphic animals as opposed to hu- of their females, and thus are prone to a variety
man beings. Animal characters (or "critters") of sexism. The lives and careers of female
are played much like human characters found characters will often be complicated by the
in other games, with the added bonus that misguided attitudes of their male colleagues.
each critter type has its own distinctive ap- Fortunately, enough responsible people exist
pearance, features and psychological quirks. to make sexist attitudes less of a problem than
These creatures are alien, and should not be they could be.
treated as cute furry little people.
Physical structure: Most critters are
Physiology equipped with three fingers and a thumb.
The critters which populate Albedo are Critters descended from hooved animals have
different enough from humans to rate a brief a slightly clumsier . arangement, using their
discussion about the special problems and modified hooves as hands. Critters whose
advantages which an anthropomorphic ani- ancestors came equipped with claws now only
mal will live with from day to day. have fingernails at the end of their digits.

Species and reproduction: Critters are The majority of critters in Albedo have tails.
divided into definite species, each of which While chipmunks and the like have short little
breeds true. There are no hybridized offspring ·tails which do not intrude much into day-to-day
in Albedo, except in the case ·of breeds which life, many species will have quite· stylish cau-
are physically very similar (i.e., different breeds dal appendages. Clothing is designed to allow
of canine). This causes some emotional prob- tails free movement. The position of tails and
lems to the people of Albedo. Although mem- ears give critters in Albedo a very visible and
bers of different species may feel sexually flexible body language, which greatly adds to
attracted to one another, children are only their capacity for self expression.
possible to couples of the same species. Doubt-
less many devoted "mixed" couples will resort The feet and legs of many critters are
to adoption or artificial insemination when they constructed somewhat differently from those
wish children. The sex life of characters in of humans. The long foot bones and abbrevi-
Albedo can often be further complicated by ated thigh bones of many animal types give
mating seasons and pheremones. Females of the appearance of the leg joints being re-
most species can voluntarily control their phero- versed. Many critters retain their dig itigrade
mones to some extent. Some males, at least foot bones, thus giving them an "ankle" joint at
those from species with dramatic sex signal- the level of the human knee. Such creatures
ing features , can cosmetically enhance them. effectively walk on the balls of the ir feet, with
The females of most races can control their the toe section of their foot in contact with the
fertil ity to an extent which makes contracep- ground, and the bulk of their foot forming what
tives an unneccesary invention. we would call their "calf." Readers who think
this unattractive need only look at the internal
Most societies do have a system of formal- illustrations to see otherwise.
ized relationships similar to marriage. It should
Page 10 Character Creation

Remember that most critters are covered light). Races which have excellent night vision
in fur. Fur provides good insulation from the include possums, cats and owls.
cold or from hot sun, but is hell to dry out after
a shower. In addition to body fur, some spe- Mammalian critters often pay more atten-
cies have extensive head hair, although promi- tion to scents than many humans are wont to
nent head hair is not always the currentfashion. do, but do not exceed human olfactory capa-
One side effect of having a permanent fur coat bility. There are no "blood hound" abilities
is a lack of sweat glands. Most critters do not among sentient creatures.
have the ability to evaporate moisture from the
skin to cool themselves (except through the Character Race Determination
hands and feet), but instead must pant. Bear Before rolling a character, each player
th is in mind whenever a fatigued character must decide what sort of creature his charac-
attempts to move silently .. .. ter is going to be. This is done by looking on the
charts below to see what options are open for
Critters of herbivorous descent retain their the character's race. The entry for each racial
vegetarian natures, enjoying a wide variety of type includes the size of the various sub-
grains, fruits and vegetables. Grass does not species (recorded as the ''frame"- see page
feature in the diets of sentient critters. Since it 18) and the classes for a character's charac-
is a very low energy food, herbivorous critters teristics scores. Races are recorded by gen-
are no longer equipped to digest it, having eral type and specific sub-category.
traded off their complex and efficient digestive
systems for intelligence. Carnivore-descended The type of critter chosen does not neces-
critters eat the foodstuffs created by bio-mass sarily govern the character's behavior. Do not
producers, although they also eat a quantity of stereotype characters into timid little mice or
vegetable matter. big bad wolves. Sentient races are complex
individuals, and personal attitudes and incli-
Senses: While avians and the small-eared nations vary widely among the individual races.
creatures have hearing approximating the
human range , the larger-eared mammals have It is a good
quite sensitive hearing, exceeding the human idea to list the
norm. This gives them a greater range of advantages and
hearing, and a more accurate sense of direc- disadvantages
tion (facilitated by their ability to swivel their conferred by a
ears). They are also far more sensitive to loud character's race
noises than avians or humans, and can react on the front of
very badly to high pitched sound and ultrason- the character
ics. sheet. This al-
lows play to be
The senses of smell and sight among crit- more easily in-
ters are equivalent to human in strength and fluenced by the
discrimination. Critters have full color vision, lZ~--- character's ra-
forward focusing eyes and good far/near sigh.t. cial types.
Some critters will have enhanced night vision
(thereby becoming more sensitive to intense
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 11

Minor avian (Small frame)
Str: A
Sta: D
MDex: E
Coord: F
Stab: D

Major avian (Light frame)

Str: B
Sta: D
MDex: D
Coord: E
Stab: D

Ratite (Average frame)

Str: D
Sta: D
MDex: D
Coard: D
Stab: D

Notes: Minor avians include Crows, Ducks, Par- space will don full vacc suits, normally with separate
rots, Seagulls and Penguins. Major avians are Eagles, sleeves which will only be pulled on in moments of high
Hawks, Herons and Ravens. Ratites are descendants danger or immediately before risking vacuum expo-
of the great flightless birds, such as Emus and Os- sure.
Each type of avian has its own particular differ-
An avian's wings are not strong enough to allow ences. Some birds may use their wings to perform
flight, but can be useful for maneuver in zero-G condi- extended jumps or to slow a fall. Penguins will be
tions. The wrist joint of most avian species is equipped natural swimmers. Eagle or hawk characters will have
with a small hand (much like the "hand" arrangement on excellent long sight. Ratites have very flexible necks.
a bat or pterodactyl). A punch delivered by an avian
character will do one less point of damage than normal , Temperaments will vary from sub-species to sub-
while a kick delivered by avian feet will do one extra species. Penguins seem to have developed an affinity
point of damage due to the sturdy claws fitted to the feet for practical scientific skills, and often favor roles in the
of all birds (even ducks and penguins). The grip deliv- medical or heavy engineering professions. Penguins
ered by avian hands is relatively weak, so a DRM of+1 are noted for their strong family ties, and are often found
should be made whenever an avian attempts an activity working or travelling in "pods" of two to six individuals.
which relies heavily upon strength of grip (e.g., hauling Hawks and eagles, on the other hand, are fairly solitary,
on a rope attached to a heavy object) . rarely seeking to be in groups of their own species.

Avian characters will not normally wear clothing The splendid plumage of many male avians, coupled
apart from decoration, rank badges and protective with their dislike of wearing clothes, leads many people
clothing, thus saving some wear and tear on the to consider avians vain. With most avian species,
character's budget. There are no vacc suit liners made however, their easy grace and beauty is more pleasing
to fit avians (penguins are an exception). Avians in than irritating.
Page 12 Character Creation

Dog (Average/Light frame)
Str: D/B
Sta: D
MDex: D
Coard: DIE
Stab: D

Wolf (Solid frame)

Str: E
Sta: D
MDex: D
Coard: C
Stab: C

Fox (Light frame) ~,

Str: B
Sta: D
MDex: D
Coard: E
Stab: D

Notes: The most numerous single racial class,

dogs come in a huge number of sub-species, most of MDex: D
which can interbreed with each other. Thus, dogs are a Coord: E
fairly sociable and cooperative species. Dog "breeds" Stab: D
cover a wide range of sizes and shapes. Small dogs will
be terriers, while the largest will be heavy-setdobermans Lion, Tiger (Solid frame)
and hounds. Str: E
Sta: C
Wolves are a heavier, more solid species than MDex: D
dogs, and seldom interbreed with their lesser cousins. Coord: D
Wolves tend towards shorter tempers and more calcu- Stab: D
lating dispositions than dogs, and are far less numer-
ous. Notes: Felines in the cat category come in a large
variety of sub-species which vary according to the
Foxes are light framed carnivores with delicate, characteristic patterning of fur or the presence/non-
pointed faces. More calculating and inquisitive than presence of a tail. Some species of cat have digitigrade
other canine types, foxes also tend to be less bluff and feet, while most do not. The unimposing size of the
boisterous. The bright fur and gorgeous tails of foxes various cat species is well matched by their high agility.
make them particulaly pleasing to the eye, and well
coordinated foxes are extremely gra:::eful. Most foxes The larger feline species (lions, lynxes, jaguars,
have digitigrade feet. The smallest foxes may be fen - etc.) are much rarer than their smaller brethren, and
necs, whose large ears give them extraordinarily acute lack their high agility. While they combine considerable
hearing. strength with a good dexterity, their heart/lung systems
are not designed to support sustained physical effort.
Sub-categories: Felines are often wrongly characterized as being
Cat (Light frame) fickle, a notion which should be dismissed by anyone
Str: B who has tried to change a cat's mind about something!
Sta: D Cats are notable for their independence, although this
MDex: D does not stop them from forming very strong ties with
Coard: E
selected individuals.
Stab: E
ALBEDO: The Role.:.playing Game Page 13

MARSUPIALS Possums are descended from the highly adaptable

Sub-categories: Australasian Phalangers (brush-tailed or ring-tailed
Platypus (Small frame) possums) . This is a minor category which has seen
Str: B some increase in standing since the advent of starship
Sta: D travel. The prehensile tails and agile gripping feet of the
MDex: D various species of possum make them extraordinarily
Coard: E agile in zero-G . Possums are better adapted to short
Stab: E bursts of physical activity rather than sustained effort.

Possum (Light frame) Kangaroos are hefty, average-framed creatures

Str: B with pronounced digitigrade feet. Their heavy tails can
Sta: C support their owner's weight and can serve as a seat.
MDex: D
Coard: F Marsupial females are highly independent, due to
Stab: C the pouches in which they carry their young. Marsupials
with infants and young children rarely need to leave
Kangaroo (Average frame) their careers, since their unobtrusive and highly por-
Str: D table infants do not interfere with their tool-using capac-
Sta: D ity, or even require much constant attention. Possums
MDex: D tend to favor careers in shipboard/zero-G fields, or
Coard : D involve themselves in zero-G colony activities.
Stab: D
Notes: Platypi are small, densely muscled, stub- Sub-categories:
born little monotremes. The poisonous spurs of male Ferret, Otter, Stoat (Light frame)
platypi have atrophied down to vestigial toenails.' Like- Str: B
wise, these creatures have lost their ancestors' ability to Sta; D
sense the electrical signature of other beings (look it MDex: D
up). Coard: E
Stab: B

Weasel (Light frame)

Str: B
Sta: D
MDex: 0
Coard: E
Stab: E

Notes: Quick, graceful carnivores, often brimming

with nervous energy, musteldids are a sucessful spe-
cies group with considerable charisma. Their hyperac-
tive natures can occasionally get on the nerves of other,
more sedate races. Otters are natural born swimmers.

Common opinion often fits musteldae into a set of

racial sterotypes. It is "common knowledge" that wea-
sels are calm and calculating, and that all stoats have
short tempers. Some people feel that otters are naive in
their playful inquisitiveness and easygoing natures.
Experience has shown, however, that weasels, stoats,
ferrets and otters can be quick thinkers, ruthless oppo-
nents, or caring friends, proving once again that racial
stereotypes are bigoted nonsense. Musteldae often
turn towards entreprenurial or governmental careers.
Page 14 Character Creation

/'\.~ Sub-categories:
Mouse, Rat (Small frame)
Str: A
~- C$.;J4
) Camel, Cow, Horse, Llama (Solid frame)
Str: E
. )'.it:_·
~t~~~ E ef_~~·~\
Sta: E
: MDex: C
Coord:F /\~ Coard: C
Stab: D Stab: G

Chipmunk, Rabbit, Squirrel (Light frame) Goat, Pig, Sheep (Average frame)
Str: B ,~ Str: D
Sta: D ~ Sta: D
MDex: D MDex: C
Coord: E Coord: D
Stab: D Stab: B

Rhino (Huge frame)

Str: D Str: G
Sta: D Sta: D
MDex: D MDex: C
Coord: D Coord: B
Stab: D Stab: C

Notes: A highly successful category, despite the Notes: Sentients descended from hooved animals
small average size of its individual species. The high are slightly disadvantaged in that they lack the flexible
adaptability and fertility of rodentia have given them a fingers of the other creatures (ORM of+1 when trying to
firm place in "critteroid" society. Rodents are notable for perform a delicate manual operation). The vestigial toes
their gregarious natures, and can be cunning and clever of horses and their kin have reappeared as fingers,
creatures. while the main hoof has shrunken down to match them
in size. This effectively gives ungulates two clumsy
Mice and rats are typical members of the rodent opposable thumbs and one finger. A minor advantage
family. While most mice are too lightly built to make of having rigid horny fingers is that a punch from such
good infantrymen, mice and rats feature strongly in creatures will do one more point of damage than from
military forces as vehicle crews, technical support, and critters using a normal fist. Horns on ungulates are
staff (mice in particular seem to favor staff appoint- much reduced or absent; if present, antlers do not shed
ments). annually.

Rabbits are a highly populous species. Many spe- Ungulates

cies-specific colonies were established during the sec- tend to concen-
ond wave of colonization, and rabbits were notable for trate upon the hu-
entering into this voluntary segregation. Many segre- manities fields
gated colonies have developed highly racist (even when entering
paranoid) attitudes towards other species. The rabbits into an ad-
which have remained integrated with normal society, vanced educa-
however, are normal well adjusted citizens. tion, and are
often found
Beavers, chipmunks and squirrels are far less nu- working in the
merous than the other rodent species, but have proven academic, ar-
to be quite adaptable creaJures, and are present in most tistic or enter-
planetary populations. tainmentfields.

ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 15


Sub-categories: Players should form a firm idea about their
Raccoon (Average frame) characters' world and society of origin. The
Str: C
Lifestyles section (page 115) extensively de-
Sta: D
MDex: D tails the types of cultures which may be found
Coard: E in known space. Backgrounds which diverge
Stab: C from the model of the older inner worlds should
be discussed with the umpire so that everyone
Bear (Huge frame)
Str: G
present understands the ramifications of the
Sta: C character's background.
MDex: D
Coord: B Sample character names taken from the
Stab: G "Erma Felna, EDF" story include:
Erma, Eda, Kanok and Tasak Felna
Joseph and ltzak Arrak
Colonel Hitzok
Sergeant Tzoquotah
Htzktl ("Hotzktel")
Qtzhlhii ("Quetzelholoi")

ILR names mentioned in the story include
such convoluted names as Aerhanemenah,
,, Bhallanieha and Tehstoah. Names from the
"Birthright" story include Anton, Alton, Andre
Notes: Omnivorous relatives of the canine family, and Kenda Kashoka, and Jenna Shodi.
bears and raccoons are good tool users. The imposing
bulk of bears makes them extremely dangerous oppo-
nents in a fight. Do not be fooled into thinking that a The original scenario was done with an
bear's solid build means that it has the slow temper and occasional tongue-in-cheek touch, like hooved
easy disposition of a big man in a small world. Large animals having full manipulative abilities (all
bears might just as easily be grouchy, or even brutal "off camera", of-course). With names, there
bullies. Bears tend to like positions of authority, but are
not always qualified for them. were some alternately silly and arbitrary
choices; such as French names for penguins,
none of which had any special significance
that could be inferred.
Other Races
Should a player feel a strong desire to be a So Erma is a perfectly normal name (though
Hedgehog, a Mole, or some other creature not inspired by Erma Werke Waffenfabrik), as are
listed here, the decision is left to the discretion many others in the course of the story. No one
of the umpire. The only restrictions are that needs to get all exotic to keep the feel, but
there are no cold-blooded creatures (frogs, there are some guidelines in any case. Re-
lizards and the like), no marine mammals, and gionally, the early, older colonies would com-
no primates! The denizens of Albedo encom- monly have names of a Biblical nature, usually
pass 163 separate races, so lack of scope in alternate spellings for an exotic or Euro/
should be no problem. Middle Eastern flavor: ltzak, Jozeph, Daud,
Meschak, Efrim, Ibrahim, Mari, and so on.
Page 16 Character Creation

Newer outer colonies would either go to more "cutesie" names should be ritually killed as a
exotic or more mundane. So pseudo-Japa- warning to the others. Cute, stereotyped names
nese or-Vietnamese names, like Toki, Kikako, will seriously prejudice play, and indicate that
Chian, Zokai, Thanh, and Ngaka could alter- your player does not wish to take the game
nate with common English monosyllabics like seriously.
Bob, Ed, Ted, Dan, Don, Tom, and so on.
A character's background will also effect
Within the ILR, and among rabbits in gen- his choice of career. While professional stu-
eral, long polysyllabic messes of vowels are dents and dabblers in the arts and crafts are
common for family names, along with short common on the inner worlds, whose govern-
snappy given names, so we have things like ments provide all of their citizens with housing,
lpcha Tankannahai, Th'ka Hassakenall, Bill food and a basic spending allowance, such
Tandennandemai, Tede Barkalahaia, and careers are rare on the more capitalist worlds
such. Other species have specific name types where a wage must be earned simply to pro-
as well, like the aforementioned French pen- vide food and shelter. Military characters from
guins. Mice often have strong Germanic/Euro colony worlds will be more likely to be in the
names like Wolfgang, Helmut, Ernst, and local Homeguard than in the EDF, which draws
Anton. Monotremes always, and marsupials the greater bulk of its recruits from the inner
commonly, have simple names like Bill and systems (which are far closer to the EDF's
Ted. Coyotes have pseudo-Aztec sounding training academies).
names, spelled with few or no vowels, like
Qtzhlhii, Htzktl , Tktlqtzn, Anktlqtzn, and Finally, a character's background environ-
Khnihklnti. ment will quite definitely affect his starting Ties
and Antipathies. The older inner worlds all
Most characters will have names some- have staunch ConFed governments, and this
what reminiscent of modern first names and attitude will be reflected in the attitudes of
surnames. About the only thing that is avoided military characters from these worlds. The
is obvious Latin names. Credible created citizens of the outworld colonies tend towards
names are encouraged. As this is all just for a loyalty to their own worlds over and above
effect, anything that sounds good, without the ConFed government. The citizens of spe-
being too obvious or cute, is acceptable. Play- cies-specific worlds (inhabited by one species
ers who insist on giving their characters only) will often have mistaken or bigoted atti-
tudes towards other species.

It is assumed that all

characters will hail from the
Con Fed sphere of influence,
rather than from the worlds
of the Independent Lapine
Republic (who form the "bad
guys" of the whole scenario).
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 17

The following section details the physical the character's maximum number of actions).
and mental attributes of individual characters To control the recoil of a weapon, the weapon
which we will simulate in this game. Only those must have a recoil value equal to or lower than
characteristics which will possibly have to be the character's maximum recoil control rating.
tested during play or which will affect a This rating is found in the chart below:
character's skills are used.
Maximum Controllable Recoil
Among the game charts you will find a Character's Maximum Recoil
ready reference sheet for character genera- Strength Control Rating
tion. Follow the procedures detailed on the 1 to 4 1
cheat sheet for the quickest technique of cre- 5 to 7 2
ating characters. 8 to 11 3
12 to 13 4
The characters used in Albedo (from here
on commonly referred to as "critters") are Subtract any Strength DRM 's from the
posessed of a wide variety of inherent abilities character's Strength before looking on this chart.
and talents, which this game shall define within If the recoil of a weapon is higher than tha
eight characteristics: Strength, Stamina, permitted value, then 1 fatigue point is lost per
point of excess recoil.
Manual Dexterity, Coordination, Reason, Intu-
ition, Drive and Stability.
Controlling a weapon's recoil. Should
more than one shot per turn be desired by a
These basic characteristics comprise the
character with a weapon whose recoil is above
physical, neuro-physical, mental, and psycho-
the character's recoil control rating, the char-
logical abilities of the character.
acter must roll a test of his Strength versus (3
x the recoil of the weapon). A successful test
Physical Characteristics
indicates that the character may once again
Strength (Str) is the expression of the
fire his weapon. A failed test costs the charac-
brute force which the individual can apply. It is
ter one action, and means that he may not fire
also used to indicate the character's physical
the weapon again during this turn.
size and physique. Strength is a measure of
the character's ability to lift weights and arm
Weapons firing wild bursts add one to their
wrestle, and his ability to resist damage and
Neuro-physical Characteristics
Stamina is used to determine the length
Manual Dexterity (MDex) is used to deter-
that any physical activity can last.
mine the control that the character can exert
over delicate manipulations and tasks, specifi-
Recoil. A character's Strength dictates
cally the steadiness and accuracy which can
the force of firearms recoil which he can com-
be brought to bear on manual tasks. It also
fortably handle. Provided that the character
measures the character's hand-eye coordina-
can control the recoil of a weapon, a number of
tion. Manual Dexterity would be tested if the
shots may be made within the same turn (up to
Page 18 Character Creation

character was painting model soldiers, defus- Initiative. A character's Intuition score will
ing a bomb or cracking a safe. determine the type of initiative dice he will roll
when engaged in a firefight, as shown by the
Coordination (Coard) is an expression of following chart:
the character's ability to perform simultaneous
actions with different parts of the body, as well Initiative Dice
as providing an idea of the character's ability to Character's Intuition Type of Dice
retain his balance. Coordination is also the Score Rolled
measure of the individual's speed at perform- 5 to 8 1d6-1
ing actions such as drawing a gun , etc. As 9 to 11 1d6
such, Coordination is used to assess a being's 12 to 13 1d6+ 1
basic combat ability. Stamina, however, is 14 to 15 3d3
used to determine the length of time that any
Coordination-based activities may be contin- Subtract Intuition wound DRM's from the
ued. character's initiative dice rolls.

Actions per turn. The number of actions Psychological Characteristics

which a character can perform in any single An individual's Drive (Orv) represents his
turn is dependent upon the character's Coor- willpower and determination. It is a measure of
dination score. The Action Sequence Chart on the motivation and self discipline that he can
page 41 is used to determine the priorities of bring to bear on any task with which he is
the actions which a character performs. faced. Drive is tested whenever a character
wishes to embark on a long and difficult project,
Actions per Turn or when his determination comes under attack
Character's Number of (such as a character declaring his intention to
Coordination Score Actions per Turn limp along on a wounded leg).
. "
1 .to 2 1
3 to 4 2 A character's Stability rating represents
5 to 8 3 the ease with which he changes his feelings
9 to 12 4 about things. "Unstable" individuals are not
12 to 15 5 insecure, merely quite changeable in their
Subtract any Coo rd DRM's from the character's
Coord score before looking on the above chart. OTHER CHARACTER ASPECTS
Frame Size
Mental Characteristics This is an indication of the physical bulk of
Reason and Intuition reflect different as- a character. Most critters are built to a slightly
pects of intelligence. Reason (Reas) is the smaller scale than human beings. An "aver-
individual's capacity for induction, logic, age"-framed human is closer to the "solid
memory and pre-planning. It can be used for frame" category for critter builds.
tests of memory and speed of thought.

Intuition (lntu) is the strength of the

character's "sixth sense." It is used in combat
as a determination of the character's initiative.
ALBEDO: The Role·playing Game Page 19

Disposition The Disposition Chart does not deal with

Each character or NPC rolls twice on·the shyness, force of personality, or any other
Disposition Chart on page 21. The first of attitudes which are more a function of the
these rolls is the character's "Core." This never player's individual mentality and playing style
changes, and should form the basis of much of than personality. Bravery and firmness of con-
the role-play of that character. Conflicting dis- viction are already incorporated into the sys-
positions are no real problem. A reckless per- tem as the Drive characteristic and the
son with a cautious disposition will act character's Self Image (see below) . Always
conservatively until pushed, whereupon he bear an individual's characteristics in mind
will become hot-headed and irresponsible. A when role-playing the character's disposition.
combination which the player can't figure out For instance, a character who is kind, but who
can always be rolled again. has a high Reason and Drive, could be a cold
and clinical opponent at need, but would not
The second roll is the character's "Inclina- tolerate acts of wanton cruelty.
tion", and can be changed slowly over the
years. If the Inclination is the same as the Core The SPI Rating
(i.e., the same disposition is rolled twice), it The ConFed authorities use a standard
becomes a "Disorder", and the characteristic index to measure the general intelligence and
is role-played to extreme lengths (i.e., greed psychological stability of individual citizens.
rolled twice becomes miserliness). Termed the SPI (Socio-Psych-Intel) rating,
this index is used to measure a citizen's gen-
Numerical values. Dispositions are given eral intelligence, mental balance and motiva-
numerical values, which allows them to be tion. Many professions (such as the armed
used in tests made on the Comparison Chart. forces of the EDF) require a minimum SPI
A character's Core is given a value equal to 1.5 rating.
x the character's Drive score. Inclinations are
given a value equal to the character's Drive Self Image
score. Disposition Disorders are given a value All characters have an ego, or Self Image,
of 2 x the character's Drive score. This tech- a rating of what they think of themselves at any
nique is of great benefit in playing non-player particular time. It has a numerical value which
characters which the player characters en- varies within a certain range but starts at, and
counter during adventures. usually hovers around, the Drive value.

Page 20 Character Creation


You will find a blank Character Sheet for Roll Modifier

photocopying in the back of this book. 1 -2
2 -1
Step 1: Choose the character's species. 3 nil
4 nil
Step 2: Determine characteristic values. 5 +1
6 +2
A character has 40 experience points to
"spend" on the eight characteristics, in the Step 3: Calculate the following numbers:
manner indicated on the Characteristics Chart.
The species determines the class of Strength, SPI Rating:
Stamina, Manual Dexterity, Coordination and Reason+ Intuition+ Drive
Stability. For each of these characteristics, 10
use the letter from the species description in
the "class" row; for Reason, Intuition and Drive, (Include one decimal place. Note the effect
use class D. Then determine the number of on SPI rating of Disposition, in Step 4, and of
points you are willing to spend as shown on the Advanced Education, in Step 8.)
"poirits" column. Where the row and column
meet you will find your critter's characteristic Recoil Number: 1/3 Strength (round down)
number. To use the Fast Track line, see page
23. Fatigue Points: 3 x Stamina

Characteristics Chart Actions per Turn: 1/3 Coordination (round

COST (points) 1 2 3 5 7 10 15 down)

A 3 - 4 - 5 6 7 Self Image: Ranges

c B 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 from 1/2 to 1-1 /2 Drive.
L c 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Begins equal to Drive.
A D 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
s E 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Step 4: Roll the
s F 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 character's Disposi-
G 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 tions-the Core and the
Inclination-or the um-
FAST TRACK H I J K L M N pire may decide to allo-
cate them personally.
If a player wishes, he can gamble on start-
ing with a higher value for any or all of the Roll 1d20 tw ice .
Reason, Intuition and Drive characteristics by These are the two Dis-
rolling 1d6 and applying a modifier. This does positions. If the same
not cost any points; however, the player should number comes up
note that he has only a 33% chance of gain. twice, the character has
one Disorder instead.
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 21

Step 6: Decide on the type of background

Disposition Chart education the character received,
.• and allo-
Dice roll Disposition/Disorder cate further skills.
1 Cautious/Paranoid
2 Polite/Sycophantic Military Background
3 Exacting/Perfectionist Current Affairs
4 Generous/Wasteful Law
5 Talkative/Hysterical Political Science
6 Kind/Saintly
7 Responsible/Fanatical Institutional Background
8 Modest/Antisocial Literacy (at Adept)
9 Straightforward/Callous Higher Mathematics
10 Friendly/Amorous Research
11 Reckless/Manic
12 Vulgar/Obscene Clan/Family Background
13 Vague/Apathetic 1 Art/Craft or Musical Instrument skill
14 Greedy/Miserly . Current Affairs· or Socio-history
15 Reserved/Mute Literacy (at Adept)
16 Cruel/Diabolical
17 Irresponsible/Amoral Step 7: Choose three more Social skills
18 Conceited/Messianic and three more Movement/Perception skills
19 Devious/Treacherous (page 24).
20 Cynical/Psychopathic
Step 8: Decide on a career for your char-
A character with a Disposition between 11 acter-EDF, Homeg,uard, Diplomatic or other.
and 20 on the chart must subtract 0.2 from his Choose a Skill Package appropriate to your
SPI Rating. If both the Dispositions (Core and chosen career (page 26). You are Adept at the
Inclination) are such, subtract 0.4. If the char- primary skill, and Skillful at the two secondary
acter has a personality Disorder, subtract 0.8. skills.

Characters with Disorders will be refused EDF characters also receive Coolness
entry into the EDF and Homeguard. under Fire automatically.

Step 5: Begin to allocate skills. All player Step 9: Develop some kind of idea of what
characters will initially have the following: your character's ambitions are.

Literacy Choose and/or upgrade skills related to the

Melee (Armed) = chosen career. A character has 20 experience
(Axe/Club/Stick/Knife Fighting) points to spend on Skills and Expertises (or 40
Melee (Unarmed) = (Boxing/Wrestling) or 60, if the umpire decides to begin the game
Small Ground Vehicle Driver at a more advanced level). At least one skill
Sneaking must be related to some kind of sporting or
leisure pursuit.
Page 22 Character Creation


Skill Costs
Gain a skill 2 points When you're not in the position to invest a
Become adept 5 more points great deal of time creating characters (such as
Become master 15 more points for a one-off "quickie"), you can use the follow-
ing shortcut. Please note these characters will
Gain expertise 1 point not always have the same individuality as
Gain great expertise 3 more points ones that have been created the standard
Gain exceptional expertise 10 more points way, and some may be better or worse. Nev-
ertheless there will be times when you may
Apply bonuses to your SPI for each Skill. find this "Fast Track" useful.

SPI Skill Bonuses Compare this with the standard character

Skill Level SPI Bonus generation procedure.
Skillful +.1
Adept +.2 Step 1: Choose species.
Master +.3
Step 2: Determine characteristic values by
rolling 1d6 and cross-referencing on the Char-
acteristics Chart on page 20 (instead of spend-
ing points). Take the entire sequence.

no modifiers
R s s M c s R I D
0 t t D 0 t e n r
I r a e 0 a a t v
I m x r b s u e
1 K L K J K L K J
2 L K J K K K L J
3 I J M L J J L K
4 M L J I J J I M
5 I J K K M M J I
6 L J M J I I M J

Steps 3 & 4: Calculate othervalues, choose


Steps 5, 6 & 7: Determine the skills. For

Step 6, roll 1d6 for the appropriate career
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 23

Military Career Skill Key

Roll on d6 Skills A Melee (Armed)
1 A* B* C D E G J L* M* N 0 T W Z B Melee (Unarmed)
2 A B* C D E G* J* L M N P T V W* c Small Ground Vehicle Driver
3 A B C D* E H* J* L* M N S W X D Literacy
4 A* B* C D* E H J L M* N R S X E Sneaking
5 A* B C D* E F J L M N V* Y* Z F Art
6 A B C D* E G I J K L M* N* W* G Current Affairs
Areas of Expertise: Spot, Throw H Leadership
I Musician
Diplomatic Career J Coolness under Fire
Roll on d6 Skills K Climbing
1 A B C D* E G* I L N Q R T* W* Z L Handguns
2 A B C D* E G* I Q R* T* W* Z* M Longarms/Grenade Launcher
3 A B C D* E F G N* R S T W* X Z* N First Aid
4 A B C D* E F* G* I Q S T* W X Z 0 Large Ground Vehicle Driver
5 A B C D* E F G* H* Q R T WY* Z* p Aerospace Pilot
6 A B C D* E G I* J* L* N T W X Z Q Administration
Areas of Expertise: Bargaining, Mingle R Computer Operations
s Higher Mathematics
Other Career (Admin., Service, etc) T Law
Roll on d6 Skills u Mechanical Repair
1 A B C D E* F G* L N R* T WY* v Navigation
2 A B* C D E G J K L* N T* W Z* w Political Science
3 A B C* D* E I L O* R S U* X Z x Research
4 A B C D* E F J* H* Q R T W* X y Socio-history
5 A B C* D* E F* J M N* S Y Z z Streetwise
6 A* BC D* EH I LP* UV* Z
Areas of Expertise: Spin Yarn, Assess Per- *Denotes Adept at skill.
Page 24 Character Creation


Skills and Areas of Expertise can be ac- Tool-using Skills Governor

quired by characters to help them achieve Aerospace Pilot MDex
their aims in the game. See the Definitions Demolitions MDex, Reas
section of the book (page 6) for a better idea of Sm Ground Vehicle Driver MDex
the difference between a Skill and an Area of Lrg Ground Vehicle Driver MDex
Expertise. Starship Pilot Reas

Generally, the only Skills a character can Knowledge Skills Governor

have are from the list b.elow, although various Administration Reas, Orv
academic disciplines in the Knowledge Skills Biology Reas
field may be created where appropriate. Areas Botany Reas
of Expertise may be chosen or created freely, Brokerage Reas, lntu
at the umpire's discretion. They are easier to Computer Operations Reas
acquire but generally less valuable than Skills. Ecological Science Reas
Electronics MDex, Reas
SKILLS Fine Arts Appreciation Reas,·lntu
Social Skills Governor First Aid MDex, (Reas
Art lntu, MDex or lntu)
Current Affairs Reas Forgery MDex, (Reas
Dancing Coo rd or lntu)
Leadership Self Image Geology Reas
Literacy Reas, lntu Higher Mathematics Reas
Musician MDex, lntu Jump Drive Navigation Reas, lntu
Law Reas, lntu
Movement/Perception Skills Governor Mechanical Repair MDex, (Reas
Climbing Str, Coord or lntu)
Coolness under Fire Self Image
Sneaking* Coord, lntu
Swimming Str
Zero-G Movement Coord
*Sneaking includes Hiding in Cover, Camou-
flage,. Disguise

Weapon Skills Governor

Aerodyne Weapons MDex, Reas
Auto G.L. Gunnery/
Turreted Main Arms MDex
Melee (Armed) Coord
Melee (Unarmed) Coord, Str
Handguns MDex
Longarms/Grenade Launcher MDex
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 25

Medicine Reas
Mineral Appraisal Reas
Navigate lntu
Philosophy Reas, lntu
Physics Reas
Political Science Reas
Research Reas, lntu
Salesman lntu, Orv
Starship Navigation Reas
Socio-history Reas
Streetwise Intu
Surgery Reas, MDex
Systems Engineer (Specify) Reas

Tactical/Strategic Skills Governor

Spatial Tactics
Starship Weapons Systems
Deployment Reas, lntu
Naval Deployment Reas
Small Unit Tactics
Air Reas, lntu
Ground Reas, lntu
Strategic Skills
Strategic Deployment Reas, lntu
Logistics Reas

Some Suggestions Governor
Assess Personality lntu
Bargaining Orv
Debate Reas
Detect Lie lntu
Gambling Reas
Mingle lntu
Public Speaking Orv
Repartee Reas
Scrounge lntu
Snitch/Listen lntu
Spin Yarn Reas
Spot lntu
Throw Coo rd
Page 26 Character Creation

(Some Suggestions)

General Package Primary Skill Secondary Skills

Administration Admin istration Bargaining, Computer Operations

Advanced Education 1 Knowledge skill 2 other skills as appropriate

Aerospace Aircrew Computer Operations Electronics, Zero-G Movement

Business Sales Salesman Bargaining, Brokerage

Diplomacy (SPl~.O) Current Affairs Law, Mingle

Martial Arts Melee (Unarmed) Handguns, Melee (Armed)

Merchant Pilot (SPl~.O) Starship Pilot Aerospace Pilot, Starship Navigation

Merchant Supercargo Administration Bargaining, Streetwise

Political Studies Political Science Research, Socio-history

Military Package Primary Skill Secondary Skills

Aerospace Gnr/Obs Aerodyne Weapons Sys Mechanical Repair, Spot

Aerospace Pilot Aerospace Pilot Aerodyne Wpns Sys, Navigation

Combat Vehicle Driver Lrg Grnd Vehicle Driver Mechanical Repai r, Navigation

Combat Vehicle Gunner Turreted Main Arms Computer Operations, Spot

Combat Weapons Longarms Coolness under Fire, Handguns

Command (SPl~ . O) Tac/Strat skill appropriate Assess Personality or Coolness

to character's specialty under Fire; Leadership
field or Administration ·

Engineering Systems Engineer 1 Tech Skill; Higher Math or Physics

(specify type)

Field Craft -Sneaking Climbing, Spot

ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 27

Military Package Primary Skill Secondary Skills

Field Medic First Aid Coolness under Fire, Medicine

Heavy Weapons Longarms/Gren.L. Auto Grenade Launcher, Throw

Interrogation Detect Lie Assess Personality, Bargaining

Starship Gunner Starship Weapons Deploy Naval Deploy, Small Unit Grnd Tactics

Starship Navigator Jump Drive Navigation Computer Ops, Starship Navigation

Starship Pilot (SPl~.5) Starship Pilot Starship Navigation, Starship

Weapons Deployment

Vehicle Mechanic/ Mechanical Repair Electronics, Computer Operations

Engineering Asst.

Military/Diplomatic Ranks
Rank# Military Diplomatic
1 Cadet Cadet
2 Lieutenant Junior Aide
3 Senior Lieutenant Aide
4 Captain Undersecretary
5 Commander/Major* Secretary
6 Senior Commander/Colonel* Senior Secretary
7 Admiral/General* Sector Minister

*Space forces/ground forces use different nomenclature.

It is suggested that all officer/diplomat char-

acters begin the game at Rank 2. Further rank
advances (i.e. , promotions) cost experience
points. The cost is 3 points per rank number.
The maximum advance is one rank number
per two years game time.
Page 28 Character.Creation

Sample Characters
For those people who are familiar with the "Erma Felna,
EDP' story in Steve Gallacci's Albedo comics, we are
including statistics in game terms for Erma and two of
her friends, allowing players to draw a comparison
between them and their own characters.

Name: Felna, Erma

EDFSN 575 395 2020
Rank: Commander, EDF
TAC aerospace command
(rank grade 3)
Born : 171-01-22, Anniahport, Annah
(Dornthant 11)
Racial type: Feline (cat)
Frame size: Light

Strength : 8
Stamina: 10
MDexterity: 12
Coordination: 12
Reason: 13
Intuition: 10
Drive: 13
Stability: 12

Disposition: Responsible, Straightforward

SPI Rating: 4.0

Skill Ratings:
Administration (Adept) Handguns
Aerodyne Weapons Higher Math
Aerospace Pilot (Master) Law
Air Tactics (Adept) Leadership (Adept)
Assess Personality Long Arms
Computer Operations Melee (Unarmed)
Coolness under Fire Research (Adept)
Current Affairs (Adept) Spot
First Aid Zero-G Maneuver

Specialist rating (Aerospace Pilot): Spec 4

Erma has devoted herself to a professional role,
and lacks skills in other areas.

Description: ing awards for bravery and initiative. She was engaged
Erma stands about 140cm in height, has light gold- in combat during the Derzon campaign, where she lost
brown fur (slightly paler in front), dark red-brown head her vehicle to enemy fire and was later wounded during
hair and green-gold eyes. Unlike many felines, she has a ground engagement.
only the barest stub of a tail. Upon recuperating, Erma ran afoul of a sexist
Encouraged into a career in aerospace from an faction within the EDF command which conspired to
early age, Erma was educated at the Homeguard remove her from combat duties. This ploy was thwarted
Academy on Dornthant. She entered the EDF, receiv- by more responsible officers (backed by the Net) , who
ing her command and aerospace training at the EDF managed to have Erma transferred to the socio-politi-
Academy on Danet. While in training, Erma distin- cally volatile world of Ekosiak, where her talents would
guished herself by neutralizing a terrorist sniper, receiv- be of use.
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 29

Name: Kho, Dea-Htuhok

CSSN 575 827 8489
Rank: Assistant Secretary
ConFed Diplomatic Corps
(civil service grade 7)
Born: 168-07-12, Encho City, Annah
(Dornthant 11)
Racial type: Canine (Lupine)
Frame size: Average

Strength: 9
Stamina: 9
MDexterity: 11
Coordination: 10
Reason: 12
Intuition: 12
Drive: 11
Stability: 10

Disposition: Polite, Responsible

SPI Rating: 4.1

Skill Ratings:
Administration (Adept) Debate
Assess Personality (Great) Handguns
Bargaining (Great) Law (Master)
Computer Operations Mingle
Current Affairs (Master) Political Science

Dea stands about 155cm tall. She has a tail and a
rich red-brown coat with a near white ventral
countershade. She has gold-green eyes. (Dea makes
a good contrast with Jenna Shodi, another female fox,
but of a different species. Jenna is of a shorter, lighter
build, and has digitigrade leg articulation. There is an
illustration of her on page 25.)
Dea's primary education was provided within her
extended family, the clan Aldan-Kho, which trained her
to pass her.Dornthantii Homeguard equivalency at SD
184-11-30. The clan sponsored her through the Con Fed
civil service apprenticeship program in Dornthant and
Dea served with distinction on the staff of the Dea's personal interests parallel her professional
Enchawa Con Fed office from SD 190-01-01 to SD 192- ones. She studies sociology and political science, and
09-20, and then transferred to Ekosiak to act as assis- has several significant essays in the Net.
tant to Con Fed secretary Shato. Both Dea and Erma hail from the Dornthant system.
Dea is currently a detached member of the clan The Dornthantii accent is quite pronounced, and is
Sha-Kho of Tochtah (Dornthant 6), but she still main- easily recognized. When speaking between them-
tains a connection with Aldah-Kho, and is sponsoring selves, Dornthantii will often drop into a thick vernacular
several cousins into ConFed and EDF service. which is almost impossible for non-Dornthantii to follow.
Page 30 Character Creation

Name: Toki
EDFSN 213 395 5010
Rank: Commander, EDF staff
lsh Tako (\ ~
(rank grade 3)
Born: 172-12-02, Settlement City,
Charanx (Danet 3)
Racial type: Rodent (mouse)
Frame size: Small

Strength: 5
Stamina: 11
MD~xterity: 14
Coordination: 13
Reason: 12
Intuition: 14
Drive: 12
Stability: 9

Disposition: Friendly, Straightforward

SPI Rating: 4.1

Skill Ratings:
Administration (Adept) Leadership
Assess Personality (Great) Logistics (Master)
Bargain (Great) Long Arms
Computer Operations (Adept) Mingle (Great)
Coolness under Fire Research
Current Affairs Scrounge
Detect Lie Sneaking
Fine Arts Appreciation Snitch
Handguns Zero-G Maneuver

A strikingly warm and irrepressible character, Toki
stands 116cm tall. Her fur color is light silver-grey,
fading to near white on the ventral surfaces. Her eyes
are a bright green, and she has prominent facial whis-
An old friend of Erma's from their academy days,
Toki's initial basic education was in civilian institutions
rather than military schools. She also lacks Erma's
military family background. Toki has thus had to deal
with a greater diversity of people than her friend Erma,
and is far more at ease in social situations.
Toki has spent the last few years in a staff admin-
istrative position slot with the C.F.C., but has recently
found herself conveniently co-assigned with Erma in a
squadron command position. Toki is an excellent
administrator, and is not afraid to utilize unconventional
methods. Though psychologically capable of combat,
her temperament and train ing fit her for staff positions.
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 31


The Comparison Chart
Chart -12 -9 -7 -5 -2 1 4 6 8 9
Number and -10 -8 -6 -3 0 3 5 7 and
under -11 -4 -1 2 over
Number 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
3 5 7 9 11
11 11 11 11 11 Aut~-
rnatic mat1c
Grades success I 11 11 11 I10 failure

2· 4 6 8

Whenever a character attempts some ac- • Now has the Chart Number.
tion or feat, the Comparison Chart is used.
• Looks at the Comparison Chart to find the
The umpire: appropriate Success Number. This score (or
• Decides whether a Characteristic or Skill less) has to be rolled on 2d6 for the character
is needed, and which. to succeed.

•Decides whether it involves only the char- The attempting character:

acter (thus being a Characteristic Check or •rolls 2d6.
Skill Task, which should be compared against
a Difficulty Number), or whether it is in ·com- •If the result is the Success Number or
parison with another critter (thus being a Char- ONE less, this a Close Success-it has suc-
acteristic Challenge or Skill Challenge, which ceeded by one Success Grade. If the result is
should be compared against the other critter's TWO or THREE less, this is a Good Suc-
Characteristic or Skill Governor). cess-it has succeeded by two Success Grades
. . . and so on. There can be up to four Success
• Compares the two. Grades. Additionally, a roll of 2 is always a
Characteristic Difficulty Number
value of task For example, if the Success Number is 9
or MINUS or and the player rolls 3, it is a Very Good Suc-
Skill Governor Characteristic/ cess, with three Success Grades.
value Skill Governor
of attempting value • If the result is greater than the Success
critter of other critter Number by ONE or TWO, this is a Close
Failure-it has failed by one Failure Grade . . .
If there are two governors, take the aver- and so on. There can be up to four Failure
age value (round down). Grades. A roll of 12 is always a failure.

• Adds or subtracts any modifiers.

Page 32 Playing the Game

• The umpire interprets this result as an DEVIL'S DICE

outcome, and breaks the news-joyful or aw- A lot of the fun (for the umpire, at least) is
ful- as to what has just happened. telling the players exactly what has happened
to them when they have rolled a natural 2 (or
Task Difficulty Numbers better still, a natural 12). If the Devil's Dice rule
Very simple o is being used, then the umpire rolls 2d6 to see
Simple 5 if a natural 2 comes up again (or another 12, as
Average 10 the case may be). If so, then the absolutely,
Difficult 15 totally, most stupendously good thing (or the
Very difficult 20 ultimate worst thing) that could ever happen to
Nearly impossible 25 the character does so. If instead a natural 12
comes up, the umpire may consider letting the
Chart Number Modifiers character's initial good fortune go a little sour
For a Skill Task (or let them off the hook on a 2).
Character has no skill -5
Character has the skill For example, a player may be at a
Character is adept at the skill +5 diplomatic cocktail party, engaging in gently
Character is master at the skill + 1O witty repartee with the Planetary Governor's
For a Skill Challenge wife. On a roll of 12, the umpire may announce
As above and also: that the whole room has fallen into shocked
Opponent has no skill +5 silence after the loud phrase "My lady, do you
Opponent has skill, but attempting th ink your heart can stand it at your age?" It
character does not -1 O turns out that everyone present except the
For a Characteristic Check or Challenge character knows full well of the Governess'
Character has expertise +2 precarious heart disease and the recent death
Character has great expertise +5 of her sister from the same. The Devil's Dice
Character has very great expertise + 10 are rolled-on an 11 , it may mean that she
bursts into a flood of tears and then races off
Result Grades hysterically to have yet another major nervous
(5) Natural 2 "The Tops" breakdown. On a 12, she collapses with a
(4) 6 or more below Excellent success cardiac arrest, and furthermore the Governor,
(3) 4-5 below Very good success despite his old war wounds, attacks the char-
(2) 2-3 below Good success acter with a cake knife.
(1) SucceBs Number Close success
or 1 below Conversely, favorable Devil's Dice can find
(1 ). 1-2 above Close failure you suddenly adopted as their legally binding
(2) 3-4 above Bad failure heir. You deserve it if you can throw two
(3) 5-6 above Very bad failure naturals in a row!
(4) 7-8 above Abysmal failure
(5) Natural 12 "The Pits" (This is an example of Devil's Dice at work
in a friendly situation. Imagine the damage
NOTE: A natural 2 is only "The Tops" if the they can do when you' re firing a rocket
Success Number is greater than 2. A natural 12 is launcher.)
only "The Pits" if the Success Number is less than
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 33

DISPOSITION ness under Fire task in combat may lose a Self
All characters have two Dispositions, the Image point; if he· failed it badly or in full view
Core and the Inclination. (See Character Gen- of his squad, or if he has a low Stability
eration, page 20.) characteristic, then he may be made to lose
two or three more. On the other hand, the
How Disposition Works umpire should recognize that a successful
In practice, dispositions are a guide as to Coolness under Fire task, such as dashing out
how to role-play the character. They add di- and rescuing a wounded companion, should
mension to the game. The higher the make the character feel good about himself
character's Drive value, the more pronounced and entitle him to a few points' increase. If the
the dispositions will be; the higherthe Stability, umpire is uncertain about whether to change
the more steady. A CDaracter with, say, a high Self Image, ·a Stability Check roll may decide.
Drive but low Stability may flit from an extreme Characters with very high Stability values need
of the Core Disposition to the Inclination to a lot to happen to them before they will go up
nothing much at all and then back again. The or down in their Self Image-they're the reliable
umpire may award bonus experience points kind.
for good and consistent role-playing of Dispo-
sition. Examples of things that will increase a
character's Self Image:
All characters have a Self Image repre- • Experiencing things that make him feel
senting what they think of themselves at any good (praise or reward).
particular time. (See Character Generation,
page 20). • Performing an action which satisfies his
disposition (a greedy character making a lot of
How Self Image Works money) .
Self Image is one of the most important
aspects of the game. It is used not only as a • Contributing to or helping someone or
guide to role-playing but also in the game something to which he has a Tie (doing a good
mechanics (such as in the skills of Leadership professional job when he has a Tie to his
and Coolness under Fire). ·Its level is set career)
entirely at the umpire's discretion.
• Detracting from or harming someone or
When an event occurs which may have a something to which he has an Antipathy (dis-
bearing on a character's Self Image, the um- patching the enemy). Use this one carefully-it
pire will first decide upon the usually (but not sometimes backfires! Vicious plots performed
always) obvious question of whether it should against people that the character only slightly
actually go up or down, and then take into dislikes will reduce Self Image rather than
account both the impact of the experience and · increase it.
the character's Stability value in deciding how
much to change its value. •Meeting some challenge successfully, or
achieving some goal.
. For example, a leader who failed a Cool-
Page 34 Playing the Game

•At the player's own suggestion, if he feels ambitious, self-confident, and perhaps even
it is appropriate to the role-playing. with bravado, foolhardiness, and disregard to
others. This is the time when the character is
• Picking up lost points by correcting an most likely to volunteer to charge over the hill
initial wrong (paying off a debt to a friend, after in a hail of bullets.
having caused trouble in the first place) .
A character whose Self Image is very low
• Picking up lost points by receiving sup- is apt to be morose and uninspired. Don't be
port or reinforcement from people with whom fooled, though. Depending on his Disposition
he has a Tie (sitting down and talking about it). he may be aggressive, berserk or hungry for
attention. Low Self Image generally hampers
Examples of things that will decrease a a character's efforts to achieve his goal in a
character's Self Image: story. Nevertheless, please note that both
extremes can be counterproductive.
• Experiencing things that make him feel
bad (official reprimands, hurtful rumors) . Self Image points may be seen as rewards
to be dished out to the players when they roll
• Performing an action which goes against good scores on the dice and otherwise get
his Disposition (an exacting character having things right. This is true to an extent, but a
to leave a mess). player who correctly role-plays his character
as a devestated wreck when Self Image
• Having harm happen to something or reaches rock bottom is a lot more worthy at the
someone to whom he has a Tie, or good end of the game of receiving bonus experi-
fortune happen to the source of his Antipathy. ence points than someone who just carries on
regardless. Likewise, it may be in line with a
• Failing some task (a harshly driven per- player's character to gain Self Image by doing
son might set himself particularly brutal stan- socially unacceptable things like kicking
dards and fail miserably). cripples-you wouldn't exactly want to reward
him for doing it, although that's the way the
• At the player's own suggestion (if his system may work in the long term.
conscience is bothering him over his
character's actions). It is a brave player who The umpire's power to give and take Self
volunteers to sacrifice points in this way, and Image points is a powerful tool or means to an
such honesty should not go unnoticed. end, and the end is a rewarding playing expe-
rience. Although most people would like to
The Effect of Self Image build up as many as they can, the most
Self Image is the governor for certain Skills intreresting games won't involve having ev-
and Areas of Expertise, such as Leadership erybody going around feeling pretty damn
and Coolness under Fire. This works as per good all of the time but rather learning how to
the usual rules. cope with crises and deal with problems in a
mature fashion . This is the great strength of
The role-playing effect of Self Image is role-play.
more subtle. A character whose Self Image is
very high should be played as happy, excited,
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 35

TIES AND ANTIPATHIES against a Tie when a character has to take off
All characters have a number of Ties and and fly away for the safety of his crew but
Antipathies. A Tie is a feeling of friendship, leaves a friend stranded in the battle zone).
loyalty, respect or duty towards a person, a
nation, a group or an idea. An Antipathy is a When a character is given the opportunity
feeling of distaste, disgust or aversion to one to form an opinion about a person or organiza-
of the above concepts. These all have numeri- tion, or to reassess his opinion about someone
cal values. A subject for which the character or something for whom a Tie/Antipathy al-
has neither a Tie nor an Antipathy has a value ready exists, it must first be decided whether
of 0. the experience is positive or negative, that is,
whether it would strengthen or reduce the Tie/
How Ties and Antipathies Work Antipathy. In many cases this is obvious, but at
Early on, a player is encouraged to think up other times it may take the wisdom of the
many (between four and twelve; maximum umpire or the gut feeling of the player.
twenty) Ties and Antipathies, consistent with
the player character's devised backgound and Make a Stability roll versus 10. If the roll is
personality. These will generally be at the failed, increase or decrease (as appropriate)
Drive value unless chosen otherwise. the Tie/Antipathy by 1 point per Success Grade.

Tie/Antipathy values In general, unless

are again a guide to how otherwise stated, the
to role-play, butthey can Tie strength of one
also be used in the me- character for another
chanics of the game is the same as the sec-
(e.g., a Drive Check ond for the first.
Page 36 Playing the Game

LEADERSHIP It is advantageous to a leader if his subor-

Leadership skill is a combination of the dinate has a Tie with him . At their first interac-
character's personal charisma and his skill in tion, characters with Leadership skill may force
balancing the emotions of the people around a check for a Tie experience by rolling a
him . Characters with Leadership skill have Leadership Task and altering the Tie strength
some ability to affect the confidence and rela- up or down by the number of Result Grades. In
tionships of their companions. Leadership skill a similar way, a leader can try to reduce
rolls may be called upon to motivate subordi- Antipathies within the group, including those
nates into performing acts (i.e., "asking favors" against himself.
and "persuading"). ·
If a character is part of a group and wants When a character approaches an N PC to
to lead it, then to be actively acknowledged by request a favor, the NPC's Tie strength with
that group to be its leader (as distinct from the character may be used to determine
merely being legally in command by rank) whether or not the favor will be granted. Per-
gathers additional bonuses. He must actively form a Tie Check-roll the NPC's Tie strength
attempt to be established as that group's leader versus the difficulty of the favor. A Difficulty of
by making a successful Leadership Skill Chal- 1O would represent a major favor (definitely
lenge with every member. This may take some inconvenient to perform). Others may range
time, as it may not happen successfully all on from 2 (a very simple favor, often expected as
one occasion. a social nicety) to 20 (very difficult and danger-

Persuasion Modifiers
Character is a recognized authority figure
............................................... +2
Character is tied to the NPC/group and is
acknowledged as its leader .... +5
Character's Leadership is higher than
opponent's Self Image ............ +5
Favor asked is amoral or socially repug-
nant ..................... ............. ..... . -5
Favor asked goes against character's dis-
position ..... ........................... ... -5

Examples of favors include lending a car,

sharing rations, telling things one would rather
not tell, joining in on a night-time raid, and
giving covering fire in a combat situation. As
you can see, the term "favor'' is used very
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 37


ENCUMBRANCE Fatigue Points Fatigue Level
Certain types of armor and clothing will 5/6-maximum 0
encumber the wearer. Add the Encumbrance 4/6-5/6 maximum 1
values of any such items worn to obtain the 3/6-4/6 maximum 2
Encumbrance Level. Encumbrance reduces 2/6-3/6 maximum 3
Coordination. 1/6-2/6 maximum 4 (exhausted)
1 point-1/6 maximum 5 (unconscious)
BURDEN No points at all DEAD
Burden is determined by the character's
Strength against the weight of items being How Fatigue Is Lost
carried. Items worn on the torso count for only Movement or exertion, especially when
half of their normal weight. On the scale burdened.
below, compare the two to obtain the Burden
Level. Burden reduces Coordination and Melee combat
Manual Dexterity. 2 points/turn if fighting offensively
1 point/turn if fighting defensively
Weight Carried (in kg) Burden Level
Strength or less 0 Other physical hardships, e.g., hot sun-
greater than Strength 1 shine, walking through snow, prolonged physi-
greater than 2 x Strength 2 cal effort.
greater than 3 x Strength 3
greater than 4 x Strength 4 Minor: A failed Stamina Check adds
one Fatigue Level.
Fatigue is caused by various exertions and
injuries detailed below and can be relieved by
resting. A character's maximum number of
Fatigue Points (i.e., 3 x Stamina) can be di-
vided into six equal levels, and as his number
of current Fatigue Points falls he suffers a
progressively higher Fatigl1e Level. Fatigue
reduces ALL characteristics.

Q. ..
Page 38 Playing the Game

Major: Automatically adds one Fatigue EFFECTS OF ENCUMBRANCE, BURDEN

Level, and a failed Stamina Check AND FATIGUE .
adds another.
Chart Number Modifiers
Non-recoverable Fatigue is sustained
through certain injuries and cannot be re- Penalty Level 0 1 2 3 4
gained except by long recuperation, usually Encumbrance 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 Coord
after the game. Burden 0 -1 -2 -3 -4* Coord+MDex
Fatigue 0 -1 -2 -5 -10# All
How Fatigue Is Regained Cumulative
Resting: 2 points/tu·rn.
*Requires a Strength Check to carry item, or an
Walking: 1 point/ turn . Easy Strength Check simply to lift it.
#Requires a Drive Check to perform any action at
Resting or walking: If Burden Level is all.
more than 2 or if character is wounded more
than a graze (e.g., bleeding), 1/2 point/ turn . Note also that these modifiers can reduce
Recoil Number, Actions per Turn and Initiative
For long term fatigue recovery , when by their effects on the relevant characteristics.
not in combat, Fatigue is regained at the Calculate the modified scores of these values
umpire's discretion. as if the chart number modifiers had been
subtracted from the characteristic values.
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 39

Experience points are given out at the end Non-destructive activities: Players must
of each playing session, at the rate of one for be encouraged to have their characters fulfill
every hour the session lasted.This should hold themselves in non-destructive ways. Players
true even if the player's character was not could have their characters engage in intellec-
actively participating and (at the umpire's dis- tual activities such as publishing work in _ t he
cretion) even if the player was forced to sit in Net (poetry, essays, games). They can also
another room waiting for another player to be engage in sports (break up the heavy brainwork
dealt with separately. (He's still earned it, if of an investigation with a practice bout of stick
only for his patience!) The award may be fighting-yeah!) A good adventure needs vari-
modified up or down by up to 50%, depending ety and background, just like any decent story.
on whether the umpire decided the player had
played well or not, such as role-playing con- Punitive duty: The EDF is fond of punish-
vincingly, solving problems intelligently, per- ing misdemeanors with punitive duties. Char-
forming remarkable feats, dealing admirably acters who have offended the powers that be
with bad dice rolls, and getting into the ethos of might find themselves assigned to doing the
the Albedo universe. (Modifying awards is tasks that noone else wants. ·
best left to seasoned and tactful umpires.)
Experience points are spent at the end of In a properly constructed Albedo adven-
the story (presumably when the characters ture, a large file of NPC's will be needed.
have a chance to work on their training and Opponents, helpers and backgro.und charac-
development) in exactly the same way that ters must be created by the umpire as needed.
points are used in character generation-tor Use the Disposition Chartto make these N PC's
characteristics, skills, expertise, education, etc. come alive.

OTHER LIFE EVENTS Characters will develop relationsh ips with

Between adventures, players can suggest the people around them. Games will benefit
to the umpire what significant changes their from the creation of an ongoing non-player
characters might anticipate in their lives, such character folio. Whenever the player charac-
as planning to start a family, enlisting in mili- ters run into an NPC with which they may have
tary college, or moving to a new colony world. dealings again in the future , the umpire should
Likewise, the umpire can negotiate or impose write the details of the character down on a
various life events with an aim to improving the record card tor future reference. The card
"reality" of the scenario. One or more rolls on should detail Ties and Antipathies formed with
2d6 may give guidance as to whether the player characters and other NPC's, and any
fortune has been good or bad, 2 being the best relevant information such as business deals,
outcome (gaining a lucrative promotion or grudges and the like. Thus a growing collec-
falling madly in love) and 12 the worst (being tion of incidental acquaintances, enemies, sub-
run down by a truck). ordinates and friends can be crec;ited, which
will add a great deal of depth to an ongoing
Page 40 Playing the Game

The lack of "monsters", alien beasties and Random Results

"wacky" environments in Albedo will cause Dice Roll Result
campaigns to be oriented towards urban or 2 Best possible result
space adventures. The basic premise of Al- 3-4 Good result
bedo is that people are the major part of the 5-9 Average expected result
game environment, so use them to give color 10-11 Bad result
and complexity to a world rather than odd 12 Worst possible imagined result
atmospheres and carnivorous wildlife.
Harlequins: One method which can be
ROLE-PLAYING HINTS used to add more variety to play is the use of
The Random Result Chart: On this page a person aiding the umpire whose sole re-
is a strange little item marked "Random Re- sponsibility is the running of non-player char-
sults." This is designed as a role-playing aid, acters. Dubbed the "harlequin'', such a player
finally formalizing an age-old technique which can add a lot of spice to play, but must be
goes hand in hand with the "top of the head" carefully chosen. If the harlequin is not an
school of umpiring. Whenever the umpire imaginative and responsible person, then more
wishes to determine the result of an action or harm will be done to the game than good.
event which is influenced more by luck or
random chance than by skill, a roll can be In order to use a harlequin, roll the disposi-
made on the Random Result Chart to get tions of an NPC, decide the Ties and Antipa-
some idea of ensuing events. With a little thies which are relevant to the situation, detail
imagination the random result chart can be out any useful equipment which the character ·
used for everything from checking to see has access to, and brief the harlequin on how
whether the characters get a parking ticket to you want the character to be run. Give the
seeing the results of showing a security guard harlequin full control over the character, but
a set of forged papers. Needless to say, all feel free to assist the harlequin however you
such rolls are made in secret and are definitely deem appropriate. As umpire, you have the
not to be shown to the players.· right to veto any of the harlequin's actions, but
this should not be necessary if you choose
your harlequin player carefully to begin with.
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 41

When a combat situation arises, the rules As can be seen from the Action Sequence
become more complex than the rules used for chart, this will usually decide the order in which
simulating tasks and interpersonal relation- characters take their turns. The umpire will
ships: announce each phase of the turn, and all
characters who are eligible to act within the
Firstly, the passage of time is broken into phase will then announce what action they
turns. A turn lasts from 3 to 5 seconds. Each intend to perform.
turn is divided into six sections, or phases.
If the chart has characters performing ac-
Secondly , the exact position of all charac- tions during the same phase, the turn se-
ters and the layout of the setting (e.g., build- quence will be determined by Initiative +
ings, furniture , trees) becomes important. A modifiers, the highest going first. Since all
map or diagram, or a miniature reconstruction characters will have already announced their
with pieces or models, is very useful here. intentions beforehand, the one who goes first
will be doubly advantaged. In the case of a tie,
TURN SEQUENCE AND INITIATIVE the characters act simultaneously.
All turns are split into six phases. A charac-
ter may perform various actions during a turn. Initiative Modifiers
Firearm Handiness
Note that each character has a rating for Rating: Very Handy ................ O
Actions per Turn, with a value generally rang- Handy ... .................. .. -1
ing from 1 to 5 (occasionally it can be 0). This Average ... ...... ....... .. .. -2
specifies the number of things he can do. It will Cumbersome ............ -3
also determine when he can do them, as Very Cumbersome ... -4
shown on the Action Sequence chart. An "X" Drawing gun from holster ............. .. -2
on the chart indicates an action can be per- Drawing longarm slung on back ..... -4
formed during that phase. Thus, characters Character is running ..................... .. -2
may perform Coordinate Actions (i.e. , single Wild burst ............. .... ....... .. ............ + 1
actions which take one combat phase each to Character has already taken aim .. +2
perform) in one to five of the six phases of a Melee weapon against longer melee
turn. weapon .............. ........................ -1
Melee weapon against firearm
Action Sequence .......... ............ .......... ... automatic loss*
Indirect fire against direct fire
Phases in the Turn ..... .. .............................. automatic loss
1 2 3 4 5 6 Following a leader who makes a Tactics
Task or Challenge
"Actions 5 x x x x x . ............... +/-number of Result Grades
per 4 x x x x
Turn" 3 x x x *Characters attempting melee against oppo-
Rating 2 x x nents armed with firearms will always lose Initia-
1 x tive unless attacking with surprise.
Page 42 Combat

Leadership Effects Taking aim with a weapon

The tactical skill of a leader of a small group Taking careful aim with a weapon (extra)
of combatants may well have a bearing on the Firing a weapon
Initiative scores of his followers . The leader Striking in melee combat
must be in touch with his followers' situation Priming a grenade
(by direct sight or voice or indirectly via an- Throwing a grenade
other person), and they in turn must have Removing an empty magazine
some level of Tie with their leader. Fitting a new magazine
Clearing a gun chamber
At the beginning of any combat turn, a Falling prone
leader may choose to use his Small Unit Standing up
Tactics Skill. The cost is two actions. The roll Walking 2m
is a Skill Challenge (against Skill of the oppos- Running 10m
ing leader) or a Skill Task (if the other does not Sprinting 20m
apply). The Result Grades add or subtract Communicating (verbally, by hand signals
from the Initiative scores of the followers . or equipment)
Observing surroundings
A leader higher up the chain of command
may have a bearing on the Small Unit Tactics Note that a character may perform an
Skills of a number of leaders of small groups action such as firing , observing or communi-
under his control. The "coaching" of subordi- cating while walking or running but not while
nate leaders requires constant monitoring of sprinting. A character who is walking, running
communications traffic between the leaders or sprinting may not take careful aim.
and their troops, as well as situation apprais-
als from all subordinates. Remember to take account of fatigue loss
during movement.
The following are examples of Coordinate Coolness under Fire
Actions, which take up one of the character's In some situations a character's Coolness
available actions in a turn and occupy one under Fire may be tested. This is managed as
phase: with any other Skill Check. Modifiers include
+3 for every friend nearby (within 1Om), up to
a maximum of +9. A failed roll causes the
character to duck or flinch, hide behind cover
and lose actions equal to the number of Failure
' Grades.

Examples of events which may require a

Coolness under Fire roll include:
Being fired on for the first time in this
Being fi red on-near miss
Commencing melee combat
Enemy suddenly appears
Companion suddenly killed or wounded
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 43

Sequence of Missile Combat Firing a more powerful weapon may also
1. Initiative be difficult if the character wants to fire more
2. Performing actions-Rolling to hit than one shot per turn. Roll a Strength Check
3. Checking hit location against (3 x Recoil Value). A failure causes the
4 . Checking armor penetration (if relevant) character to stagger backwards and lose ac-
5. Checking damage tions equal to the number of Failure Grades.

1: Initiative (see page 18) Weapon Recoil Values

Weapon Recoil Value
Shots per turn 4mm pistol 0
Normally a character gets only one shot or 6mm pistol 0
burst per action, unless using rapid fire , in Bmm pistol 1
which case two shots per action can be fired 1Omm pistol 2
from a single shot weapon (at the same target) 12mm pistol 3
in one action. 4mm longarm 1
6mm longarm 2
Normally, one action must also be spent
Bmm longarm 3
aiming before each shot to avoid an adverse
1Omm longarm 4
12mm longarm 5
Recoil Value
16mm longarm 6
Generally a character can only fire his Shotgun 4
weapon if his Recoil Number is at least equal Wild burst +1
to the weapon's Recoil Value. Firing a more
Ignore recoil for tripod-/bipod-supported weap-
powerful weapon costs one Fatigue Point per ons.
point of excess recoil.
Page 44 Combat

2. Roll to Hit
Target Modifiers
This is a Skill Task for the relevant weapon. Moving slowly (walking/running) -2
(A thrown grenade is a Manual Dexterity check.) Moving fast (sprinting/evading) -5
Partially obscured -2
Range Difficulty Numbers Mostly obscured -5
Close 5 Large (e.g., vehicle) +5
Short 10
Medium 15 A miss with a grenade causes it to land off
Long 20 target by (10 x number of Failure Grades)
Extreme 25 meters. A Close Success indicates it has landed
within five meters, and a Good Success or
better indicates a direct hit.

Automatic Fire
Automatic fire is divided into two types:
controlled bursts of four rounds at a single
target, and wild bursts of about eight rounds at
a single or multiple targets.

Controlled Bursts: Deliver a single damage

roll against the target to a single hit location.

Wild Bursts: Roll to hit as normal. If suc-

cessful, then 1d6 hits have been scored. Each
is of the same Success Grade. Halve the
number of hits achieved when shooting at
Chart Number modifiers include: medium range or farther.

Attacker Modifiers Weapon Breakdowns

Running -5 A natural 12 on a Roll to Hit may result in a
Not taken aim -8* stoppage or a jam. Roll on the following chart.
Taken aim (takes one action) 0
Careful aim (two actions) +5# Weapon Breakdowns
Controlled burst +2 2d6 Result
Wild burst at close range +5 2-6 no effect
Wild burst at short range +2 7-10 stoppage: 1 action to clear it
Specific shot -5 11-12 jam: MDex check each turn to
Indirect fire -5 clear it. Two failures mean that
special tools will be needed to
*Unaimed fire at long or extreme range will al- clear the breach.
ways miss.
#Careful aim cannot be used on a fast-moving 3. Hit Location
target (sprinting/evading) or while using wild bursts
or indirect fire.
See the Hit Location Chart (page 61 ).
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 45

A specific shot may be aimed at one body

section. This additionally gives + 1 penetra- Penetration Values and Modifiers
tion. Caliber 1Omm or greater +1
Carbine +1
4. Armor Penetration Grenade 0
Knife O
The damage suffered by a character hit by Pistol O
a missile weapon in combat may be modified Rifle +2
by the armor worn on the hit location of the SMG 0
body. Long or extreme range
Dart ammunition -1
Armor has two aspects: Non-dart ammunition -2
Penetration Resistance. The armor's
ability to resist penetration by a sharp weapon.
Blunt or impact weapons (e.g. , club, boot) do Armor Penetration Resistance Values
not check for penetration but fail automati- Pen.Res. Imp.Dist.
cally. If more than one layer of armor is used, Ballistic jacket 1 1
take the highest value only. Ballistic vest 2 2
Battle helmet 3 2
Impact Distibution. The armor's ability to Civilian vacc suit
dissipate the energy and thereby reduce dam- helmet 2 0
age from a hit by a high energy weapon. Low Flak armor* 3 3
energy weapons {e.g. , grenade fragments, Helmet liner 0 1
knife) do no damage if ttiey have not pen- Hostile environment suit 2 3
etrated. If more than one layer of armor is ILR ballistic armor 2 3
used, take the sum total of the values. Military vacc suit
helmet 3/ 1/2# 3
All penetrating weapons are rated with a Torso supporter 1 1
Penetration Value. All .armor is rated with Vacc suit 2 1
Penetration Resistance Value. Vacc suit liner 0 0

When a character is hit, calculate: *Throat is protected U collar is done up.

#Skull/Upper face/Lower face.
Number of Weapon's
Success Penetration Value 5. Damage
Grades + {plus modifiers)
of hit [Never less than OJ See Damage (page 62).

If this is greaterthan the Penetration Resis-

tance Value of the armor, then the weapon has
penetrated it.
Page 46 Combat


To simplify and streamline combat in a

major firefight, the umpire may wish to shortcut
the rules procedures by using assumptions or
approximations, for minor NPC's only (usually
the enemy, when they are behaving more like
targets in a shooting gallery than characters
whose individual intentions have any special

•Give them all equal characteristics. Usu-

ally only MDex (weapon skill governor), Coord
(Actions per Turn) , and Intuition (Initiative) are

• Give them all the same weapon and skill -


• Give them all the same armor with a

single Penetration Resistance Value for the
whole body.

• Make them all perform in the same man-

ner (e.g., all single shots, all ducking and

• Roll only for armor penetration, and ig-

nore hit location and damage. Treat them
either as fully functional or as out of combat.

• From here, elaborate on any details you

may feel will add the necessary variety at the
appropriate moments. For example, enemies
who have been neutralized will not necessarily
be found to be dead once the characters
approach them after the shooting.
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 47


Vehicles are an important aspect of many semi-automatic guns and gun/mortars takes
adventure scenarios. In addition, military units two phases to reload the weapon after each
are noted for their fondness for large and shot. Automatic .arms fire precisely as de-
unfriendly vehicles bristling with weapons. Thus scribed in the main rules. Aiming, firing and the
Albedo would be incomplete without detailed like all use up the gunner's actions, just as in
rules for vehicle combat. normal interpersonal combat.

MANEUVERING Hits are made by rolling the gunner's skill

Vehicle movement speeds are detailed versus the shot difficulty. When firing a missile
under the basic chassis types (see Vehicles, at a target, the shot difficulty is not determined
page 84). A vehicle moves one meter per turn by range, but by the skill of the enemy driver.
for every kph of speed. Maximum speeds are Roll the gunner's skill versus the enemy's
reduced for ground vehicles crossing rough driving skill. If the target is moving at a speed
terrain. Movement rates are halved for wheeled faster than its "turning" speed, then halve the
vehicles, quartered for hover vehicles, and 3/ driver's effective skill rating.
4 normal rate for tracked vehicles.
The Initiative of a ground vehicle is taken
COMBAT from the gunner/commander's Initiative dice
Vehicles fire in the normal manner, using score. The Initiative of air vehicles is that of the
the normal action system. The reloader on vehicle's pilot.
Vehicle Weapon Ranges
Short Medium Long Extreme Indirect
Auto cannon 500 1000 2000 3500
Beam weapon 1000 2000 4000 8000
Grenade launcher 50 200 300 500 1500
Gun/Mortar 100 500 1000 5000
Hyperkinetic Guns 500 1000 3000 4000
Machine Gun 50 200 300 600
Machine Gun (heavy) 50 300 400 700
Machine Gun (sustained fire) 50 300 500 800

Auto cannon, hyperkinetic guns and beam weapons roll to hit using the "Dart Ammunition" column of the shot
difficulty chart.

Vehicle Combat Modifiers

Target is within 20 meters -2
Target is large (light, high performance or heavy aeros, heavy GEV's, etc.) -1
Target travelled at 40-60 kph this turn +1
Target travelled at 61-80 kph this turn +2
Target travelled at greater than 80 kph this turn +3
Non-auto cannon/beam weapons vs moving aircraft +2
Target is partially obscurred +1
Firer moved during this turn +1
Firer jolted by rough terrain, uneven going or landing +1
Externally mounted MG's or GL's firing from moving vehicle +1
Turreted arms firing in a phase in which the turret shifted its covered arc +1
Page 48 Combat

Vehicle Hit Location

Area Struck S~stems Contained Compartment Affected
Ground vehicles
Frontal hit:
1-3 Turret* Weapons Fighting compartment
4-7 Hull front Computer, sensors Crew compartment
8-10 Suspension Wheel motors N/A

Side hit:
1-2 Turret* Weapons Fighting compartment
3-4 Hull front Computer, sensors Crew compartment
5-7 Hull rear Power plant Crew compartment
8-10 Suspension Wheel motors N/A

Aerodynes (frontal hits use a ORM of -2)

1 Forward fuselage Weapons, sensors N/A
2-3 Cockpit Computer Cockpit
4-5 Power compartment Fusion power plant N/A
6-7 Thrust vents** Thrust vents Cargo compartment
8 Fuel tank Hydrogen fuel Cargo compartment
9-10 Main fuselage N/A Cargo compartment

*A roll of 1 is a miss if the target is of "Low Profile" turret configuration.

**Hit locations 6 and 7 on helicopters counts as hits to the rotor assemblies.

Battle Management Systems objective, they will move the vehicle around
Military air vehicles and most AFV's nor- blocking terrain and utilize cover as much as
mally have a small Al battle management possible. Unless an organic crew member
computer as part of their complement of equip- "coaches" the computer, it will be unlikely to
ment. The computer acts as an additional make partlcularly cunning use of the surround-
member of the crew, handling the tasks of ing terrain.
routine communications, damage reports and
all around observation, using a characteristic Aerodynes which suffer the loss of their
score of 12 in all relevant fields. A vehicle computers will go out of control. The crew
computer may perform up to three missile, must eject, and the vehicle is lost.
communication, or observation actions during
a turn. In the role of gunner/commander, comput-
ers also suffer a few limitations. Computers
A vehicle computer constantly monitors have a basic Gunnery skill of 10, and their
the bio readings of its vehicle's crew, and can Intuition gives them Initiative dice of 1d6+1. At ·
take over the functions of the vehicle's gunner/ the start of each turn, an independently oper-
commande r and driver (or pilot) at need. ating vehicle computer will define areas of
threat: 90° arcs in which it currently suspects
Computers make competent but unimagi- danger and a need for possible offensive re-
native vehicle pilots. Given a set direction or sponse. Every arc so defined will subtract one
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 49

point from the computer's Initiative dice. A Armored vehicles will only receive shock
further point will be subtracted from the results from heavy vehicle weapons. Shock
computer's Initiative score if it is also driving results apply as normal (e.g., loss of fatigue
the vehicle. and actions), but all crew may make a saving
roll for their Coolness under Fire versus 1Oto
Vehicle computers keep their crews ap- avoid the effects of a "stagger" or "stun" result.
praised of the full extent of damage to the
vehicle, and also help to fight internal fires and Blowing Up
blow escape hatches. Many computers can Vehicles with a heavy weapon may blow
automatically eject from a blown up vehicle. up with astonishing force as the ruptured tanks
of propellant for the main armament suddenly
Remote controlled weapon mounts are detonate. Roll 1d6 on the second through fifth
vulnerable to fire and are disabled by any hit turns after the vehicle receives a "blown up"
which deals out six or more points of damage. result. The vehicle will explode if a 5 or 6 is
Remote weapon mounts in a given area of the rolled (a twenty meter radius explosion much
vehicle are struck if the hit location roll was the like a 240mm gun/mortar round). Vehicles
lowest possible roll for the area in question. which carried gun/mortar rounds add +2 to the
blast strength of the explosion.
Penetration of vehicle armor is done in the
usual way on the Comparison Chart. Once a Damage to Crew
vehicle is penetrated, roll on the normal Dam- All vehicles contain a maximum of two
age Chart. All vehicles are given a structure crew compartments. On ground vehicles,
value which replaces the usual frame size these are the fighting compartment (in the
DRM's on the Damage Chart. Once the type turret) and the crew compartment (in the main
of damage dealt to the vehicle has been deter- hull). Aerodynes have a sealed cockpit com-
mined, consult the Vehicle Damage Effects partment, and a cargo/passenger compart-
Chart below for the results. ment in the main hull.

Vehicle Damage Effects

Graze: Roll a sturdiness check for one random system noted as being present in this hit location .

Light: Roll sturdiness checks on all systems noted for this hit location on the hit charts, and each crew member
present in the compartment must save versus wounds.

Serious: Complete compartment destruction. All characters in the stricken compartment must roll a save versus
wounds. Roll sturdiness checks on all systems noted for this hit location on the hit charts. All characters must roll
a Coolness under Fire check in order to perform any actions other than bail out next turn.

Massive: Vehicle blows up. · All characters roll a save versus wounds. Characters who fail to bail out will be
burned in 1d6 locations.

Catastrophic: Vehicle blows up. All crew must make saving rolls to avoid wounds. Characters who fail to bail
out will die.
Page 50 Combat

When a saving throw for the crew is called ORM of -1. Bailing out of a moving ground
for, dice rolls must be made for each crew vehicle causes falling damage to the charac-
member in the affected compartment to avoid ters (as if they had fallen 1m/ 1Okph the vehicle
either wounding or death. Ground vehicle/ is moving). Blown up ground vehicles will slow
helicopter crewmen in a second compartment their full deceleration allowance before bail out
will also have to make a saving roll with a -2 occurs if their computers are still operating.
ORM, since although they were not in the
affected compartment, the compartments are Aerodyne cockpits are usually isolated from
not sealed off from one another. This rule does the main cabin. The onboard computer will
not apply to aerodynes, wh ich have their two manage the ejection decision, blowing the
compartments well separated and sealed. cockpit crew free of the vehicle once it is too
dangerous for the crew to remain on board.
Wound Saving Throws
Characters who are required to roll a sav- Sturdiness Checks
ing throw versus wounds must roll on the All systems have a basic resistance to
following chart If a wound results, allocate the breakage which is referred to as Sturdiness.
damage to a random hit location. This number or less must be rolled on 2d6 to
preserve the system's function once damage
Wound Saving Throws is taken to the compartment in which it is
Roll on 2d6 Wound Caused Fatigue Loss located .
2-5 No effect
6 Graze 1d3 Small arms fire may never cause sturdi-
7 Light wound 1d6 ness checks on military vehicle suspensions
8 Serious wound 2d6 or turreted weapons systems.
9 Massive wound 2d6
10 Catastrophic wound 2d6 Sturdiness Check DRM's
11-12 Dead Vehicle Damage ORM
Graze 0
Wound Modifiers Light +1
Vehicle size ORM +/ - N Serious +3
Character is wearing body armor -1
Light vehicle hit -1 The extent by which a sturdiness check is
Massive vehicle hit +2 failed will determine the amount of damage caused
Catastrophic vehicle hit +4 to the stricken system (see chart on page 51 ).
Serious starship hit in main cmprtmnt +4
Character not in main compartment hit -2 All vehicles have vulnerable suspension
systems. When hit by anything heavier than
Bailing Out HMG fire, vehicle ·suspensions must always
Characters may always elect to bail out check their sturdiness whether the weapon
(whether they have failed a Coolness under penetrates the vehicle's suspension armor or
Fire roll or not) by taking it as a task to perform not. Failed Sturdiness checks under these
during their next turn. Bailing ·o ut of a ground conditions will simply downgrade the vehicle's
vehicle will test the character's Coord versus maneuverability (drop maximum and turn
10. If the vehicle still has a functional com- speeds by 1/4).
puter, then bailing out attempts are made at a
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 51

Sturdiness Ratings

Vehicle System Sturdiness

Computer system 7

Aerodyne control system 8

Sensor 7

Ground vehicle power plant 8

Fusion power plant (used in aerodynes) 9

Suspension system (allow the vehicle to move)

Wheeled Number of wheels
Tracked 8
Hover configuration 7

Aerodyne thrust vents 1/2 the vehicle's structural value

Machine gun 5
Grenade launcher 5
Cannon 7
Gun 9

Hydrogen fuel tank 6

Sturdiness Check Failure Effects

Damaged System Roll Failed by 1-2 Poi nts Roll Failed by 3+ Points
Computer Computer shutdown Computer shutdown

Hydrogen fuel Vehicle forced down Automatic "massive" hit

Power plant Vehicle loses all power Automatic "massive" hit

Thrust vents Maneuverability downgraded Roll 1d6: 1-4 Vehicle forced down
(1 /2 turn speed, 3/4 max 5-6 Vehicle blows up in 1d6 turns
speed, -3 maneuver rating)

Weapons Weapon destroyed Automatic massive hit if weapon was

gun, cannon, gun/mortar or grenade launcher

Wheel motors 1/2 turn speed, 1/2 max speed Vehicle halted in place

Air vehicles which are forced down may be piloted in for a crash landing. Roll the pilot's skill versus 1 O
(or 15 in rough terrain) to avoid complete disaster.
Page 52 Combat

Vehicle Sensors may register vehicle movement and firing in

Military armored vehicles, air vehicles or quiet areas, and give an indication of direction
scout vehicles will usually have a variety of and range. Active sensors (radar) will spot
sensor systems installed. Standard sensors moving vehicle-sized targets out to the limits of
include EM detectors, ground surveillance ra- the vehicle's line of sight.
dar, thermal imaging equipment, and ground
vibration detectors. Most line of sight detection The sensors will usually be run by the
systems can operate through an extendable veh icle's Al computer, and any relevant infor-
periscope. Some specialist vehicles will have mation is subsequently passed on to the gun-
air tracking radar to allow effective anti-aircraft ner/commander and his driver.
fire .
Vehicle sensors may be used in active and/ Turreted weapons cover a 60° arc, and
or passive modes. Passive sensors can de- may traverse through 60° (one hex face) per
tect EM emanations (e.g., the fusion power turn phase (i.e., turn through five hex faces per
plants in aerodynes) and active detectors out game turn). While turrets traverse before de-
to about 1Okm, with an accuracy of 1/100 of the termining the vehicle's firing for a given game
range to the target. Pinpointing military com- phase, an adverse accuracy ORM is applied to
municators or detectors is difficult, and re- any shots fired in a phase in which the turret
quires a dice roll of 7- on 2d6. Passive sensors traverses.

-~ -
-- ~..., ·----- ·-
·-- -
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 53

0 1 2 . 3 . 4

AEROSPACE VEHICLES weapons, and the defender with all rearward

· Infantry small arms, infantry and vehicle bearing weapons. All eligible weapons will fire
missles, and ground vehicle cannon may fire once, testing versus a shot difficulty of 10
at air vehicles. Combat between air vehicles is (aggressor) or 15 (defender). The aggressor
handled using the vehicle combat systems fires first, followed by the defender if he sur-
detailed above. Each "dogfighting" round uses vives the other vehicle's attack. Determine all
the following procedure: damage, and then go back to step one if both
vehicles still survive.
•Determine the final maneuverability score
for each veh icle. Each aircraft is given a ma- Highly maneuverable vehicles thus gain
neuverability rating in the Equipment specs an advantage in a dogfight situation. Vehicles
(some vehicles require a well trained pilot to which dogfight during a turn may not fire upon
get the best out of the machine). Now compare ground targets during that same turn.
the skill ratings of the pilots of each vehicle.
The pilot with the highest skill level adds one to The cockpit crew of aerodynes must make
his maneuverability rating. a save versus wounds whenever the cockpit or
hull front is breached, or when the fuel tanks
• Roll 1d6 for every point of final maneuver blow up. If the cockpit is breached by an anti-
rating and note the score. The vehicle with the aircraft missile, the cockpit crew dies-no sav-
highest total is the aggressor, and the vehicle ing throw! If the reactor blows, the crew will
with the lowest total is the defender. also automatically perish (unless the com-
puter has sufficient warning to eject the crew).
•Both vehicles now fire at one another. The All other hits do not injure the cockpit crew.
aggressor may fire with all forward bearing
Page 54 Combat


Most starship combats are conducted be- All ships have five main characteristics
tween task forces which are maneuvering at which will effect their performance in ship-to-
very high velocities. Due to the enormous ship combat: Ordnance, the number of ACV's
speeds and distances involved in space com- (autonomous combat vehicles) that the vessel
bats, we will not attempt to plot out starship carries; Beam, the number and strength of the
combats on hexmaps. Instead, the following vessel's long range beam weapons; Point
will detail out an abstract system which simu- Defense, the ability of the vessel to knock
lates the final encounter between two en- down incoming ACV's with its beam weapons
croaching ships. and short range defensive armorment (usually
a mixture of beam weapons and hyperkinetics);
Ship-to-ship engagements are split into Maneuver Rating, which encompasses the
two types-those where the ships have rapidly speed and agility of the vessel; and a Damage
converging vectors (termed a "pass"), and Modifier which represents the ship's ability to
those where there is a minimal difference in resist damage through the bulk of fuel and
vectors (termed an "encounter''). armor covering its vital systems.

Sample Ship Characteristics

Point Maneuver Damage Approx.
~ Tonnage Ordnance Beams Defense Rating Modifier Crew
Frigate 20kt 6 5 2 4 +1 12
Escort 40kt 8 8 1 3 0 16
Destroyer 50kt 16 10 2 5 0 20
Light Cruiser 80kt 20 12 2 5 -1 24
Cruiser 100kt 28 13 2 4 -1 30
G.P. Hull 10kt+ (2) 2 +3 4-10
Freighter C 20kt (2) (1) 2 +2 4-12
Freighter B 50kt (6) (1) 2 +1 6-24
Freighter A 100kt (12) (1) 2 -1 6-32

Crew: The actual crew count aboard a starship will vary widely depending upon the crew's
social/emotional needs, often with little consideration for potential mission support requirements .
Military vessels carry large crews to allow for attrition or special manpower needs.
SHIP DESCRIPTIONS Frigate: The smallest true starship, frig-
The ship characteristics chart covers the ates are used for reconnaisance missions and
more commonly encountered i'light" vessels. scouting, combining a long range with a small
Major battle craft and VLCSV's may run well defensive armament.
into the megatonnage range (a max of about
5km long· x 1km wide). Escort: Fairly common vehicles which of-
fer reasonable fighting power on a fairly cheap
Military Vehicles hull. Escorts are restricted to defensive/patrol
Military starships are usually designed for duties. While having a reasonable range and
high acceleration and durable structure.
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 55

firepower, they are not designed to stand COMBAT PROCEDURE

alone against true battle craft. A ship's Al net can quite happily run all of
the functions on a starship, with the living crew
Destroyer: Medium weight vessels offer- providing emergency back-up and creative
ing a well balanced combination of firepower, tactics planning during the days of closing
range and armament. Destroyers are prob- before an action. A crew's skills will mostly
ably the most generally useful class of ship in come into play when the computer suffers
any navy, and lend themselves to a variety of damage and requires aid from its organic
tasks working independently and in flotillas. assistants.

Light cruiser: Larger ships which occa- Military starship Al nets have a rating of 10
sionally see use as flotilla leaders of small task in all relevant skills (such as Pilot skill and
forces. Light cruisers are often used in situa- Starship Weapons Deployment), and an Intu-
tions where a single ship is expected to oper- ition of 10. Civilian hardware will have an
ate independently in a possibly hostile area. lnituition and Pilot skill of 8, and normally lacks
the correct data base to deploy weapons sys-
Cruiser: Large vessels capable of inde- tems. One character may influence one attack
pendent operations under all circumstances. or defense (ordnance offense/defense or
Cruisers can carry small contingents of auxil- beams), but a ship's Al net may handle any
iary vehicles and ground troops, and thus form number of such tasks.
a useful class of ship to dispatch on a variety
of independent missions. Phase 1 : Ordnance Exchange
In it i at ive dete rm i nation. Both shipstestfor
Civilian Vehicles initiative by rolling 1d6 and adding this to the
Freighters and general purpose hulls are skill ability score of the ship's Pilot or Al (which-
often made of a semi-modular construction ever is higher). The vessel with the highest
allowing them to splice together special fea- total wins the initiative.
tures. They will only carry armament if spe-
cially fitted to carry it. Ordnance combat is resolved in a number
of "rounds." The vessel which has lost the
G.P. Hull: General purpose hulls are small initiative will perform the first action in each
ships used for shunting cargo or passengers round, giving the other player the advantage of
across interstellar distances. They entirely lack seeing his opponent's moves before he per-
armament, and are not particularly maneuver- forms his own.
able, letting speed and maneuverability bow
before economy. Ordnance exchange procedure. Both ves-
sels must record the amount of ordnance that
Freighters: Slow, cumbersome vessels they wish to commit to the up and coming
designed to shift large bulks of cargo across combat (ships might wish to hold back an
interstellar distances. Cargo space may be ammunition reserve to deal with targets in
sacrificed for a limited load of ordnance, thus subsequent attack waves; see below).
the armament values in parentheses on the
Ship Characteristics chart. The vessel which has lost the initiative will
commit an amount of its total committed ord-
nance to an attack on the enemy vessel, and
Page 56 Combat

this number is announced aloud. Next, the ordnance that they wish to commit to this
opposing ship announces what amount of its particular combat. All ordnance exchanges
own ordnance is to be committed to blocking within a single round are assumed to be simul-
the attack. The amounts of ordnance commit- taneous. Do not resolve the damage caused
ted to attack/defense are subtracted from each by any ordnance hits until both combatants
vessel's remaining ordnance total. have rolled for the success of their attacks.

The attacker now rolls on the Comparison Phase 2: Beam Weapons Fire
Chart, comparing the offensive versus the Applicable only in ship-to-ship encounters,
defensive ordnance, modifying the numbers beam weapons fire is resolved after the ord-
by the Starship Weapons skills of the attacking nance exchanges are over. Ships with beam
and defending gunners. The defender may weapons must roll to damage their target by
use his ship's Maneuver Rating to aid the cross referencing their beam attack strength
defense. versus 10 on the Comparison Chart to score a
successful hit on the target. Characters who
A ship's Maneuver Rating represents the have participated in controlling a missile at-
amount of ducking and dodging that the ve- tack or defense may not influence a beam
hicle may split between defending itself from weapon attack.
attacks in the current combat. Maneuver
points are expended at need. The total amount Both ships involved in the encounter now
of maneuver committed to the ship's defense make a second initiative roll. The winner may
in an entire combat may never exceed the elect to either disengage, or to initiate another
vehicle's total Maneuver Rating. phase of beam combat. If one vessel has a
higher Maneuver Rating than the other, then it
The first vessel will now roll for the success is granted a DAM of + 1 for every point of
of its attack on the Comparison Chart, match- Maneuver Rating by which it outclasses its
ing the final offensive value of the attacking opponent.
ordnance versus the final defensive value of
the ordnance committed to interception. Ships Damage Determination Procedure
which have a Point Defense capacity use this For every successful hit scored on a ship,
value as a DAM added to the enemy's attack roll once on the table below:
roll , making it far harder to score a hit.
Damage Determination
When the attack has been resolved, the 2d6 roll Result
second ship will now take the attacking role , 2-4 Light damage
and the procedure will repeat itself, complet- 5-7 Moderate damage
ing the round. This cycle of rounds will con- 8-9 Severe damage
tinue until both vessels have used all of the 1O+ Target destroyed
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 57

Spaceship Combat Modifiers

Condition ORM
Ordnance hit from a pass attack +1

Target's sensors or engines are knocked out

(versus ordnance only) or the target is stationary +2

Target is severely damaged +1

3-4 points of ship's ordnance committed to the attack +1

5-6 points of ship's ordnance committed to the attack +2

7 + points of ship's ordnance committed to the attack +3

Damage Results Moderate damage: Rollonceonthedam-

Light damage: Randomly roll one ship's age results chart. Another roll must now be
system on the following chart. This system will made to see if the ship's computer net goes
suddenly lose half of its current total value down (roll 9- on 2d6 to avoid this little disaster).
(rounding down). In addition, crew casualties may occur. All
personnel in one crew compartment must roll
Spaceship Damage a save versus wounds on the appropriate
2d6 roll Damaged system chart in the Vehicle Combat rules (page 50) .
2-5 Ordnance (reserve)
6-7 Beam weapons The compartments on military ships in-
8-9 Point defence clude the following :
10+ Ship's sensors

Compartment Penetration
1d6 roll Compartment Personnel Contained
1 Bridge Pilot, navigator, gunnery chief
2 Auxiliary bridge Backup bridge crew (the "second shift")
3 Engineering Engineering/maintenance staff
4 Ship's services Medical and administrative personnel
5 Weapons Gunnery personnel
6 Cargo/passenger Passengers, cargo, etc.

Ships which lack a particular compartment must roll again until struck in an area that they actually
possess (e.g., fighters do not have a cargo/passenger compartment, and will roll again if a 6 is rolled for
random compartment penetration).

Serious damage: Roll twice on the ship's crew members in one compartment must save
systems chart, and roll for computer system versus wounds on the appropriate chart in the
shut down (7- to avoid computer failure) . All Vehicle Combat section on page 50. All occu-
Page 58 Combat

pants receive the "serious damage DRM" on If a ship's engines are damaged to the
the Wound Saving Throw chart. The ship's extentthatthe vessel's Maneuver Rating drops
engines will be damaged on a 7 + on 2d6. to zero or below, then the ship loses power.
The ship's drives will take days or weeks to fix .
Target destroyed: Roll 1d6. On 1-5, the In an encounter battle, this means that the
target is totally blown apart. On a 6, the vessel beam weapon exchange may be prolonged as
is still an intact mass (beam weapon hits have long as the one remaining ship which is still
a + 1 DRM). Roll 2d6 for each character on under power chooses to extend the engage-
board; on a result of 2, the character will ment, since the unpowered vessel can not
survive the initial hit! elect to disengage. Most vessels will have
enough stored power to continue beam com-
Damage Results Explanations bat for two rounds (three for cruisers) after
Computer net goes down: Since ships have losing power.
multiple computers and computer backups,
this event is not a total disaster when it occurs Multiple Ship Engagements
as a damage result. The computer's effective When either or both sides in a ship-to-ship
characteristic ratings will drop depending on conflict has more than one ship at hand, the
the number of actions that the computer must players controlling them must decide upon
perform: their basic deployment before battle. Ships
are deployed in one or more waves, and the
Computer Skill Rating individual ships in each wave may commit
#Actions Characteristic level ordnance into joint attacks on enemy vessels,
1 10 or may contribute ordnance to the defense of
2 8 one of their own number. Battles between
3 6 successive waves are treated as separate
4 4 engagements, which are not adjudicated until
5+ 2 after the end of the previous combat (or when
three turns of beam combat phase have passed
Thus it may well become advantageous for in an encounter).
the ship's organic crew to take over a number
of tasks to relieve the damaged computer of as Example:
much pressure as possible. If the computer A destroyer finds itself facing three frigates
suffers two or more hits, then its skill .ratings deployed into two waves (the first is two ships,
drop to zero, and the crew must take over all and the second is the remaining vessel). A
major functions. combat is now held between the destroyer and
the two frigates in the first wave, both of whom
Engine damage: A ship's engines consist may add their ordnance into joint attacks on
of a batch of small (relatively speaking) fusion the destroyer or conduct two individual attacks
reactors. When engine damage occurs, indi- in each phase. When the combat ends, and if
vidual reactors will be knocked out, only par- the destroyer is still operable, it will then have
tially degrading the vessel 's acceleration/ to conduct yet another combat against the
maneuvering. Roll 1d2 whenever engine dam- frigate in the second wave (we can only hope
age occurs, and subtract the result from the that the destroyer captain held back a few
target's Maneuver Rating. ordnance points from the first encounter!)
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 59


Melee combat may be fought armed or •The character with a shorter weapon
unarmed. The two relevant skills are Melee suffers -1 on initiative.
(Armed) and Melee (Unarmed). The combat
rules, as for missile combat, involve: • The character with a shorter weapon
suffers (-2 x Reach Difference) on attacks at
1. Initiative the beginning of combat. However, once he
2. Performing actions (including blows scores a successful hit, this modifier suddenly
and other attacks, which are Skill Tasks and applies to the other character, until reversed
Skill Challenges and count as Coordinate Ac- again by another hit, and so on, back and forth.
tions). Rolling to hit.
3. Checking hit location Hit Location
4. Checking armor penetration See Hit Location Chart (page 61 ).
5. Checking damage
For a bite, treat any roll greaterthan 3 as 3.
Note that melee weapons have numerical
values according to length, from 0 to 3 (i.e., Armor Penetration
knife to long pole). A character without a See Missile Combat (page 45).
weapon is counted as having a length value of
o. The difference in opponents' values is called Damage
the Reach Difference. See Damage (page 62).

This affects combat in two ways:

Melee Combat Modifiers

Length Penetration Value Damage
Axe 3 1 +2
Bite 0 ( 1 for ratites) 0 -1 (0 for carnivores)
Club 1-2 0 0-+1
Fighting stick 1-3 0 +1
Heavy knife 1 1 0
Kick 2 -1 (to lower body only)
Knife 0 0 0
Machete 2 0 +1
Pistol butt 0 0 0
Punch 0 -2 (+ 1 for hoof)
Rifle butt 2 0 +1
Wing buffet 2 -3
Page 60 Combat

Melee Combat Actions

Action Challenge Modifier Cost* Effect

Evade (miss one action) 0 0 -2 to be hit

Stops opponent's attacks

Grapple Coo rd 0 2 and allows other actions

Strike, defensive Skill -2 Normal strike plus -2 to be hit in return

Strike, offensive Skill 0 2 Normal strike

Strike, specific Skill -5 2 Nominate hit location

Throw object Coo rd 0 Normal strike to 50+(Strx2)m

-7 (-2 if oppo-
Trip Coo rd nent larger) 2 Stagger

Actions wh il ~ p~ rformi n g graggle

0 (-5 if oppo-
Bear hug Str nent larger) 2 Causes 2 Fatigue injury

Bite Melee (Unarmed) +2 2 Normal strike (see page 105)

Break limb Str -5 2 Serious Impact Wound

Lock Skill 0 Immobilizes; opponent drops weapon

Strangle Melee (Unarmed) 0 Causes 5 Fatigue injury

Strike Skill +2 2 Normal

Throw Melee (Unarmed) 0 Column 4 damage

0 (-5 if oppo-
Throw# Str nent larger) 2 Column 4 damage

O (-5 if oppo-
Trip Coord nent larger) 2 Stagger

Actions while subject to graggle

Escape grapple Coo rd -5 2 Grapple is broken

Grapple Coo rd 0 2 Allows grapple actions

Strike Skill -5 2 Normal strike

-7 (2 if op po-
Trip Coo rd nent larger) 2 Stagger

A~tiQn~ while subject tQlock

Escape lock Skill -10 2 Lock is broken

*Fatigue Points per turn. These actions all cost Fatigue Points. At the end of each turn a character will lose Fatigue accord-
ing to the highest of the costs (i.e., o to 2), not the total.
#Use this Throw only if the character does not have the Malee (Unarmed) skill.
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 61

Hit Location

Roll 1d1 O for hit location. In

melee combat, if the target has a
small frame size, add 2 to die roll.

5 6

*Use 1d6 to generate

an odd or even number.
Keep in mind the tail can
7 8 only be hit by attacks
from the side or the rear.

If the die roll shows that the

critter has been hit in the head,
determine from which direction
the hit came, consult the appro-
priate head diagram, and roll
1d1 O for location on the head.
Page 62 Combat

Wounds affect the body in three ways: Hit Location
•Tissue damage, which impairs the func- Head +3
tion of the injured part. Chest +2
• Blood loss, which fatigues and weakens Abdomen +1
the body. Leg 0
•Shock and pain, which tire the character Arm -1
and impair his ability to act. Tail -2
Attacker's Strength
5-9 -2
Missile Combat Damage Modifiers 10-14 0
Weapon 15+ +2
Carbine +1 Weapon
Grenade fragment 0 Axe +2
Machine gun +3 Bite -1
Pistol o Club +1
Rme +2 Fighting stick +1
Shotgun +3 Kick -1
Sniper's rifle +3 Knife 0
Submachine gun +1 Machete +1
Controlled burst (close/short range)+ 1 Punch -2
Caliber (For further examples, see Melee Combat on page
4mm -2 59.)
6mm -1
10mm +1 The amount of damage suffered in an
12mm +2 explosion varies with the strength of the blast
16mm +3 and the distance from it. If it is from a grenade,
Range the type used is also important. Fragmentation
Short 0 grenades cause a number of separate shrap-
Close 0 nel wounds. Explosive fragmentation grenades
Medium 0 also cause blast damage. Some other explo-
Long -1 sions may cause only blast damage.
Extreme -2
Explosion Damage
Melee Combat Damage Modifiers Blast Damage on
Target's Frame Size Range Shrapnel Hits Column 5. Modified
Small -2 Direct hit 1d6 +4
Light -1 0-5m 1d6 0
Average 0 5-10m 1d2 -4
Solid +1 10-20m 1d2-1 -8
Huge +2
48mm grenades add + 1 to blast damage.
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 63

Damage Determination
1 2 3 4 5
2d6 roll
1 GI- GI- -/tm

2 G/tm G/tm -/tm -/tm

3 Gist G/tm -/st -/tm -/tm

4 U- Gist -/st -/st -/st

5 Utm Utm G/tm -/st -/st

6 Ust Utm Gist -/st -/st

7 S/st Ust Utm -/st -/st

8 S/kd S/st Utm G/tm -/st

9 M/kd S/st Ust Gist -/st

10 Miko S/kd Ukd Utm G/tm

11 C/kd M/kd S/kd Ust Gist

12 C/ko C/kd M/kd Ukd Ukd

13 C/ko C/ko C/ko S/ko Uko

14 C/ko C/ko C/ko Miko S/ko

15+ C/ko C/ko C/ko C/ko C/ko

C: Catastrophic wound G: Graze L: Light wound M: Massive wound S: Serious wound

kd: knock down ko: knock out tm: tumble st: stun

Find the appropriate column

Column 1: Penetrating weapons (e.g., bullets, knives)
Column 2: Slashing weapons (e.g., teeth, shell splinters, machetes)
Column 3: Narrow point impacts (e.g., pointy end of fighting sticks)
Column 4: Impacts (e.g., punches, kicks, falls, explosions)

Note that Impact Distribution of armor will shift damage to the right one column per point of
Impact Distribution on the affected part (if the armor was not penetrated). If this moves the
damage past Column 5, then use Column 5 and apply a modifier of -2 for every further unit of
column shift.
Page 64 Combat

Vacuum Exposure Damage
Falling Damage Breach to Fatigue Points lost
Height 1d6 injuries Damage on vacc suit per turn (recoverable)
up to maximum Column 4, modified
Minor puncture 1/2
1 meter 1 -2 Puncture (e.g. , bullet hole) 1
2 meters 2 0 Tear (e.g., knife slash) 2
3 meters 3 +1 Major breach 3
4 meters 4 +2 Full vacuum 4
8 meters 5 +3
16 meters 6 +5 Additional Vacuum Injuries
Roll once only: Fatigue + 1d6
10 Light chest wound
Burn Damage 11 Light head wound (ruptured eardrums)
Extent Damage on Column 3 12 Massive chest and head wounds
13 Serious chest wound and blinded
Mild +1 14 Serious chest and head wounds and
Moderate +2 blinded
Severe +3


___ ..... •

Any adverse modifiers resulting from

wounds and shock should be noted on the Shock
player's record sheet. They affect certain char- Fatigue loss is recoverable, but fatigue
acteristics only, depending on the body part loss from blood loss is non-recoverable.
injured. Remember that the resulting modifi-
ers to characteristics will affect Skill rolls. When multiple hits occur, all wounds are
cumulative but only the highest shock result is
Head: Reason, Intuition, taken.
Manual Dexterity
Arm: Strength, Manual Dexterity
Chest: Strength
Abdomen: Coordination, Strength
Legs: Coordination
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 65

Effects of Wounds
Modifier on Relevant Blood Loss
Characteristic (points per turn)

Shallow surface wounds or bruising. -2 0

Light Wounds
Painful but not disabling. Lose 1 fatigue/turn -5 0
(recoverable) whenever moving or jolting
the injured part.

Serious Wounds
Disabling. Lose 1 fatigue/turn (recoverable) -8 1
whenever performing any action.
Head: Recover fatigue at half rate
Chest: Recover fatigue at half rate
Abdomen: Cannot jump, run or sprint
Leg: Cannot jump, run or sprint
Arm: Drop any item
Tail: Lose tail (kangaroo keeps tail;
suffers as a leg injury)

Massive Wounds
Completely disabling. Take a Drive Check to -10 4
perform any action. Lose 3 fatigue/turn
(recoverable) whenever performing any action.
Also lose one additional point of blood whenever
performing any action. Recover fatigue at half rate.

Catastrophic Wounds
Even worse.
Head: Killed instantly
Chest: Killed instantly
Abdomen: Killed eventually 6
Arm: Major fracture (as for Massive Wound) 6
Leg: Major fracture (as for Massive Wound) 10
Tail: depends on size (kangaroo suffers (8)
massive wound) .

Note: Impact wounds (Column 4 or 5) only cause bleeding if the Roll to Hit was a natural 2. The
bleeding is internal, and the maximum rate is 2/turn.
Page 66 Combat

Effects of Shock
Fatigue loss (once only)
Tumble: Staggered by the blow. Lose next action. 2

Stun: Dazed by the blow. Number of Actions per Turn 4

halved for two turns and each subsequent
turn until successful Drive Check.

Knock Down: Knocked off feet. Lose all actions for 6

six phases, then continue as for Stun.

Knock Out: Lose consciousness for 1d6 turns and each 8

1d6 turns until successful Drive Check, then
continue as for Stun.

BLOOD LOSS struck on the wounded part. Blood loss fatigue

Every point of blood loss causes the loss of may be restored by a blood transfusion at the
one point of non-recoverable fatigue. Bleed - rate of 10 points per half hour.
ing wounds may be staunched to halt blood
loss. (This is a task, not a coordinate action.) A successful Stamina Check must be made
First Aid skill is used, and a suitable first aid kit before any healing may take place. Roll once
must be available. per day until the roll is made. Once this is done,
the character may begin to heal.
Attemptto Staunch Difficulty
Serious wound 10 Take the average of the supervising medic's
Massive wound 15 Medical Skill Governor and the character's
Catastrophic wound 20 Stamina. Roll th is value against the Healing
Difficulty Number, with modifiers for the Medi-
Attempt to Staunch Modifier cal Skill level. A successful roll will lower the
Wound to chest or abdomen -2 seriousness of the character's wound to the
Internal bleeding -5 next category . The roll is made at the end of
No proper equipment -5 each week of rest (or fortnight of rest, if the
(e.g., only strips of torn cloth) character is placed under stress).

A successful Skill Task roll will stop the Wound Category Healing Difficulty Number
blood loss as long as the pressure bandage is Catastrophic 15
kept on. A Close Failure will halve the rate of Massive 12
blood loss. Serious 10
Light 10
Blood LossfTissue Damage Recovery Healed
If the blood loss from a wound is kept at
zero for a period of twenty minutes, no further Shock Recovery
losses are taken unless the character moves Fatigue points lost from shock are recov-
(unless carefully carried) , is knocked over or is ered in the normal way, i.e., by resting .
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 67

In the inner ConFed, most individuals have A starting character could be expected to
a state-provided allowance. Individuals who begin the game with 1d3 sets of clothes (which
desire additional income can engage in capi- may be chosen from street, outdoor and work
talist businesses or work for the state in ser- clothes), a hand computer, and 1d100 x 20
vice or administration. Individuals can petition credits. The player character will have miscel-
the state for temporary access to costly goods laneous equipment suitable for the scenario in
and services for the good of the state or play, at the discretion of the umpire.
against future work credit. A citizen's basic
allowance includes basic housing, food, medi- CLOTHING
cal support, primary and secondary educa- Even though most critters come equipped
tion, and reasonable access to computer with fur coats, clothing is still a necessity for
systems and information. The outer ConFed most mammals due to the need for pockets,
worlds and the ILR are far more capitalist; and protection or simply because of nudity taboos
thus most of the above-mentioned services (although there are a few worlds which are
will have to be paid for through an earned fairly liberal on this point). The exception to the
income. above are avian characters, who will normally
only wear decorative articles/rank badges and
The standard prices given below are for pouches, having neither the need nor the
equipment produced in state factories. While desire to wear clothes.
state produced tools and equipment are prac-
tical and efficient, they are in no way "jazzy." Clothing is bought as "outfits", comprising
Privately produced equipment may be of bet- a full set of clothes, footwear, and a couple of
ter or worse quality than state-supplied mod- changes of shirt and underwear. A full set of
els, and tends to vary widely in price. clothes weighs effectively nothing when worn,
but masses two to three kilograms when
Military expeditions will normally have an packed.
"on hand" manufacturing capability which will
be used to make equipment and weapons at Outfit Cost Encumbrance
need. While minor tools and equipment can be Formal clothes 300-1000 2
Business clothes 200-500 1
cobbled together in the workshops on most
Street clothes 120-200
starships, the factories aboard VCLSV's are Work clothes 100-160
capable of mass producing very large and Cold weather clothes 200-300
complex items indeed. Thus, the equipment
listed below is often subject to a variety of local In addition to the above outfits, characters
modifications and variants, and some of the might wish to purchase an overcoat, cloak or
equipment performances listed below could jacket. These items may be had for between
be modified in various ways given the correct 50 and 150 credits, and weigh between one to
resources, knowledge and skill. three kilograms.

Weights of all items are given in kilograms.

Page 68 · Equipment

Clothing Styles over the ubiquitous vacc suit liner. Starship

The illustrations throughout the rules give crew fatigues are normally well covered in
a pretty good indication of the current fashions velcro patches to facilitate movement in free-
in Albedo. Long tun ics (sometimes skirt length fall. Crew on combat alert will don vacc suit
forfemales), upright collars or "V" neck collars, helmets and flak armor.
loose sleeves and trousers are the vogue on
the inner ConFed worlds, and the outworlds Formal uniform: Neat, high collared jack-
tend to follow inner ConFed fashions. ets of green (planetary forces) or blue (aero-
space forces) topped off with forage caps are
Jewelry confines itself to fairly broad pieces the normal "walking out" wear of EDF person-
which will not be concealed by the fur. Neck nel. More elaborate formal mess gear or full
bands and bracelets are thus more likely than
delicate chains or rings.

EDF Uniform
A brief description of the uniforms and
equipment of the ConFed EDF is now prob-
ably in order. We will divide EDF uniforms into
three types: combat uniform, starship crew
combat uniform, and formal uniform.

Combat uniform: Green or camouflage fa-

tigues and flak armor worn over a vacc suit
liner. Gloves, boots and personal weapons
complete the picture. All EDF troops who are
expected to come near a fire zone will wear ~
head protection. dress uniform are available, and would be
worn at special functions or full dress parades.
Flak armors and fatigue suits are equipped
with velcro tabs to allow the securing of equip- Homeguard uniforms vary greatly from
ment pouches to the soldier. A medical status planet to planet, although most planetary forces
display is always affixed to the armor's left will use body armor and helmets copied from
chest. An infantry soldier will wear a battle the EDF model. Uniform clothing is not always
helmet equipped with a short range communi- based on EDF patterns, and headgear in par-
cator. Officers and AFV crews will normally ticular tends to vary widely from planet to
have a vacc suit helmet (lacking the visor unit) planet. Berets, kepis, peaked caps and
and long range communication (LR comm) glengarries have all found favor with various
packet for air liaison and command coordina- formations.
tion. Aerodyne crews will have full vacc suit
helmets (visor unit included) and LR comm FOOD, DRINK AND LODGING
packets. In an endeavor to encourage realistic play,
it is important that the umpire does not forget
Starship crew combat uniform: Ship uni- that all characters must eat, drink, and have
forms consist of comfortable fatigues worn somewhere to stay. While the socialist gov-
ernments on the ConFed's older central sys-
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 69

EDF utilfty overalls

EDF general duty uniforms

EDF formal dress uniforms EDF battle dress

Page 70 Equipment

terns provide their citizens with basic housing HOUSEHOLD GOODS

and food (which includes rent and utilities) , Household goods are essential creature
other environments may force characters to comforts for any character. Entertaining a cli-
expend money to provide themselves with ent in a bare room , or living in a bare apart-
these assets. Depending on the quality, food ment , can be both uncomfortable and
and housing in the outworlds can be quite embarrassing. State-provided housing and
pricey. The food and drink section is also military quarters will usually come equipped
useful when someone decides to carouse or to with basic household goods.
take a client out to dinner. Remember that
more money must be spent if the meal or Item Cost
lodgings are to be of high quality. Minor appliance 50-200
(food processor, heater, ghetto blaster, etc.)
Food/Drink Wt Cost Major appliance 400-1000
1 day military rations .2 6 (fridge, TV, video, stereo, etc.)
1 week camping rations 5 30-50 Furniture 500-1200
1 week concentrated rations 2.5 70 (lounge chairs, beds, etc.)
1 week groceries 10 30-40
Take out food, snack 2-5 BAGS AND CONTAINERS
Take out food, meal 5-7 The EDF has a standard baggage allow-
Resturant meal 8-25 ance of 16kg, including kit (not including vacc
Catering for a party 30 200-300 suits!). Umpires should keep a careful track of
(Serves an average crowd of 20-30) baggage weights and volumes.

Military "survival" rations are designed to Item Cost Weight Notes

support one being for one day. They consist of Backpack, simple 20-50 1
a selection of nutritional bars. Their taste leaves Backpack, hiking 50-100 1/2
Backpack, military 50 1/2
much to be desired, and they fail to properly Briefcase 100-200 1
create the illusion of being "full." On the third Bumpack 10-20 1/4
consecutive day of living on rations, penalize Canteen 10-15 1 (full) 2
characters with the loss of one non- recover- Duffie bag 10-20 1/4
able Fatigue Point (which will disappear as Handbag 50-100 neg
Jerri can 20-50 2 3
soon as the character eats proper food} . Magazine pouch 2-5 neg 4
Lodging Cost Notes Pouch 2 5
1-person tent (1 kg) 50-60 Purse/wallet 20-100 neg
2-person tent (1 .5kg) 70-80 Shoulder bag 20-75 1/4
3-person tent (2kg) 90-100 Suitcase 75-150 1
Marquis tent (20kg) 200-250 1
Night at a traveller's hotel 20-50 1. 2 encumbrance when carried.
2. Holds 1 liter.
Rented flat, pe r month 350-450 2
3. Holds 20 liters.
Rented house, per month 400-500 2 4. Holds a max of 2 x 20 rnd magazines. Magazine
Avg. monthly utility bill 20 3 pouches are usually "velcro'ed" onto a suit of body
for a house armor or combat fatigues.
5. Pouches of all sorts of sizes are commonly "velcro'ed"
1. Sleeps 20. onto clothing.
2. Add 20 for every bedroom over two.
3. Add 5 per person in the house.
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 71

Information exchange and communications Travel Type Cost
are the life blood of any technological society. Train/bus trip within a city 1-3
Most societies allow citizens a basic allow- Taxi trip within a city 5-20
ance of public domain computer time and Car rental, per day 40-60
library access, which are readily hooked into Bus/train trip between cities 50-300
(depending on distance)
through the average citizen's hand computer.
Plane ticket between cities 300-400
This is supplemented by free computer "bill-
Plane ticket between continents 500-800
boards", public debate nets and information Space travel within a system 2000-4000
exchanges. Player characters who wish to Starship ticket 5000-10,000
pertorm extensive research may have to pay Transport cargo by starship 500-1000/ton
for the additional access, and are referred to
the following chart. COMPUTERS
Computers are a very common tool in
Item Cost Albedo's technical society. An individual's hand
Map or paperback book 6-10 computer will serve as his newspaper, receive
Textbook 25-50 his mail, and pertorm a variety of other handy
Minor software package 25-50
functions by remote linking into net or main-
Major software package 100-300
frame sources. Most bulk data is now stored
Specialist software package 500-1000
Library access cost 2-5 on high density laser disk (storing the equiva-
1 use of public domain Al computer 5 lent of perhaps a million pages of written text),
and most computer memories are non-volatile
Use of private newspaper/public debate (i.e., they retain their current memory when
nets costs 5 credits per month (access to the switched off). Computers will accept verbal or
state nets will be free on socialist worlds). This keyboard input.
gives the character ready access to current
events and public opinions. For a charge of 20 Computer Cost Weight
Hand computer 100 neg
credits, the character may purchase minor
Portable computer 300 .25
advertising space on a "newspaper'' net.
Home computer 500-800 1
Mini processor 5,000 5
TRAVEL Processor core 10,000 6
Movement and travel can be a major drain Al core 50,000+ 8
on anyone's budget (although the citizens of Bulk data storage disk 5,000 2
the socialist inner Con Fed worlds will normally Database package 20,000+ 5
have a limited amount of free access to public Major system interface 10,000 2
transport nets). Please note that space travel
is rather beyond the means of most people Large computers and artificial intelligences
due to the prohibitive cost. Government or are built up in kit form, with a core being linked
company subsidized programs are the only into data bases and then mated to the systems
way most non-starship crew, colonists or mili- which it is supposed to monitor.
tary personnel will get to see far planets.
Page 72 Equipment

MEDICAL EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES medical computer to best advantage. Give a -

Since people can get hurt, it is important to 1 recovery ORM to any patients with massive
include the means of repairing physical dam- or catastrophic wounds, or who have suffered
age. Despite the volume of medical equipment severe fatigue from blood loss (+3 fatigue
available, I can assure you that the ones your ORM or greater), if they are swiftly brought to
characters will get the most use out of will be a life support unit.
bandages and pain killers-and this is as it In near hopeless cases, life support units
should be. Medical skill is required for the use can hold a character in cold sleep until he can
of any advanced equipment. be brought to even better medical care. Char-
acters who are in cold sleep survive the expe-
Medical Equipment rience if they can successfully make a roll on
their Stamina versus 10 (do not apply fatigue
Field bandage DRM's-let's give them a sporting chance . .. ).
Cost: 1
Weight: neg Common Drugs
Description: Field bandages are used in the
emergency staunching of wounds. They are DRUG
commonly kept in pouches on soldier's web- Pep pill oral 1
bing, and make a damned fine tea strainer. Effect: Banishes 1d3 fatigue points for 3 hours.
Takes 1O minutes to work.
First aid kit
Pain killer oral 2
Cost: 30-50
Effect: Removes the pain from headaches, graz-
Weight: 1 ing hits, etc. (reduces shock fatigue by 1 point).
Description: Contains constrictive bandages, Takes 6 turns to take effect.
field bandages, coagulant sprays, quick set-
ting foam splints, and a set of slings for broken Coagulant spray 5
limbs, along with a variety of antiseptics, pain Effect: Gives a -2 ORM to control bleeding.
killers, antibiotics and an injection gun.
Heavy pain killer injection 5
Medical status display Effect: Removes 2 points of shock fatigue after 4
Cost: 100 turns.
Weight: neg
Synaptic damper injection 10
Description: Small display unit which at-
Effect: Removes 5 points of shock fatigue after 4
taches to the breast of a vacc suit or combat turns. Reduces all neuro-physical characteristics
armor. A medical status display is designed to to 1/2 their original level.
show the wearer's pulse, respiration, blood
pressure and EEG readings at a glance. A character may not gain benefit from more
than one dose of painkiller/pep pill at once.
Life support unit
Cost: 100,000 Medical Services
Weight: 40 The worlds of the inner Con Fed will provide
Description: Life support units are designed free medical care to their citizens. On capitalist
to provide patient support for major wounds. worlds, such services must be paid for in hard
As such, they replace lost blood, treat shock, cash.
and coordinate the efforts of a doctor and
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 73

Service TimeTaken Cost Treatment

Visit to doctor 1/2-2 hours 20-50 Minor illnesses, grazes
Visit to hospital 2-6 hours 100-200 Sets bones, dresses light wounds, etc.
Hospitalization per day 500-800 Concussion, serious wounds, stable charac-
ters with major/catastrophic wounds, etc.
Intensive care per day 1000-2000 Unstable major and all catastrophic wounds

TOOLS cater to the characters' expensive tastes.

The chart on the following page contains all Please note that many wages will be paid bi-
the miscellaneous equipment which the char- weekly or even monthly.
acters might want to use for purposes other
than hurting other people. It includes every- Sample Incomes
thing from power tools to radios. Inner ConFed worlds

Notes for Tool Chart: Income Source Weekly Income

1. 20 minute oxygen supply Standard state allowance 80
2. 3 hour oxygen supply. Casual labor +50
3. Generators would usually be state sup- Part time labor +80-100
Full-time work (service) +160-200
Full-time work (admin) +160-200
4. Use not recommended without a gas mask.
Senior admin +300-1000
After 1O minutes' wear, NBC (nuclear/biologi-
cal/chemical) suits heat up, causing 1 point of
The worlds of the inner Con Fed provide for
fatigue per turn until the suit is opened.
most of their citizens' needs, and thus work for
5. Pocket pagers are uvery small units used
a set wage is performed only to increase a
instead of hand computers to receive notice of
citizen's purchasing power, and not as a vital
urgent messages and have no otherfunctions.
necessity. Citizens who join the armed forces
6. Range = 1km
will be paid at the level of service or adminis-
7. Range 2-300km (ground to low orbit). The
trative personnel, depending on rank.
main difference between civil and military
communicators is that military radios send
Capitalist worlds
their messages in condensed pulses to re-
duce the chance of the transmitter being pin- Weekly Wages
pointed by detection gear. Type of Job ("take.home" pay)
8. Range =5km Unskilled labor 160-250
9. Range =500m Skilled labor 260-320
10. Integral space invader game optionaL Highly paid labor 350-450
Lower level executive 500-1000
Given the array of potential expenses de- The outer ConFed and the ILR worlds
tailed above, players can at least be comforted more closely approximate modern western
by the thought that money can be earned to capitalism in their economic set-ups. Charac-
ters will have to earn a wage to provide them-
selves with food, lodgings, medical care and
information access.
Page 74 Equipment


Axe 50-75 2.5
Bicycle 100-200 6
Binoculars 200-300 1
Breath ing apparatus, light 200-250 3 1
Breathing apparatus, SCUBA 500-700 12 2
Calculator 10-50 neg
Camera, good quality 400-500 1
Camera, instamatic 50-100 .5
Camera, micro 400 neg
Electronics tool kit 100-200 5
Emergency car tools 30-50 3
Explosives, industrial 100 1
Explosives, plastique 1000 1
Fire extinguisher 150 5
Flare pistol 300 + 5/shot .5
Gas mask 50-75 .5
Generator, "portable'', fusion 5000-8000 4 tons 3
Hand tool 8-12 .1
Inertial locator 200-300 neg
Lamp, infrared 100-200 .5 to 1
Lantern 25-50 1
Laser, theodolite 1000 3
Lighter 1 neg
Mechanical tool kit 300-500 10
Megaphone 80-140 3
Monitor (computer display) 200-500 6
Nuclear/biological/chemical (NBC) suit 500 8 4
Oxy-aceteline torch + gas 300 12
Pager, pocket 50 neg 5
Periscope, binocular 250-350 1
Power collector, solar 1000-1200 30
Power tool 80-350
Radiation counter 100 1
Radio, handset 100 .25 6
Radio, long range, civil 300-500 4 7
Radio, long range, military 400 2 7
Radio, short range , civil 100-300 1 8
Radio, short range, military 100 1 8
Radio headset, small 50 neg 9
Rope, 300kg test, 1OOm 50 3
Tarpaulin, full 50-60 3
Tarpaulin , shelter half 10-20 .5
Torch 5-25 .5to 2
Watch 10-200 neg 10
Video camera + laser disk memory 300-800 .8 to1.2
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 75

Body armor is common issue to combat Encumbrance: O
troops, police and air crew. Military body ar- Cost: 50
mors are not available to the public, but a Coverage: Head
number of items of protective clothing are Description: A padded cap which is designed
produced for the consumer public. to fit underneath crash or battle helmets, pro-
viding a secu re means of affixing earphones
All body armors are flexible, since rigid and microphones for communications equip-
body armor has proved to be prohibitively
cumbersome , and is completely unsuited for
wear by combat personnel. Flexible body ar-
mor has a worn life of about five years, after
which it must be discarded due to the deterio-
ration of the armor material (-1 DRM to pen-
etrate with any ti rearm).


Heavy Jacket
Penetration Resistance: 1 (vs melee weap-
ons only)
Impact Distribution: 1
Weight: .75
Encumbrance: O
Cost: 200-300
Coverage: Chest, abdomen, arms
Description: A frequent item of wear among
persons who require a degree of protection ment. Helmet liners are made from a tough,
against the weather, cold temperatures or cuts shock absorbent material, with long, earphone-
and abrasions (e.g., pilots and motorcycle equipped padded pouches covering the
riders) . Heavy jackets are a common item of wearer's ears. Helmet liners are exclusively
wear among military personnel, but are not a used by officers, pilots and armored vehicle
usual item of civilian attire. crews, whose battle or crash helmets are
One possible variant of the normal heavy specially constructed to allow for the added
jacket is a bullet proof version fashioned from bulk of the liner. Many vehicle drivers will forgo
ballistic fabrics. Such items have a weight of the use of a crash helmet entirely in favor of
1kg, Penetration Resistance 2, Impact Distri- wearing the liner by itself, which is more than
bution 1, and Encumbrance 1. Protective jack- sufficient protection against minor accidents.
ets of this kind cost 300-400 credits. Reduce the Initiative of the wearers of helmet
liners by 2 when they are in a situation where
Helmet Liner hearing might count (i.e., at close ranges away
Penetration Resistance: O from the noise of vehicle engines). Add the
Impact Distribution: 1 (skull only) Impact Distribution of a helmet liner to that of
Weight: neg any helmet with which it is worn .
Page 76 Equipment


Ballistic Vest
Penetration Resistance: 2
Impact Distribution: 2
Weight: 2 (Light/Average/Solid frames)
1.5 (Small frame)
2.25 (Huge frame)
Encumbrance: O
Cost: 150-300
Coverage: Chest, abdomen
Description: A thinner version of flak armor,
ballistic vests are designed to offer protection
against fragments and low velocity splinter
wounds, but are not intended as bullet proof
protection. Ballistic vests have, however,
proven capable of resisting low energy cross
section ammunition (regular "ball" pistol am-
munition) and ILR 6mm pistol rounds. Vests
lack the impact absorbing plates and padding
of full flak armor.
Ballistic vests will often be found being
worn by logistics vehicle crews, pilots of non-
combat military aircraft, and the like. Many
police and security personnel might also wear
light ballistic armor rather than the more cum-
bersome military suits.

Flak Armor
Penetration Resistance: 3
Impact Distribution: 3
Weight: 3.5 (Light/Average/Solid frames)
3 (Small frame)
4.25 (Huge frame)
Encumbrance: 1
Cost: 300-400
Coverage: Chest, abdomen, neck
Description: The most common form of body
armor among Con Fed EDF troops, flak armor
is an armored body jacket formed from mono-
molecular laminate tiles sandwiched between
layers of exotic ballistic fabrics. Flak armor is
not made to cover the wearer's limbs, as this
would be prohibitively cumbersome. Flak ar-
mor is the standard armor of high tech combat
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 77

EDF aircrew light armor

Page 78 Equipment

infantry units, combat aircrew and combat ratus or oxygen feed (see the hostile environ-
ground veh icle crew. ment equipment section below).
NOTE: The extensive collar of standard
EDF flak armor is typically worn open at the Battle Helmet
throat, and will not normally protect the wearer's Penetration Resistance: 3
neck from the front. If the suit's neck protection Impact Distribution: 2
is fastened up, raise the Encumbrance to 2. Weight: .75
Encumbrance: O
ILR Ballistic Armor Cost: 100
Penetration Resistance: 2 Coverage: Skull. The helmet will protect the
Impact Distribution: 3 wearer's upper/lowerface from the sides
Weight: 2 and rear.
Encumbrance: 1 Description: A light monomolecular laminate
Cost: 300-400 helmet. Most military helmets are open faced,
Coverage: Chest, abdomen, arms, legs, neck but can be fitted with a visor which offers some
Description: Unlike the ConFed, the Inde- small arms/splinter protection to the upper
pendent Lapine Republic prefers to give its face from the front (Pen Res 2, Impact Dist 3),
troops a small measure of armored protection at a cost of reducing the wearer's Intuition by
over the largest possible area of the body. 1. Most battle he~mets come equipped with an
Republican combat troops will normally wear integral short range communicator.
a set of overalls fashioned from padded ballis-
tic material. Plate inserts may be added to HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT EQUIPMENT
cover the frontal chest and abdomen, raising
the armored protection in these areas to 3 Vacc Suit Helmet
Penetration Resistance and 3 Impact Distribu- Penetration Resistance
tion, at a cost of raising the suit's Encum- Helmet = 3 (Skull)
brance to 2 and its weight to 4kg. Like EDF flak Visor unit= 1 (upper face), 2 (lower face)
armor, an ILR ballistic armor's neck does not Impact Distribution: 3
normally protect the wearer in the front. Weight: 1.2 (.9 kilos with visor unit removed
but comm gear retained)
Crash Helmet Cost: 300 + cost of comm package
Penetration Resistance: 2 (skull), 1 (upper/ Coverage: Head. Visor unit covers face.
lower face) Encumbrance: 1 while visor is attached
Impact Distribution: 2 Description: The vacc suit helmet is a sturdy
Weight: .5 and flexible piece of equipment. Available with
Encumbrance: O armored protection equal to crash helmet (ci-
Cost: 150-200 vilian. models) or battle helmet (military ver-
Coverage: Head sions) standards, the basic vacc suit helmet is
Description: A helmet fashioned from a tough, a three piece unit consisting of a hemispheri-
shock resistant plastic laminate. Military crash cal open-faced helmet to which a seperate
helmets are usually fashioned to fit over a visor/faceplate un_it may be attached, allowing
helmet liner. Helmets designed for use by the helmet to be fully sealed when linked to a
pilots, NBC security crews and the like may be vacc suit liner. An integral visor guard may be
fully sealed units with a built-in filtering appa- slipped down to cover the faceplate in case of
flashes or abrasive particles (Pen Res of 4, but
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 79

the wearer's Intuition score and Spot Hidden Torso Supporter

skills are penalized by a ORM of 2). Penetration Resistance: O
Vacc suit helmets are always worn with a Impact Distribution: 0
helmet liner, which keeps the wearer's ear- Cost: 300
phones and hair in place. Weight: .25
At the back of the helmet's skull is an Encumbrance: 1
exterior commun ications/life support unit. Description: Designed to complement a vacc
These come in a number of configurations, a suit liner, semi-rigid torso units will provide the
few of which are listed below: wearer with the support for the abdomen and
• S.R. radio: A short range communicator lungs lacking in a vacc suit liner. This extends
as specified underthetool liston page 74. (100 the time that a vacc suit liner may be worn
credits) without adverse Fatigue effects to about 60
• LR. radio : A multi-channeled air/ground minutes.
military communicator. LR. comm packs are
common wear for combat aerodyne crew and Vacc Suit
infantry officers, who often have need of air Penetration Resistance: 2
liaison equipment. (400 credits) Impact Distribution: 1
•Life support monitor: The standard packet Cost: 8000
for vacuum wear. A life support monitor pro- Weight: 5 (Light/Average/Solid frames)
vides the helmet with short range radio and 4 (Small frame)
laser communications equipment, and it will 6 (Huge frame)
monitor a vacc suit's internal/external environ- Encumbrance: 1
ment and keep the wearer informed (via a Description: The standard vacc suit is a
head display) of any losses of pressure, unde- tough, double skinned garment which sand-
sirable gasses, or similar mishaps. (500 cred- wiches a layer of puncture sealant between its
its) inner and outer skins. This sealant will plug
When the visor unit and life support moni- most minor punctures and tears, but heftier
tor are removed, the wearer is left with a breaches must be sealed with emergency suit
practical and sturdy helmet with integral radio patches, one or two of which are stored in the
equipment and flash visor. emergency equipment pockets of every suit.
The joints of the suit are accordioned to mini-
Vacc Suit Liner mize the encumbrance of the suit, but the
Cost: 300 garment still manages to be fairly stiff and
Weight: neg heavy.
Encumbrance: O The standard vacc suit has a number of
Description: A tight, flexible body sheath velcro patches on the soles/toes of the feet,
designed to afford the wearer a measure of knees, elbows, thighs, shins and gloves to
protection from a vacuum. When accompa- facilitate movement or to attach items of per-
nied with a vacc suit helmet, gloves and boots, sonal equipment. Magnetic boot soles and
vacc suit liners will protect the wearer from palm liners may be activated at the whim of the
vacuum exposure for a limited amount of time. wearer if so desired. Other suit fittings include
After 30 minutes of exposure, characters will lights and jacks (plugs) allowing the wearer to
start to suffer discomfort from their unsup- hook into intercom or computer systems. The
ported internal organs, which causes all Fa- pockets of most suits will contain emergency
tigue losses from movement to be doubled. suit patches and a length of tether line.
Visor guard. Communications and,
optionally, mini life-support

~---7 li~J~~~ Detachable and lnterchan gable---.1

chin/muzzle piece.

Life-support back-pack.

''Velcro" pads can be attached over much of arms

and legs for individual positioning or tool carrying.
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 81 .

Military vacc suits have the torso fitted with crews will have additional features allowing a
flak armor, which gives the suit the same monitoring computer to control the unit if the
coverage and protective value as a flak jacket wearer should become incapacitated. This
in the chest, abdomen and neck (the neck is feature costs an additional 500 credits, and its
not protected from the front). The addition of use requires the wearer to be in communica-
armor to a vacc suit raises the suit's weight by tions contact with a monitoring computer (ei-
the weight of a set of flak armor, and increases ther by radio or cable link).
the suit's Encumbrance to 2.
Rescue Ball
Hostile Environment Suit Cost: 250
Penetration Resistance: 2 Weight: 3
Impact Distribution: 3 Description: Rescue balls are clear plastic
Cost: 20,000 envelopes with a three-hour oxygen supply.
Weight: 9 (Light/Average/Solid frames) They are designed as emergency equipment
7 (Small frame) for vacuum installations and large vessels.
11 (Huge frame) Getting into a rescue ball in only one turn
Encumbrance: 2 requires a Coard check versus 10.
Description: Hostile environment suits are
bulky, rigid armored vacc suits designed for PUNCTURES TO SELF-SEALING SUITS
wear during repairs on "hot" areas of starship The chart below shows the score required
drive units, or in areas prone to high concen- on 1d6 for a vacc suit to successfully seal a
trations of floating junk. Their ability to handle puncture using only its internal sealants. Any
punctures through their integral sealant mate- breach may be sealed with an emergency
rial is very high, as is their resistance to accu- patch, requiring a roll of the character's MDex
mulating punctures in the first place. versus 10 to do so. Each attemptto patch a suit
takes one full turn.
Life Support Pack
Cost: 5000 Vacc Suit Punctures
Weight: 5 Type of Suit Vacc Hostile Env.
Encumbrance: 0 unless in close quarters, in Breach Suit Suit
which case Encumbrance = 1 Minor puncture 1-6 1-6
Description: The standard life support pack, Puncture 1-4 1-5
designed for use with vacc suits which are Tear 1-3 1-4
independent of "umbilicals", is a lozenge- Major tear no 1
shaped backpack which slots directly onto the
rear of the suit. The normal issue life support Hits to a vacc suit hel-
pack contains air scrubbers and tanked oxy- met will not self-seal. If a
gen capable of sustaining the wearer for about character's helmet is pen-
four hours, and includes gas jets for personal etrated, then the suit will
maneuver. In emergencies, the oxygen supply explosively decompress.
can be used as additional maneuver fuel.
A variant on the basic form has half the
normal oxygen supply, but three times the
maneuvering capacity of the standard pack.
The life support packs of some vacuum work
Page 82 Equipment

Several types of robot are currently avail-
able on the commercial market in Albedo,
most of which take full advantage of the high
state of Al technology. Robots are commonly
used to perform a variety of tedious or danger-
ous tasks, providing the bulk of the manual
labor required for the maintenance of techni-
cal society. Robots see no use as combative
"soldiers" due to the abhorrence with which
this concept is viewed (the computers are not
too keen on the idea either!).

Robots are created in specialized, practi-

cal shapes, and are in no way anthropomor- Probots are useful items for exploring the
phic. Robots race about the place on tracks, extent of battle damage on starships, search
legs or wheels, and have senses and manipu- and rescue missions, and scouting .
lative devices designed purely for their in-
tended job. EXAMPLE: Engineering Robot
Cost: 50,000
Most robots will cost at least 10,000 cred- Weight: 150
its. This will cover a simple model designed to Description: The hands and eyes of a starship
move about and carry items. Robots with more Al net, engineering robots are used to effect
extensive memories, manipulative equipment repairs and perform construction tasks in zero-
and special fittings will cost considerably more. G or hostile environments. Engineering robots
Some possible types of robot might include fire are equipped with legs, gas jets, a number of
fighting 'bots, valets, cargo loaders, librarians, light and heavy manipulative arms, tools, and
and repairmen . The expensive robots neces- have sensory gear attuned to their task of
sary for the crewing of installations and close-in work. Most starships will have a gaggle
starships will usually be supplied by or leased of engineering 'bots on board for use in emer-
from the state. gencies, and for performing routine mainte-
nance. Simpler versions of this device will be
EXAMPLE: Probot used for construction work and repairs per-
Cost: 75,000 formed on planetary surfaces.
Weight: 130
Description: A flexible , intelligent machine ~
designed to provide a wide array of sensitive
detection gear for search/exploration tasks.
The robot has gas jets for zero-G maneuver,
four legs equipped with grippers, a flexible
neck equipped with sensory arrays and two
small manipulative arms. The device's sen-
sors include the following: UV/visible/IA op-
tics, sonar/seismar, limited mass detection,
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 83

Current sensor systems include ultraviolet possible, and infrared-specific CCD eyepieces
and infrared optics, sonar/seismar, mass de- are available. IR CCD equipment can "see"
tection, charged/uncharged partical sensors target heat even through "soft" cover, and
and pan spectrum EM monitoring. A few of the threby defeats an opponent's partial conceal-
systems that players will find most useful are ment. Standard CCD eyepieces have a more
listed below. Other items such as miniature limited thermal imaging performance. Char-
directional micophones, etc. are available, but acters making spotting attempts at night with
are special tools (and therefore custom made CCD equipment are not penalized for poor
to order). light conditions.

Electromagnetic (EM) Detectors Thermal Sight

Cost: 8,000+ Cost: 800
Weight: 10+ Weight: .5
Description: Usually part of a starship or Description: A specialized thermal imaging
vehicle sensor system, EM detectors register telescope which can be hand-held or weapon-
the EM transmissions from powered equip- mounted. Thermal sights are capable of show-
ment and transmitters. The ranges of EM ing the heat of targets sheltering behind cover.
detectors will vary depending on the size of the "Soft" cover (partial concealment) does not
detection gear (the equipment in aerodynes count against weapons equipped with thermal
will have a range of a kilometer or two, whereas sights. Other effects on spotting attempts are
the equipment in starships operates across similar to the CCD eyepiece listed above.
immense distances). Long range equipment
will usually lack the pinpoint accuracy of the Night Goggles
smaller detectors. Cost: 400
Weight: Neg
Movement Sensor Description: CCD goggles/visors used to
Cost: 200 provide troops with proper night vision. Night
Weight: Neg goggles are often attached to battle helmets
Description: Small, short-range devices de- as a visor (with protective values as described
signed to be installed in a static position. under battle helmets on page 78) . CCD equip-
Movement sensors are set to give off an alarm ment will blank itself out rather than allow the
when movement is detected in a set 60° arc. passage of light levels high enough to damage
the wearer's sight.
Charged-Couple Detector (CCD) Eyepiece
Cost: 200 Pocket EM Detector
Weight: Neg Cost: 40
Description: A solid state night sight in the Weight: Neg
form of a lens cap which is designed to clip Description: Portable warning beeper used
onto a set of binoculars or a firearm sight. As to warn of radar sweeps or unaccountable
CCD eyepieces react tO low frequency as well transmissions in the user's immediate area.
as low light, some thermal imaging is also
Page 84 Equipment

A huge array of vehicles are available to forces will have spare part compatibility with
the societies of Albedo. Unfortunately, a com- the standard equipment of their allies.
plete discussion of vehicles and vehicle com-
bat will have to wait for a future volume. For the ARMOR
present, we will only detail the vehicles which Vehicle armor is divided into light and heavy
characters will be most likely to use or encoun- composite armor. Vehicle armors in Albedo
ter. are formed from monomolecular laminate, and
are extremely strong. A vehicle must be either
Small ground vehicles will usually be pow- tracked or have eight wheels to carry heavy
ered by hydrogen combustion engines. The composite armor. The Penetration Resistance
larger ground vehicles in Albedo are powered and Impact Distribution for both armor types
by electric motors set into each wheel hub, are listed below: Roof armor is the same
which draw their power from gas turbine gen- thickness as the vehicle's sides and rear.
erators (high tech vehicles often have heat/
energy converters added to the vehicle to Vehicle Armor
scavenge extra power and to disperse waste Armor Type Pen Res
heat). Ground vehicle engines are compara- Light composite 1O (front)
tively quiet. 8 (sides & rear)
6 (suspension)
The materials technology of Albedo has
produced monomolecular armor, a composite Heavy composite 14 (front)
material constructed from monomolecular lami- 12 (sides & rear)
nates of dissimilar metallic and non-metallic 1O (suspension)
materials. The resulting armor is extremely
strong; most vehicles clad in monomolecular CIVILIAN VEHICLES
armor are essentially protected against all but A variety of civi~ian ground cars and light
vehicle-mounted heavy weapons. Their hulls trucks are available to the public. The level of
are protected against mines and high explo- private car ownership on the worlds of the
sive warheads. Only hyperkinetic guns and inner ConFed is quite low. Wheeled chassis
directional explosive warheads stand a real form the basis of most civilian and many mili-
chance of destroying an armored vehicle, al- tary vehicles. They are popular due to their
though close range, concentrated cannon fire cheapness and durability.
can occasionally chew its way through lami-
nate armor by repeated hits on the same area. Cycle
Military vehicles thus polarize themselves into Chassis type: Wheeled
anti- vehicle and infantry support roles. Ar- Structure: +2
mored vehicles are surprisingly small due to Max load: Driver + 1 passenger
the compactness of their engines, weapons Cruise speed: 80
systems and armor, greatly facilitating their air Top speed: 120
portability. Most EDF vehicles are tracked , Turn speed: 50
while the ILR uses mostly wheeled vehicles. Max accel: 40
Homeguard forces might have just about any Max decel: 60
type of vehicle, but most planetary defense Cost: 3,000-5,000
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 85


Chassis type: Wheeled Military vehicles have wheeled, hover, or
Structure: +4 tracked chassis. Air cushion hover vehicles,
Max load: Driver + 4 passengers also termed GEV's (ground effect vehicles),
Cruise speed: 60 are rarely used by the military since they are
Top speed: 110 immensely handicapped by rough terrain,
Turn speed: 40 maneuver poorly through tight streets, and
Max accel: 30 produce a large amount of noise and dust.
Max decel: 60
Cost: 8,000-10,000 Due to their low ground pressure and high
traction, tracked vehicles are popular in a
Van cross country role. Most EDF armored ve-
Chassis type: Wheeled hicles are tracked (although they can operate
Structure: +5 on their road wheels if necessary). A major
Max load: Driver + 8 passengers disadvantage with tracked vehicles is that they
Cruise speed: 60 may shed a track upon performing a violent
Top speed: 100 maneuver. When turning more than 60° while
Turn speed: 40 traveling at more than 1/2 the vehicle's turn
Max accel: 30 speed, roll the driver's skill vs 10 to avoid
Max decel: 60 shedding a track. Vehicles which shed a track
Cost: 10,000-15,000 halve their maximum turn speed, and drop
their maximum speed to 3/4 of the rated amount
Truck until the remaining track can be blown, after
Chassis type: Wheeled which the vehicle is treated as a wheeled
Structure: +7 vehicle.
Max load: Driver+ 12 passengers
Cruise speed: 50 The standard tracked vehicle is quite small
Top speed: 90 to allow for air portability. Heavier vehicles are
Turn speed: 20 occasionally used by some Homeguard units.
Max accel: 15
Max decel : 50 4-Wheeled
Cost: 20,000-30,000 Chassis type: Wheeled
Structure: +5
Heavy Truck Max load: Driver + 1 passenger
Chassis type: Wheeled Cruise speed: 60
Structure: +8 Top speed: 100
Max load: Driver + 24 passengers Turn speed: 40
Cruise speed: 50 Max accel: 25
Top speed: 90 Max decel: 60
Turn speed: 20
Max accel: 10 6-Wheeled
Max decel: 40 Chassis type: Wheeled
Cost: 40, 000-80' 000 Structure: +6
Max load: Driver+ 4 passengers
(long body vehicles may carry 6 passengers)
Page 86 Equipment

Cruise speed: 60 Max Accel : 20

Top speed: 100 Max Decel: 20
Turn speed: 30 Cost: 50,000-100,000
Max accel: 20
Max decel: 60 Tracked Vehicle
Chassis type: Tracked
8-Wheeled Structure: +9
Chassis type: Wheeled Max load: Driver + 8 passengers
Structure: +8 Cruise speed: 30
Max load: Driver + 9 passengers Top speed: 80
Cruise speed: 60 Turn speed: 30
Top speed: 80 Max accel: 20
Turn speed: 20 Max decel: 60
Max accel: 15
Max decel: 60
Hover Car Turrets come in two basic formats-"nor-
Chassis type: Hover mal" and "low profile." Low profile remote
Structure: +4 turrets (consisting of a remotely controlled
Max load: Driver+ 3 passengers weapon on a swivelling mount equipped with
Cruise speed: 80 fiber-optic remote sights) have a far smaller
Top speed: 160 silhouette than normal turrets. Normal turrets
Turn speed: 20 (not low profile systems) contain a "fighting
Max accel : 30 compartment" in which the gunner/commander
Max decel: 30 will be relocated from the crew compartment.
Cost: 20,000-30,000 Thus the gunner in a turreted vehicle will not
occupy any space normally reserved for pas-
Light GEV sengers.
Chassis type: Hover
Structure: +6 Turrets for vehicles with a structure of 8-
Max load: Driver + 6 passengers may mount a maximum of one light weapon
Cruise speed: 80 system and a coaxial weapon. Turrets for
Top speed: 160 vehicles with a structure of 9 or 1o may mount
Turn speed: 10 a maximum of one light weapon system or a
Max accel: 30 light hyperkinetic gun or gun/mortar coupled
Max decel: 30 with a coaxial armament; or two light weapon
Cost: 25,000-35,000 systems. Vehicles with a structure rating of
11 + may mount turrets fitted with one light
Heavy GEV weapon system or a hyperkinetic gun or gun/
Chassis Type: Hover mortar (light or heavy) coupled with a coaxial
Structure: +8 armament; or two light weapon systems.
Max load: Driver + 48 passengers
Cruise Speed: 60 Turreted armaments may swivel through
Top Speed: 140 360° on the horizontal plane. Low profile tur-
Turn speed: 10 rets may depress 20° from true, and elevate up
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 87

to 90°. Full turrets rarely manage this degree Description: 6mm to Bmm sustained fire ma-
of suppleness. Turreted weapons cover a 60° chine guns are a common secondary arma-
arc, and may traverse through 60° (one hex ment for many vehicles. They are detailed
face) per turn phase (i.e., turn through five hex more fully in the Weapons section of the per-
faces per game turn). Wh ile tu rrets traverse sonal equipment rules (see page 99).
before determining the vehicle's firing for a
given game phase, an adverse accuracy ORM Heavy machine gun
is applied to any shots fired in a phase in which Penetration: By caliber type
the turret traverses. Damage: By caliber type
Handiness: Handy
WEAPONS Basic ammo: 500 rounds
A weapon comes complete with a basic Description: 1 Omm HMG's are tried and
ammunition load. Extra loads of ammunition proven anti-personnel weapons, and are thus
may be taken at the cost of the space normally popular coaxial armorments.
occupied by one passenger.
Light Weapon Systems
Coaxial Systems These are largely specialized infantry sup-
Coaxial weapons systems are mounted port weapons.
alongside the main weapon in a vehicle turret.
A turret gunner may elect to fire either the Light cannon
turret's main gun or a coaxial system in any Penetration: 7
given phase. Damage: +6
Handiness: Handy
Machine gun Basic ammo: 200 rounds
Penetration: By caliber type Description: 24mm cannon firing discarding
Damage: By caliber type sabot depleted uranium rounds (APDSDU).
Handiness: Handy These weapons are power driven with rates of
Basic ammo: 1000 rounds fire well in excess of 1000 RPM, and thus
recieve one additional hit on a target
10 mm recoil operated turret mounted machine gun. for every point by which they under-
cut the normal required roll to hit.
Against vehicle targets, only one ac-
tual "hit" will result from any single hit
roll. For each additional shell impact-
ing on the target, add +1 to the
weapon's effective penetration and
damage (representing the effect of
several impacts on the same area).
Light cannon consume 20 rounds
. ll of ammunition whenever they fire a
24 mm electric operated
dual ammo feed automatic wild burst.
Page 88 Equipment

32mm or 48mm Auto grenade launcher cartridged propellants, an important consider-

Penetration: 6 (32mm) or 7 (48mm) ation in the small, air portable vehicles used by
Damage: 7 (32mm) or 8 (48mm) the EDF and the Republic.
Handiness: Cumbersome
Basicammo:48(32mm)or32 (48mm) rounds In the anti-personnel role, hyperkineticguns
Description: These devices are capable of do not fire at individual people, but rather at
providing a vehicle with adaquate light anti- areas, causing all characters present in a
armor ability, and prove useful in the anti- twenty meter radius of the strike zone to suffer
personnel role. GL's may fire a variety of a blast damage of +4 and 1d6 fragmentation
grenade rounds, including AP, frag and smoke. hits (roll these as missile fragments).
Grenade launchers on EDF vehicles will fire
32mm variable grenades. 48mm automatic - Light hyperkinetic gun
grenade launchers currently see use with the Penetration: 12
ILR and a few Homeguard forces. Damage: +8
Handiness: Cumbersome
Heavy Weapon Systems Basic ammo: 4 shells
Heavy vehicle weapons are specialized Description: 64mm guns firing hypervelocity
anti-vehicle/anti-strong point devices. depleted uranium munitions. They are com-
Hyperkinetic guns lack the ability to project mon armaments for fire support vehicles and
high explosive/fragmentation shells, and must heavy scout vehicles. Hyperkinetic guns are
rely upon the effects of their kinetic ammuni- self-loading weapons.
tion. Guns/mortars lack any anti-armor capac-
ity, although specialized demolitions Heavy hyperkinetic gun
ammunition might see some use against strong Penetration: 14
points. The shells fired by hyperkinetic guns Damage: +9
and by guns/mortars are not fixed case ammu- Handiness: Very cumbersome
nition (that is to say, the weapon's rounds do Basic ammo: 3 shells
not come as a cartridge containing both the Description: 80mm semiautomatic hyper-
projectile and the propellant). They are pow- velocity guns firing fin-stabilized depleted ura-
ered by the explosion of a two part liquid nium munitions (APDU). They are mostly found
propellant injected into the weapon's ignition as primary guns on heavy combat vehicles,
chamber a moment before firing. "Binary pro- although some light vehicles may also tote
pellants" are considerably more compact than such iron-mongery into battle.

Light gun/mortar
Penetration: N/A
Damage: N/A
Handiness: Cumbersome
Basic ammo: 2 shells
Description: 120mm short tube launchers
designed to lob high explosive. The blast from
a mortar bomb has a damage of +8, and has a
twenty meter blast radius. Mortars are fairly
rare weapons.
280 mm automatic-feed rocket launcher.
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 89

Heavy gun/mortar with an accuracy of 1/100 of the range to the

Penetration: N/ A target. Pinpointing military communicators or
Damage: N/A detectors is difficult, and requires a dice roll of
Handiness: Very cumbersome 7- on 2d6. Passive sensors may register ve-
Basic ammo: 1 shell hicle movement and firing in quiet areas, and
Cost: 60,000/200 (weapon/ammo) give an indication of direction and range. Ac-
Description: 240mm versions of the above. tive sensors (radars) will spot moving veh icle
Heavy gun/mortar bombs have a damage sized targets out to the limits of the vehicle's
rating of+ 12 and a blast radius of thirty meters. line of sight.
The sensors will usually be run by the
External Systems vehicle's Al computer, and any relevant infor-
Some vehicles may add supplementary mation is subsequently passed on to the gun-
weapons (light or heavy machine guns) to the ner/commander and his driver.
top of a vehicle's turret or deck (providing it is
positioned so as not to be swept off by the Smoke dischargers
turret gun as it traverses). Such systems are Sturdiness: 9
usually fixed on a swiveling pintel mount (and A set of one shot smoke grenade mortars
are therefore fired by an exposed crew mem- which shoot clusters of smoke grenades to the
ber), although they can be mounted in a mini- vehicle's turret front. They may be reloaded by
remote turret controlled from within the vehicle an exposed character in six actions.
via fiber-optic remote sights.
Firing ports
Sensors Many vehicles which are designed to carry
Sturdiness: 7 passengers have provision made for the pas-
Military armored vehicles or scout vehicles sengers to fire out of the vehicle without ex-
will usually have a variety of sensor systems posing themselves. Firing ports may be put on
installed. Full sensor equipment occupies the sides and rear of any such vehicle, and
space equal to one or two passengers, and is these will allow small arms
thus an uncommon fitting on personnel trans- to fire from the vehicle.
ports. Standard sensors include EM detec-
tors , ground surveillance radars, thermal
imaging equipment, and ground vibration de-
tectors. Most line of sight detection systems
can operate through ar1 extendable periscope.
Some specialist vehicles will have air tracking
radars to allow effective anti-aircraft fire .
Vehicle sensors may be used in
active and/or passive modes. Pas-
sive sensors can detect EM
emanations and active
detectors out to
about ten kilo-
meters, 120 mm automatic-feed, liquid-fueled tank main gun.
Page 90 Equipment

AIR VEHICLES will have cockpits armored with light compos-

Air Vehicle Armor ites, and lesser degrees of protection across
The hull of civil ian air vehicles will have an vulnerable areas of the ship. The armor ratings
armor rating of 3. Military format aerodynes of the various hit locations are as follows:

Light aero Heavy aero

Forward fuselage 8 10
Cockpit 8 10
Power compartment 10 12
Thrust vents 4 5
Fuel tank 7 8
Main fuselage 6 8

Aerodyne weapon sys- Description: Albedo's light pleasure aircraft

tems are usually mounted is a robust little fanjet vehicle somewhat larger
in paired swivel mounts in size than a ground car sedan. Capable of
which allow all weapons to carrying two passengers at speeds of up to
be brought to bear to the 250 kph, fanjets are capable of operating with
front or underneath, one minimal facilities.
weapon of each pair to be
brought to bear to each side, Helicopter
and the rearmost pair of Cost: 300,000+
weapons to fire to the Crew: 1 or 2
vehicle's rear. Structure: 6
Any gunner Small aerodyne-mounted Maneuverability: 1
or pilot may laser weapon turret. Description: Rotary wing aircraft are com-
roll to hit only once in a turn phase, but identical mon utility vehicles which are designed for
weapons systems may be linked together, high efficiency at low subsonic speeds, and a
sharing the one roll to hit but making seperate good hover performance. Helicopters lack the
hit location, penetration and damage rolls. speed and flexibility of aerodyne vehicles, but
are far cheaper. Large cargo-carrying helicop-
Atmosphere Craft ters would have a higher structure rating, and
There are a number of atmospheric aircraft a higher price.
in production all across known space, all of
which fill the roles of low cost, low speed Aerodynes
transport. Atmospheric vehicles operate in the Aerodynes are highly versatile craft. Nor-
low subsonic speed range. When a higher mally operating at subsonic speeds, properly
speed vehicle is required, an aerodyne will be adapted aerodynes may travel at high machs
used. if the operator is willing to pay the penalty in
increased fuel consumption. Simple prepara-
Light fanjet tion and increased fuel stores will allow aero-
Cost: 50,000+ dynes to operate in exoatmospheric or even
Crew: 1 + 1 or 2 passengers orbital flight. Most large starships could be
Structure: 5 expected to carry an aerodyne to serve as a
Maneuverability: 0 shuttle/ship's boat.
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 91

Air car hydrogen which is routed through an array of

Cost: c.500,000+ intermix venturii to combine with the atmo-
Crew: 1 sphere before being shunted out for vertical or
Structure: 5 horizontal thrust. Maneuvering for all axes are
Maneuverability: 1 by differential thrust, managed by on-board
Description: A light four-seater designed for computer, which receives its inputs through
good performance at subsonic speeds. Air the pilot's grips and pedals.
cars may not be used for exoatmospheric or The pilot's inputs, however, are for desired
orbital flight. attitude rather than direct control, and the
computer arranges thrust to suit, keeping track
Light aero of attitude and environment so as to avoid any
Crew: 1 or 2 "controlled conflicts" with the ground or ob-
Structure: 8 jects. The computer can also assist in fire
Maneuverability: Pilot skill 10-: 1 control and combat maneuvering, or even
Pilot skill 11 +: 2 take over in case the pilot is disabled.
Description: Light utility vehicles which see The Aero 3 has provision for one or two
use in a variety of roles. In civilian format, they pilots or a pilot and a crew specialist. In cargo
may carry about eight passengers or 2000 configuration, it will carry about 2000kg while
kilos of cargo. Military versions are armored, maintaining a full fuel load and performance
and may come in transport or gunship modes. ratings. Though there is surplus power for
Transports will carry about six fully equipped supersonic flight, the craft's normal operating
soldiers and have provision for two weapon speed is subsonic, limited by aero heating
mounts (beam weapons or auto cannon only).
Gunships will carry two extra weapon mounts,
and will have one or two crew specialists
in addition to the normal crew comple-
ment. The Aero 3 is a typical light Combat Troop Seat
The Aero 3 is powered by a
small continuous confinement
fusion (CCF) reactor which
provides high pressure,

Fusion Reactor
Multi-Sensor/laser Marker Turret
Nose Landing Gear
Armored Avionics Package
Page 92 Equipment

Small Jet Transport

~~~~;;;~::::=~ /II
~< ~
Small Helicopter

• •

Aerodyne A-3

A-8 Gunship

Small FTL Courier

0 2 4 6 8


Autonomous Combat Vehicle.

ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 93

restrictions on the airframe. With additional Description: Heavy transports capable of shift-
fuel and simple preparation, the Aero 3 can go ing about 30 tons of cargo, or 40 passengers.
exoatmospheric or even orbital, providing the Military versions are used as vehicle landing
flight profile limits heat exposure. craft and bulk transports, and are accordingly
In combat configuration the Aero 3 can heavily armored. Landing craft will normally
carry auto cannon or beam weapons in a have two ventral weapon mounts which may
variety of ventral turret positions (maximum of mount beam weapons or cannon. In gunship
two turret mounts). The cockpit and critical mode, these vehicles will add two more ventral
avionics are heavily armored, and the fuel beam weapon/auto cannon mounts, and a
tanks are also given added protection. The central pair of weapon mounts which may be
fuel tanks have an expanded capacity to offset equipped with 60mm hyperkinetic guns. Gun-
the vehicle's increased weight. ships will carry additional crew specialists in
The Aero 3 is now being replaced in front- the main hull to man the extra weapons.
line units with the Aero 6, but will certainly
remain in service with reserve and Homeguard Interstellar Capable Craft
units for a long time to come. Interstellar aerodynes are formed by lining
the hull of a huge cargo vessel with jump field
High performance aero generators and installing the capacitors and
Crew: 1or2 magneto hydrodynamic (MHD) coils required
Structure: 1O to power a jump drive. Interstellar capable
Maneuverability: Pilot skill 10-: 1 aerodynes will have multiple reactors and decks
Pilot skill 11 +: 3 oriented for use when the ship is under forward
Description: Uprated versions of the light thrust.
aero, high performance aeros have approxi- I
mately the same size but offer higher pay- Larger interstellar aerodynes can mass up
loads. While space considerations mean that to 8000 tons, where they are superceded by
this does not change the number of passen- true starships (which mass 10,000 tons or
gers carried to any real degree, the greater more). Interstellar aerodynes are quite slow
fuel load makes this vehicle faster than the when compared to true starships, since fuel
light aero. Military versions carry a higher limitations dictate lower levels of thrust during
payload of armor, but otherwise have the the journey out of a system's gravity well.
same complement of passengers and arma-
ment. The Aero 6 is a typical high performance FTL aerofreighter
aerodyne. Crew: 4+
The Aero 6 can carry a heavier weight of Structure: 16
weapons and armor than the Aero 3 without a Weight: 600 tons
loss of performance. In gunship configuration, Description: Lumbering, 600 ton jump ca-
the Aero 6 may be equipped with up to four pable vessels with 100 ton payloads. FTL
ventral weapons. freighters do not have the endurance for long
trips. Freighters have a 6 point armored skin.
Heavy aero
Crew: 1 or 2 FTL scout
Structure: 12 Crew: 4+
Maneuverability: Pilot skill 10-: 1 Structure: 17
Pilot skill 11 +: 2 Weight: 500 tons
Page 94 Equipment

Description: Jump capable vessels armed Heavier beam weapons (of double or triple
with two or more beam weapons. Scouts have the above power) are common armaments for
enough endurance to endure a few months' point defense stations or starship tertiary
trip, giving them limited endurance in an envi- mounts. Aerodynes struck by starship ord-
ronment which requires long periods of accel- nance or main beam weapons will be de-
eration out of system before a jump can be stroyed.
Beam weapon "flash": The flash and
BEAM WEAPONS dazzle of nearby beam weapon strikes may
Light beam weapon temporarily blind unprotected characters. Per-
Penetration: 3 sonnel who are neither inside a vehicle nor
Damage: +2 wearing a lowered vacc suit flash visor, and
Energy: - who are close to the impact point of a beam
Handiness: Very handy weapon, must roll 1d6. On a result of 6 (or on
Basic ammo: - a 5 or 6 for creatures with superior night vision)
Cost: 5000 they will have been temporarily blinded (all
Description: Rapid pulse beam weapons are creatures receive a + 1 ORM at night).
a common armament for aerodynes. Beam
weapons will only hit their targets once in any Beam weapons may be fired in a suppres-
given roll to hit, but add 4 to the penetration sive mode, aiming specifically to blind rather
and +4 to the damage of the weapon fdr each than to kill.
Success Grade of the hit.
Beam weapons halve all DRM's for moving Temporarily blinded characters must roll
targets. They have a short range of 1000, a again to determine the duration of the blind-
medium range of 2000, a long range of 4000 ness:
and an extreme range of 8000 meters while
firing within atmospheres.

Duration of Flash Blindness Effects

1d6 Effect and Duration
1 Totally blind until properly treated

2 Totally blinded for 1 hour, and then +2 ORM on all vision-oriented

activities until properly treated

3 Totally blinded for 20 minutes, after which there is a +2 ORM on all

vision oriented activities until properly treated

4 Totally blinded for 1O minutes, after which there is a+ 1 ORM on all

vision oriented activities until properly treated

5 +1 ORM on all vision oriented activities until properly treated

6 +1 ORM on all vision oriented activities for next hour

ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 95

Grenades and explosive weapons come in Grenade fragments do not normally pen-
several types. EDF troops are not normally etrate very deeply, and thus use column 2 on
issued with specialized grenade types, relying the Damage Determination Chart. Normal body
mostly upon variable grenades. Flechette gre- armor provides no protection against blast
nades see almost no use at the current period damage. Blast damage does not roll for hit
of time, and are thus not included in the equip- location. Characteristic DRM's from blast
ment lists. wounds apply to fill characteristics.

Grenade Statistics
Missile type Penetration Fragdamage Blast damage
32mm concussion grenade N/A N/A +1
48mm concussion grenade N/A N/A +2
32mm fragmentation grenade 0 -2 +1
48mm fragmentation grenade 0 -2 +2
32mm armor piercing (AP) grenade 6 (+7) +O
48mm AP grenade 7 (+8) +O

Chemical effect grenades Variable grenades are self propelled, but

Avai1able in 32 and 48 mm versions, these may be thrown by hand. Their armor piercing
are available in incendiary, smoke and illumi- mode is of little use when thrown by hand,
nation versions. Incendiary grenades (and since there is no way of guaranteeing that the
also gas bombs) shower the target with burn hollow charge will strike its target front end on.
effects (use wound column 2; damage= 0). When fired from a launcher, stabilizing fins
The flame will burn for 3d3 turns, rolling for hit deploy to give the weapon a stable trajectory.
locations every turn. Pretty? Incendiary and Variable grenades are usuallysetforfragmen-
smoke grenades obscure the target hex with a tation effect. Changing the setting on a gre-
cloud of smoke which will usually last for one nade fuse takes one action.
minute (or four turns if tear gas) . Illumination
rounds illuminate an area thirty meters in ra-
dius, and will burn any location directly hit by
such a round with a burn effect (damage 10).

Variable grenades
EDF 32mm variable grenades are dual
purpose weapons which may be set either for
fragmentation blast or armor penetration sim-
ply by varying the fuse setting. The ConFed Grenade weights
EDF forces will not normally be equipped with 32mm grenades weigh .25kg for hand
specialized grenade types, and rely almost thrown versions, or .4kg for self-propelled/
entirely upon their variable grenades and hand variable versions. 48mm grenades weigh .4kg
grenades. for hand-hurled versions, and .7kg for self-
propelled grenades.
Page 96 Equipment

The firearms used in Albedo are people- The EDF uses 8mm cased ammunition in
killing tools-the weapons of mu rd er. The only its standard weapons. EDF 8mm caliber mili-
non-military firearms are those used for target tary bullets are sub-caliber hard bodied saboted
shooting (a sport which enjoys a limited popu- darts (4mm inner core) coated in a friction
larity in some low population density areas). reducing substance (such as teflon).
"Sport" weapons do not usually have the ad-
vanced features of military versions, and mili- By projecting 4mm projectiles out of Bmm
tary "dart" ammunition is rarely sold barrels, the 8mm sub-caliber dart round man-
commercially. ages to achieve phenomenally high velocities,
giving it extremely high armor penetration.
The small arms used in Albedo all rely
upon kinetic energy to affect their targets, and The ILR uses caseless 6mm ammunition,
are thus largely similar to modern firearms. It usually a 4mm saboted dart. While the ar-
is in the peripheral areas of ammunition types rangement is compact and can make fo r a
and targeting systems that Albedo's military simpler weapon action, pistol loads are less
firearms differ from modern models. effective, especially against armor, than the
EDF equivalents. Rifle loads are roughly
Military firearms are equipped with target equal.
illuminating lasers which are "reflexed" through
the weapon's optical sights. Laser-equipped
firearms receive reduced penalties for firing
unaimed shots at ranges of up to 60m. A
second use for target illuminators is as a range
finder, allowing accurate range readings to be
made at out to 300m. Laser target illuminators
may use either visible light or IR {which will be
visible to characters using CCD equipment). The ammunition statistics chart lists the
important characteristics of each type of small
Many military weapons come with tele- arms projectile. Damage and penetration are
scopic sights as standard equipment. Smart rated at short, medium, long and extreme
sights will be a common addition to tripod ranges.
mounted weaponry.

Firearm Calibers
Military ammunition is split into two main
calibers, 8mm and 6mm.
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 97

Weapon Recoil Values

Weapon Recoil Value
4mm pistol 0
6mm pistol 0
8mm pistol 1
10mm pistol 2
12mm pistol 3
4mm longarm 1
6mm longarm 2
8mm longarm 3
1Omm longarm 4
12mm longarm 5
Shogtun 4
Wild burst +1

There is no recoil penalty for tripod-/bipod-supported weapons.

Ammunition Costs
Sporting cal, 100 rounds: 12 1Omm cal, 100 rounds: 100
6mm cal, 100 rounds: 30 12mm cal, 100 rounds: 120
8mm pistol dart, 100 rounds: 35 16mm cal, 100 rounds: 160
8mm short/long cal, 100 rounds: 35 Hand grenades, per round: 25
8mm short/long dart munitions, 100 rds: 40 Self-propelled grenades, per round: 40

Now you know how wars get to be an expensive business .. .

Magazine Weights (kg)

Mag Cagacity: Caliber
4mm 6mm 6mm 8mm Smm 10mm 12mm 16mm
pistol rifle pistol rifle
8 rds .05 .07 .07 .10 .17 .40 .48 .80

12 rds .06 .10 .11 .12 .20 .60 .72 1.2

16 rds .08 .13 .15 .16 .27 .80 .96 1.6

20 rds .10 .16 .18 .20 .36 1.0 1.2 2.0

24 rds .12 .19 .22 .24 .40 1.2 .15 2.4

32 rds .16 .26 .28 .32 .54 1.6 1.92 3.2

48 rds .24 .39 .43 .48 .80 2.4 2.9 4.8

100 rds .50 .80 .90 1.0 1.80 5.0 6.0 10.0

Cross reference the number of rounds held in the magazine (left column) with the size of the round (top
line, bold print) to find the approximate weight of the magazine in kilograms.
Page 98 Equipment

The lists below specify the sum of the Weight: 1.5

weapons currently produced by the various Cost: 600-800
governments of known space. Some of the Description: A fully automatic pistol. These
most likely custom made weaponry has also devices are uncommon except as the sidearms
been listed. Each weapon's range statistics of armored vehicle crews.
are split into four sections, these being the
figures relevant to the weapon's short, me- Sub-machine Gun (SMG)
dium, long and extreme ranges. All weights Caliber: 6mm and 8mm
listed are the weight of the loaded weapon. Handiness: Very Handy
Ranges: 20/50/60/75
Standard military weapons in the ConFed Magazine capacity: 32
vary from world to world. For instance, the Weight: 2.5
Ekosiak Homeguard supplements its supply Cost: 600-1000
of EDF pattern assault rifles with locally pro- Description: This category covers a variety of
duced assault carbines, both of which take the short, handy weapons. SMG's are essentially
standard EDF8mmx50cartridge. Sportweap- longer barreled versions of the machine pistol.
ons tend to be small caliber semi-automatic Designed for close work and high rates of fire,
versions of military small arms. The limited SMG's are used primarily by terrorists, secu-
military experience of the culture of Albedo rity troops and police.
has led to simple small arms formats (conven-
tional stock-grip-magazine layout). "Bullpup"
and top mag loading weapons are yet to de-

Caliber: 6mm and 8mm (custom models in
10mm and 12mm are available)
Handiness: Very Handy
Ranges: 20/40/50/NO
Magazine Capacity: 20 (6mm) or 16 (8mm)
Weight: 1
Cost: 400-700 (custom models at 1200+) Assault Carbine
Description: Magazine fed semi-automatic Caliber: 4mm, 6mm and 8mm
handguns. Not designed for combat in an Penetration Modifiers: -1 at extreme range
environment where body armor is common, Handiness: Handy
pistols are mainly used as an effective defen- Ranges: 20/100/150/200 (4mm)
sive armorment. Pistols are not capable of 20/100/200/250 (6/8 mm)
automatic fire. Magazine Capacity: 48 (4/6mm); 24 (8mm)
Weight: 3 (4/6mm); 3.5 (8mm)
Machine Pistol Cost: 900-1500
Caliber: 6mm and 8 mm Description: A shorter barreled version of the
Handiness: Very Handy assault rifle, assault carbines are popular for
Ranges: 20/40/50/NO close work. More effective than an SMG, as-
Magazine Capacity: 24 sault carbines are found sown through most
infantry squads and security teams.
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 99

Most assault carbines will have folding stable base for firing. Tripod-mounted ma-
stocks. When the stock is folded, the weapon chine guns do not receive adverse DRM's for
becomes Very Handy, but may not be used for subsequent shots at a target without aiming. In
aimed fire. addition, tripod-mounted weapons extend their
medium, long and extreme ranges by 1OOm.
Assault Rifle Tripods take four actions to set up.
Caliber: 4mm, 6mm or 8mm Tripod-equipped LMG's may be equipped
Handiness: Average with a passive coolant system for the barrel
Ranges: 20/100/200/300 (4mm) and chamber, converting them into sustained
20/100/250/350 (6/8mm) fire machine guns (SFMG's). SFMG's weigh
Magazine Capacity: 48 (4/6mm); 24 (8mm) 20% more than the normal LMG, and receive
Weight: 3.5 (4/6mm); 4 (8mm) a ORM of -1 when rolling on the breakdown
Cost: 1000-1600 effects chart.
Description: The standard military small arm.
Assault rifles are light,
robust weapons ca-
pable of effective au-
tomatic fire out 'to
medium ranges. As-
sault rifles are military ,______..__.
weapons par excel-
lence, and will rarely
beav~labletothepub- [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)
Most assault rifles are equipped with fold-
ing stocks. When the stock is folded, the Sniper's Rifle
weapon becomes Handy, but may not be used Caliber: 1Omm, 12mm or 16mm
for aimed fire. Handiness: Very Cumbersome
Ranges: 50/500/800/1000 (10/12 mm)
Light Machine Gun (LMG) 50/500/700/800 (16mm)
Caliber: 6mm or Bmm Magazine Capacity: 16 (1 Omm), 8 (12mm), 8
Handiness: Very Cumbersome (16mm)
(Average when set up on bipod/tripod) Weight: 12 (10mm), 13 (12mm), 16 (16mm)
Ranges: 50/200/300/600 Cost: 2500-3000
Magazine Capacity: 100+ Description: Semi-custom weapons available
Weight: 8 (6mm); 1O (8mm) with just about any combination of features.
Spare barrels weigh 1.5 kg Sniper's rifles are hypervelocity weapons sup-
Cost: 1200-2000 ported on a tripod mount, designed for use as
Description: As a support weapon for infantry a high accuracy, single shot/controlled burst
squads, the light machine gun reigns supreme. weapon. Due to the hypersonic "crack" of the
LMG's may be fired when not set up, with rounds fired, no silencing equipment is both-
range difficulty brackets identical to the as- ered with, but sights are essential to the proper
sault rifle. deployment of the weapon. Some models will
LMG's may be fitted with a heavy tripod have the ability to fire controlled bursts.
mount (weighing 3kg) which provides a very
Page 100 Equipment

Sports Rifle Gas Compensator

Caliber: 4mm or 8 mm Cost: 100
Handiness: Cumbersome Weight: .3
Ranges: 20/120/200/300 (4mm) Description: Despite the good muzzle brakes
20/150/250/500 (6/8mm) fitted to all firearms, the recoil of any gun under
Magazine Capacity: 16 to 24 zero-G conditions makes it difficult to control.
Weight: 5 A gas compensator is a clip-on unit designed
Cost: 750-1000 to balance the recoil of firearms with a back-
Description: Also called the "long rifle" when wards blast of compressed gas. Weapons not
used in a military role, sports rifles are self- equipped with compensators in zero-G re-
loading, semi-automatic weapons used for ceive+ 1 ORM for any unaimed shots, and add
rapid and accurate long range fire. They are one to their effective recoil rating. Stabilizer
not capable of automatic fire. cartridges hold gas sufficient to counteract the
effects of eight shots. Spare gas cartridges
Shotgun cost 1O credits and weigh .1 kg.
Caliber: special
Handiness: Cumbersome Smart Sights
Ranges: 20/50/NO/NO Cost: 500-1000
Magazine Capacity: 8 Weight: .5
Weight: 4 Description: Targeting computer-assisted
Cost: 300-700 sights linked with a laser range finder which
Description: A police weapon , the shotgun is automatically adjust for the range of the target,
a primitive but effective means of delivering a windage, etc. Smart sights give the same firing
heavy weight of shot against a target. Shot- bonuses as telescopic sights, but also double
guns fire heavy slugs, which have a damage the extreme range of direct fire weapons when
rating of +3, or "shot", which spreads its dam- an extra action is spent on aimed or carefully
age over more than one area at medium aimed shots. Smart sights will only give a
range . At short range shot has a damage bonus to weapons which have a firm, stable
rating of +2. At medium range, a hit by a base (i.e., a tripod) . Weapons equipped with
shotgun firing shot w ill attack four different hit smart sights subtract one level from their handi-
locations with damage -2. Shotguns firing shot ness rating when firing aimed shots.
roll versus 10 (rather than 12) when testing for
a hit at medium range . Shotguns have a recoil Telescopic Sights
of 4, and may not use automatic fire. Cost: 250-500
Weight: neg
MISSILE WEAPON ATTACHMENTS Description: Telescopic sights increase the
The following systems are designed to be shooter's accuracy at long and extreme ranges
added to the missile weapons detailed above. by granting a -1 ORM to hit on any aimed shot
Many weapons are designed with such equip- w ith direct fire weapons.
ment already integrated into the weapon's Telescopic sights are often fitted with CCD
basic configuration. Such weapons are nota- lenses to make them efficient night fighting
bly lighter than those which are not specifically aids. Many telescopic sights are capable of
designed to include such equipment. being dismounted from weapons and used as
a hand-held telescope, often w ith the addition
of a light pistol grip.
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 101

Heavy weapons are used in support of Auto Grenade Launcher
normal infantry sections. Each type of heavy Caliber: 32mm grenade
weapon (e.g., grenade launchers, auto GL's, Handiness: Cumbersome
missile launchers, etc.) is its own skill. Ranges: 50/200/300/500
IDF range= 500-1500m
Light Grenade Launcher Magazine Capacity: 20
Caliber: 32mm grenade Weight: 15
Handiness: -1 from normal weapon handi- Recoil: 1
ness rating (i.e., Very Handy becomes Cost: 1500-2000
Handy) Description: A tripod-mounted, fully auto-
Ranges: 20/50/100/150 matic version of the grenade launcher which is
IDF range= 100-300m used as a platoon support weapon or a ve-
Magazine Capacity: 1 hicle-mounted weapons system. When firing a
Weight: 1.2 or 1 .5 burst of grenades, roll to hit in the usual man-
Recoil: 1 ner detailed for auto fire weapons, scoring one
Cost: 300 additional hit in the target zone for every two
Description: Used as a supplement to many points the player rolls under the required mini-
assault weapons, the light grenade launcher is mum score to hit. Missed shots scatter in the
attached to the underside of assault rifles and usual way.
the like as an "over and under" attachment.
Light grenade launchers project rocket-pro- Heavy Machine Gun (HMG)
pelled grenades (thus their low recoil). Caliber: 1Omm
Handiness: Cumbersome
Grenade Launcher Ranges: 50/300/500/800
Caliber: 32mm or 48mm grenade Magazine Capacity: 100+
Handiness: Very Cumbersome Weight: 16
Ranges: 20/80/120/160 Cost: 1500-2200
ID F range = 100-400m Description: A common military vehicle
Magazine Capacity: 4 (32mm); 3 (48mm) armorment and company support weapon, the
Weight: 5 HMG fires 1Omm slugs at velocities designed
Recoil: 1 to do cruel and rude things to the target's
Cost: 800 body. An HMG is of no real use in an
Description: A standard squad sup- anti-vehicle role due to the high
port weapon, the grenade launcher protective qualities of mono-
is a magazine- fed , self-loading molecular laminate armor.
weapon which projects self- pro- The HMG cannot be fired
pelled grenades out to distances unless properly sup-
of up to 400m. The EDF uses ~ 0 ~Q ported on a pintel or tri-

this system in 32mm caliber pod mount, whereupon
(projecting variable grenades), ~ it shares the firing char-
while the ILR (and some ...__.,,,~-...­ acteristics of a SFMG.
Homeguard forces) use 48mm
LAKW 1-30


LAKW 1-30
EDF assault weapon
MPKW 2-18
8mm L30 8x56 cased ammo
EDF commander's arm (machine pistol)
GLKW 32 grenade launcher fitted
8mm L 18 8x24 cased ammo (3x32 version available) Sliding stock (retracted)
Wire stock (folded)
Laser spot and computing reflex sight
Laser spot
with grenade aiming features PAKW 4-12

ILR or Homeguard bullet-projected grenade PAKW 4-12

EDF standard pistol

Coo '(i"
AP/frag selectable. AP, HE, frag, or special effect types available

>0d JauooT Imm ooy muule-•hmuded ~·,L.:_n___,

(all other pistols similar)
8mm L 12 8x24 cased ammo
(wide variety of calibers available)
Sighting ramp or blade and notch
(laser spot available)

LAKW 1-56

LAKW 1-56
EDF standard rifle
8mm L56 8x56 cased ammo
Sliding stock (extended)
Laser spot and peep-and-post sight

MAKW 3-60

MAKW 3-60
EDF standard machine gun
8mm L60 8x56 cased ammo (8x64 available)
Bolt or magazine feed
Peep-and-post sight

GKWP2 EDF 32mm variable grenade

D ( I II AP/frag selectable
Thrown or self-propelled

GKWP2 EDF or ILR 40mm variable grenade

EDF automatic grenade launcher
32mm self-propelled grenade
Tripod base with compressed air
( I l AP/frag selectable
Thrown or self-propelled

supply for loading action

CKW 8x56
0 EDF or ILR 48mm hand grenade
HE, frag, or special effect types
Thrown or can be fitted with
tailpiece for bullet projection

CKW 8x56
EDF precision rifle (military model of common civilian rifle)
8mm L56 8x56 cased ammo (various lengths and calibers available)
Low light telescope with laser range finder
AW 191

AW 191
ILR standard assault weapon ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' ' " - -U-- - ---llY
6mm LSO 6x40 caseless ammo MP 197
Folding stock (extended) ILR special weapon
Laser spot and "snap shot" sight Gmm L30 6x40 caseless ammo
Telescoping stock (retracted)
Laser spot and short sight
0 With stock removed, can be used
as heavy machine-pistol
MP 197 0

ML 199
ILR standard assault weapon
6mm L50 6x40 caseless ammo
Folding stock (folded)
Laser spot and short sight

AW 191 5

00 00 0
AW 1915
ILR special weapon
6mm L80 6x40 caseless ammo
Telescoping stock (extended)
Laser spot and low light telescope


R 201
ILA special weapon AW201
6mm L 100 6x60 caseless ammo ILR special weapon
Laser spot and low light telescope Gmm L 100 6x40 casetess ammo
Can be fitted with bipod, high Sliding stock (retracted)
capacity magazine Laser spot and low light telescope

MG 189/2
ILR standard machine gun 1
Gmm L80 6x40 or 6x60 caseless ammo
Folding stock (folded)
Belt or high capacity magazine feed MG 189/2
Reflexed overlay sight with laser range finder

MG 202
ILR standard machine gun 2
gge eee
Gmm L80 6x60 caseless ammo
Telescoping stock (extended)
Belt or high capacity magazine feed
Laser SP. t and peep-and-post sight

e e e e e
eee 8 8
Page 104 Equipment


Caliber: Light missile
Handiness: Very Cumbersome EDF
Ranges: 100/500/3000/4000 Standard small arms caliber:8mmdart
(minimum range = 50m) Grenades: 32mmvariable
Magazine capacity: 1 Vehicles: Usuallytracked
Weight: 6 Body armor: Impact armour & battle helmets
Recoil: O (vacc suit helmets for officers)
Cost: 800-1 000 Personal communicators:Helmetmounted
Description: A man-portable infantry support Comments: A variety of lighter small arms
weapon designed to be operated by a crew of calibers are available for use by the more
two. More portable and flexible than a mortar, lightly built elements of the EDF soldiery. EDF
PML's are capable of firing anti-armor, anti- troops rarely carry specialized grenade types,
aircraft, and fragmentation missiles to dis- and rely upon their variable grenades for gen-
tances of 4km. For long range fire PML's rely eral purpose use. All EDF equipment is de-
upon laser-guided rounds which home in on signed to contribute to the EDF's role as a
coded laser target illuminators. The anti-armor flexible, highly mobile, rapidly deployable force.
missile is a very poor weapon in the anti-armor
role. The anti-aircraft missile is a passive infra- ILR
red homing missile, and is nowhere near as Standard small arms caliber:6mmdart
effective as specialist anti-aircraft guns (al- Grenades: 48mm
though it is occasionally devastating when Vehicles: Usually wheeled
used with surprise). Missiles are treated as Body armor: ILR body armor & battle helmet
indirect fire weapons for the purposes of the Personal communicators: Usually headset
timing of fire. mounted
Half the loader's actions are added to the Comments: The ILRare more likely to use rare
gunner's maximum possible actions to yield weapons such as flechettes, specialist gre-
the total actions allowed to the weapons crew. nades, etc. On the whole, their equipment is
It takes three actions to load a PML, one to aim well standardized, minimizing logistical diffi-
it, and one to fire it.
Fragmentation missiles cost 2000 credits
culties. (}j)
apiece. Anti-tank missiles cost 3000 credits ~.
each. Anti-aircraft missiles cost 5000 credits {_~Y'f-=
each . Missiles weigh 3kg. Chemical effect and
illumination rounds are available, and have
effects much like the grenades specified on
page 95 ..

Missile Effects
Missile Type Effect
Armor piercing missile Pen 23, Dam+ 1O
Fragmentation missile Blast +3, 1Om radius
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 105

The starfaring culture of Albedo lacks primi- Heavy Knife
tive martial arts traditions, never having passed Damage: O
through periods of medieval technology. The Penetration: 1
melee weapons available to characters are Length: 1
thus confined to the simplest, most practical of Weight: .3
types. Cost: 100-250
Description: Larger, heavier knives such as
EDGED WEAPONS Bowie knives, tantos, long daggers and such.
Bite Due to the length and breadth of their blades,
Damage: -1 ( 0 for carnivores) these weapons are capable of dealing a far
Penetration: 0 nastier wound than their smaller cousins. When
Length: O ( 1 for Ratites) placed on the end of a rifle or SMG, a knife
Weight: NIA becomes a bayonet, and becomes a length 3
Cost: N/A melee weapon. Bayonets have a penetration
Description: Most critters have a fairly good of 4.
set of teeth, which can be used to good effect
in a brawl. When a critter has grappled an Machete
opponent, he may opt to use a bite as his next Damage: +1
action. The bite will succeed on a roll of the Penetration: O
character's Coordination or Coolness under Length: 2
Fire versus 10. Such bites will roll 1d2 for hit Weight: .6
location. Ratites may use a bite attack in much Cost: 20-50
the same manner as a punch. The damage of Description: Large, broad bladed knives de-
a bite attack is multiplied by 1/1 Ox the attacker's signed for cutting and chopping. They are
Strength. common tools, but are quite capable of sever-
ing a man's head from his shoulders.
Damage: O Axe
Penetration: 0 Damage: +2
Length: o Penetration: 1
Weight: neg Length: 3
Cost: 25-250 Weight: 2.5
Description: Small edged weapons with light Cost: 50-75
blades. The typical knife has a blade length of Description: More common as a tool than as
about 15cm. This class of weapons includes a weapon, the axe exists in Albedo as a
fl ick knives, clasp knives, boot knives, etc. common implement in any tool shed, and thus
is included here as a. possible improvised
weapon. Axes use column 2 on the Damage
Determination chart.
Page 106 Equipment


Fist Cost:?
Damage: -2 Description: Wrenches, pipes and pieces of
Penetration: O 2"x4". This category covers most improvised
Length: 0 impact weapons.
Weight: 0
Description: Any blow with the hand. Punches Fighting Stick
delivered by critters of ungulate descent have Damage: +1
a damage rating of + 1, while punches deliv- Penetration: 0
ered by avians have a damage of -1. Non- Length: 1-3
ratite avians have the option of delivering a Weight: 1/2 (practice stick) or 1
wing buffet, which has a range of 2 and a Cost: 12
damage of -3. Description: A meter-long staff which is used
in the martial art of stick fighting. Practice
Kick sticks are padded plastic rods , while the com-
Damage: -1 bat version is of more solid construction. Char-
Penetration: 0 acters who have skill in stick fighting could use
Length: 2 pipes or similar rods to much the same effect.
Weight: 0 Practice sticks cause no damage to the target
Description: Kicks are dealt with a higher when they hit, but will instead deal 1 point of
strength than punches, but have a+ 1 DRM on Fatigue.
the character's roll to hit. Non-ratite avians The fighting stick is a versatile device which
have a kick range of only 1. may be used as a length 1, 2 or 3 weapon. At
length 3 it is used for thrusting, and uses
Club damage column 3 on the damage determina-
Damage: 0-+ 1 tion chart. At other ranges it is swung, and
Penetration: O therefore uses damage column 4.
Length: 1-2
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 107

The society of Albedo is a young culture. area some 100 light years in radius. The
History effectively began some 200 years ago second colonization effort was more casual in
on the planet of Arras Chanka with what could its approach, and the colonial populations
be best described as an awakening. Over a often established more radical socio-economic
period of several years , individuals began to environments. As the decades passed, these
realize that they had no adequete explana- planets established themselves as indepen-
tions to account for the creation of their sophis- dent worlds in their own right, and began to
ticated technical civilization. The question colonize other worlds in the 200-light-year
brought about a period of intense investigation radius zone of surveyed space (the tertiary
which eventually established that there was colonies and "rim worlds").
not only no archaeological evidence of a pre-
history on the planet, but also that there was Two of the established secondary colo-
no significant genetic relationship between nies, Hiahhohch and Baliannian, had popula-
the 163 intelligent races that made up the tions mostly composed of rabbits. These worlds
population of the planet's biosphere. The con- decided that the continued expansion of their
clusion was that the inhabitants of the planet particular societies would be best furthered by
Arras Chanka were the result of some manner the takeover of the built-up infrastructures of
of colonization effort by some unknown agency, their neighbors rather than the development of
carried out at some indeterminate time in the new worlds from scratch. So began a messy
near past. This theory has yet to be confirmed and protracted war between the so-called In-
or denied. dependent Lapine Republic and a hastily
formed confederation made up from just about
The thought of an extraplanetary (or more everybody else. The huge potential produc-
likely an extrastellar) origin of civilization tion capacity of the Confederation was slow to
prompted the development of space flight tech- show results against the massive Republican
nologies. The creation of an efficient fusion forces, which had been so carefully built up
propulsion system, coupled with the later de- over the preceding years. As the war dragged
velopment of jump drive technology, led to a on, campaigns became characterized by bru-
great outward drive of exploration and coloni- tal , bloody encounters, atrocities, and acts of
zation, which established outposts in the 50- insane bravery (or foolishness) from both sides.
light-year diameter sphere of space surround- The Republic's expansion was bloodily halted
ing the old home world. Th is first wave of after it managed to assimilate a number of
colonization was a carefully organiz~d. and systems, some of which were later released as
systematic affair involving fifteen planets over part of the peace agreements.
a fifty year period. The dedication and profes-
sionalism of these early colonists have now As it now stands, the ConFed is formed
become a part of these planet's distinct cul- from the twelve original colony worlds with a
tures. Twelve of these colonies survived and number of allied secondary colonies. The ILR
prospered, to become the charter members of consists of a tight ball of space some twenty
the Confederation in the current age. . light years in diameter, which contains the two
original Lapine worlds coupled with their ear-
The next wave of colonization encom- liest conquests. A looser scattering of Repub-
passed more than fifty viable planets over an lican dependents and allies surrounds the
Page 108 Background History

inner sphere of I LR claimed space. For eigh- EDF intelligence has now determined that
teen years an uneasy cold war dragged on, the ILR forces were deliberately dispersed
with the ConFed formalizing and reorganizing among the local population centers in an at-
its military forces against the chance of re- tempt to maximize the civilian casualties/col-
newed hostilities. For eighteen years the un- 1ate ral damage caused by the EDF
easy peace was held. counterstrike. This revelation has had little
effect on the popular media, however, which
Now the peace has been broken. The ILR has launched a campaign questioning the
has begun military adventurism, which has intractable EDF doctrine of securing the
prompted a rapid response from the ConFed outworld territories.
war machine. A small ILR expeditionary force
infiltrated and siezed the colony world of A period of skirmishes and terrorist acts
Derzon, an action which prompted immediate has begun. While no formal war has been
retaliation from the local EDF response force. declared, the Confederation is now on a war
In a textbook assault on the planet Derzon and footing, and awaits the next move in the
its main city of Andis, a ConFed force of 8000 struggle. A number of unscrupulous third par-
troops succeeded in destroying over 800 ILR ties and individuals are exploiting the con-
soldiers-at a cost of 5000 civilian lives and fused, hostile political environment, easily
incalculable loss of property. masking their activities as the work of the
ConFed or ILR governments.
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 109

Known space is an irregular sphere which EDF: THE EXTRAPLANETARY DEFENSE
is about 200 light years in radius. Most of this FORCE
area is occupied by the ConFed, except for a The EDF is the military elite of the Con Fed.
smaller sphere of ILR territory. The periphery The EDF is recruited from the Homeguards of
of known space is referred to as "the rim'', and all member states.
contains a number of independent, unaligned
worlds. The EDF was formed as a collective fight-
ing force, initially to counter aggression from
Con Fed space surrounds and restricts the the ILR. Later it helped prevent internal con-
Republic. Should the ILR decide to expand, its flicts from escalating to interplanetary or inter-
only path is to assimilate ConFed systems. stellar scale. Because of the great distances
often involved, and the subsequent delays in
CONFED: THE INTERSTELLAR CON- communications with higher authority, EDF
FEDERACY officers are selected and trained for the great-
The ConFed is composed of a number of est reliability and initiative in on-the-spot situ-
member worlds, each of which is highly inde- ations. These elite individuals are not so much
pendent and which maintains its own military gung-ho super soldiers as they are dedicated
and governmental structures. The ConFed warrior/intellectuals, equally able to maintain
charter states that the rights of individual plan- the peace through enlightened arbitration or
ets are inviolable providing member worlds do force of arms.
not seek to impose their own socio-political
structures upon other worlds. The EDF combines ground and spatial
forces which far exceed the strength of any
The ConFed government (ConFed Cen- group of individual ConFed member worlds,
tral) is formed by representatives from each and includes the full complement of the
member world, one representative being al- ConFed's interstellar warships. In wartime,
lowed to each world for every 10 million popu- EDF forces, supported by combat support
lation resident on the planet. The ConFed is complexes (huge space-borne manufacturing
thus the glue which binds together a group of stations) would cooperate closely with local
worlds which would otherwise be isolated and Homeguard units, which often have the heavy
independent. vehicles and equipment that the highly mobile
EDF forces lack. Con Fed member worlds sup-
The ConFed is therefore a fairly loose port military efforts with "on hand" production
society. Individual governments must contrib- capability, allowing equipment losses to be
ute resources and personnel to ConFed replaced and special tools to be constructed
projects, but the worlds maintain their ability to as a campaign wears on.
enter independent ventures. The Con Fed gov-
ernment has thus far shown itself to be canny, THE HOMEGUARD
and as benevolent as any government can Homeguard military forces are created and
realistically hope to be. maintained by each planet for its individual
defense and internal security. Members of a
planetary Homeguard owe allegiance to the
Con Fed, but are recruited only from the mem-
Page 110 Background History

ber world's population. They are thus often category of second class citizens, and are
more deeply allied to thei r home world govern- subordinate to their lapine rulers. While this is
ment and population than to the Con Fed itself. not much of a problem on Hiahhohoch and
Enlistment in the Homeguard is often a man- Baliannian, which had a minority of non-rab-
datory prerequisite for citizenship (alternative bits to begin with, on conquered worlds the
civil service is usually available in some cases), Republican governmental system is harsh and
unlike the EDF, which is voluntary and ex- repressive . Local rabbits were sought out im-
tremely selective in its recruiting . With a more mediately after conquest, and those who would
limited mission and immediate on-hand com- not cooperate with the invaders were executed
mand control, Homeguard persof'mel are more as traitors to the species. With the aid of local
like conventional armed services or militia in rabbits, effective population controls were es-
levels of discipline and training . Since tablished. Rabbits became superior citizens
Homeguards are expected to supplement the and hold all positions of any real importance,
EDF in combat, they receive cooperative train- thus locking the planet under the iron rule of
ing . the Republic. Republican ally worlds are not in
any way beholden to the ILR's peculiar "mas-
Due to local requirements and variable ter race" theories, but are either impressed
resources, Homeguard arms and equipment with the strong government or with the expan-
tend to be more specialized then that used by sive economic opportunities.
the EDF, and reflect varying planetary tactical
policies. Homeguards often use a variety of The ILR military fight a hard and often dirty
man-portable systems such as anti-armor and war. While not fanatics, ILR troops are highly
anti-aircraft missiles to partially compensate motivated, and by and large lack any sympa-
for their shortcomings in the realms of space- thy for their opponents. Acting entirely without
based and aerial fire support, which would malice, they will readily perform the most shock-
normally deal with these threats. ing atrocities, but only after coolly calculating
the long range results and far reaching im-
ILR: THE INDEPENDENT LAPINE RE- pacts. Republican troops will fight with great
PUBLIC ferocity, but will surrender when it becomes
The ILR in its domestic policy is not so clear that they can no longer cause damage to
different from other second generation worlds. their opponents.
A sense of post-colonial independence has
allowed the private sector to develop into The ILR is currently engaged in a ca refully
providing most goods and services, and has designed and executed plan to weaken the
largely kept government control out of the day- Con Fed by causing internal dissent. The core
to-day lives of full citizens. In the realm of of this plan revolves around reducing local
foreign affairs, the government's desire to support for the Con Fed central government on
maintain an artificially high standard of living, the outworlds, thus opening the possibility of
coupled with a touch of xenophobia, has al- governments which are hostile to the Con Fed
lowed it to rationalize a policy of external (and thus sympathetic to the ILR) coming to
aggression. power. The ILR has begun a series of actions
designed to discreditthe EDF in the eyes of the
On the two original Republican planets and outworld populations.
any conquered worlds, non-rabbits form a
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 111

Warfare in Albedo is somewhat different ships and assault craft will converge on their
from that "enjoyed" by 20th century Earth. The objectives. Gunships will suppress the de-
use of space craft and orbital weapons sys- fense while assault craft unload the attacking
tems adds whole new elements to ground ground forces, and air vehicles will provide
warfare. The armies of Albedo are still learning continuous close support from above during
their trade, but their high initiative and inven- the surface engagement. Ground troops rely
tiveness, as demonstrated by the high intelli- heavily upon aerial weapons for "artillery" sup-
gence and adaptability of the common soldier, port, and must cooperate closely with vehicle-
have allowed them to swiftly develop into borne weapon systems if they hope to cope
formidable fighters. with enemy armor, which is now protected
against most infantry-portable weapons.
Engaging Planetary Forces The starships in orbit will continually moni-
In a textbook engagement, EDF starships tor and coordinate the ground battle. Ideally a
will jump into the target system at the appropri- task force will be based around a Command
ate angle for an approach to the objective. Support Vessel (VLCSV), a combination car-
Forces will disperse into a defensive globe rier, command and control center with the
and begin variable deceleration while production capability to support any forseeable
· undecelerated ACV's (autonomous combat trends in the ground action. In a protracted
vehicles- basically robot drones) sweep by the conflict, on-hand production capability will
target world to assess the enemy forces. Many prove vital to the attacking elements.
of these probes subsequently impact the en-
emy ground defenses at enormous velocity, System Defense
their kinetic energy making warheads super- At the first detection of hostile forces, inter-
fluous. cepting ACV's will be deployed. As the force
and intent of the hostiles is confirmed, offen-
If the enemy forces exceed the attacking sive/defensive resources are evacuated or
task force's resources, the attackers will ma- dispersed as the situation allows. Most ele-
neuver away from the engagement and jump ments will be kept well dispersed to prevent
out of system as appropriate. the detection and destruction of any one ele-
ment from jeopardizing its neighbors.
If the enemy can be subdued within the
task force's reserve margin, then the engage- Personal Conduct Doctrine
ment will proceed. New waves of ACV's are The EDF devotes much time and effort to
dispatched, arriving well ahead of the main training its troops out of any tendencies to be
fleet to engage all eligible targets on and off trigger happy, thoughtless or easily rattled by
the planet's surface. Only when local space is stress and pressure. While training in the
pacified, and the chance of outsystem re- Coolness under Fire skill simulates this to a
inforcements unlikely, can a landing of ground great degree, players should remember that
forces be made. the EDF requires its members to behave in a
responsible, rational manner, and to evaluate
Once space weapon systems have re- the long range effects of any actions that they
duced the enemy's surface defenses, gun- perform. Players who are incapable of acting
Page 112 Background History

in this manner are clearly not suited to run a a last ditch attempt to make an impact on the
character who is serving in the EDF. enemy.)

EDF personnel are encouraged to inflict EDF doctrine recognizes the fact that if a
damage to the enemy as long as they are able. situation cannot be efficiently defended, it is
This includes effectively suicidal efforts if cap- better to avoid engagement and conserve
ture is imminent. EDF personnel are not en- resources for future combat. EDF soldiers are
couraged to allow themselves to be taken dedicated professionals fighting a dirty oppo-
prisoner-information extraction and all levels nent, and have had to adopt often ruthless
of personal abuse are to be expected, as ILR doctrines in order to compete.
troops are allowed more emotional leeway in
their motivation than EDF personnel, and their CIVIL UNREST
indoctrination includes considerable xenopho- There are no set doctrines among most
bic rhetoric. societies for dealing with civil unrest. It is only
in recent years that governments have had to
The EDF's emphasis on reasoned, deal with organized riots, and therefore riot
unemotive conduct does not encourage sol- equipment such as tear gas and riot shields do
diers to endanger themselves for the sake of not yet exist (although they could be fabri-
taking prisoners. ILR troops are at least as cated).
conscious of inflicting damage to the enemy
as are EDF troops, and are often booby trapped. In ConFed societies, rioters and demon-
These booby traps can include chemical, ex- strators are viewed as citizens using their right
plosive, bio-warfare and even nuclear/radio- to dissent. While troops have a duty to use any
logical devices. If enemy troops can be "sated", level of force required to ensure the security of
then they are treated humanely, but at a dis- military bases or the protection of innocent
tance. (Note: EDF personnel, if given the op- civilians, violence is only used against rioters
portunity, may attempt suicidal booby traps as as a last resort.
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 113


The Confederacy employs a substantial ernments. On the worlds of the outer Con Fed,
corps of highly trained administrators and dip- the diplomatic service may hold varying de-
lomats as a liaison between individual Con Fed grees of civil authority in emergency situa-
member worlds and the ConFed central gov- tions.
ernment. On inner ConFed worlds, the diplo-
matic secretariat coordinates information The diplomatic service is deployed by and
exchange between worlds and governments, is answerable to the main government of the
and provides information on ConFed policy ConFed-ConFed Central. Since the Confed
which might not be available from the normal is made up of a collection of independent
computer nets. On worlds wh ich are only worlds, the policy of the diplomatic service is
loosely affiliated with the Con Fed central gov- largely non-interventionist-it can advise local
ernment, the diplomatic secretary acts as an government, but may not usurp its authority
ambassador. except in circumstances where there has been
a failure in the local transferrence of political
It is in the outworlds that the most challeng- power. The diplomatic service may act as
ing and difficult work of the diplomatic service moderators and mediators between hostile
takes place. The diplomatic service is used to factions, and will closely monitor socio-politi-
monitor and uphold Con Fed policy upon mem- cal trends on Con Fed member planets in order
ber worlds, representing central policy versus to better advise local authorities of their pos-
the policies of local government. The diplo- sible options. All Con Fed member worlds have
matic service on such worlds forms an on-the- a Con Fed "mission" (embassy) at their capital
spot extension of the Con Fed central govern- city from which the local representatives of the
ment capable of asserting the policies of the Confed diplomatic service will operate.
central government and advising local gov-
. ernment. On outer ConFed worlds, the diplo- PERSONAL CONDUCT DOCTRINE FOR
matic service is a means of monitoring DIPLOMATIC PERSONNEL
socio-political developments and advising lo- Members of the diplomatic service operate
cal governments of their options for action. under much the same parameters as EDF
The ConFed diplomatic service is thus an personnel. They are required to assess the
important element in the "binding together" of long range consequences of their actions at all
the interstellar society of the ConFed, and times, and to avoid any compromise of Con Fed
often bears the brunt of the undeclared socio- Central's policies, including its policy of self
political war which has recently come to light. determination for local government (within the
boundaries of maintaining civil order) .
The powers of a planetary diplomatic ser-
vice staff are limited by the ties which a world Diplomatic personnel are cleared to as-
has with the ConFed government. On worlds sume civil authority on Con Fed member worlds
which are only loosely affiliated with the only if this is absolutely required due to the
ConFed, they have no civil authority at all. On breakdown of the local means of power trans-
the closely bound worlds of the inner Con Fed, fer. This does not mean that diplomatic per-
they act as direct extensions of the authority of sonnel may start a counter government in the
the central government, with the power to case· of a coup, unless such an action will
withdraw official recognition from local gov- prevent complete breakdown of civil order.
Page 114 Background History

Diplomatic personnel are expected to identify public feeling being aroused against the
and analyze dangerous social/political ele- Con Fed.
ments and trends, but are not authorized to
take aggressive action against them unless The personal conduct of diplomatic staff
this is required in order to prevent civil disor- and the role of a planetary diplomatic office are
der. Direct intervention is preferably left to always modified to meet the local conditions.
local authorities, eliminating the danger of

ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 115

Over three periods of colonization and one systems is by no means lazy and boring, as a
major war, a great deal of social diversity has huge variety of pursuits are readily available to
come about in the worlds of known space. The every citizen.
more recent colonies (tertiary colonies) are
highly variable in their social and economic A citizen's status, social responsibility and
bases. credit rating will increase as he shows himself
to be an enterprising or competent individual.
The worlds of Con Fed space are now split Even with the roboticization of most boring
into two definitions : "inner worlds" and labor tasks, there are a number of jobs which
"outworlds." The inner worlds are those plan- require hands and brains. Professional ca-
ets which were settled during the first or sec- reers are a necessary and valued part of
ond waves of colonization. They are fully technical civilization, and the need for sol-
independent economic and political entities. diers, police, bureaucrats and administrators
The twelve old "primary" colonies are all char- remains high. In addition, capitalist enterprises
ter members of the ConFed, and are notably are freely entered into by many individuals,
well motivated and stable societies. Inner often with the aid of government grants, sub-
worlds descended from the secondary colo- sidies and franchises. Thus individuals can
nies, however, are often wildy divergent from gain the satisfaction of independence from
this model, and encompass a variety of socio- government "handouts" through taking on a
economic environments. Many of these worlds greater responsibility for their own welfare.
now sponsor their own colonial efforts. The central systems enjoy a wide variety of
small time operations and individual busi-
TYPICAL SOCIO-ECONOMIC SYSTEMS nesses as citizens strive to improve their qual-
WITHIN THE CONFED ity of life.
The ConFed Core Worlds
The older central worlds (the primary colo- The Inner ConFed
nies) tend to operate a socio-economic sys- The societies which have grown out of the
tem which is best described as socialist. The worlds which were settled during the second-
high state of robotic manufacturing has re- ary colonization period display a number of
moved the ·necessity for many tedious labor widely divergent socio-economic infrastruc-
jobs. The state provides the individual with tures. As a rule there is more of a "money
basic food, medical care and housing, and a drive" in the inner ConFed and outworld sys-
· minimal allowance for the purchase of con- tems, many of which lack the technology to
sumer goods. When individua_ ls desire addi- support the sophisticated socialist states of
tional purchasing power; they will take on the central systems. The socio-economic sys-
some manner of job, but there is no real need tems found in the inner Con Fed and outworlds
to do so, since there is no drive to bring in a cover a wide range of possibilities, including
wage merely to pay the food bills and rent. free-for-all capitalism (in the most extreme
Many citizens spend their days as "profes- cases, capitalist worlds will have almost no
sional" students or dabblers in art and craft. state-run enterprises, the government often
Core world governments subsidize writers and forming a major company which offers a range
artists, inventors and actors, giving them an of standard services with which private enter-
active and innovative culture. Life in the core prise must compete).
Page 116 Background History

The Outworlds ConFed, but the low technologies of most

Many systems settled during the tertiary outworlds force their populations to labor
period of colonization are now well estab- merely to cover the costs of their food and
lished, independent socio-political entities. The lodging. The proud independence of outworld
outworlds which have reached this stage of citizens is often hard won.
development are very much like the worlds of
the inner Con Fed described above, but tend to SOCIAL ATTITUDES
have far smaller populations and less compre- In Albedo we find ourselves faced with a
hensive technological development. The very young society-a society which is not
outworlds are notable for their inhabitant's encumbered by set traditions.
sense of post-colonial independence.
Many outworlds are colonies of other sys- The closest thing to social tradition avail-
tems. Colonies are now defined as those plan- able to the people of Albedo is shipboard
ets which are dependent upon other worlds for discipline, and this is strongly ingrained in all
the resources which allow them to survive, or levels of society. Simply stated, the individual
whose populations are low enough to require member of society is not quite as "free" (in one
a constant inflow of trade to supply exotic or sense of the word) as a 20th century western
consumer items. man, because the individual is strongly con-
strained by a set of expectations and respon-
The current crop of colon ies are all prod- sibilities. The individual is expected to be an
ucts of the last fifty years of space exploration, active citizen, and is conceived of as having
and most colonies only exist to exploit a re- both civil liberties and responsibilities. The
source or to provide a service valuable enough fragile ecological and social environment on
to warrant the expense of supporting the colony board colonization ships has led to the devel-
in the first place (although a number of inde- opment of societies where the individual is
pendent colonies exist which lack this re- expected to take his social role very seriously,
source-oriented mentality). Colonies are often and to contribute to the working of things
ruled by governors appointed by the colonies' around him. The individual is expected to
home worlds, although the best developed behave in an intelligent, responsible manner,
colonies are self ru led. There are also a num- and to be aware of the implications of his or her
ber of colonies which are in effect "company actions. Citizens are expected to be aware of
towns", where all the inhabitants are employ- the long running consequences of their ac-
ees of the colony's sponsoring company, con- tions, and to act accordingly.
tracted to a business rather than to a
government. Thus in most cultures, if a person is injured,
it is the civil duty of passersby to assist that
Colonies are always short on consumer person however possible. If a passerby re-
goods, but normally support most of their own fuses to aid the injured party, or pretends to
needs in the realms of essential tools and ignore him, then the passerby is held to be
materials. Where they require support is in the partly responsible for the subsequent condi-
realms of expert personnel, advanced educa- tion of the injured man, and will be charged
tion, specialized machinery and the like. The under law accordingly. Regional attitudes do
outworlds and colonies are often havens for vary, however. For instance, to the inhabitants
folk who lacked opportunity in the inner of the Dornthant system, the tools of an or-
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 117

dered and peaceful society are its security Military Traditions

measures, and the cooperation of the com- One of the unusual aspects of society in
mon citizen is an expected duty. To a Albedo is that it does not actually HAVE any
Dornthantii , running away from or obstructing set military traditions. Organized militarism is
the authorities is a clear admission of guilt. a fairly recent development, and thus the troop
motivating mechanisms famil iar to our own
The practical upshot of the social attitudes society simply do not exist. Troops are per-
prevalent in most cultures in Albedo is the force motivated by team spirit, patriotism and
creation of societies which are very politically respect for their fellow soldiers. The coolly
and ecologically aware. The average citizens calculated ferocity of the ILR soldiery and the
feel that they have a vested interest in the stalwart professionalism of the EDF bear wit-
running of their government, their society and ness to the efficiency of these techniques.
their planetary environment. Albedo is set in
an age of REASON, where forethought and There is no formalized military etiquette.
responsibility are highly valued faculties. In Salutes and other elaborations are all missing
the context of the culture of known space, from military life. To indicate deference and
"honor" will usually equate to social responsi- respect, ranks and titles are used when speak-
bility. ir:ig to one's superiors, and a respectful attitude
Page 118 Background History

is maintained. Other formalized gestures are Law and surveillance varies greatly from
alien. world to world. The older central systems have
very highly developed civil surveillance sys-
The Creator Myth tems (using stationary monitors, mobile secu-
In recent.decades a vague superstition or rity patrols and communications monitoring)
belief has begun to arise relating to an overall which allow security forces to closely monitor
creator of this universe and the life within it. the activities of the citizens. While societies
Since the people of known space still have no such as Dornthant use this system wisely,
direct evidence to explain away the creation of intending the security monitors only to protect
technical society on Arras Chanka, the creator the public without intruding into the citizens'
myth has taken a good hold on the popular privacy, many outworlds view close monitor-
imagination. ing with horror. Indeed, the close monitoring
system could easily be used as a tool by police
The embodiment of this creator is termed states to spy on their populaces. Many societ-
"Kaih", but this entity is not viewed as a med- ies feel strongly about overt police presences
dler in the affairs of the universe. The belief in and security surveillance. As always, no two
Kaih is not an organized religion , or even a worlds will be exactly alike.
formalized superstition attributing set powers,
aims and goals to this deity, although a belief The environments in which people live are
in a negative principle ("Kio") has also ap- quite varied. Colony worlds are a strange mix
peared. Rather, a belief in a greater power in of local and imported flora and fauna. Interstel-
the universe has come to be simply because lar pine, eucalyptus and grass are present on
people seem to feel the need for it. just about every world, as are the descendants
of the familiar lower life forms which were
Day-to-Day Life brought to space with the first waves of colo-
Interstellar society is made up of a huge nists from Arras Chanka. All inhabited ''terres-
variety of people who organize their lives in trial" worlds have comfortably breathable
many different ways. We shall make no at- atmospheres, water and some sort of con-
tempt here to discuss the quality of life of sumer industries-the essentials of technical
billions of individuals, but instead shall look at civilization.
a few aspects of life which will add color to the
campaign background. Modes of Personal Address
The polite way of addressing a person
Not all races of creatures live together in whom you respect is with the prefix "Honor-
relative harmony (as shown by the racist doc- able." The normal use of the titles "Mr." and
trines of the ILR). Races either do or don't get "Ms." are prevalent throughout known space.
along together according to theirtemperments. On planets where actual citizenship is not a
One of the first things that happened after the privilage enjoyed by the whole population, the
development of practical interstellar travel was title "Citizen" is considered a polite formal
the establishment of species-specific colo- mode of address. In the military services,
nies, most of which quickly developed diver- superior officers will be addressed as "Sir" or
gent cultures. As a rule, however, divisions "Ma'am."
between people are seen as differences be-
tween culture and nation of birth, and not Addressing people can get confusing, as
physical appearance. local planetary names may vary from the "of-
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 119

ficial" reference. As an example, the star In a campaign, it is best if the umpire tries
Danet has eight planets; the habitable third to develop accents for the denizens of worlds
one is known as Danet 111, and a native would which the player characters frequent. Any-
be referred to as a Danetii. However, the thing from a southern American drawl to a
natives call their homeworld Charanx, and Germanic pronunciation technique (i.e., the
would address themselves as "(given name) verbs before the prepositions put) can empha-
o'Charanx", or as a Charanxer. Other popula- size thatthe local people are different from the
tions may have equally confusing methods, players. Characters from planets with widely
referring to system, planet, or even regional or divergent accents or cultures will also have
national affiliations. So, to be safe, using a more exotic personal names than their more
more generalized formal address is better at mundane fellows.
the start.
All worlds use one standard alphabet, which
Languages and Communication is phonetically based, unlike our current En-
The worlds of known space share a com- glish alphabet, and is thus quicker to learn and
mon language dubbed "standard." Over the simpler to use. Standard has no vowel combi-
past two centuries, standard has begun to nation rules or silent letters. Pronunciation
diversify. Under the influence of the sudden techniques are similar to the non-English
divergence of background environments and European form (i.e., pronounce "W" as "V", as
lifestyles caused by stellar civilization, indi- if you were speaking German), and some
vidual regions and worlds began to develop phonemes are not represented. The grammar
distinctive modes of pronunciation and local and punctuation of standard follows the usual
colloquialisms. The older central systems have English forms.
now developed accents and vernacular modes
which are so thick as to be barely recognizable One common numerical system is shared
by inhabitants of other systems, although all by all the cultures of known space. Since .our
citizens can usually revert to speaking pure critters are notably equipped with three fingers
standard at need. Colony worlds usually di- and a thumb on each hand, the numerical
verge very little from pure standard, having system is in base eight. Decimal values have
had little time to develop colloquial forms. been used throughout the rules as a conve-
nience to the reader.

CH I< L N M 00 OA P R Z S T U EU X

Ill 111 111 111 :11 ··1 ·1·

0 2 3 4 5 6 7
Page 120 Background History

With a fairly young culture, the populace of art much like judo or ju-jitsu, where opponents
known space in Albedo does not have re- are thrown off balance and immobilized. "Stick
course to the wealth of leisure activities en- fighting" is more of a sport than the other arts,
joyed by the reader. Among off-duty EDF and uses a 1m long staff (a padded plastic rod
personnel standard activities will be role-play- for practice fights) in blows similar to those
ing and simulation games, gambling, simple used in quarter-staff fighting and kendo.

sports/martial arts (team sports tend towards The state encouragement of private entre-
informal games of "tag"}, and discussing preneurial enteprises in the inner ConFed is
thoughts for the day. With an embryonic enter- very strongly present in the consumer goods
tainment industry, conversation will occupy and entertainment industries. Governments
much of a character's off hours. are well aware that the services that they offer
are practical, efficient, and dull. They thus
The Albedo skill lists include martial arts. encourage the development of new consumer
As stated above, martial arts are simple, and goods and "frivolous" pursuits. A large part of
lack the formalized postures of karate or ju- interstellar trade consists of the selling of data,
jitsu. These martial arts are sports born from designs and franchises for consumer items.
combat experience. "Boxing" covers the skill
of foot and fist boxing, a free-for-all unarmed One major note at this point is that halluci-
combat style which covers all strikes and blows nogenic substances (such as alcoholic bever-
from punches to head butts. "Wrestling" de- ages) are virtually unknown, and their use as
scribes a scientific grappling and limb locking a form of "entertainment" would be totaly ab-
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 121

utilize artificial environments will rely heavily

upon imports for the provision of specialized
equipment and consumer goods, and are of-
ten tied to a parent company or home planet.
Most well developed systems will have
starports or shipyards, research stations, or
zero-G factories in their Clarke orbit.

Systems which are inhabited only by popu-

lations living in structures or protected envi-
horrept to the people of such a rational age. ronments might have just about any sort of
(Remember the "ship's discipline" influence stellar primary or physical configuration. The
upon Albedo's culture. Losing control of your populations of hostile environment worlds are
faculties aboard a starship is not encouraged.) usually non-permanent, being rotated offworld
Perhaps someday alcoholic beverages might at regular intervals. The gravity on hostile
develop, but first someone has to invent the environment worlds will vary between almost
concept, and then there has to be sufficient nonexistent and downright oppressive. Worlds
motivation to spread the idea (a very difficult which have gravity high enough to be a serious
proposition when there is no cultural encour- health risk to living beings will normally be
agement). worked by robots.

Remember that the social/sexual behavior Open Environments

of critters is somewhat non-human. For ex- Open environments are those planets
ample, some creatures will go through periods whose atmosphere, water and bio-system will
of completely gender-neutral social behavior. support critter life without recourse to special
They might have an exaggerated interest in artificial aids. All terrestrial worlds will tend to
status-seeking, or in other actions hinting at have gravity of about 1G, and will probable
ancestral instincts. Primate-based socio- have stars in the F-G-K range. The self sus-
sexual motivations often have little or nothing taining colonies/homeworlds of known space
to do with their actions. are established on worlds with oxygen/nitro-
gen atmospheres, usable water, and a lack of
ENVIRONMENTS advanced life forms. The immediately explored
The inhabited worlds of known space fall region of space has an abundance of such
into two types: those with open environments, worlds, all of which conspicuously lack ad-
and those with artificial environments. vanced life forms (i.e., higher up the evolution-
ary scale than simple plants and arthropods).
Artificial Environments Most worlds are well stocked with flora and
Many communities exist in controlled arti- supportive fauna taken from the original stocks
ficial environments, either on planets with hos- found on Arras Chanka.
tile atmospheres, in zero-G communities, or
on spun structures. Such establishments will It is not known whether the abundance of
only exist where there is enough profit to be usable worlds is the normal state of affairs for
made on site to cover the expense, inconve- the universe as a whole, or if it is simply some
nience and discomfort of living in such re- quirk of the local region of space.
stricted circumstances. Communities which
Page 122 Background History

The technical society so mysteriously es- a maximum of 5km long by 1km wide!) . All
tablished on the planet Arras Chanka had a starships are built along very similar lines-a
wide array of sophisticated technologies at its blunt-ended cylinder with a fusion drive at one
disposal: room temperature super conduc- end. Fuel tanks are placed to the fore and aft,
tors, fusion power, artificial intelligence tech- as shielding around the reactors and as an
nology, robotics, robotic manufacturing and additional layer of armor under the vehicle's
bio-mass production (a means of synthetic skin. Military vehicles will have densely packed
food production) to name but a few. The ques- layers of monomolecular laminate armor and
tion of the origin of civilization some 200 years a high payload of missiles and drones. Decks
ago prompted the swift development of space are oriented with the "down" direction towards
travel based on fusion drives. In the wake of the engines.
the discovery of the jump drive and the first
period of interstellar colonization, many tech- Starship combats vary depending upon
nologies were refined and developed. At the the relative speeds of the combatants. In en-
time our game begins, most technologies have gagements with high relative velocities, ship
"plateaued out", and no new developments beam weapons cannot cause much damage,
have been discovered for some decades. since they have very little time to chew their
way through a target's layers of ablative skin,
AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY armor, fuel and bulkheads. In such cases, the
Space craft in Albedo are divided into two best weapons are drones and missiles, and
separate types: aerodynes and starships. Aero- the high relative velocities can often make
dynes are fusion -powered semi-lifting bodies warheads superfluous.
which may operate in either space environ-
ments (using a fusion-powered reaction drive) Starships form a defensive/offensive pe-
or within a planetary atmosphere (using fu- rimeter about themselves with ACV's, "smart"
sion-powered jets). Aerodynes are VERTOL missiles that can not only track and attack a
capable, highly maneuverable craft which are target, but plot their own tactics and strategy
by far the most common civil and military as independent weapons or in concert with
aerospace vehicles. In a military role, aero- other ACV's and the mother ship. ACV's have
dyne gunships and assault craft perform func- a comprehensive array of communications
tions similar to 20th century fighters, helicopters equipment and sensors, and thus serve as
and transport aircraft (just cheaper, faster and intelligence ferrets and command relays. AC V's
more efficiently) . Long endurance aerodynes are based upon the jump-capable message
equipped with multiple reactors and jump drives torpedoes used for interstellar communica-
serve as light freighters, scout craft and couri- tions, but lack the jump drives of such sys-
ers. Aerodynes range between the size of a tems. Capable of acceleration spurts of up to
minibus to a maximum of 8000 tons mass. 50 G's, ACV's come with a variety of add-on
features such as beam generators, automatic
True starships start at about 10,000 tons of cannon, and submunitions. While normally
mass and are not designed to enter planetary unarmored, the computer core and reactor
atmospheres. Destroyer-sized military craft packages can be buried in layers of armored
might bulk as much as50,000to 100,000tons, protection over a meter th ick. This block (usu-
and VLCC's can be many times bigger (up to ally accompanied by a spray of multition iron
Typical Small FTL Scout Starship

Hydrogen Fuel Tanks

Living and Operations Areas

Airlock/Hangar Bay
Mid-level Hydrogen Fuel Tanks

CCF Fusion Reactors

Thrust Nozzle Ring

Hydrogen Fuel Tanks

Stem Sensors Group

Page 124

slugs) makes up most of the impact mass for As a final note on aerospace technology,
ramming attacks and bombardments. please remember that there are no antigravity
or artificial gravity/anti-acceleration technolo-
The reaction times for these kind of ship- gies. Ships move at velocities which their living
to-ship actions are in orders of magnitude too crew can handle, and ships are designed with
fast for a ship's organic masters to follow, and free fall movement and acceleration orienta-
thus are handled by a group of disconcertingly tion in mind.
intelligent computers. A ship's artificial intelli-
gence (Al) computers require their live crews BIO-SCIENCES
for maintenance, back-up, and creative tactics The high state of medical technology now
plotting in the days of approach before a means that very few patients will succumb to
combat begins. their injuries if they can be brought to hospital-
ized care. Robotic patient support now leaves
In Albedo, ships travel at transluminary a higher percentage of hospital staff free to
velocities through the use of a "jump drive", indulge in specialist fields, removing the doc-
which is only operable well outside of a star tor/nurse distinction of the hospitals of 20th
system's gravity well (10 to 40 astronomical century Earth. Limb grafting techn iques, artifi-
units [AU's] out from the system's center of cial blood, synthetic organs (often grown from
mass). This distance could take two weeks to tissue samples taken from the patient) and
two months to traverse, depending on the effective cancer therapy are taken for granted
economics of speed and distance (especially among high technology society. Patients who
in comparing a heavy freighter with a tight fuel are drastically wounded can be put into almost
budget versus a "hell for leather" military craft). a suspended animation until they can be
brought to a proper medical facility, although
A ship's build up of energy before a jump is this is a dangerous process.
highly dependent upon the vessel's accelera-
tion. The fusion reactor "jet" is fed through COMPUTERS
MHD coils before becoming exhaust thrust, Computer technology is a very common
and the energy thus generated is stored until part of day-to-day life in Albedo. Every well
enough is available to form a jump field (via the equipped household has its home computer,
ship's jump field generators, which line the and more extensive data processing is avail -
vessel's inner hull) . able through any citizen's telephone account.
Computers are fairly specialized in function ,
With the jump field formed, the ship drops but the high state of communications technol-
out of the relativistic universe, reappearing at ogy allows computers to call in specialized
another point in the universe with no loss of functions from other machines with ease. Most
time or velocity. Ships must jump from far computers are voice responsive.
outside of a gravity well, and the destination
must be the next gravity well in line of flight. Computers form the major means of dis-
Ships which jump while too close to a gravity tributing consumer information. Electronic mail
well will have only a proportion of their mass (usually verbally dictated to the computer) and
"go over" (starting with the lighter elements). electronic billboards allow a high rate of infor-
To an observer, the ship will seem to blow up, mation exchange between private citizens.
smearing itself across a wide area. Civil news and debate nets have now replaced
the daily newspaper as the standard means of
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 125

disseminating current events to the masses, produce most of society's basic material needs,
and TV news supplements its presentation eliminating most tedious manual labor tasks.
with continually modified printed texts. These At the current state of the art, robots are used
texts are readily cross referenced with "news- for a great many functions which do not require
paper" archives, greatly increasing the aver- flexibility of evaluative judgment. Common
age citizen's current affairs literacy. robots include bartender, cleaning and main-
tenance robots which are free-moving, think-
Al's are a highly developed, underused ing artifacts in their own right. Robots are
technology in the Albedo universe. When com- capable of limited and strictly defined func-
bined with a large data base, Al's are sophis- tions, and are usually linked into proper Al 's
ticated and flexible systems capable of when a high level of response and evaluation
independent thought. Al's are invaluable aids is required for the robot's task.
in the running of starships and research
projects, since they can both collate and evalu- ENERGY
ate data at rates far exceeding that of organic Fusion power plants are the most common
life. However, Al's are expensive little toys, means of power generation in use by Albedo's
and do not intrude much into the day-to-day technical society. Fusion power is clean, cheap
life of most citizens. Most aerodynes or com- and safe, although the shielding on generators
bat AFV's will have an Al as part of the crew. tends to become radioactive as time goes by.
The weight of the shielding necessary and the
Robotic technology is commonplace in the minimum size limits for the fusion initiation
Albedo universe. On the most highly devel- beams and even chamber, etc. prevents the
oped worlds, robotic manufacturing centers development of any fusion power plants of a
Page 126 Background History

size usable in small ground vehicles and per- Energy weapons see some success as
sonal weaponry. spatial weapons systems. They have not
proven viable weapons for ground vehicles
MISCELLANEOUS TECHNOLOGIES due to the need for a beam to play across the
Materials technology has progressed target for some time before doing real dam-
somewhat from that which wou ld be famil iar to age. Aerodyne beam weapons are, however,
the 20th century observer. Ceramics have commonly used to suppress ground forces.
largely replaced metals in all but a few areas. Standard ship beam weapons include lasers
Buildings, sidewalks and cars in Albedo are (pulsed for explosive heating impact) and elec-
mostly constructed of laminated ceramics, plas- tron and proton beams. X-ray laser technology
tics and artificial materials. is not being pursued at this time.

Another development in the realms of "Bio mass", which forms a large part of the
materials science is monomolecular lamina- basic diet of the various "carnivorous" species,
tion. Monomolecular lamination technologies also deserves a brief description. Basic bio
allow for single sheets of dissimilar atoms to mass is a composite organism (algae and
be layered on top of each other to form a bacteria) which contains a good cross-section
composite material. Monomolecular laminates of proteins and carbohydrates. A number of
achieve truly incredible materials perfor- variations on basic bio mass ("fancy food")
mances, and are commonly used as vehicle exist, each with its own distinctive flavors and
armor, structural supports and power plant textures.
shielding. The use of monomolecular laminate
vehicle armor renders AFV's immune to infan- CULTURAL NOTE
try portable weapon systems and chemical The above sections of background mate-
energy weapons. rial detail the basis of the Albedo scenario's
culture. Always remember that the action in
Personal weapons all rely upon kinetic this game does not take place on Earth, and
energy principles-there are no blasters, the inhabitants of the Albedo universe are not
phasers or laser pistols in Albedo. Up until the just people in funny animal suits. The attitudes
ILR split, everyone had very similar weapons and motivations of the folk of known space are
and calibers, and there was a fair amount of alien when seen from the viewpoint of a 20th
standardization. Since the split, the ILR and century western human.
the EDF have pursued mutually incompatible
systems. The EDF use conventional cartridged Try to examine their attitudes and conven-
ammunition in 8mm caliber, in pistol, carbine tions in the light of their own cultu re, rather
and rifle sizes (although 6mm and 4mm caliber than through the culturally bound eyes of a
weapons are available for use by some of the member of a society wh ich boasts 5000 years
smaller beasties). Armor-piercing rounds are of recorded history and accumulated social
sub-caliber saboted darts. The ILR has cho- impedimenta.
sen a 6mm caseless system, which has less
individual stopping power, but which is consid-
erably more compact than 8mm rounds. Bal-
listic body armors are not immune to infantry
firearms, but do manage to greatly improve
the chances of surviving a hit.
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 127

During two hundred years of interstellar the attitudes of the inhabitants will vary little
space flight, there has been a great deal of from that of the people from the main popula-
cultural divergence among the secondary and tion center.
tertiary colony worlds. No two planets are
exactly alike, and each new world should have The cultural notation system uses
its own distinct feel. hexidecimal numbers. The number 10 is ex-
pressed as the letter "A", 11 is expressed as
When running a scenario, umpires should "B", etc., all the way up to the letter"F" (15). To
present the social environment as clearly and randomly generate a culture, simply roll dice to
colorfully as possible. By emphasizing the determine the culture's ratings in each cat-
cultural differences between the player char- egory.
acters and each new world, the scenarios
become more involving and encourage better There are sixteen different cultural catego-
role-playing. A character's native culture will ries. All tables for rolling up the different
effect the character's psychology, since his cultural characteristics are given first. The
own world's mind set will define what he con- page number where the explanation of the
ceives of as being "normal." Players should be results can be found is given with each table.
encouraged to develop a background culture
for their characters. Although the random tables fill out the
basic details of a system's culture, it is up to the
WORLD GENERATION umpire to read the information provided, un-
The cultural notation system determines derstand it, and make the culture come to life
the culture and mind set of the people who live for the players. The umpire should create a
in the system's major habitat. There may be "potted history" for the world which will explain
many other settlements within the system, but why the planet developed the way that it did.
Page 128 Star Systems

Environment: 1 d8 (page 130) Popular Participation in

1 Zero-G structures Government: 1d12 (page 134)
2 Hostile environment 1 Restrictive democracy, closed franchise
3 Simple ecology, restricted outpost 2 Restrictive democracy, open franchise
4 Simple ecology, limited development 3 Representative democracy, closed
5 Simple ecology, extensive development franchise
6 Complex ecology, restricted outpost 4 Representative democracy, open
7 Complex ecology, limited development franchise
8 Complex ecology, extensive development 5 Decentralized democracy, closeq
6 Decentralized democracy, open fran-
Population: 1d12 (page 132) chise
+ 1 to roll for secondary colonies; +3 for 7 Partial participatory democracy, closed
inner ConFed and ILR worlds. franchise
1 Tens to hundreds 8 Partial participatory democracy, open
2 Thousands franchise
3 10,000-50,000 9 Full participatory democracy, closed
4 60,000-100,000 franchise
5 101 ,000-400,000 A Anarcho-syndicalist
6 500,000-900,000 B Partial autocracy
7 1 million C Total autocracy
8 2-3 million
9 4-5 million
A 6-10 million Control of Products and
B 11-20 million Services: 1d1 O (page 137)
C 21-50 million 1 Total state control
D 51-200 million 2 Extensive state control (limited collec-
E 201-400 million tive ownership)
F 500 million+ 3 Extensive state control (limited private
4 Partial state control (collectivized
Manufacturing Capability: 1d4 (page 132) industrial control)
(2d2 if population is 1 million+) 5 Partial state control (private industrial
1 Limited manufacturing capacity control)
2 Developing manufacturing capacity 6 Limited state control (collectivized
3 Advanced manufacturing capacity · industrial control)
4 Mature manufacturing capacity 7 Limited state control (private industrial
8 Collectivized control
Gov't Control of Citizens: 1d6 (page 133) 9-A Private control
1 Total domination
2 Rigid regimentation
3 Comprehensive control
4-5 Minimal interference
6 No governmental interference
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 129

Ownership of Goods and Security Attitude: 1d6 (page 141)

Capital: 1 d3 (page 138) (1d4 for tertiary colonies)
1 Private ownership 1 Strongly anti-security
2 State supported 2 Anti-security
3 Total state ownership 3 Privacy conscious
4 Security conscious
5 Pro-security
Distribution of Goods and 6 Strongly pro-security
Services (page 138)
This is based on the Ownership of Goods
and Capital rating. Roll 1d3. On a roll of 1, add Clothing Attitude: 1d6 (page 141)
one to the rating; 2, no change; 3, subtract 1. 1 No nudity taboo
0-1 Little or no access 2 Limited nudity
2 Limited access 3-4 Nudity taboo
3-4 Substantial access 5 Well dressed
6 Complex clothing codes

Individual Access to
Information: 1 d6 (page 139) Family Life: 1d6 (page 142)
1 Virt1:.1ally none 1 Single parent orientation
2 .. Restricted (state-controlled media) 2 Nuclear family
.3 Restricted (private media) 3 Limited group family
4 Free access (state-controlled media) 4 Extended family
5-6 Free access (private media) 5 Extended group family
6 Clan organization

Population Morale Factor: 1 d6 (page 140)

Roll 1d6 and average the result with the Sexism: 1d10 (page 144)
Government Control of Citizens and Individual 1 Segregated society
Access to Information scores. Add 3 if the 2 Overprotective
culture is a participatory democracy of some 3 Protective
kind. 4-6 Deferential
1 Discontent 7-A Equal society
2 No interest
3-4 Little interest
5 Active interest Accent: 1d6 (page 145)
6+ Enthusiastic interest 1-2 Pure standard
3-4 Localized slang
5 Picturesque accent
Species Range: 1d10 (page 145) 6 Heavy accent
1-8 Non-specific
9 Species-specific
A Species group-specific
Page 130 Star Systems

ENVIRONMENT skills. Locals will have vacc suit storage disci-

The following list of environments is far pline, emergency depressurization procedures,
from exhaustive, and umpires should feel free etc., drilled into them as part of their basic
to fill in details and quirks. Even so, a few nature.
premises should always be held in mind. All
well established settlements will be largely Inhabitants will have Antipathy level 2 with
self-sufficient as far as food and air are con- wasted resources and with irresponsible be-
cerned. There will be no permanent settle- havior. Weight the roll for the system's attitude
ments in high gravity environments, since these concerning monitoring towards the high end
regions will be exploited via robots. Also, re- of the scale. Population will always be rolled
member that areas will always be inhabited for on 1d4.
a reason. People would not normally be
prepared to live under difficult or dangerous 2. Hostile Environment
circumstances unless it somehow profits them The local settlements are artificial environ-
to do so. ments maintained on a world with an atmo-
sphere which is somehow poisonous or
1. Zero-G Structures unbreathable without mechanical aids. This
The inhabited environment consists of a can include worlds which have anaerobic ecolo-
number of free floating artificial structures in gies which might one day result in the world
high orbit (usually referring to a Clarke, or developing breathable air. Some ll{orlds are
geostationary, orbit, as applicable) about a deliberately seeded in this way in an attempt at
planet or moon, or among asteroids. For health "terraforming" the planet. Other possibilities
reasons, all inhabitants will have access to might include an otherwise habitable world
spun or accelerated conditions, which will al- that harbors a lethal or dangerous local.virus
low them to regularly experience weight. or allergy. Hostile environment colonies must
have good reason for existence-the people
All inhabitants of artificial environments will who live under such conditions must find it
be very conscious of the individual's responsi- necessary or profitable in some way, other-
bility to the environment. Locals will not be wise they would move to more agreeable
tolerant of wasted resources, pollution and locations.
dangerous behavior. Disaster is always wait-
ing to claim the irresponsible. Attitudes and antipathies for locals will be
similar to those of people from zero-G environ-
If settlements are well distanced from one ments. The population will tend to be very
another, the local citizens will be well used to conservative. There will be small tolerance for
communications that involve time lags. They divergent or unusual behavior. Large Ground
will probably tend to talk and think in terms of Vehicle Driver could be substituted for Small
full messages, rather than interactive dia- Ground Vehicle Driver in the character's basic
logues. This might show itself in normal con- skills. The locals will have vacc suit storage
versation! discipline, emergency hull rupture procedures,
etc., drilled into them from an early age.
The locals will all have Zero-G Movement
as one of their basic movement and percep- Inhabitants will have Antipathy level 2 with
tion skills, and will lack skills in areas such as wasted resources and with irresponsible be-
Ground Vehicle Driver and other open terrain havior. Weight the roll for the system's attitude
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 131

towards monitoring towards the high end. Roll 5. Simple Ecology, Extensive Development
only 1d4 for population. A habitable world that originally had a
simple local ecology, but the decision has
3. Simple Ecology, Restricted Outpost been made to actively·impose more advanced
A habitable world in which the native biota forms to supplement or .replace it. The native
has made little or no progress on land yet. Life ecology is now being overrun by imported life
could be as primitive as a sea full of aerobic forms in an effort to modify the planet into a
microorganisms and a land of sterile rocks, or more hospitable or exploitable environment.
as advanced as sophisticated marine The extent of this displacement will vary ac-
macrofauna, including mollusks, arthropods, cording to the age, size, and mission of the
or maybe even vertebrates. Nothing more settlement.
than first generation vascular plants and maybe
some pioneer arthropods will have invaded 6. Complex Ecology, Restricted Outpost
the land. A habitable world , and chock full of life on
land as well as in the sea, in contrast to the
Because of limited ecologies or other fac- simpler life mentioned in 3. Terrestrial life as
tors, such a planet might be regarded as too advanced as sophisticated insects and tree-
fragile or difficult to develop. A restricted size plants make for ecologies as rich and
outpost would be an installation with virtually diverse as those in the sea. However, for one
no impact on the environment. It would not be reason or another, no real development has
intended for colonization of any real size. taken place and only limited, non-impacting
installations are on the planet.
Inhabitants of such worlds will have an
Antipathy of 1 against ecological destruction Inhabitants of such worlds will have an
andpollution, and may have behavioral quirks Antipathy of 1 against ecological destruction
related to the isolation if not well monitored. and pollution, and may have behavioral quirks
Roll only 1d4 for population . related to isolation if not well monitored. Roll
only 1d4 for population.
4. Simple Ecology, Limited Development
As with 3, a livable world, but with limited 7. Complex Ecology, Limited Development
biota, especially on land. There is active but As with 6, a habitable world with ecologies
restrained development to support a long- rich in complex and specialized animals and
term colonial population. For example, non- plants. Settled areas will have a minimum of
native soil-creating organisms and the plants non-native life brought in, carefully designed
to grow in the soil are introduced to controlled to minimize impact on the local ecology. The
plots, carefully designed to minimize the im- local population is well educated in their indi-
pact on the local ecology. The local population vidual responsibilities to the environment.
is well educated in their individual responsibili-
ties to the local environment, and the·re is an Inhabitants of this sort of world are used to
emphasis on limiting any impact on the broader complex ecologies and will be naturally cau-
planetary biota. tious about sticking their fingers under bark or
prodding strange insects. Inhabitants will have
Inhabitants of such worlds will have a Tie of a Tie of 1 with ecological responsibility.
1 with ecological responsibility.
Page 132 Star Systems

8. Complex Ecology, Extensive Develop- which will establish their own political and
ment social climat~s. These zones will often com-
A habitable world with a highly, developed, pete with one another economically and politi-
complex ecosystem. As with 6, plant and cally.
animal life exists in a profusion of specialized
forms. However, non-native forms have been Strong feelings of planetary independence
introduced into the native environment to and identity will probably rise once the popula-
modify the bio-systems into something more tion reaches about one million inhabitants.
hospitable or profitable. The extent of the
modification will vary according to the age, MANUFACTURING CAPABILITY
size, and mission of the colony. Computer-aided design and manufactur-
ing techniques (currently termed CAD/CAM)
POPULATION SIZE are normally available to even the smallest
Populations vary widely all across the workshops throughout known space. With
worlds of known space. The largest popula- Albedo's CAD/CAM system, goods are de-
tions will be on worlds that were secondary signed on computer, and can be produced
colonies. The lower population worlds might with computer-controlled machine tools and
be new settlements, or have a limited popula- robotic production lines. Access to the latest
tion due to available resources, mission or software will allow even small workshops to
environmental factors. design complicated items. Even quite small
outposts can cover most of their own basic
Social mechanisms tend to be more hide- hardware needs if given the necessary raw
bound in small communities than in larger stock materials.
ones. Small, isolated communities tend to
have small tolerance for out of place behavior, 1. Limited Manufacturing Capacity
and tend to be well aware of strangers in their Small volume goods manufacture requir-
midst. Large populations tend to offer individu- ing outside provision of stock materials. The
als a higher degree of anonymity and thus chemical industry is non-existent.
more social freedom.
A limited manufacturing base would be
Communities of 100,000 or less will gener- able to handle most straightforward machin-
ally have access to a limited variety of re- ing, casting and forming of small to moderate
sources. Older communities will have sized items made from common materials
established extensive home industries and (common metals, some castable plastics and
crafts. Communities of this size will also be simple fiber composites). Such facilities would
relatively free from crime. need to import their basic stock materials; and
might be in the process of developing their
Populations of a million or more are be- own local sources though mining or smelting
coming complex societies. There will be a high chemicals.
degree of political diversification (special inter-
est groups and such), and a wide variety of 2. Developing Manufacturing Capacity
political issues will constantly arise. This diver- Limited volume goods manufacture. Raw
sity becomes even more pronounced as the materials are locally produced. There is a
population rises. Very heavily populated worlds basic chemical industry.
will have a number of administrative zones
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 133

A developing manufacturing base provides GOVERNMENT CONTROL OF CITIZENS

its own raw materials as well as creating This determines the amount of control that
finished products. Most such worlds will not be the government exercises over the lives of the
able to produce super alloys and monomo- population. Put the "control factor" in context
lecular laminates, nor are there the chemicals with other cultural details. For instance, a clan
necessary to create many fancy specialized society with heavy government control might
materials. Complex and exotic hardware can- have the clan dictating the lives of its mem-
not yet be locally produced due to materials bers.
and fabrication requirements (e.g., items such
as high tech turbines are too difficult to pro- 1. Total Domination
duce, and would tie up a specialized assembly The government exercises total control
line). On the other hand, specialized high tech over the population. The citizenry is entirely
manufacture of specific items might be estab- controlled by government law and edict from
lished if there is sufficient local demand (prob- cradle to grave. Individual choice is almost
ably at the expense of other products and entirely restricted by government controls (e.g.,
processes). The manufacturing industry is the citizens will not be able to choose their
largely driven by local needs and ambitions professions, places of residence or even
rather than by absolute capability. spouses without clearance and guidance from
government channels) .
3. Advanced Manufacturing Capacity
Large volume manufacture of most goods There is almost no protection of the
and chemicals. Advanced construction mate- individual's rights from government interfer-
rials are readily available. The creation of ence. The needs of the individual must bow
specialized or exotic goods diverts normal before the needs of society.
production capacity away from other tasks.
2. Rigid Regimentaion
An advanced manufacturing capacity is The government controls most aspects of
able to build just about anything if there is individual life, regulating and controlling the
sufficient local demand, but may not yet pro- actions of the citizenry. Individual freedom of
duce full ranges in all areas. The creation of choice will normally bow before governmental
special products will usually be done by con- restrictions (e.g., citizens will not be free to
verting facilities to run off the needed items simply set up businesses, or enter into educa-
before reconfiguring back to their normal func- tion or training courses, without proper clear-
tion (but only if it is economical to produce the ance).
special run). Once again, industry will be
governed by local demands rather than by its Individual rights are given only minimal
absolute capability. legal protection against the government. The
needs of the individual must bow before the
4. Mature Manufacturing Capacity needs of society. ·
All manner of goods and chemicals are
locally manufactured. Specialized production 3. Comprehensive Control
facilities are readily on hand, and there are few Government regulations and guidelines
problems with quickly creating all manner of affect many aspects of individual freedom of
fancy hardware. choice. Citizens are largely free to do as they
please as long as they keep within firmly
Page 134 Star Systems

established boundaries of legal restrictions. Social bonds emphasize consideration for

The needs of the individual must sometimes other citizens rather than loyalty to an imper-
bow before the needs of society. sonal government. People are keenly aware
of how their actions affect the rights of other
The average citizen believes that the wel- individuals, ratherthan how their actions affect
fare of the group is an important part of secur- society as a whole.
ing the welfare of each individual. The minor
freedoms of the individual must often bow Locals will have an Antipathy of 1 with the
before the needs of the group, although indi- concept of government control of citizens.
vidual rights and freedoms are well catered
for. Laws, rules and regulations are seen as POPULAR PARTICIPATION IN
the tools by which society orders itself, and are GOVERNMENT
valued and respected. The way in which citizens participate in the
process of government will vary widely from
Locals will have a Tie of 2 towards social world to world. The following section de-
order. scribes the degree to which a world's popula-
tion influences and participates in
4-5. Minimal Interference governmental decisions, and to what extent
The government is empowered to make the populace influences the transfer of power.
considerable restrictions on the citizens if this
proves necessary (e.g., for public safety), but In a closed franchise, the vote is granted
this will not interfere with the lives of law- only to a portion of the population. This might
abiding citizens. The government will provide be determined by any nunber of means:
help and guidance to the citizenry, but this is
entirely at the citizen's option. • Social service. The vote is earned by
voluntary performance of social service work,
The average citizen believes that the wel- and by military service. Citizens who have
fare of the group is an important part of secur- worked for the government administration, the
ing the welfare of each individual. The minor Homeguard, EDF, emergency services, or
freedoms of the individual must often bow who have volunteered for part-time social sup-
before the needs of the group, although indi- port organizations will all be eligible for the
vidual rights and freedoms are well cared for. vote.
Laws, rules and regulations are seen as the
tools by which society orders itself, and are •Education. The vote is granted to citizens
valued and respected. who can demonstrate a reasonable grasp of
current events and political knowledge. Citi-
6. No governmental lnterfernce zens would sit for an exam which would earn
The government has no real powers to them their right to vote. Other planets might
impose upon the freedom of choice of indi- restrict the vote to persons who meet set SPI
vidual citizens. The government .will provide rating requirements.
aid or advice to citizens on request, but other-
wise seeks to intrude into private life as little as •Bigotry. The vote is restricted to persons
possible. Citizens may act pretty much as they of a certain status, income bracket, race , sex
please, bounded by necessary laws for public or family ancestry.
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 135

In an open franchise, the vote is freely ernment handles all legislation and policy de-
granted to all citizens. cisions without direct input from the population
until its tenure is ended. Governments might
1. Restrictive Democracy, Closed Franchise be forced out of office if their decisions are
The voting public elects a legislative gov- extremely unpopular.
ernment from a limited selection of candi-
dates. There will normally not be a multi-party 4. Representative Democracy, Open
system. The vote is simply used to approve Franchise
appointments within the single party structure. The population elects a legislative body via
democratic vote. The government then deter-
Eligibility for candidature is restricted to mines all legislation and policy decisions with-
approved government criteria (such as long out direct input from the population .
running service to a political party). Candi- Governments might be forced out of office
dates will therefore follow set party political before their official tenure is over if their deci-
philosophies, although they may differ from sions are extremely unpopular.
the mainstream in ideas about specific poli-
cies or implementation. There is little allow- 5. Decentralized Democracy, Closed
ance for pandering to divergent political beliefs. Franchise
The voting population elects a legislative
This system could become quite nasty and body via democratic vote. The elective gov-
insular (for example, the vote might be re- ernment handles all legislation and major policy
stricted to persons who have joined the sole decisions without direct input from the popula-
ruling party, and who have been educated in tion, except in the area of local governments.
its particular political dogma).
Each inhabited region is split into adminis-
2. Restrictive Democracy, Open Franchise trative areas. Each administative area gov-
The public elects a legislative government erns its own local affairs through plebiscites,
from a limited selection of candidates. There which create policies which will be imple-
will normally not be a multi-party system. The mented by elected local officials. Although the
vote is simply used to approve appointments plebiscites cannot affect the general policy
within the single party structure. decisions of the central government, voters
have the opportunity to become directly in-
Eligibility for candidature is restricted to volved in local government decisions if they so
approved government criteria (such as long wish.
running service to a political party). Candi-
dates will therefore follow set party political 6. Decentralized Democracy, Open
philosophies, although they may differ from Franchise
the mainstream in ideas about specific poli- The population elects a legislative body via
cies or implementation. There is little allow- democratic vote. rhe elective government
ance for pandering to divergent political beliefs. handles all legislation and major policy deci-
sions without direct input from the population,
3. Representative Democracy, Closed except in the area of local governments.
The voting population elects a legislative Each inhabited region is split into adminis-
body via democratic vote. This elective gov- trative areas. Each administative area gov-
Page 136 Star Systems

erns its own local affairs through plebiscites, and coordinate voting schedules. Current af-
which create policies which will be imple- fairs and debate and essay networks will be an
mented by elected local officials. Although the important part of local political life. The opin-
plebiscites cannot affect the general policy ions of every person eligible to vote have a
decisions of the central government, citizens very real effect upon how their world is run.
have the opportunity to become directly in-
volved in local government decisions if they so A. Anarcho-syndicalist
wish. There is no centralized government as
such. Individuals collect together into small
7. Partial Participatory Democracy, communes which govern themselves through
Closed Franchise plebiscite. Where their affairs will bring them
A democratic system which does not pass into contact with other communes, they will
complete legislative control over to elected meet and discuss the matter with those con-
officials. An elected government proposes cerned.
legislature and policy, but the implementation
of those policies is decided by the voters. To make this process easier, areas tend to
Votes are usually recorded by home terminals have regional problem solving and arbitration
and portable computer. Electronic bulletin committees. These groups contain represen-
boards and public debate nets keep voters tatives of local syndicates, and they act to
aware of up and coming decisions and current mediate between conflictirig communal inter-
political issues. ests. Each commune also contributes funds or
personnel to the local committees, who utilize
8. Participatory Democracy, Open these assets for general public works.
A democratic system which uses elected Major foreign policy considerations will be
government officials, but which allows the solved by popular vote, but otherwise there is
opinions of voters to directly influence the no question of centralized authority imposing
working of the government. The government on the wishes of the individual.
proposes legislature and policy, but the imple-
mentation of those policies is decided by the B. Partial Autocracy
voters. Bulletin boards keep voters aware of All governmental decisions are in the hands
up and coming decisions and current issues. of a limited group of individuals (or even a
single individual). The population has no con-
9. Full Participatory Democracy, Closed trol over the choice of members within the
Franchise ruling body.
This system takes participatory democ-
racy a step further, using household and por- The population does have some small say
table computers to keep voters abreast of in the local government. Democratic vote is
political issues, and to record votes and opin- used to elect officials who administer the gov-
ions ("electric plebiscite"). ernment. Although the elected government is
usually left to its own devices, the autocratic
All legislation and policy are proposed by powers have ultimate right of veto on all deci-
the voting public and are implemented or dis- sions made by the elected officials. Elected
carded by popular vote. Elected officials will officials never make decisions about plan-
administrate the legislative proposal system
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 137

etary foreign policy. This is controlled by the The state allows collective entrepreneurial
autocrats. ventures. Citizens are permitted (or even en-
couraged) to set up their own businesses,
C. Totalitarian Autocracy where profits are shared out to the contributing
All governmental decisions are in the hands workers on a shares basis. The system is
of a limited group of individuals (or even a carefully designed to prevent some citizens
single individual). The population has no say from becoming wealthy by simply owning the
whatsoever in the decisions made by the gov- business· and reaping profit from the work
ernment, nor do the populace help to deter- provided by paid employees. A number of
mine the members of the autocracy. small facilities are owned and run by collective
"co-ops" of private citizens in competition with
CONTROL OF PRODUCTION OF GOODS (or complementary to) the state economy,
AND SERVICES often providing the exotic or small run goods
This factor is used to determine who con- and services which the state machinery sel-
trols the means of production: the state, dom handles.
private citizens, or a combination of both.
3. Extensive State Control
As a brief note, "cooperative" or "collective" (limited private ownership)
ventures are group-effort ventures where prof- The state controls most manufacturing fa-
its are shared out between the workers, each cilities, dictating the type and quantity of goods
receiving benefits according to his contribu- produced from state facilities (although indi-
tion to the overall effort. "Private" enterprises viduals may petition for access to state-run
are owned by an individual or corporation facilities).
which reaps the profits from the business
venture. Workers are paid a set wage that The state allows selected individuals to
normally fails to reflect the changing fortunes enter into entrepreneurial ventures for their
of the business. own profit. There are a number of small facili-
ties which are owned and run by private citi-
1. Total State Control zens in competition with (or complementary
The state holds complete control over the to) the state economy, often providing the
means of production, dictating all matters of exotic or small run goods and services which
who receives supply, what items are produced the state machinery seldom handles.
and quantity of manufacture. Citizens who
wish to have goods produced will have to 4. Partial State Control
petition for access to state facilities. Working (collectivized industrial control)
citizens will all work for the state. The state runs all essential services such
as utilites (water, power, etc.) and public ser-
2. Extensive State Control vices, such as hospitals. Other goods and
(limited collective ownership) services are in the hands of the citizenry in the
The .state controls most manufacturing fa- form of collectively owned ventures. Citizens
cilities, dictating the type and quantity of goods run businesses as group cooperatives, with
produced from state facilities (although indi- profits being shared out between contributing
viduals may petition for access to state-run members through an agreed profit-sharing
facilities). scheme. Business ventures must follow gov-
ernment guidelines.
Page 138 Star Systems

5. Partial State Control 9-A. Private Control

(private industrial control) The government has no control over the
The state controls all vital services (utilities production of goods and services, leaving this
such as water and power, hospitals, etc.). entirely in the hands of private citizens. All
Other goods and services are in the hands of production is organized and owned by private
the citizenry in the form of privately owned citizens for their own personal profit.
ventures. Individual citizens may enter into
entrepreneurial ventures for their own per- OWNERSHIP OF GOODS AND CAPITAL
sonal profit. These private ventures must fol- The ownership of property and the control
low state guidelines for such. of capital can be controlled by the state, owned
privately, or can be administered by a combi-
6. Limited State Control nation of the two.
(collectivized industrial control)
State control of goods and services is 1. Private Ownership
limited to providing set guidelines under which Private citizens may own goods and capi-
these services must operate. The actual pro- tal outright. Governments also own property
duction of goods and services is left in the (usually major utilities services), which they
hands of collectives of private citizens, who hold in trust as "public property."
operate such ventures for personal profit. Citi-
zens run these businesses as group coopera- 2. State Supported
tives, with profits being shared out between Private citizens may own goods and capi-
contributing members through an agreed profit tal outright. Expensive items are often owned
sharing scheme. by the state, and citizens may lease the right to
use them (cash payment or pledged future
7. Limited State Control work or services commitments).
(private industrial control)
State control of goods and services is 3. Total State Ownership
limited to providing set guidelines under which All goods are the property of the state.
these services must operate. The actual pro- Citizens are granted the use of these goods at
duction of goods and services is left in the need (possibly conditional on work or service
hands of the private citizens, who operate commitments), but the government has the
such ventures for personal profit. final say on their use and distribution.


The government has no control over the Goods and services might be provided to
production of goods and services, leaving this the population on a number of different bases.
entirely in the hands of collectives of private Citizens might have to work for a living, paying
citizens, who operate such ventures for per- for such basic necessities as food and lodging,
sonal profit. Citizens run these businesses as or the state might provide minimal amenities
group cooperatives, with profits being shared (wages might become lower to compensate
out between contributing members through an for this).
agreed profit-sharing scheme.
The "obligations" or"contributions" required
for access to goods and services might vary
widely. They could include cash payment,
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 139

pledged future work, or even indentured servi- 2. Restricted (state controlled)

tude! Conditions will vary depending upon the The population has a certain amount of
required services, and the local character. free access to information, but must pay for all
information in excess of the minimal amount.
0-1. Little or No Access The media is administered by the state, and
Individuals are not entitled to any free current affairs reports all tend to draw their
goods or services. Each individual is totally information from same state sources, giving a
responsible for his own upkeep and survival. limited number of viewpoints on current events.
Deeper research into current affairs (past the
2. Limited Access simple mass market news provided by the
All citizens will have to work in some way in media) is difficult.
order to support themselves, but the state will
subsidize and support special cases. Public Citizens may choose to enter into public
health and free low quality food/housing are debate on the computer and media nets, but
provided by the state. contributions pass through an editing process.
Contributions frequently go unpublished.
3-4. Substantial Access
All of a citizen's basic needs are cared for 3. Restricted (private media)
by the state. Basic amenities are provided by The citizenry has a certain amount of free
the state with no obligation to the citizen . access to information, but must pay for all
Citizens may acquire more extensive access information in excess of the minimal amount.
to goods and services by entering into an Private and public media may or may not give
obligation with the supplier (e.g., offering cash the citizen a variety of different viewpoints and
payment, pledging future work, etc.). interpretations of events. Deeper research
into current affairs is difficult.
This lists the amount and type of informa- Citizens may enter into public debate or
tion access available to the critter in the street. contribute articles on the computer and media
Public access to education, the media and net nets. Since these debate (or "magazine") nets
facilities will tend to vary from world to world. are privately run, these articles will undergo an
editing process, and some views might prove
1. Virtually None difficult to publish.
Citizens have access to a very limited store
of information. Media news services all tend to 4. Free Access (state controlled media)
draw their information from the same source, The citizenry has free and complete ac-
giving news a limited range of viewpoints and cess to information through the media and the
interpretations. There is no allowance for citi- net. The media is administered by the state,
zens to gain access to deeper current affairs and current affairs reports all tend to draw their
information (other than that provided by the information from the same state sources, giv-
media for mass consumption). ing a limited number of viewpoints on current
events. Deeper research into current affairs is
The net is not easy to interact with ;and few easily done by using the net to access more
people will be able to contribute to the net. specific information (although this normally
Open debate on the net is virtually_nonexist- accesses the same sources from which the
ent. state media drew its information).
Page 140 Star Systems

The local net is an active debating environ- 3-4. Little Interest

ment, where all citizens are free to contribute The populace seldom bothers about gov-
their thoughts and feelings, and their opinions ernment decisions unless there is a major
on current affairs. event, scandal or media campaign. There is a
certain amount of political activism within soci-
5-6. Free Access (private media) ety, but strong political involvement or com-
The population has free and complete ac- munity commitment is the exception for citizens
cess to information through the media and the rather than the norm.
net. Private and public media give the citizen
a variety of different viewpoints and interpreta- 5. Active Interest
tions of events. Deeper research into current The citizenry is very interested in political
affairs is easily done by using the net to access events and decisions, and political and social
more specific information. Education is sup- debates are closely followed. Citizens tend to
ported by public funds. have an interest in community involvement,
and will actively contribute time and effort to
The local net is an active debating environ- their society. Citizens are educated to act
ment, where all citizens are free to contribute responsibly, and to be aware of the long-term
their thoughts and feelings, and their opinions consequences of their actions.
on current affairs.
Characters coming from such societies will
POPULATION MORALE FACTOR have a level 1 Tie with their homeworld gov-
This is used to describe the enthusiasm of ernment and society.
the critter in the street for his society, and the
level to which locals tend to involve them- 6. Enthusiastic Interest
selves in political events. The populace has an overwhelming enthu-
siasm for community involvement. Political
1. Discontent decisions are followed with interest, and the
The typical citizen hates the government, whole citizenry feels a commitment to assist-
and holds its actions in contempt. There is ing and maintaining their society.
likely to be a limited amount of anti-govern-
mental political activism behind the scenes. Citizens are educated to act responsibly,
Locals might feel actively concerned with con- and to be aware of the long-term consequences
tributing to their community, but not necessar- of their actions. All citizens are taught to take
ily so. an active role in their society, and contribute as
much as they can to the public well being.
Typical citizens will have an Antipathy of 1 Careers with the military, the government ad-
towards their government. ministration and social services are highly
2. No Interest
The population has no interest in the do- Characters coming from such societies will
ings of the government, and has little enthusi- have level 2 Ties with their homeworld govern-
asm for contributing to the community. ment and society.
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 141

SECURITY 5. Pro-security
This is the attitude that the locals have Security monitoring is part of day-to-day
towards close security monitoring. Depending life. The average citizen feels that security is
upon the tech base, monitoring might include for the public protection. Monitoring unobtru-
everything from simple police patrols to full sively extends into private quarters. Al-admin-
surveillance at the hands of Al administered istered psychological and medical models
security systems. ensure that counselling services and medical
advice are extended to people who need them.
1. Strongly Anti-security Many social pressures and tensions are thus
The population is strongly opposed to the relieved before they can cause damage.
concept of security monitoring, seeing it as an
invasion of privacy. Weight the cu lture's social responsibility
factor toward the high end of the scale.
Locals will have an Antipathy of 2 towards
security monitoring and a Tie of 1 with per- 6. Strongly Pro-security
sonal privacy. They will be quite touchy about Security monitoring is seen as a necessary
intrusions into their personal affairs. part of maintaining social order, essential to
the maintenance of a safe society. Monitoring
2. Anti-security extends into private quarters and communica-
The populace views security monitoring tions. The administering Al net uses psycho-
with distaste, fearing the "police state" mental- logical and medical models to ensure that
ity that this implies. There is no security moni- counselling services and medical advice are
toring outside of military installations and high extended to people who need them. Many
security areas. social pressures and tensions are thus re-
lieved before they can cause damage.
Locals will have an Antipathy of 1 towards
security monitoring. Citizens assist the authorites as a matter of
duty. People who obstruct or flee the law
3. Privacy Conscious automatically admit their guilt.
Security monitoring is seen as a necessary
evil. The populace accepts a minimal security Locals will have an Antipathy of 1 towards
presence in public areas. There is no monitor- lawbreakers. They will also have an Antipathy
ing of private communications, dwellings or of 2 towards lax security monitoring.
4. Security Conscious People will always wear clothing appropri-
Security monitoring is accepted. The aver- ate to their environment. If it rains, then rain-
age citizen feels that security is for the public coats will be common wear. If it is hot, then
protection. Local security is not thorough by clothing will be lightweight and brief. Likewise,
cental ConFed system standards. Local opin- some races never really wear clothes (e.g.,
ion is wary of security monitoring being exten- avians) except for protection, badges of rank,
sively used for psychological evaluation. The social distinctions or pockets.
monitoring net does not extend much in the
way of unsolicited psychological counseling to
the public.
Page 142 Star Systems

Attitudes towards nudity and body cover- 6. Complex Clothing Code

age among mammals varies widely from world The local population treats the wearing of
to world. The following listings refer only to clothing as an art, and clothing is a recognized
general public attire, and private wear can be form of communication. Choice of color, cut or
much different. ornament will tell the experienced viewer much
about the wearer's family/clan , profession,
1. No Nudity Taboo status and even mood.
The local culture is not particularly worried
about nakedness in public. In hot weather, in Clothing is always worn in public, and
air conditioned places or when bathing, the public nudity causes shock, alarm or embar-
locals will often wear only shorts (for the con- rassment. The concept of nudity is inextricably
venience of pockets) or nothing at all. The linked with sex.
concept of nudity is not automatically linked
with sex. The local populace has no embar- FAMILY LIFE
rassment with any normal bodily functions , The raising of children and typical "home
and no shame of their bodies. If combined with life" will tend to vary according to species,
easygoing or open minded sexual codes, then although a nuclear family set-up is most com-
local swear words will make little reference to mon. Single parents are reasonably common
bodily functions . in any culture, and full allowances are normally
made for this. Military characters can have
2. Limited Nudity families just like anyone else, and pregnancy
While clothing is commonly worn on the does not normally mean an end to a career.
street, there are times or places where public
nudity is not an issue, or may·even be appro- An interesting phenomenon is the "care
priate when connected with a particular situa- group", an artificial extended family designed
tion or event. As local custom imparts a to increase the support and care that can be
custom to nudity, inappropriate nudity might given to a child. A care group is formed by a
cause confusion or embarrassment, but not moral/social commitment between a group of
necessarily a direct connection with sex. individuals, in which they elect to share in the
tasks of bringing up each others children .
3-4. Nudity Taboo
Clothing is always worn in public, and 1. Single Parent Orientation
public nudity causes shock, alarm or embar- A normal upbringing involves a single full
rassment. The concept of nudity is inextricably time parent and a care group, which not only
linked with sex. provides broad-based care, but allows the
parent to be able to work away from home.
5. Well Dressed Parent and children would reside together in
The typical citizen dresses carefully when- their own living space. Alternatively, care
ever he wishes to appear in public, and tends groups might have communal accommoda-
to coordinate clothes into outfits. Typical street tions or might share living space with each
dress is quite complex and can be expensive. other.
Clothing is always worn in public, and public
nudity causes shock, alarm or embarrass- 2. Nuclear Family
ment. The concept of nudity is inextricably The parents of children usually make a
linked with sex. serious moral and social commitment to re-
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 143

main together and share the upbringing of Locals will tend to have a Tie of 2 to their
their children. They form small family units, own family (they might dislike individual mem-
and reside together in their own living space. bers ~ but this will be at odds with their own
These family units may still often enter into notions of duty or normal affections).
care groups, particularly if both parents are
working. 5. Extended Group Family
This is a polygamous group situation that
Locals will tend to have a Tie of 2 to their also has additional members who subordinate
own family (they might dislike individual mem- their personal desires for procreation to pro-
bers, but this will be at odds with their own vide support for the family. Most commonly,
notions of duty or normal affections). the group would have a male and several
females who are the reproducing members
3. Limited Group Family and several other adults, who may or may not
The parents in this case would be a polyga- be kin, who help with the child-rearing and
mous group, usually a single male and several provide other services for the group. There is
females, though not all of the females would often a strong feeling against incest within
necessarily be bearing children. Care for the these groups, and the help members would go
children could either be collective or each to outside the family for social sex or reproduc-
his own mother, depending on cultural norms. tion. The organization can be hierarchical or
As social hierarchies within these families are egalitarian, as personal preferences or cul-
common, Ties and Antipathies among the tural norms demand. While interpersonal Ties
members could be very dynamic. When con- may vary, group loyalties are particularly strong.
fronted by an outside issue, however, excep-
tionally strong Ties to the family would override 6. Clan Organization
interpersonal differences. Normal extended family organization is
expanded by affiliating related or allied fami-
4. Extended Family lies into complex clans. A clan acts as a
The parents of children generally make a support mechanism for its members, exerting
serious moral and social commitment to re- influence and offering moral and financial sup-
main together and share the upbringing of port to the clansfolk.
their children. The extended family will pro-
vide care for a child, and so two full-time Parents might or might not make a mutual
parents are not essential. commitment to raising their children together.
In any case, the extended clan/family would
The family and kinfolk of the parents will provide support and care for a child, often
usually take a hand in the upbringing of the including education or other institutional ser-
child, providing support, care and child mind- vices.
ing. Families will often live near one another,
or share living space. Clan politics adds an extra dimension to
any world on which a clan set-up exists. Clan
Another aspect of the extended family set- reputation, influence and economics will be an
up is care for the aged. Older family members important part of day-to-day life.
are usually cared for within the family, rather
than having to find specialized accommoda- Inhabitants of worlds that have a clan sys-
tion/care facilities. tem will have a Tie of 2 to their own clan.
Page 144 Star Systems

SEXISM Seperate facilities for women and men are

Attitudes towards the equality of the sexes the norm. Males will often politely defer to-
tends to vary widely from world to world. Many wards females, based on the subconscious
ex-colonies have gone through a period where assumption that women require extra help.
breeding females have been precious, and This is seen as an essential element of local
these cultures tend to be overprotective of manners-failing to defer in this way can be
their "delicate" female population. seen as being rude . Pregnant women are
given every opportunity to continue with their
1. Segregated Society careers, but are often socialized into leaving
Women and men have clearly segregated their work to devote the maximum time to their
roles, which they are socialized into from an children.
early age. Deference towards women has
given them their own clearly defined areas of 4-6. Deferential
power. They are by no means pawns or The local culture maintains a facade of
second class citizens. absolute sexual equality. Men and women
maintain active roles in all levels of society,
The power that females wield will vary although women are often naturally inclined
depending upon the other elements of the (or are socialized) into avoiding combat ori-
culture. For example, in a clan set-up, the ented jobs. There is an unspoken social con-
women could control the clan influence. sensus which finds some jobs (such as combat-
oriented ones) unusual for women.
2. Overprotective
The society has definite ideas of what is Seperate facilities for women and men are
appropriate for either sex, and socializes its the norm. Males will often politely defer to-
members into acceptance of these sex roles. wards females, based on the subconscious
Although women are not prevented from en- assumption that women require extra help.
tering any sort of career, they will find it difficult This is seen as an essential element of local
going to make do in areas which are seen as maners-failing to defer in this way can be seen
inappropriate for females. as being rude. Pregnant women are given
every opportunity to continue with their ca-
Women are often expected to give up their reers (as limited by their own needs and re-
careers once they have children, but are not strictions).
actively encouraged to do so (except through
social pressure). There are seperate facilities 7-A. Equal Society
for males and females, and women are treated The local culture maintains absolute sexual
with an extra level of politeness by their male equality. Men and women maintain active roles
counterparts. in all levels of society, although women are
often naturally inclined to avoid combat-ori-
3. Protective ented jobs.
The culture has definite ideas on what is
and isn't appropriate for either sex. Although The needs of women are well cared for, but
ostensibly equal, both sexes are socialized segregated facilities are not normal. Pregnant
into finding some roles appropriate or inappro- women are given every opportunity to con-
priate. tinue with their careers (as limited by their own
needs and restrictions).
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 145

ACCENT to local speech. Local speech is still under-

Accents vary from world to world. Time, standable once the listener is used to the new
distance and original population base will all form.
influence the development of local colloquial- Outer Con Fed worlds which have this level
isms and pronunciation. On the inner Con Fed of linguistic shift will have largely taken their
worlds, the local version of standard can be so initial population base from a single inner
far removed from the original tongue as to ConFed world.
seem an alien language. Secondary and ter-
tiary colonies will not have had the time or SPECIES RANGE
isolation to develop local vernacular to this Some worlds are not inhabited by the full
extent, but local language forms can vary range of species found in known space.
widely from the norm.
Remember that all people can still switch to 1-8. Non-specific
stock pure standard at need. Most species are represented on the world.
Some minor species might be missing . The
1-2. Pure Standard higherthe dice roll, the more minor species are
The population speaks pure standard . Pos- lacking (e.g. , on a roll of 7 or 8 some entire
sibly the population came from a diverse set of species groups will be conspicuously missing,
population bases, and uses the unchanged such as Avians).
original standard through agreement. This
does not mean that individuals might not have 9. Species-specific
accents inherited from their ancestors. The world is largely the habitat of a single
race (e.g., Rabbits). The colony might have
3-4. Localized Slang developed in this way because of bigoted
The local population has been integrated viewpoints, or the region might simply appeal
for long enough to develop its own particular to certain species types. Characters from such
colloquialisms. Their language is still pure worlds might have Antipathies towards the
standard, but they now have their own particu- members of other races (or at least a Tie to
lar phrases and oaths. Visitors might find them- their own race).
selves confused or amused by local terms. Visitors of species types not represented
on the planet will be objects of interest to the
5. Picturesque Accent locals.
Although the locals speak pure standard,
they have developed a pronounced accent A. Species group-specific
which makes their speech patterns unique. The world is largely the habitat of a single
This will combine itself with unusual colloqui- species group (e.g ., Rodents or Avians). The
alisms to make the local speech very different colony might have developed in this way be-
from mainline standard. cause of bigoted viewpoints, or the region
might simply appeal to certain species types.
6. Heavy Accent Characters from such worlds might have An-
The local population has made major tipathies towards the members of other races
changes to the normal pronunciation of stan- (or at least a Tie to their own race).
dard, perhaps even changing the basic sen- Visitors of species types not represented
tence structure. Germanic style sentence on the planet will be objects of interest to the
structure, odd phrasing, etc. could all add color locals.
Page 146 Tashtan Station

\ \~' \ .

Tashtan Station (artist's conception)
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 147

An Albedo Adventure
Tashtan station is a "whodunit" designed financial trouble. These companies will then
for one to three players. The player characters buy the colony's debts and effectively become
are all civil or EDF authorities who have come the owners of the planet.
to supervise and liaise with the directors of a
zero-G construction site in high orbit about the Insidious little plan, isn't it?
planet Tashtan.
To this end, the companies have hired a
BACKGROUND saboteur to destroy Tashtan's orbital station
Tashtan is a small colony world that hopes before it can come into use. Unknown to
for a great future. In an effort to gain financial anyone but himself, this saboteur is possessed
independence from its mother world of Zath, of a psychelectromagnetic talent, a small tal-
the Tashtanii government has poured funds ent that allows him to modify the awareness of
and effort into the construction of an orbital people and electronic brains. (Note: This tal-
dockyard facility. It is hoped that an orbital ent is extremely rare; it is virtually unknown to
facility for the servicing, construction and re- most people, and is not likely to happen again.)
pair of interstellar vessels will bring trade to the With this talent, the agent can suppress aware-
system. To this end, developments on the ness or seal off data within an organic or
planetary surface have been sacrificed so that electronic brain. He is currently ensuring that
the orbital construction project can be given the station will fly apart once put under spin,
first priority. and is suppressing the computor monitors that
would normally detect his activity or alert the
Con Fed sponsorship has been requested , staff to the faults. He has begun to kill the few
and the EDF has agreed to .assist in funding people aboard the station that could threaten
the project, pending a settlement on the use of his project.
the facilities by ConFed armed forces. The
EDF will provide capital and construction equip- PLAYER CHARACTERS
ment, but only if the orbital facility assumes a The player characters must have some
permanent role in resupplying , servicing and reason for being aboard the station, but should
constructing vessels for the EDF. not have too intimate a knowledge of the
station or its personnel. A perfect set-up would
While the Tashtanii government is keen on be for them to be EDF liaison personnel newly
the idea, certain elements of the populace are arrived in the system to inspect the construc-
less than happy about a permanent EDF pres- tion work.
ence hovering over their planet.
For a bit of fun, it can be nice to throw
Another element that is less than pleased something in the works by giving different
with Tashtan's orbital construetion project is a player characters secret information. For in-
clandestine alliance of outsystem business stance, one might be in touch with the Net,
interests. These companies do not wish to see wh ile another might have shady connections
trade come to Tashtan. Indeed, they sincerely or political beliefs that might conflict with mis-
hope thatthe world will plunge itself into deeper sion objectives. It can all add to the fun!!
Page 148 Tashtan Station

NPC'S Garwent Aeosha

In addition to about 300 construction work- (ambitious administrator)
ers and miscellaneous clerks, supply men and
technicians, the orbital site is home to the
following notable residents. All personnel are
skilled in zero-G movement and basic safety

Janno Faren
(suspicious architect)

Race: Musteldid (Weasel) Race: Avian (Duck)

Sex: Male Sex: Male
Disposition: Devious, Conceited Disposition: Greedy, Cautious
Strength: 8 Strength: 5
Stamina: 10 Stamina: 10
Manual Dexterity: 1o Manual Dexterity: 12
Coordination: 12 Coordination: 12
Reason: 12 Reason: 10
Intuition: 8 Intuition: 10
Drive: 12 Drive: 13
Stability: 10 Stability: 10
Skill areas: Computer Ops, Structural Engi- Skill areas: Admin, Assess Personality, Bar-
neering, Zero-G Architecture, Zero-G Move- gaining, Computer Ops, Forgery
The architect of Tashtan station, Janno is Garwent is the administrator of the station,
a secretive, pompous, oversensitive charac- and a shifty individual if ever there was one. He
ter. He rarely communicates with subordi- is suspicious of any ConFed characters who
nates, nor does he socialize well. Although he come onto his facility, but will greet them with
is an excellent designer, he grates upon the a false, oily friendliness.
nerves of all he meets. Garwent is involved in some minor em-
Janno is unhappy about the presence of bezzlement (therefore his paranoia). He will
EDF on his station, and does not want a keep careful surveillance on any EDF types
military tie-in with his project. He will react to who come aboard the station, and will guard
ConFed characters with hostility. his doctored computer files with great skill.
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 149

Minister Keeso Doctor Vorgetta

(ineffectual politico) (brooding medic)

Race: Rodent (Gopher) Race: Canine (Dog)

Sex: Male Sex: Male
Disposition: Talkative, Generous Disposition: Reserved , Responsible
Strength: 7 Strength: 10
Stamina: 7 Stamina: 10
Manual Dexterity: 10 Manual Dexterity: 12
Coordination: 9 Coordination: 10
Reason: 9 Reason: 14
Intuition: 13 Intuition: 9
Drive: 12 Drive: 8
Stability: 13 Stability: 9
Skill areas: Administration, Assess Personal- Skill areas: First Aid, Medical, Psycology,
ity, Current Affairs, Law, Political science, Surgery
Public Speaking, Salesman
A taciturn but competent medical doctor,
A loud but harmless politician who has this character actually has a shady past. Once
come aboard the station to publicize the project. known as Doctor Pitr Chorko, he has assumed
He is very keen on impressing Con Fed or EDF a new identity and is fleeing from his homeworld
delegates, and will try to be as helpful and of Zho-Chaka, where he is wanted by local and
hospitable as possible. Con Fed authorities as a terrorist. As such, he
Like all politicians, he is shifty. If trouble will be extremely suspicious of EDF charac-
starts (e.g., When the first murder occurs), he ters, and will avoid them at all costs.
will try to keep the player characters from
becoming involved. He does not want to scare
investors away from the project!
Page 150 Tashtan Station

Alicia Dekkis Katje Lattri

(eager young female computer op) (sullen computer op)

Race: Rodent (Rabbit) Race: Canine (Fox)

Sex: Female Sex: Female
Disposition: Friendly, Reckless Disposition: Conceited, Exacting
Strength: 6 Strength : 7
Stamina: 12 Stamina: 10
Manual Dexterity: 1O Manual Dexterity: 10
Coordination: 14 Coordination : 12
Reason: 10 Reason: 10
Intuition: 10 Intuition: 8
Driv~ 12 Drive: 13
Stability: 11 Stability: 8
Skill areas: Art, Assess Personality, Com- Skill areas: Computer Ops, Computer Sys-
puter Ops, Computer Systems Engineer, Elec- tems Engineer, Dancing, Electronics, Musi-
tronics, Spin Yarn cian, Philosophy
Absolutely, heartbreakingly beautiful, Katje
Young, cheerful, and somewhat plain, Ali- is the local "ice queen": cold, arrogant, and
cia will be more than happy to befriend strang- elegant. She will seldom condescend to speak
ers: Alicia could prove to be a valuable ally, with lesser mortals. For some reason, males
since she has top access to security files and seem to insist on falling in love with her. Katje
knows the station's robots and computers couldn't care less, but sometimes strings a
better than anyone else. She intensely dislikes suitor along for a while before letting him
Katje Lattri. crash.
This character could be a prime suspect. It
can also be fun to have a player character fall
for her!
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 151

Gerterhard Gyff Reeka Lahti (environmental manager)

(construction crew manager) Eeepi Lahti (a furry little baby)

Race: Marsupial (flying possum: "sugar glider")

Sex: Female
Disposition: Talkative, Friendly
Strength: 7
Stamina: 8
Manual Dexterity: 1O
Coordination: 14
Reason: 8
Race: Ursoid (Panda) Intuition: 12
Sex: Male Drive: 10
Disposition: Straightforward, Responsible Stability: 6
Strength: 16 Skill areas: Assess Personality, Bargaining,
Stamina: 9 Biology, Ecological Science, Ecological Sys-
Manual Dexterity: 9 tems Engineer, Poetry, Snitch, Socio-history
Coordination: 7 A true chatterbox, Reeka is a prime source
Reason: 12 of gossip, rumor and jokes. She keeps a
Intuition: 8 constant ear to all the latest news, and delights
Drive: 10 in passing it on. Reeka is not malicious, and
Stability: 13 will often edit hurtful information.
. Skill areas: Computer Ops, Demolitions, Elec- An attractive lady, Reeka has an infant
tronics, Operate Heavy Machinery, Structural daughter called Eepi. Eepi is about five months
Engineering old, and is confined to her mother's pouch.
A calm, competent engineer, Gerterhard She is quite a sweet little rug rat, all wide eyes
keeps very much to his own counsel. He never and soft fur. Reeka usually works while her
indulges in gossip or rumor mongering, and daughter snoozes away in her pouch.
has little patience for those who do. A difficult Reeka is a flying possum. She has a pre-
character to pump for opinions, Griff will usu- hensile tail that can be used for grasping
ally refrain from making comment until he has handholds and which acts as a handy anchor
first hand experience of the topic. When he line. She also has flaps of skin that stretch from
suspects that there may be structural faults wrist to ankle on either side of her body. With
within the station, he goes off to inspect at first these, she can modify her flight path when
hand rather than sharing his suspicions with performing zero-G maneuvers in an atmo-
anyone else. sphere.
Page 152 Tashtan Station

Jo-Beth Jho Gatu Liau

(gorgeous media personality) (media technician)

Race: Feline (Cat)

Sex: Female
Disposition: Amorous, Devious Race: Ungulate (Deer)
Strength: 5 Sex: Male
Stamina: 9 Disposition (surface): Friendly, Cautious
Manual Dexterity: 12 Strength: 1O
Coordination: 14 Stamina: 11
Reason: 12 Manual Dexterity: 9
Intuition: 12 Coordination: 11
Drive: 12 Reason: 10
Stability: 12 Intuition: 15
Skill areas: Assess Personality, Bargaining, Drive: 10
Current Affairs, Mingle, Public Speaking, Rep- Stability: 8
artee, Snitch Skill areas (on surface): Assess Personality,
Suave, sexy and shimmering with cha- Camerawork/Photography, Current Affairs,
risma, Jo-Beth Jho is a media personality from Electronics, Mingle, Scrounge
the Tashtanii media nets. She is on location to Hidden skills (all at training level 12) include
cover the story of the orbital station's construc- Demolitions, Detect Hidden, Handguns, Hide,
tion and opening. Melee Combat, Sneak, Unarmed Combat
Jo is simply exquisite. Cute and elegant,
she has an unnerving habit of undressing men The saboteur! A pathetic figure who seems
with her eyes as she talks. Even so, she would crushed by Jo-Beth Jho's brutal schedule,
never indulge in "extracurricular activity" un- Gatu struggles with a massive workload. Al-
less it was for a purpose (e.g. , to gain a scoop though uncomplaining, he is pathetically grate-
or a promotion). She would never keep a story ful for the help of player characters. So much
secret, and mercilessly twists people to her for the mask he shows to the world. In reality,
advantage. Gatu is a vicious assassin. Amoral and utterly
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 153

without remorse, he has been responsible for THE STATION

a number of ruthless acts of sabotage and The final form of Tashtan Station will be a
terrorism. His services do not come cheaply. central non-rotating spine surrounded by a
He enjoys his work. Gatu is one of the best. revolving cylinder containing crew quarters,
Gatu has a very rare psionic talent which is recreation facilities and work places. This final
largely unknown even to databases. He can form will only be reached in the far future. For
suppress the awareness of organic and me- the moment, the plan is to produce a central
chanical brains, effectively making himself in- spine with a thin rotating ring. The ring has
visible. This sort of effort is physically very living areas fitted along its circumference; they
tiring (becoming more so as he tries to deal will form a basis for the eventual final cylinder
with more and more people). Major efforts will shape.
utterly exhaust him. Gatu can also monitor the
surface thoughts of people around him, as Tashtan Station is still largely incomplete.
long as he is not too tired. The central spine of the station is effectively
These psionics are very useful. He can finished . The next stages will be to complete
mentally control robots and computers (as the habitat modules. Once this is done, the
long as his concentration remains undisturbed). living space will be connected to the ring and
He can become "invisible." The only way to the entire structure will be spun, and work will
catch him is in a trap, or to encounter him when continue on the factory facilities in the central
he has utterly drained himself from extended spine.
use of his powers.
Gatu is a very dangerous foe!! Currently the entire facility is under zero-G
conditions, with the work crews living in tem-
porary quarters in the station's spine. Muscle
tone is maintained by compulsory excercise in
the gym. There is a busy daily work schedule.
The "zee gee" teams (men and robots) work
around the clock to complete the framework of
the station. These workers spend most of their
day in vacc suits or inside small construction
craft supervising and assisting with welding
and extruding out in the vacuum of space.
Other workers are busy inside the pressurized
sections of the station installing fittings and
electronics. Meanwhile, a sizable team of pro-
grammers and engineers supervises and co-
ordinates the efforts of the construction robots,
who are doing most of the actual work of
building. There is a workshop that repairs and
modifies robots. A programming and design
department monitors the overall picture and
assists the engineers and architects in their
work. Every few days, new construction mate-
rials and relief personnel arrive from the planet
Page 154 Tashtan Station

THE SABOTEUR The real story? Gatu had picked up Janna's

Gatu's plan is to make the station fly apart sudden suspicion of his sabotage plans. When
one it is placed under spin-a disaster that Janna went out to inspect the work first hand,
should finish the whole project! To this end, he Gatu contrived to be in the main computer
has tampered with the architectural room along with the computer operators, Jo- .
department's materials stress models on the Beth Jho, Garwent Aeosha and Minister
computer (both on site and on the planet). Keesho. Gatu quietly took over mental control
Gatu has modified the original plans for the of the computers and thus took remote control
station to incorporate his special modifica- of Janno's EVA pack. Exit one zero-G archi- ·
tions, doctored the records of construction tect! The computer's awareness of these acts
materials ordered, and all looks just as it was suppressed. In the general confusion, no
should be. The ring structure and its connec- one noticed Gatu's fatigue (although security
tions to the central spine will not bear up to the monitor records will show him to have been
strain, and will fly apart (not immediately, but distracted and tired at the time the accident
eventually, and it will be calamitously sudden was occurring).
when it does occur).
Murder #2
The only people who could detect the faults Next person on the hit list is Gerterhard
are the station's architect and chief engineer. Gyff. He will be found dead in his office. Gatu
Gatu will see to it that these individuals suffer killed him when he began to perform a serious .
"accidents." search of the station's plans and work records.
Suppressing the awareness of the monitors,
Murders Gatu injected Gyff with a poison that induces
Gatu will get busy arranging the accidents death in a similar manner to a massive stroke.
shortly after the player characters arrive on The first thing anyone knows about the death
station. is when the computer suddenly notices his
dead body.
The station's architect, Janno Faren, will The computer should have been aware of
be inspecting the sitework out on the ring. All any emergency as it happened. No one can
seems well, when suddenly his EVA pack understand how the computer failed to detect
flares and he rams himself into the side of the Gyff's attack and alert the base's medics. The
structure. His suit was punctured. The com- only explanation is that the computer itself is
puter quickly took over his EVA pack and malfunctioning.
brought him into a pressurized area, but it was
too late. Janna Faren had died of asphyxia-

There are no indications as to why the

architect suddenly fired his jets. Computer
records show that he was calm and controlled.
He had been unusually quiet in the hours
before the accident, but had not given any
indication of suicidal or reckless tendencies.
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 155

There are few clues. An intensive autopsy one is tampering with the computers some-
performed at medical facilities on the planet how, without even the Al being aware of how
Tashtan could discover that Gyff was poi- it is done.
soned, but the orbital station's medical appa-
ratus has no chance of discovering this. A If an independent stress model is run to
detailed search of Gyff's computer time over test the safety of the station's structure, it will
the 24 hours before his death will reveal strange prove to be unsafe. It will then become clear
blank spots-sections of computer memory that someone has deliberately installed faked
have been erased wihout trace .... models in the station's and planetary engi-
neering department's computer databases.
Murder #3 People who have had access to both ma-
This is a near murder, rather than the chines include the architect, the engineer, Jo-
actual thing. If the action is slow, Alicia Dekkis Beth Jho, and her camera crew.
can come under attack. Alicia will dive into the
computer memory and discover that there are Catching Gatu:
cleverly concealed "blank spots" in the secu- Eventually players should be led to con-
rity monitor memory-moments in which the clude that Gatu is a likely culprit for the mur-
computer's awareness of events has simply ders. This is where the fun starts.
faded out. Alarmed, she will try to contact the
player characters. Gatu Liau is very hard to catch. He can
sense surface thoughts, evade monitors, and
While on her way to the player characters blank the minds of opponents. The net is
(late, late at night), she finds that the main aware of people that have such abilities. If
travel shaft is inoperable (my, how strange .. .). quizzed, it can inform selected individuals of
She takes an alternate route down a cramped, the existence of talents. It can instruct charac-
spooky little service shaft. What a surprise- ters on methods which might help combat a
the doors all close. What a surprise-there is a "talented" individual .
hiss of escaping air. What a surprise-one of
the player characters just happens to be nearby • Characters can keep thoughts hidden
and hears a frantic hammering on one of the behind a smokescreen of trivia (roll Drive vs
hatches .... Gatu's Drive to successfully perform this little
Gatu is watching everything on a monitor
camera. Now the player character is right at • A simple trap could be set up. Beware of
the top of Gatu's hit list.. .. traps involving electronics, or that are under
the eye of monitor cameras.
As usual, the. computer knew nothing of
any pressure losses or jamming of doors. This task is going to require some ingenu-
ity. Once detected, Gatu will try to kill anyone
who suspects his existence or will make good
CLUES his escape from the station, depending on the
These are few and far between! Gatu is circumstances (remember that he is one hell
very good at his job, although he is having to of a smart operator). He should be defeatable,
use his power rather too overtly on this mis- but players will have to work hard to do so!
sion. It will soon become obvious that some-
Page 156
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 157

An italicized page entry indicates an illustration.

A bayonet ....................................... ........ 105 characteristics, mental .......................... 18

ACV ................................................ 54, 92 Beam ........ ................................... ......... 54 characteristics, neuro-physical ............. 17
Al, civilian spaceship ............................ 55 beam weapon .......................... .45, 54, 56 characteristics, physical ....................... 17
Al, military spaceship ........................ .. .55 beam weapon flash .............................. 94 characteristics, psychological ............... 18
Al, military vehicle ................................ 48 bear ............. .... ..................................... 15 characteristics, ship .............................. 54
accent ................................................. 145 bear hug ..... ....... ................................... 60 characters, non-player (NPC's) .. .......... 39
access to information ......................... 139 beaver ........................................... ....... 14 characters, sample .................. ............. 28
action sequence ................................... 41 beginning skills .. .. ................................. 21 charged-couple detector (CCD) eyepiece
actions, melee combat ......................... 60 bicycle .............. .. .................................. 74 ............................... .. ............ 83
actions per turn ............................... 18, 20 bigotry ............................................. 14, 16 chart number .................................... 7, 31
aerodyne ................................. .48, 90, 92 binoculars ............................................. 74 chart number modifiers ......................... 32
aerodyne control system ...................... 51 bio-mass ......................................... 9, 126 chemical grenade ................................. 95
aerodyne, heavy ................................... 93 bio-sciences ....................................... 124 chipmunk .............................................. 14
aerodyne, high performance ................ 93 bite .......................................... 59, 60, 105 civil unrest .......................................... 112
aerodyne, light ...................................... 93 blindness, flash ..................................... 94 civilian spaceship Al ............................. 55
aerodyne weapons ...............................48 blood loss ....................................... 65, 66 civilian vehicle ...................................... 84
aerofreighter, FTL .................. ............... 93 blood loss recovery .............................. 66 clothing ............ ........................... .......... 67
aerospace vehicle combat .................... 53 blowing up ........................................... .49 clothing attitude ............................... ... 141
aim ... .. ....................................... 41, 42, 44 body armor ........................................... 76 clothing cost ................................ ......... 67
air car ................................................... 91 body language ........................................ 9 clothing, protective ............................... 75
air vehicle armor ................................... 90 breakdown, weapon .... ..... .................... 44 club ............................................... 59, 106
air vehicles ......................... .................. 90 breathing apparatus ............................. 74 coaxial systems .................................... 87
allowance ........................ .. ................... 67 bridge ..................... .. .. .......................... 57 cockpit ............................................ 48, 50
alphabet ................................ .............. 119 bridge, auxiliary ...... .. ............................ 57 combat .................. ................................ 41
ammunition cost ................................... 97 burden .................................................. 37 combat actions .................................... .42
antipathies .......................... 33, 34, 35, 49 burden effects ....................................... 38 combat actions, melee .................. ....... 60
Area of Expertise ........................ 6, 24, 25 burden level ................ .. .. .. .................... 37 combat, aerospace vehicle ................... 53
armor .... .......................................... 75, 77 burn damage .................. ... ................... 64 combat, melee ................................. ..... 59
armor, air vehicle ............ ..... .. ............... 90 burst, controlled .................................... 44 combat, missile .... ................................. 43
armor, body ........................... ............... 76 burst, wild ...................................... .41 , 44 combat modifiers, melee ...................... 59
armor, flak ...................................... 45, 76 combat modifiers, missile ..................... 44
armor, ILR ballistic .......................... 45, 78 c combat modifiers, spaceship ................ 57
armor penetration ................................. 45 CCD eyepiece ...................................... 83 combat modifiers, vehicle ..................... 47
armor piercing grenade ........................ 95 calculator .............................................. 74 combat sequence, melee ..................... 59
armor piercing missile ........................ 104 caliber damage modifiers ..................... 62 combat sequence, missile .................... 43
armor, vehicle ................................. 53, 84 calibers ................................................. 96 combat, spaceship ............................... 54
assault carbine ..................................... 98 camel .................................................... 14 combat, vehicle .................................... 47
assault rifle ................................... 99, 102 camera ................................................. 74 combat vehicle, autonomous (ACV)54, 92
atmosphere craft .................................. 90 camera, video ....................................... 74 communication ................................... 119
attitude, clothing ............................. ... . 141 canines .. .. ...................................... ....... 12 Comparison Chart ............................ 7, 31
attitude, security ................................. 141 cannon, auto ............................... .... 47, 87 compartment, cargo .............................48
automatic fire ........................................ 44 cannon, light ......................................... 87 compartment, crew ...............................48
autonomous combat vehicle (ACV) 54, 92 canteen .... ............................................. 70 compartment, fighting .......................... .48
avians ........... ........................................ 11 car emergency tools .................... ......... 74 compartment penetration ....... .............. 57
axe .......................................... 59, 74, 105 car, air .... .... .......................................... 91 compartments, spaceship .................... 57
car, ground .... ....................................... 85 compartments, vehicle .......... .. ....... 48, 49
car, hover ............................................. 86 compensator, gas ............. .... .............. 100
carbine, assau It .............................. ...... 98 computer monitor ................. ................ 74
background ........................................ ... 15
cat ......................................................... 12 computers ......................... 48, 51, 71, 124
background history ............................. 107
character ....... ........................... ..... ......... 6 computers cost ..................................... 71
background skills .............................. .... 21
character generation .................. .......... 20 concussion grenade ............................. 95
backpack .............................................. 70
character generation , fast track ...... 20, 22 ConFed ................................... 16, 19, 109
bags and containers ............................. 70
character growth ................................... 39 Con Fed Diplomatic Service ................ 11 3
bags and containers cost ..................... 70
characteristic .................................... 6, 31 ConFed, inner ..................................... 115
bailing out ............................................. 50
Characteristic Challenge .................. 6, 31 control, government.. .......................... 133
ball, rescue ........................................... 81
Characteristic Challenge modifiers ....... 32 control of products and services ......... 137
ballistic armor, ILR .......................... 45, 78
Characteristic Check ........................ 6, 31 control system, aerodyne ..................... 51
ballistic jacket ....................................... 45
Characteristic Check modifiers ............. 32 Coolness under Fire ................. 33, 42, 49
ballistic vest .................................... 45, 76
characteristics .................................... 117 Coolness under Fire modifiers ............. 42
base eight ........................................... 119
characteristics, basic ............................ 17 Coordination ................. 17, 18, 20, 37, 38
battle helmet ................................... 45, 78
characteristics chart ............................. 20 Core ..................... ............... 19, 20, 31, 33
battle management systems ................ 48
Page 158 Index

core worlds ......................................... 115 dogfighting procedure ........................... 53 firing ports ............................................. 89
cost, ammunition .................................. 97 Drive ............................. 17, 18, 19, 20, 35 first aid kit ............................................. 72
cost, bags and containers .................... 70 drugs .................................................... 72 fist ....................................................... 106
cost, clothing ........................................ 67 duck ...................................................... 11 flak armor ....................................... 45, 76
cost, computers .................................... 71 flare pistol ............................................. 74
cost, food and drink .............................. 70 E flash, beam weapon ........................ ..... 94
cost, household goods ......................... 70 EDF ............................. ..... 16, 19, 21, 109 flash blindness ...................................... 94
cost, information ................................... 71 EDF battle doctrine ............................. 111 flash visor ................................ 78, 80, 94
cost, lodging .................................. ....... 70 EDF uniform ................... ...................... 68 food and drink ...... .... ............................. 68
cost, medical equipment ....................... 72 EM detector ................... .. ..................... 83 food and drink cost ............................ .. .70
cost, medical services .......................... 73 EM detector, pocket ....... ..... ................. 83 fox .......................... ............................. .. 12
cost, tools ............................................. 74 eagle ............................ ..... .. .................. 11 fragmentation grenade ........................ .95
cost, travel ................................. ........... 71 edged weapons ................... ............... 105 fragmentation missile ... ...................... 104
cougar ............................................ ...... 12 electromagnetic (EM) detector .... ......... 83 frame size ................... .......................... 18
courier, FTL .................................... ...... 92 electromagnetic (EM) detector, pocket. 83 frame size damage modifiers ............... 62
cow ............. .... ...................................... 14 electronics tool kit ................. ................ 7 4 freighter .......................... ................ 54, 55
coyote ............................................. ... ... 16 emu .... .. ............................. ................... 11 frigate ................................................... 54
crash helmet .......... ............................... 78 encumbrance ........................................ 37 fuel, hydrogen .............. ................... 48, 51
creator ................................................ 118 encumbrance effects ............................ 38 fuel tank ....................... ......................... 48
crew damage ........................................ 49 encumbrance level ............................... 37 fur .. ....................................................... 10
crew, spaceship ...... .............................. 54 energy ................................................ 125 fuselage ................................................ 48
critter ............................................ 5, 9 , 17 engineering ........................................... 57 fusion power plant ................................ 48
crow ........................... ........................... 11 engineering robot ................................. 82
cruiser ............................................. 54, 55 entertainment ..................................... 120 G
cruiser, light .................................... 54, 55 environment ................................ 121, 130 GEV, heavy .......................................... 86
cycle ..................................................... 84 environment, artificial ......................... 121 GEV, light ............................................. 86
environment, open .............................. 121 GP hull ............................................ 54, 55
D equipment ............................ ................. 67 gas compensator ................................ 100
ORM ....................................................... 7 equipment, hostile environment ........... 78 gas mask .............................................. 74
damage .................. .......................... .... 62 equipment, medical ............... ............... 72 general purpose (GP) hull .. ............ 54, 55
damage, burn ....................................... 64 equipment sources ................ ..... .......... 67 generator, portable ............ ................... 74
damage determination .......................... 63 equipment, starting ................... ... ......... 67 goat ...................................................... 14
damage effects ...... ............................... 65 equipment summary ................... ........ 104 goggles, night ..................... .. ................ 83
damage, explosion ............................... 62 escort ......... .. ........................... .............. 54 goods and capital , ownership of ......... 137
damage, falling ..................................... 64 evade ...... .. ... ............................. .. .......... 60 goods and services, distribution of ..... 138
damage modifiers .... .. .. ......................... 62 exercise .......... .............................. .. .... 120 government control ..................... ........ 133
damage modifiers, caliber .................... 62 experience points ........................... 21 , 39 government, participation in ............... 134
damage modifiers, frame size .............. 62 explosion damage ................................ 62 Governor .................................... 7, 24, 31
damage modifiers, hit location .............. 62 explosions ........ ................................ .... 62 grapple ..... ............................. ............... 60
damage modifiers, melee combat ........ 62 explosives .......... .. ........................... 74, 95 grenade .................................. ...... 95, 102
damage modifiers, melee weapon . 59, 62 Extraplanetary Defense Force (EDF). 109 grenade, armor piercing ....................... 95
damage modifiers, missile combat ....... 62 grenade, concussion ............................ 95
damage modifiers, missile weapon ...... 62 F grenade, fragmentation ........................ 95
damage modifiers, range ...................... 62 FTL aerofreighter .................................. 93 grenade launcher ................. 47, 101 , 102
damage modifiers, Strength ................. 62 FTL courier ........................................... 92 grenade launcher, auto .. 47, 88, 101, 102
damage recovery .................................. 66 FTL scout ..................................... 93, 123 grenade launcher, light ................. 47, 101
damage, spaceship .................. 56, 57, 58 failure grade ......................................... 31 grenade, chemical ................................ 95
damage to crew ................................... .49 falling damage ................................ 50, 64 grenade, variable .......................... 95, 102
damage, vacuum exposure .................. 64 family life ............................................ 142 grenade weights ................................... 95
damage, vehicle ................................... 49 fanjet, light ............................................ 90 grenades ............................ .................. 95
destroyer ........................................ 54, 55 fatigue ................................................... 37 ground car ............................................ 85
devil's dice ................... ......................... 32 fatigue effects ....... ................................ 38 ground effect vehicle (GEV), heavy ...... 86
dice ......................................................... 7 fatigue level ........... ............................... 37 ground effect vehicle (GEV) , light ......... 86
dice roll modifier (ORM) ..... ............... 7, 32 fatigue loss ............ .. ....................... 64, 66 ground vehicle ...................................... 48
difficulty ............................................ 7, 31 Fatigue Points .......... ................ 20, 37, 60 ground vehicle weapons ....................... 87
difficulty number ................... ................ 32 fatigue recovery ........ ............................ 38 gun, drawing a ................................. .....41
difficulty number, range ........................ 44 favors ..................... ............................. .. 36 gun, heavy ... .... .............................. .47, 89
digitigrade ................................... 9, 12, 13 felines .................. .. .. ............................. 12 gun, heavy hyperkinetic ................. .47, 88
diplomatic rank ..................................... 27 Fe Ina, Erma .......................................... 28 gun, heavy machine ............................. 87
dischargers, smoke .............................. 89 fennec .................... ............................ ... 12 gun, light. .... .............................. 47, 88, 89
Disorder .................................... 19, 20, 21 ferret ..................................................... 13 gun, light hyperkinelic ..................... 47, 88
Disposition .............. 19, 20, 21 , 33, 34, 39 field bandage ........................................ 72 gun, light machine ......................... .47, 99
disposition numerical values ..... ... .. 19, 21 fighting stick .................................. 59, 106 gun, machine .. ... 47, 87, 87, 99, 102, 103
distribution of goods and services ...... 138 fire, direct .............................................. 41 gun, sub-machine ........................... 47, 98
doctrine, EDF battle ............................ 111 fire extinguisher .................................... 74 gun, sustained fire machine ................. 99
doctrine, personal conduct ......... 11 1, 113 fire, indirect ..................................... 41 , 44 gun magazine weight ........................... 97
dog ....................................................... 12 firearm handiness ................................. 41 gunship ................................................. 92
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 159

H L missile, armor piercing ........... ............ 104

hand tool ...................................... ......... 74 lamp ... ................................................ ... 74 missile combat ...................... ................ 43
handiness, firearm ................................ 41 language .................... ......................... 119 missile combat damage modifiers ........ 62
harlequin ..... ..... ..................................... 40 language, body .................................. ..... 9 missile combat, fast track ...... ............... 46
hawk ................................... .................. 11 lantern .................................................. 74 missile combat modifiers ......................44
healing ....... ........................................... 66 laser ...................... .... ............................ 74 missile combat sequence ..................... 43
hearing ................................................. 10 launcher, auto grenade ..47, 88, 101, 102 missile, fragmentation ........................ 104
hedgehog ............................................. 15 launcher, grenade ................ 47, 101 , 102 missile launcher effects ...................... 104
helicopter ........................................ 90, 92 launcher, light grenade ................ .47, 101 missile launcher, portable ................... 104
helmet, battle .. ............................. ... 45, 78 launcher, portable missile ................... 104 missile weapon attachments .............. 100
helmet, crash .. ................................. ..... 78 launcher, rocket .................................... 88 missile weapon damage modifiers ....... 62
helmet liner ........ .. ........................... 45, 75 leadership ....................................... 33, 36 missile weapons .......................... ......... 96
helmet, vacc suit .. ..................... .... ..45, 78 leadership effects ............................... ..42 mole ...................................................... 15
heron ............. ........................ .. ............. 11 life events ................ .......................... ... 39 monitor, computer ................. ............... 74
history, background ............................ 107 life, family .............. ............................. 142 monomolecular armor .......................... 84
hit location, character ........................... 61 life support monitor ............................... 79 monomolecular laminate ......... ........... 126
hit location damage modifiers ............... 62 life support pack ............................ 80, 81 morale ................................................ 140
hit location, vehicle .............................. .48 life support unit ..................................... 72 mortar, heavy ................................. 47, 89
Homeguard ......... .................... 16, 21, 109 lifestyles ............................. .. ............... 115 mortar, light .................................... 47, 88
horse ............ .... ............................ ........ 14 lighter ................................. ................... 74 mouse ......................................... .... 14, 16
hostile environment equipment ......... ... 78 liner, helmet ................................... .45, 75 movemenVperception skills .................. 24
hostile environment suit .................. 45, 81 liner, vacc suit .............. .................. .45, 79 musteldae .................................... ......... 13
household goods .......................... ........ 70 lion ............................. ... ........................ 12
household goods cost .......................... 70 llama ..................................................... 14 N
hover car .............................................. 86 locator ................................................... 74 NBC suit ............................................... 74
hull ........................................................ 48 lodging .................................................. 68 NPC's ............................................. 39, 40
hull, general purpose ...................... 54, 55 lodging cost .......................................... 70 names ................................................... 15
hyperkinetic gun, heavy .................. 47, 88 longarm recoil value ............ ................. 43 names, sample ......... ............................ 15
hyperkinetic gun, light ..................... 47, 88 lynx ...................................... ................. 12 neuro-physical characteristics ............ .. 17
ILR ....................... ......................... 16, 110 night goggles ........................................ 83
M night vision ..................................... 10, 94
machete .. ...................................... 59, 105 non-destructive activities ...................... 39
ILR ballistic armor ...........................45, 78 machine gun ...... 47, 87, 87, 99, 102, 103 non-player characters (NPC's) ....... 39, 40
Impact Distribution ........................... 4563, machine gun, heavy .............. .47, 87, 101
impact weapons ................................. 106 machine gun, light .......................... 47, 99 0
Inclination ........................... 19, 20, 21 , 33 machine gun, sub- .................... ...... 47, 98 ordnance, spaceship ...................... 54, 55
incomes, sample .................................. 73 machine gun, sustained fire ................. 99 ostrich ................................................... 11
Independent Lapine Republic (ILR) ........ .. machine pistol .............................. 98, 102 otter ...................................................... 13
................... .................. 16, 110 magazine pouch .................... ....... ........ 70 outworlds .......................................... .. 116
inertial locator .......................................74 magazine weight, gun .......... ................ 97 ownership of goods and capital .......... 138
information ............ ................................ 71 Maneuver Rating ............................ 54, 56 oxy-aceteline torch ............................... 74
information, access to ........................ 139 Manual Dexterity ................ 17, 20, 37, 38
information cost .................................... 71 manufacturing ............................... 67, 132 p
initiative .......................................... 18, 41 marsupials ...................................... 13, 16 pack, life support .................................. 80
initiative dice ......................................... 18 mask, gas ........... ............................ ...... 74 pager .. .................................................. 74
initiative modifiers ...... ........................... 41 mechanical tool kit ................................ 74 parrot .................................................... 11
initiative, vehicle ................................... 47 medical equipment ...................... .. ....... 72 participation in government ................ 134
interpersonal relations .......................... 33 medical equipment cost ........................ 72 penetration modifiers ........................... .45
Interstellar Confederation (Con Fed) ... 109 medical services ................................... 72 Penetration Resistance ........................ 45
Intuition ..................................... 17, 18, 20 medical services cost ........................... 73 Penetration Resistance Value .............. 45
medical status display .................... 72, 80 Penetration Value .......................... .45, 59
J megaphone .......................................... 74 penguin ........................................... 11 , 15
jacket, ballistic ....................... ............... 45 melee combat ....................................... 59 periscope ........................... ................... 74
jacket, bullet proof ................................ 75 melee combat actions .......................... 60 personal address ................. ............... 118
jacket, heavy ........................................ 75 melee combat damage modifiers ......... 62 personal conduct doctrine .......... 11 1, 113
jaguar ............................... .................... 12 melee combat modifiers ................... .... 59 persuasion ............................................ 36
jet transport, small ........... ... .................. 92 melee combat sequence ...................... 59 persuasion modifiers .... ........................ 36
melee weapon damage modifiers .. 59, 62 phase .................................................... 41
K melee weapon length ........................... 59 physical characteristics ........................ 17
melee weapon penetration value ......... 59 pig ......................................................... 14
Kaih ................................................... 118
melee weapons ............................41 , 105 pistol ............................................. 98, 102
kangaroo .............................................. 13
mental characteristics ........................... 18 pistol butt .................................. ............ 59
Kho, Dea-Htuhok .................................. 29
military force ................ ....................... 111 pistol, flare ................................ ............ 74
kick ......................................... 11, 59, 106
military rank .......................................... 27 pistol, machine ............................. 98, 102
Kio ................. .......................... ........... 118
military traditions ................................ 117 pistol recoil value .................................. 43
knife ........... .... ............................. .. 59, 105
military spaceship Al ............................ 55 platypus .... ......................... ................... 13
knife, heavy ... ......................... ...... 59, 105
military vehicle Al .... ............................ .48
knowledge skills ................................... 24
Page 160 Index

Point Defense ....................................... 54 Self Image ................... ... .......... 19, 20, 33 Strength damage modifiers ...... ............ 62
political structure ................................ 109 Self Image, decreasing ......................... 34 Sturdiness ............................................ 50
population ........................................... 132 Self Image, effect of ............................. 34 Sturdiness Check ................................. 50
ports, firing ............................................ 89 Self Image, increasing ..... .. ................... 33 Sturdiness Check failure ....... ............... 51
possum ................... .............................. 13 senses .................................................. 10 Sturdiness Check modifiers .................. 50
power plant ..................................... 48, 51 sensor, movement ................................ 83 Sturdiness ratings ................................. 51
power plant, fusion ............................... 51 sensors ....... ........................ 45, 51, 83, 89 success grade ...................................... 31
power tool ............................................. 74 sensors, vehicle .................................... 52 Success Number .............................. 8, 31
probot ................................................... 82 sexism ................................................ 144 suit, hostile environment.. ............... 45, 81
products and services, control of ........ 137 sheep .................................................... 14 suit liner, vacc ................................. 45, 79
promotion ............................................. 27 ship characteristics ............................... 54 suit, NBC .............................................. 74
protective clothing ................................ 75 shock .................................................... 64 suit, vacc .................................. 45, 79, 80
psychological characteristics ................ 18 shock effects ................... ..................... 66 suspension, vehicle ....................... .48, 51
punch ........................................ 11 , 14, 59 shock recovery ..................................... 66 sustained fire machine gun .................. 99
puncture ............................................... 80 shotgun ............................................... 100
punitive duty ........................................ .39 shots per turn ....................................... 43 T
shuttle, exoatmospheric ....................... 92 tactical/strategic skills ........................... 25
R sight ...................................................... 10 tail ........................................................... 9
rabbit .............................................. 14, 16 sight, smart ......................................... 100 tail, prehensile ...................................... 13
raccoon ................................................. 15 sight, telescopic .................................. 100 tarpaulin ................................................ 74
races ....................................................... 9 sight, thermal ........................................ 83 technology .......................................... 122
races, prohibited ................................... 15 Skill ............................................. 8, 24, 31 technology, aerospace ....................... 122
racism .................. ........................... 14, 16 Skill Challenge .................................. 8, 31 technology, miscellaneous ........... ...... 126
radiation counter ... ................................ 74 Skill Challenge modifiers ...................... 32 telescopic sight ................................... 100
radio ............................................... 74, 79 skill costs .............................................. 22 tent ............................................ ........... 70
random result ...................................... .40 skill packages ................................. 21 , 26 thermal sight ......................................... 83
range damage modifiers ....................... 62 skill packages, general ......................... 26 throw ..................................................... 60
rank advance ........................................ 27 skill packages, military .......................... 26 thrust vents ..................................... 48, 51
rank, diplomatic .................................... 27 Skill Task .................................... 8, 31 , 44 ties ................................ 33, 34, 35, 36, 39
rank, military ......................................... 27 Skill Task modifiers .............................. 32 tiger ...................................................... 12
rat ..................... .................................... 14 skills, background ................................. 21 Toki ....................................................... 30
ralite .................................................. ... 11 skills, beginning .................................... 21 tool, hand ....................................... ....... 74
raven ................................................... . 11 skills, knowledge .................................. 24 tool kit, electronics ........................... ..... 74
Reach Difference .. .. .......................... .... 59 skills, movement/perception ................. 24 tool kit, mechanical ........................... .... 74
Reason ..................................... 17, 18, 20 skil ls, social .......................................... 24 tool, power ............. ............................... 74
recoil ................... .... ........................... .. . 17 skills, weapon ....................................... 24 tool-using skills ........ ............................. 24
recoil control, maximum ....................... 17 skills, tactical/strategic .......................... 25 tools .......................... ........................ .. .. 73
recoil number ............................ 20, 43, 97 skills, tool-using .................................... 24 tools, car emergency ............................ 74
recoil value .....................................43, 97 Small Unit Tactics skill .......................... 42 tools cost .............................................. 74
recoil value, longarm ............................ 43 smart sight .......................................... 100 torch ..................................................... 74
recoil value, p)stol ................................ .43 smell ..................................................... 10 torch , oxy-aceteline .............................. 74
recovery ................................................ 66 smoke dischargers ............................... 89 torso supporter .............................. .45, 79
reproduction ........................................... 9 sniper's rifle .......................................... 99 tracked vehicle ..................................... 86
rescue ball ............................................ 81 social attitudes .................................... 11 6 traditions, military .............................. . 117
result grade ...................................... 8, 32 social skills ........................................... 24 transport, medium turbo-fan ................. 92
rhino ...................... .............................. . 14 socio-economic systems .... ... ............. 115 transport, small jet ................................ 92
rifle ......................... ............................. 102 Socio-Psych-Intel (SPI) .................. 19, 20 travel ................................................. .... 71
rifle, assault .................................. 99, 102 solar power collector .................. .......... 74 travel cost .............. .. ............................. 71
rifle butt ................................................. 59 spaceship Al, civilian .............. .... .......... 55 trip ........................................................ 60
rifle, sniper's ......................................... 99 spaceship Al , military ........................... 55 truck ...................................................... 85
rifle, sport ............................................ 100 spaceship combat ................................ 54 truck, heavy .......................................... 85
robot, engineering ................................ 82 spaceship combat modifiers ................. 57 turbo-fan transport, medium ................. 92
robots ................................................... 82 spaceship compartments ..................... 57 turn ....................................................... 41
rocket launcher ..................................... 88 spaceship crew ..................................... 54 turn sequence ...................................... .41
rodents ................................................. 14 spaceship damage ................... 56, 57, 58 turrets ................................. 48, 52, 86, 90
role-playing hints ................................. .40 spaceship ordnance ............................. 55
species range ..................................... 145
rope ...................................................... 74
sport rifle ............................................. 100
ungulates ..................... ......................... 14
squirrel .................................................. 14
s Stability ......................... 17, 18, 20, 33, 35
uniform, EDF .................................. 68, 69
SPI ............................................ 19, 20, 21 uniform, Homeguard ............................. 68
Stamina .................................... 17, 20, 37
SPI skill bonuses .................................. 22 ursoids .................................................. 15
star systems ....................................... 127
sample characters ................................ 28
staunching wounds ............................... 66
sample incomes ................................... 73
stick, fighting ................................. 59, 106 v
sample names .................... .'................. 15 vacc suit ...................................45, 79, 80
stoat ...................................................... 13
scout, FTL .................................... 93, 123 vacc suit helmet .............................. 45, 78
strangle ................................................. 60
seagull .................................................. 11 vacc suit liner ................................. .45, 79
Strength ................................ .... 17, 20, 37
security attitude .................................. 141 vacuum exposure damage ................... 64
ALBEDO: The Role-playing Game Page 161

van ........................................................ 85 vehicles ................................................ 84 weapon systems, light .......................... 87

vehicle Al, military ............................... .48 vehicles, air .......................................... 90 weapons, aerodyne .............................. 48
vehicle armor ..................................53, 84 vest, ballistic .................................. .45, 76 weapons, edged ..... ............................ 105
vehicle armor, air .......................... ........ 90 video camera ......................... ............... 74 weapons, ground vehicle ..........48, 51 , 87
vehicle, autonomous combat (ACV)54, 92 vision ... ................................ ................. 10 weapons, heavy .. ............................. .. 101
vehicle, civilian .. ....................... ... ......... 84 vision, night ..................... ..... .......... 10, 94 weapons, impact ................................ 106
vehicle combat ...................... ............... 47 visor, flash ............................... 78, 80, 94 weapons, melee .. ... ...................... 41, 105
vehicle combat, aerospace ................... 53 weapons, missile .................................. 96
vehicle combat modifiers ...................... 47 w weapons, spaceship ............................. 57
vehicle compartments ................... .48, 49 wages ................................................... 73 weasel .................................................. 13
vehicle damage .............................. .... ..49 watch .... ......................... ........ ............... 74 weight, gun magazine .......................... 97
vehicle, ground .............................. ...... .48 weapon attachments, missile ............. 100 wheel motors ................................. .48, 51
vehicle hit location ................................ 48 weapon, beam ......................... . 47, 56, 94 wing buffet ................ ... ................. 59, 106
vehicle initiative .................................... 47 weapon breakdown ........... ... ................ 44 wolf ...................... ................................ . 12
vehicle maneuvering .................. .......... 47 weapon flash, beam ....... .. .................... 94 world generation ............................ ..... 127
vehicle, military ..................................... 85 weapon length .............. .... .................... 59 worlds, core ................................... ..... 11 5
vehicle sensors ..................................... 52 weapon ranges, vehicle ........................ 47 worlds, out- ...... ................................... 116
vehicle, tracked .................................... 86 weapon recoil ................................ .43, 97 wound effects ....................................... 65
vehicle weapon ranges ........................ .47 weapon skills ........................................ 24 wound modifiers ................................... 50
vehicle weapons, ground ............... . 51 , 87 weapon systems, heavy ........ ............... 88 wound saving throw .............................. 50
wounds ................... .............................. 65

Accent .......................... .... .......................................................... 129 Melee Combat Actions ................................ .. .......................... ..... 60
Action Sequence .......................................................................... 41 Me lee Combat Damage Modifiers ............................................... 62
Actions per Turn .......................................................................... 18 Melee Combat Modifiers .............................................................. 59
Air Vehicle Armor ......................................................................... 90 Military/Diplomatic Ranks ............................................................ 27
Ammunition Costs ..................................................... ................... 97 Missile Combat Damage Modifiers .............................................. 62
Armor Penetration Resistance Values ...................... ...................45 Ownership of Goods and Capital ...................... ......................... 129
Attacker Modifiers ............... ......................................................... 44 Penetration Values and Modifiers ................ .. .............................. 45
Bags and Containers Costs ............................ .... ......................... 70 Persuasion Modifiers .. .... .................................. ........................... 36
Burden Level ................................................................................ 37 Popular Participation in Government .............. ........................... 128
Burn Damage .............. .................................................................64 Population ...................... ............................................................ 128
Characteristics Chart ................................................................... 20 Population Morale Factor ........................................................... 129
Chart Number Modifiers ............................................................... 32 Random Results .......................................................................... 40
Clothing Attitude ........................................................................ 129 Range Difficulty Numbers ............................................................ 44
Clothing Costs ................. ............................................................ 67 Result Grades ....................... ....................................................... 32
Comparison Chart ........... .... ......................................................... 31 SPI Skill Bonuses ................. ........................... ............................ 22
Compartment Penetration ..... ............................ .. ......................... 57 Sample Incomes ............................................. .. ........................... 73
Computer Costs .......... ..................................... ............................ 71 Sample Ship Characteristics ........................................................ 54
Computer Skill Ratings .... .... .......................... .............................. 58 Secu rity Attitude ............ .... ... ........................... ........................... 129
Control of Products and Services .............................................. 128 Sexism ....................................................................................... 129
Damage Determination ................................................................ 63 Skill Costs .................... ................................................................ 22
Disposition Chart ......................................................................... 21 Skill Packages ........................................................................ 26-27
Distribution of Goods and Services ........................................... 129 Skills and Areas of Expertise .................................................. 24-25
Effects of Shock ................... ................................ ........................ 66 Spaceship Damage ..................................................................... 56
Effects of Wounds ............ ................................. ........................... 65 Spaceship Damage Results ........................................................ 57
Encumbrance, Burden and Fatigue Chart Number Modifiers ...... 38 Species Range .............. ....... ......................... ............................ 129
Environment ................ ........ ....................................................... 128 Staunching Wounds ........................................ .. ........................... 66
Explosion Damage ....................................................................... 62 Sturdiness Check Failure Effects ...................... ........................... 51
Falling Damage ............................................................................ 64 Sturdiness Ratings ....... ....... ......................................................... 51
Family Life ................................................................................. 129 Target Modifiers ........................................................................... 44
Fatigue Level ............................................................................... 37 Task Difficulty Numbers ............................................................... 32
Flash Blindness Effects ............................................................... 94 Tool Costs .................................................................................... 74
Food and Drink Costs .... .............................................................. 70 Travel Costs ............................ ............................. .... .................... 71
Government Control of Citizens .......................... ....................... 128 Vacc Suit Punctures ............ .... ................................ .................... 81
Healing Difficulty .................. ............................... ......................... 66 Vacuum Exposure Damage .. .. ..................................................... 64
Hit Location ................... .... ................................ ........................... 61 Vehicle Armor ...................... ............................ ............................ 84
Household Goods Costs .................................. ... ......................... 70 Vehicle Combat DRM's ....... .. ............................. .......................... 47
Individual Access to Information ................................................ 129 Vehicle Damage Effects .............................................................. 49
Information Costs ......................................................................... 71 Vehicle Hit Location ..................................................................... 48
Initiative Dice ............................................................................... 18 Vehicle Weapon Ranges ............................................................ .47
Initiative Modifiers .................... ............................ ........................ 41 Weapon Breakdowns ............................................... .................... 44
Lodging Costs ................... ..... ............................... .. ..................... 70 Weapon Recoil Values ............ ............................ ........................ 43
Magazine Weights .............. ... ................................ .... .................. 97 Wound DRM's .................................................. ... ......................... 50
Manufactu ring Capability ........ .............................. ..................... 128
Maximum Controllable Recoil ............................ .......................... 17 Wound Saving Throws ..... ........ ..............,......... ............................ 50
Medical Services Costs ......... ................................. ..................... 73
Page 162
Chart -12 -9 -7 -5 -2 1 4 6 8 9
Number and -10 -8 -6 -3 0 3 5 7 and
under -11 -4 -1 2 over
Number 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
3 5 7 9 11
Auto- 11 11 11 11 11 Aut~-
Grades succes I 11 11 11 I10 failure

2 4 6 8


Very simple 0 (5) Natural 2 "The Tops"
Simple 5 (4) 6 or more below Excellent success
Average 10 (3) 4-5 below Very good success
Difficult 15 (2) 2-3 below Good success
Very difficult 20 (1) Success Number Close success
Nearly impossible 25 or 1 below
(1) 1-2 above Close failure
CHART NUMBER MODIFIERS (2) 3-4 above Bad failure
For a Skill Task (3) 5-6 above Very bad failure
Character has no skill -5 (4) 7-8 above Abysmal failure
Character has the skill (5) Natural 12 "The Pits"
Character is adept at the skill +5
Character is master at the skill + 1O NOTE: A natural 2 is only "The Tops" if the
Success Number is greater than 2. A natural 12 is
For a Skill Challenge
only ''The Pits" if the Success Number is less than
As above and also: 12.
Opponent has no skill +5
Opponent has skill, but attempting
character does not -1 O
For a Characteristic Check or Challenge
Character has expertise +2
Character has great expertise +5 ACTION SEQUENCE
Character has very great expertise +1O Phases in the Turn
For Encumbranc~, Burden, and Fatigue 1 2 3 4 5 6
Penalty Level O 1 2 3 4
Encumbrance 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 Coard "Actions 5 x x x x x
Burden 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 * Coord+MDex per 4 x x x x
Fatigue O -1 -2 -5-10#All , Turn" 3 x x x
Cumulative Rating 2 x x
1 x
*Requires a Strength Check to carry item, or an
Easy Strength Check simply to lift it.
#Requires a Drive Check to perform any action at


Weapon Recoil Value Moving slowly (walking/running) -2
4mm pistol 0 Moving fast (sprinting/evading) -5
6mm pistol 0 Partially obscured -2
8mm pistol 1 Mostly obscured -5
10mm pistol 2 Large (e.g., vehicle) +5
12mm pistol 3
4mm longarm 1
6mm longarm 2
8mm longarm 3
Carbine +1
1Omm longarm 4
Grenade fragment 0
12mm longarm 5
Machine gun +3
Shogtun 4
Pistol · O
Wild burst +1
Rifle +2
Shotgun +3
There is no recoil penalty for tripod-/bipod-
Sniper's rifle +3
supported weapons.
Submachine gun +1
Controlled burst (close/short range) +1
Close 5 6mm -1
Short 10 8mm 0
Medium 15 10mm +1
Long 20 12mm +2
Erjreme 25 16mm +3
Short 0
Close 0
Medium 0
Running -5 Extreme -2
Not taken aim -8*
Taken aim (takes one action) 0
Careful aim (two actions) +5#
Controlled burst +2 WEAPON BREAKDOWNS
Wild burst at close range +5 Roll only if the Roll to Hit was a natural 12.
Wild burst at short range +2 2d6 Result
Specific shot -5 2-6 no effect
Indirect fire -5 7-1 o stoppage: 1 action to clear it
11-12 jam: MOex check each turn to
*Unaimed fire at long or extreme range will al-
clear it. Two failures mean that
ways miss.
#Careful aim cannot be used on a fast-moving
special tools will be needed to
target (sprinting/evading) or while using wild bursts clear the breach.
or indirect fire.
Weapon Firearm Handiness
Axe +2 Rating: Very Handy ... ........... .. 0
Bite -1 (0 for carnivores) Handy ........... .... ........ -1
Club 0-+1 Average ........ .. .... ...... -2
Fighting stick +1 Cumbersome ........ .... -3
Heavy knife 0 Very Cumbersome ... -4
Kick -1 (to lower body only) Drawing gun from holster ............... -2
Knife 0 Drawing long arm slung on back ..... -4
Machete +1 Character is running ....... ......... ....... -2
Pistol butt 0 Wild burst ... ........................ ........... + 1
Punch -2 (+1 for hoof) Character has already taken aim .. +2
Rifle butt +1 Melee weapon against longer melee
Wing buffet -3 weapon ........................... ........... -1
. Melee weapon against firearm
Target's Frame Size . ........... .. ... .. .. .. .... ........ automatic loss*
Small -2 Indirect fire against direct fire
Light -1 ........... .................. ... ..... automatic loss
Average 0 Following a leader who makes a Tactics
Solid +1 Task or Challenge
Huge +2 ... ........ .... +/- number of Result Grades

Hit Location *Characters attempting melee against oppo-

Head +3 nents armed with firearms will always lose Initiative
Chest +2 unless attacking with surprise.
Abdomen +1
Leg 0
Arm -1
Attacker's Strength Pen.Res. Imp.Dist.
0-4 -4 Ballistic jacket 1 1
5-9 -2 Ballistic vest 2 2
10-14 0 Battle helmet 3 2
15+ +2 Civilian vacc suit
helmet 2 0
Flak armor* 3 3
Caliber 1Omm or greater +1 Hostile environment suit 2 3
Carbine +1 ILR ballistic armor 2 3 .
Grenade 0 Military vacc suit
Knife 0 helmet 3/1/2# 3
Pistol O Torso supporter 1 1
Rifle +2 Vacc suit 2 1
SMG 0 Vacc suit liner 0 0
Long or extreme range
Dart ammunition -1 *Throat is protected U collar is done up.
Non-dart ammunition -2 #Skull/Upper face/Lower face.
Action Challenge Modifier Cost* Effect
Evade (miss one action) 0 0 -2 to be hit

Stops opponent's attacks

Grapple Coord 0 2 and allows other actions

Strike, defensive Skill -2 Normal strike plus -2 to be hit in return

Strike, offensive Skill 0 2 Normal strike

Strike, specific Skill -5 2 Nominate hit location

Throw object Coo rd 0 Normal strike to 50+(Strx2)m

-7 (-2 if oppo-
Trip Coo rd nent larger) 2 Stagger

AQtiQns while gerfQrming g raggl~

O (-5 if oppo-
Bear hug Str nent larger) 2 Causes 2 Fatigue injury

Bite Melee (Unarmed) +2 2 Normal strike (see page 105)

Break limb Str -5 2 Serious Impact Wound

Lock Skill 0 Immobilizes; opponent drops weapon

Strangle Melee (Unarmed) 0 Causes 5 Fatigue injury

Strike Skill +2 2 Normal

Throw Melee (Unarmed) 0 Column 4 damage

O (-5 if oppo-
Throw# Str nent larger) 2 Column 4 damage

O (-5 if oppo-
Trip Coo rd nent larger) 2 Stagger

AQtions while s u bj~ct to g raggle

Escape grapple Coo rd -5 2 Grapple is broken

Grapple Coo rd 0 2 Allows grapple actions

Strike Skill -5 2 Normal strike

-7 (2 if oppo-
Trip Coo rd nent larger) 2 Stagger

Actions while subj ~ct to IQQk

Escape lock Skill -10 2 Lock is broken

*Fatigue Points per turn. These actions all cost Fatigue Points. At the end of each turn a character will lose Fatigue
according to the highest of the costs '(i.e., 0 to 2), not the total.
#Use this Throw only if the character does not have the Malee (Unarmed) skill.

Short Medium Long Extreme Indirect
Auto cannon 500 1000 2000 3500
Beam weapon 1000 2000 4000 8000
Grenade launcher 50 200 300 500 1500
Gun/Mortar 100 500 1000 5000
Hyperkinetic Guns 500 1000 3000 4000
Machine Gun 50 200 300 600
Machine Gun (heavy) 50 300 400 700
Machine Gun (sustained fire) 50 300 500 800

Auto cannon, hyperkinetic guns and beam weapons roll to hit using the "Dart Ammunition" column of the shot
difficulty chart.

Target is within 20 meters -2
Target is large (light, high performance or heavy aeros, heavy GEV's, etc.) -1
Target travelled at 40-60 kph this turn +1
Target travelled at 61-80 kph this turn +2
Target travelled at greater than 80 kph this turn +3
Non-auto cannon/beam weapons vs moving aircraft +2
Target is partially obscurred +1
Firer moved during this turn +1
Firer jolted by rough terrain, uneven going or landing +1
Externally mounted MG's or GL's firing from moving vehicle +1
Turreted arms firing in a phase in which the turret shifted its covered arc +1

Area Struck S~stems Contained Compartment Affected
Ground vehicles
Frontal hit:
1-3 Turret* Weapons Fighting compartment
4-7 Hull front Computer, sensors Crew compartment
8-10 Suspension Wheel motors N/A
Side hit:
1-2 Turret* Weapons Fighting compartment
3-4 Hull front Computer, sensors Crew compartment
5-7 Hull rear Power plant Crew compartment
8-10 Suspension Wheel motors N/A
Aerodynes (frontal hits use a ORM of -2)
1 Forward fuselage Weapons, sensors N/A
2-3 Cockpit Computer Cockpit
4-5 Power compartment Fusion power plant N/A
6-7 Thryst vents** Thrust vents Cargo compartment
8 Fuel tank Hydrogen fuel Cargo compartment
9-1O Main fuselage N/A Cargo compartment

*A roll of 1 is a miss if the target is of "Low Profile" turret configuration.

**Hit locations 6 and 7 on helicopters counts as hits to the rotor assemblies.


Graze: Roll a sturdiness check for one random system noted as being present in this hit

Light: Roll sturdiness checks on all systems noted for this hit location on the hit charts, and
each crew member present in the compartment must save versus wounds.

Serious: Complete -compartment destruction. All characters in the stricken compartment

must roll a save versus wounds. Roll sturdiness checks on all systems noted for this hit location
on the hit charts. All characters must roll a Coolness under Fire check in order to perform any
actions other than bail out next turn.

Massive: Vehicle blows up. All characters roll a save versus wounds. Characters who fail
to bail out will be burned in 1d6 locations.

Catastrophic: Vehicle blows up. All crew must make saving rolls to avoid wounds. Characters
who fail to bail out will die.


Armor Type Pen Res Vehicle Damage DAM
Light composite 10 (front) Grare 0
8 (sides & rear) Light +1
6 (suspension) Serious +3

Heavy composite 14 (front) The extent by which a sturdiness check is

12 (sides & rear) failed will determine the amount of damage caused
1O (suspension) to the stricken system (see chart on page 51).


Roll on 2d6 Wound Caused Fatigue Loss Vehicle size DAM +/- N
2-5 No effect Character is wearing body armor -1
6 Graze 1d3 Light vehicle hit -1
7 Light wound 1d6 Massive vehicle hit +2
8 Serious wound 2d6 Catastrophic vehicle hit +4
9 Massive wound 2d6 Serious starship hit in main cmprtmnt +4
10 Catastrophic wound 2d6 Character not in main compartment hit -2
11-12 Dead


Vehicle System Sturdiness

Computer system 7

Aerodyne control system 8

Sensor 7

Ground vehicle power plant 8

Fusion power plant (used in aerodynes) 9

Suspension system (allow the vehicle to move)

Wheeled Number of wheels
Tracked 8
Hover configuration 7

Aerodyne thrust vents 1/2 the vehicle's structural value

Machine gun 5
Grenade launcher 5
Cannon 7
Gun 9

Hydrogen fuel tank 6


Damaged System Roll Failed by 1-2 Points Roll Failed by3+ Points
Computer Computer shutdown Computer shutdown

Hydrogen fuel Vehicle forced down Automatic "massive" hit

Power plant Vehicle loses all power Automatic "massive" hit

Thrust vents Maneuverability downgraded Roll 1d6: 1-4 Vehicle forced down
(1 /2 turn speed, 3/4 max 5-6 Vehicle blows up in 1d6 turns
speed, -3 maneuver rating)

Weapons Weapon destroyed Automatic massive hit if weapon was

gun, cannon , gun/mortar or grenade launcher

Wheel motors 1/2 turn speed, 1/2 max speed Vehicle halted in place

Air vehicles which are forced down may be piloted in for a crash landing. Roll the pilot's skill versus 1O
(or 15 in rough terrain} to avoid complete disaster.

Condition ORM
Ordnance hit from a pass attack +1

Target's sensors or engines are knocked out

(versus ordnance only} o r the target is stationary +2

Target is severely damaged +1

3-4 points of ship's ordnance committed to the attack +1

5-6 points of ship's ordnance committed to the attack +2

7+ points of ship's ordnance committed to the attack +3


2d6roll Result 2d6 roll Damaged s~stem
2-4 Light damage 2-5 Ordnance (reserve}
5-7 Moderate damage 6-7 Beam weapons
8-9 Severe damage 8-9 Point defence
10+ Target destroyed 10+ Ship's sensors

1 d6 roll Compartment Personnel Contained
1 Bridge Pilot, navigator, gunnery chief
2 Auxiliary bridge Backup bridge crew (the "second shift")
3 Engineering Engineering/maintenance staff
4 Ship's services Medical and administrative personnel
5 Weapons Gunnery personnel
6 Cargo/passenger Passengers, cargo, etc.

Ships which lack a particular compartment must roll again until struck in an area that they actually
possess (e.g., fighters do not have a cargo/passenger compartment, and will roll again if a 6 is rolled for
random compartment penetration).

Roll 1d10 for hit location. In

melee combat, if the target has a
small frame size, add 2 to die roll.

5 6
*Use 1d6 to generate
an odd or even number.
Keep in mind the tail can
7 8 only be hit by attacks
from the side or the rear.

If the die roll shows that the

critter has been hit in the head,
determine from which direction
the hit came, consult the appro-
priate head diagram, and roll
1d10 for location on the head.

1 2 3 4 5
2d6 roll
1 GI- GI- -/tm

2 G/tm G/tm -/tm -/tm

3 Gist G/tm -/st -/tm -/tm

4 U- G/st -/st -/st -/st

5 Utm Utm G/tm -/st -/st

6 Ust Utm Gist -/st -/st

7 S/st Ust Utm -/st -/st

8 S/kd S/st Utm G/tm -/st

9 M/kd S/st Ust Gi st -/st

10 Miko S/kd Ukd Utm G/tm

11 C/kd M/kd S/kd Ust Gist

12 C/ko C/kd M/kd Ukd Ukd

13 C/ko C/ko C/ko S/ko Uko

14 C/ko C/ko C/ko Mi ko S/ko

15+ C/ko C/ko C/ko C/ko C/ko

C: Catastrophic wound G: Graze L: Light wound M: Massive wound S: Serious wound

kd: knock down ko: knock out tm: tumble st: stun

Find the appropriate column

Column 1: Penetrating weapons (e.g., bullets, knives)
Column 2: Slashing weapons (e.g. , teeth, shell splinters, machetes)
Column 3: Narrow point impacts (e.g., pointy end of fighting sticks)
Column 4: Impacts (e.g., punches, kicks, falls, explosions)

Note that Impact Distribution of armor will shift damage to the right one column per point of
Impact Distribution on the affected part (if the armor was not penetrated). If this moves the
damage past Column 5, then use Column 5 and apply a modifier of -2 for every further unit of
column shift.

Modifier on Relevant Blood Loss

Characteristic (points per turn)

Shallow surface wounds or bruising. -2 0

Light Wounds
Painful but not disabling. Lose 1 fatigue/turn -5 0
(recoverable) whenever moving or jolting
the injured part.

Serious Wounds
Disabling. Lose 1 fatigue/turn (recoverable) -8 1
whenever performing any action.
Head: Recover fatigue at half rate
Chest: Recover fatigue at half rate
Abdomen: Cannot jump, run or sprint
Leg: Cannot jump, run or sprint
Arm: Drop any item
Tail: Lose tail (kangaroo keeps tail;
suffers as a leg injury)

Massive Wounds
Completely disabling. Take a Drive Check to -10 4
perform any action. Lose 3 fatigue/turn
(recoverable) whenever performing any action.
Also lose one additional point of blood w,henever
performing any action. Recover fatigue at half rate.

Catastrophic Wounds
Even worse.
Head: Killed instantly
Chest: Killed instantly
Abdomen: Killed eventually 6
Arm: Major fracture (as for Massive Wound) 6
Leg: Major fracture (as for Massive Wound) 10
Tail: depends on size (kangaroo suffers (8)
massive wound)

Note: Impact wounds (Column 4 or 5) only cause bleeding if the Roll to Hit was a natural 2. The
bleeding is internal, and the maximum rate is 2/turn.

Fatigue loss (once only)

Tumble: Staggered by the blow. Lose next action. 2
Stun: Dazed by the blow. Number of Actions per Turn 4
halved for two turns and each subsequent
turn until successful Drive Check.

Knock Down: Knocked off feet. Lose all actions for 6

six phases, then continue as for Stun.

Knock Out: Lose consciousness for 1d6 turns and each 8

1d6 turns until successful Drive Check, then
continue as for Stun.


Breach to Fatigue Points lost Height 1d6 injuries Damage on
vacc suit per turn (recoverable) up to maximum Column 4. modified

Minor puncture 1/2 1 meter 1 -2

Puncture (e.g., bullet hole) 1 2 meters 2 0
Tear (e.g., knife slash) 2 3 meters 3 +1
Major breach 3 4 meters 4 +2
Full vacuum 4 8 meters 5 +3
16 meters 6 +5


Roll once only: Fatigue + 1d6 BURN DAMAGE
1O Light chest wound Extent Damage on Column 3
11 Light head wound (ruptured eardrums) Mild +1
12 Massive chest and head wounds Moderate +2
13 Serious chest wound and blinded Severe +3
14 Serious chest and head wounds and
ALBEDO Character Sheet 50
Name 48
Critter Type
Frame Size 43
Disposition 41
Core 40
Inclination 38
x 1t3 ~ Rec<;>il Number .D D 35
' · modified 33
x 3 =Maximum
Fatigue Points
D · 32

CurrentD 29
Ffitigue· Points

D x 1/3 =Actions per Turn Do- i?f\


(REA~+IN:U+DRV)/10 .= SPI D 23
:· . :· )hitlative Dice D . 19
x·112, x 1--1/2 = DD 15
rC!r:t9.0 of Self Image low high 14
. qurrent Self lma~e D 12
WOUNDS* *All modifiers 9
on are cumulative. 8
Encumbrance on Coordination 6
level* 5
Burden on Coordination and MDex 4
level* 3
Fatigue 2
on all characteristics 1
©1993 Chessex, Inc. Permission given to photocopy for personal use.
Strength of Tie Strength of Antipathy

Second Edition
The Albedo Role-playing Game is based in "Erma Felna, EDF", the feature story in the comic book
Albedo, Anthropomorphics. It is a dramatic, "hard science" science fiction tale with the unusual twist
of characters that are funny animals. The anthropomorphic character races are portrayed as races
in their own right, rather than simply being people dressed in furry animal suits .
Albedo aims to be very different
from the run-of-the-mill science fic-
tion adventure games. Although it
can be played as a standard shoot'em
up, it contains easily usable rules for
simulating character personalities,
love, hate, loyalty, and treachery.
Clever adventure plots, political in-
trigue, and interpersonal relations
become readily payable, encouraging
a very different type of game.
Albedo 's background material is
notable for its well thought out tech-
nological base and the unique society
it describes. The game includes de-
tails on languages and alphabet,
social attitudes, and day-to-day life,
as well as outlining dozens of differ-
ent critter races. The abundant illus-
trations by Steve Gallacci, writer of
the Albedo, Anthropomorphics
comics give the reader a clear view of
the universe of "Erma Felna, EDF."
You can play a member of the elite
Extraplanetary Defense Force, fight-
ing insurgent agents of the Indepen-
dent Lapine Republic as they sow the
seeds of revolt. Be a member of a
local Homeguard, defending your
planet from terrorist attacks. Or play
a civilian caught up in the strife of a
galaxy at war. All of this is possible in
Dice needed to play: 2d6

$20.00 2990 San Pablo Ave

ISBN 1-883240-11-5 Berkeley, CA 94702

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